Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 251 Dig Your Foundation

Chapter 251 Dig Your Foundation

The bonfire was flickering bewitchingly, and the light of the fire reflected on You Ruo's face, making this obviously lovely girl look like a thief, she always peeked at Zuo Zhou with a cautious yet coquettish and complaining look.

There is no way, now my father's life is in the hands of others, if this one is not good at serving, he will become a child without a father!

With Zuo Zhou's current strength, of course he knew You Ruo's little tricks, but he didn't care. It's a good thing to make this girl feel a little in awe of him, but he just looked up at the moonlight, "I was careless, I should stay in the world for a while , at least wait until the next day before leaving, so you don’t have to sleep in the wild like this.”

You Ruo blinked her beautiful big eyes, looked left and right at the environment in the deep mountains and old forests, what does this person mean?It can't be that he wants to have some intentions against me, this place is broken, and no one will pay attention to himself even if he breaks his throat!

This time, Zuo Zhou didn't expect You Ruo to be imagining something, he just looked up at the depths of the deep jungle, "I thought you were going to Wushuang City? Why did you come to me?"

In the depths of the dark jungle, footsteps slowly sounded and two figures stepped out. One waved his hand helplessly to greet Zuo Zhou.

Wei Xiaobao, Qin Shuang!

"After I briefly explained the affairs of the Tianxiahui, I came to follow the adults. After all, I have nothing to do in the imperial capital now."

Wei Xiaobao spoke sincerely, but Zuo Zhou had a different meaning. It would be fine if he went directly to the capital to find Shuang'er, but it meant that he and Zuo Zhou were not in the same heart, but because of Shuang'er's relationship. Zuo Zhou's favor is a kind of friendship like debt repayment, at most it can be regarded as a friend.But if he accompanied Zuo Zhou all the way to Jiangnan Road, then the meaning would be different. It meant that he was willing to follow, and he was truly one of his own.

Zuo Zhou smiled in satisfaction, and pointed to the place next to him with his chin, "It's late at night, let's warm up."

Wei Xiaobao smiled and sat down beside Zuo Zhou, picked up a pack of jerky wrapped in lotus leaves and ate it, and handed it to You Ruo familiarly, "Have some?"

You Ruo glanced at Wei Xiaobao, this guy also participated in defrauding her father, emotionally speaking she hates it, but now she doesn't dare to show it, she can only bear the grievance and tear off a piece to eat, eh?It's delicious!
Zuo Zhou smiled and turned to Qin Shuang again, "What about you?"

Qin Shuang sat next to You Ruo and looked at Zuo Zhou over the bonfire, "Nie Feng has his own little life to live, so why should I bother him."

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, he didn't even bark at Junior Brother Feng, he was angry.

"What's next?"

"Follow you first, I have some ideas, but without evidence, I may not be able to do anything with my own strength."

Zuo Zhou pursed his lips, but he didn't object. Judging by Qin Shuang's performance, Kong Ci's behavior before his death had undoubtedly affected him, and he always felt that this buddy was going to be blackened.

"So Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun returned to Wushuang City together? Hehe, no way."

Qin Shuang stared at Zuo Zhou and asked, "Why are you so sure?"

Why sure?Of course it was because of the bright moon, and the purpose of this group of exiles was also to control the military power of Jiangnan Dao. Although the methods were different, they definitely had to witness it for themselves.It is even possible to help secretly protect Princess Qingping. Do you think she will honestly return to Wushuang City?

But Zuo Zhou wasn't sure if it was Mingyue who did the attack on Kong Ci, so it didn't make any sense to say these things, not to mention Qin Shuang's expression, he might have other guesses.

"Bu Jingyun should try to get rid of Xiongba, but I don't like him. Today, Xiongba is being escorted by the gold-clothed policemen from the six doors and the Yang family army. With Bu Jingyun's ability, I'm afraid he won't be able to do it. As for Nie Feng... ...He has always had a volatile personality, so maybe he will also come to Jiangnan Road to join in the fun!"

Qin Shuang paused for a moment and said, "Wu Shuang City was affected by the landslide, so there's no reason for him, the city lord, not to go back and take charge of the overall situation!"

Zuo Zhou was happy, and took out a copper coin from his cuff, "Let me make a bet with you, Nie Feng will definitely come to Jiangnan Road! If you win, I will help you avenge Kong Ci, and if you lose, you will lose me!" A copper coin!"

Qin Shuang looked at the copper coin in Zuo Zhou's palm and remained silent for a long time, wondering whether he should expect to lose or win.

You Ruo couldn't understand at all, but she understood about revenge, "Do you know who killed Kong Ci?"

Zuo Zhou and Qin Shuang ignored him, and Wei Xiaobao continued: "Although Kong Ci's body was severely burned, traces of torture can still be seen. If there is no deep hatred, he is a pervert. But perversion does not mean irrationality. The place surrounded by the elites of the Yang family tortures a person, this randomness is too exaggerated. Why is it Kong Ci, why not Zhang San Li Si Wang Wu? When there are too many coincidences, this option can basically be ruled out, so there must be something Deep hatred."

When You Ruo heard the words, she immediately despised her, "Nonsense, Kong Ci has never been to the Tianxia Hui in her life, so what enemies does she have?"

Wei Xiaobao glanced at Qin Shuang meaningfully, "I'm afraid you have misunderstood. The deep hatred is not necessarily caused by yourself, it may also be because of others!"

