Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 253 Let's go to Xuejiazhuang to make a bet

Chapter 253 Let's go to Xuejiazhuang to make a bet

"How could it be such a coincidence? Why did they meet Xiao Yu'er!"

In an inn room, Su Ying patted the table with a gloomy face, and Mingyue comforted her next to her, "Don't worry, it's probably just a coincidence, after all, isn't the Jiangnan hero Jiang Biehe they are going to find the one we all know?" Look at the characters in Peerless Twins."

Su Ying still had a bad look on her face. She had never met Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque. On the one hand, it was because the environment was a bit harsh. On the other hand, she didn't have any thoughts on Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque. After all, Xiao Yuer was too clever. But Nie Feng is not as easy to fool as Nie Feng, and Hua Wuque looks gentle and polite, but in fact, Yihua Palace has trained him to be a straight man, so she doesn't like it.

It's just that I don't like it at all. When I see that they may interfere with my plan, I still feel emotionally complicated.

Mingyue looked at Su Ying amusedly, "You couldn't be more attracted to Xiao Yuer because he was handsome, right? Let me remind you, Xiao Yuer is not a good match."

Su Ying turned her head away angrily, "Do you think everyone is as coquettish as you? Take care of your Nie Feng!"

Mingyue couldn't help but feel rather complacent when she heard the words. As the old sea king in her previous life, it couldn't be easier to coax innocent boys, just like when Zuo Zhou made a bet with Qin Shuang. After all, it concerns the future of these exiles. Maybe not watching it in person?So Mingyue ran to Jiangnan Road under the pretext of going out to relax. Similarly, Nie Feng would naturally follow.

Seeing this, Su Ying snorted disdainfully: "I don't think that Nie Feng is a good match. As the lord of Wushuang City, it's time for rebuilding the city, so I went out to relax with you."

Mingyue didn't seem to care, "It's just that he's not good at those things, and it's not better, my people can control Wushuang City with more confidence. Let's think about how to get back the Golden Snake Cheats and Golden Snake Sword!"

Su Ying frowned, "I thought it would be easier for them to attack after leaving Muming Town, but who knew that so many people had been added to the team. Besides, Xiao Yu'er came from the Valley of the Wicked, and he is quite accomplished in the art of poison, so it's not easy to start with." .”

"It doesn't matter, the rigor is still among them, we can still get first-hand information, and there is always a chance to place orders."

"Strictness and Zuo Yaoqing are just an employment relationship, so it may not be reliable." Su Ying shook her head.

Mingyue is confident, "Don't worry, as long as you have enough money, he will work hard for you!"


"So that's the case. I didn't expect that stupid younger brother of Senior Xue to have such a side." Jiang Biehe shook his head and sighed, "Don't worry, Miss Sheng, I'm the most righteous person in the rivers and lakes. I'll take over this matter."

Smiling ruthlessly and nodding, "Thank you, Hero Jiang, but this matter is only the one-sided opinion of Mo Laosan, and the specifics have to be seen at the time. Going to Xuejiazhuang may not have a chance to make a big move."

"Oh, this is interesting." Xiao Yu'er reached out and patted the rigorous shoulder, "Why didn't you tell me about such an interesting journey earlier?"

The rigorous face twitched for a while, why did I tell you earlier?Not messy enough?

The ruthless gaze was slightly deflected. From the simple acquaintance just now, she also understood the composition of these people, Jiang Biehe and his son Jiang Yulang, Xuanyuan Sanguang and Jiang Xiaoyu, who were titled the top ten villains, although Jiang Biehe glanced He was ruthlessly seen as a hypocrite, but the characteristic of a hypocrite is that it can be used.The latter came from the Valley of the Wicked, so no matter how willful and ruthless they are, it is impossible for them to follow easily.

"Precise, the agreement you made with General Li has nothing to do with me. You shouldn't come to me whether you want to repay the debt or ask for the debt. You should go find him yourself."

Rigorousness had expected it, but was about to nod but Xiao Yu'er grabbed her, "This sister's words are wrong, let's not talk about rigorous issues, we don't want to get involved in your case, but you also Can't get involved in our affairs?"

"Your business?"

"That's right, this kid just agreed to bet with me, is it over yet?" Xuanyuan Sanguang couldn't wait a long time ago, and pointed at Jiang Yulang with an aggrieved look like you didn't count what you said.

Jiang Yulang smoked from his forehead, "Didn't you force me to bet with you?"

"I don't care about coercion or not, but if you promise, you have to fulfill the promise!" Xuanyuan Sanguang stared, with an expression of 'I'm justified'.

Jiang Biehe actually came here because of this, stepped forward and said with a smile: "People in the Jianghu naturally want to keep their promises, no matter what the reason is, since they promised to gamble, they must go to the end, but Mr. Xuanyuan is also a martial arts senior. , bullying the younger generation is always ugly, how about letting me take over from Gouzi and make a bet with you?"