"Who is it? Kong Ci doesn't seem to have any relatives."

You Ruo still couldn't figure it out, and Wei Xiaobao didn't explain it clearly, anyway, this matter has nothing to do with her.Qin Shuang spoke up, "How can we succeed in revenge without damaging the brotherhood?"

As soon as Zuo Zhou said this, he knew that Qin Shuang had roughly guessed the identity of the murderer. There were not many people who could bring disaster to Kong Ci, and the three of them were Kong Ci's closest people.

Zuo Zhou rubbed his chin, and suddenly became interested. Maybe he should be more active. Always passive defense is definitely not our style.

"Simple, let your brother fall in love with someone else, or be able to prove that she is a fake!"

"Fake?" Qin Shuang and Wei Xiaobao were taken aback by this, what should I say?
Zuo Zhou flickered very seriously, "Dugu Ming told me about this suspicion before he died, but it's up to you whether you can find evidence. I don't have the time to meddle in this nosy business right now."

Qin Shuang stood up immediately after hearing the words, "Thank you for your advice." Then he reached out and took out a copper coin from his waist and threw it to Zuo Zhou, "I admit defeat."

Zuo Zhou took the copper coin, but reached out and took out a silver bill from his pocket, "Look at how poor you are, how can you have no money in the rivers and lakes?"

Qin Shuang was speechless, but still took it, turned around and left without delay.

Zuo Zhou's mood immediately improved. Unexpectedly, while these girls were making trouble for him, Zuo Zhou had already asked people to dig their roots!

Wei Xiaobao watched Qin Shuang leave, this time he couldn't think of what Qin Shuang was going to do, "General, what are we going to do next?"

You Ruo answered, "My lord has said that we are going to pick up Princess Qingping."

Wei Xiaobao didn't look at her, but still stared at Zuo Zhou, "If you're going to pick up Princess Qingping, why don't you go with Wuqing Tieshou and others?"

"Let's make a long-distance raid on Xuejiazhuang!"

Zuo Zhou himself felt embarrassed when he said it out, not only had to guard against Zi Yu along the way, but also had to fight wits and courage with the Qinglong Society, and now even the exiles have been mixed in.

It was obvious that fighting alone was a bit powerless, so I gave Qin Shuang a reminder to help deal with the exiles. Even if it didn't play a decisive role, it could still make the exiles suffer for a while.

And he wanted to take advantage of the fact that Princess Qingping's safety was not affected, and create trouble for the Qinglong Association, otherwise he would be unable to get away once he started on the road again.

As for how to attack the Azure Dragon Society, the bloody feud of the Wuqing family is obviously a good starting point.It's rare that Mo Laosan gave the answer, how could he not copy it?
"Xue Yiren, when he was young, he had few opponents in the world. Because of his fierce and ruthless swordsmanship, he has the title of 'The Man in Blood Cloth'. Although he has retired for several years, his strength is definitely not inferior to my father. Can you win by yourself?" You Ruo read out the information as if reciting a text.

This made Zuo Zhou look a little different, "Do you still have this advantage? It seems that the eldest lady is not in vain."

You Ruo is proud, "I used to look through the world's records about people in the Jianghu when I was bored."

When Zuo Zhou heard the words, he made an expression of hating iron for being weak, "No wonder your kung fu is so bad, you spend all your time reading miscellaneous books! By the way, is your innate realm also piled up with medicine?"

"I..." You Ruo pouted but was powerless to refute, your guess is quite accurate!

Wei Xiaobao was shocked, "Oh? Can the innate realm be piled up with medicine?"

Zuo Zhou: "..."

You Ruo looked at Wei Xiaobao, as if he finally had a sense of superiority, "Ahahaha, yes, it is indeed possible, but we must pay attention to the method and method, so as not to cause a situation where the foundation is not strong, so the medicines we take are very particular, and it depends on the individual's body. Order a prescription."

Wei Xiaobao blinked his big curious eyes, looking eager for knowledge, "Then, where can I buy it?"

Youruo proudly continued, "Let me tell you..."

Zuo Zhou didn't even bother to look at the two young girls who were excitedly planning to chat all night. He just looked up at the sky with some self-pity.But to walk in this arena, intelligence alone is not enough.When can I have a master subordinate who can stand out?


Outside Muming Town, Wuqing looked at the street that was still brightly lit even in the middle of the night, and suddenly stopped.

Tie Shou looked at her strangely, and asked with concern: "Are you too tired? We're going into the city ahead, let's have a good rest before we leave, and wait for General Li. He really did, and left without saying a word .”

Wuqing didn't answer the question but looked at Yang Paifeng who was not far away, "General Yang, can the team change its route and go a little further away?"

Yang Paifeng rode close to the carriage, and shook his head resolutely to refuse, "Of course not, it will be His Majesty's imperial edict to attack the world. Now that the task is over, what we have to do is to ensure the safety of the princess. How can we easily change the route?"

Ruthless and helpless, he had no choice but to say: "Then General Lao will protect the princess first, stay in Muming Town for a few more days, and I will do something!"

 The Chinese don't lie to the Chinese. Well, I said that it was more than one o'clock when I added more, and it was also this day, which means that adding more tomorrow is not a lie.How clever I am!
(End of this chapter)

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