Xuanyuan Sanguang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, Jiang Yulang was naturally nothing compared to Jiangnan heroes, he was just about to agree but was pulled aside by Xiao Yu'er, the two heads got together and muttered something.

Just heard Xuanyuan Sanguang laugh a few times, "Since Jiangnan heroes are willing to gamble, then pai gow sifting cups and the like are meaningless, let's play in another way."

Jiang Biehe hesitated for a moment, then said: "If you want to use Jiang to do something shameless, then don't blame Jiang for not being with you."

"It's not that troublesome. I'll just bet on whether Xue Yiren, the owner of Xuejiazhuang, will bet with me! If you win, I'll see you stay away. If you lose, let Mr. Jiang call me grandpa!"


Wuqing sighed in his heart, this person from the Valley of the Evil really acted without any scruples, but he didn't know that he had attracted the other party's murderous intent. Of course, maybe Xuanyuan Sanguang didn't care.

Jiang Biehe's expression remained calm, and he said with a smile, "It turns out that Mr. Xuanyuan has taken a fancy to Master Xue again."

Jiang Biehe was a little moved but still looked at Wuqing, this matter is a bit troublesome, if Wuqing insists on not letting him, he can't force it, but if he puts his son here to bet with Xuanyuan Sanguang, he doesn't feel at ease.

Since Wuqing came to find Jiang Biehe as a recommendation, he naturally couldn't refute his face, "Since it's about Mr. Jiang's gambling game, let's go together. I just advise this gambler that a gamble hurts people. Body, not everyone is willing to fool around with you!"

"Huh? How dare you say I'm fooling around...I..."

Just as Xuanyuan Sanguang stared, Xiao Yuer hugged him again, who smiled and looked at everyone, "Don't worry, I will watch him, and let him quit gambling in the future!"

No one believed what he said, but the face was finally over.

A group of people set off towards Xuejiazhuang. According to the rules of Jianghu, Jiang Biehe wrote a greeting card and sent it to Xuejiazhuang first.

Although everyone didn't say that the atmosphere was stiff along the way, they didn't say too much. They were ruthlessly looking forward to everything after that. They had never been so close to revenge. As an identity linked to the court, even if it was confirmed that Xue Xiaoren was Xue Hubei, she couldn't. Let's do it right away, why bother to have Mr. Ximen's case involved.It's just... She was afraid that she couldn't help but make a move, so she was trying to calm down as much as possible.

As for Jiang Biehe's thoughts, it's very simple. Both Wuqing and Tie Shou belong to Zhuge Zhengwo, and they are the people he should try his best to befriend. There is nothing to say about this, but the people in the Valley of the Wicked are a bit annoying. That Xuanyuan Sanguang was fine, but this little Yu'er... His appearance reminded Jiang Biehe of some unbearable times in the past, and for a moment, his killing intent could hardly be restrained.

Well, Xiao Yuer, he is now muttering behind Yan Jing that he has basically clarified the basic common sense.

"So, now I'm looking for the murderer, hey, it seems that you're not doing well in the imperial capital!"

Strict and unconvinced, "I can eat very well in the emperor. Let me tell you, even Di Renjie, the minister of Dali Temple, has recruited me many times. If I hadn't remembered my master's teachings, I would have gone to eat public meals."

Xiao Yu'er disdainfully said, "It's not enough!"

"...Did my master ever say that you are handsome?"

"I said it before. I also said that there will be many people coveting my appearance in the Jianghu. Let me be careful of those women!" He said and glanced at Wuqing in front of him, as if every woman wanted to be like him.

"Then did my master say that it's a pity that he opened his mouth?"

"I didn't say that, but our teeth have been specially trained, no matter eating, kissing or swearing, they are all excellent!"

Xiao Yu'er didn't seem to be able to understand that he was scolding him at all. As the saying goes, as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.Rigorously seeing its deep meaning, this way can only retreat helplessly.

Since Wu Qing had limited mobility and was a girl, everyone hired a carriage and Dayong drove it, while the rest rode forward on horseback.After about two days and one night, everyone finally arrived at Xuejiazhuang.

This place is very big, built on the halfway of a mountain, when standing at the foot of the mountain, you can vaguely see the outline of the building.

"This Xue Yi man is very rich, and he was able to build such a big house. By the way, shouldn't we also renovate the Valley of the Wicked? As big villains, we live in such a shabby place, it's shameful to talk about it!"

Xiao Yu'er's yin and yang strangeness made everyone feel extremely uncomfortable. People from the Jianghu, everyone just knew it. If he is really a hero who hates evil and hates enemies, how could he have such a large wealth, let alone a rich family with many inheritances. The family will not let their children go wandering, even if they do not object, they will not let the heroes who roamed the rivers and lakes inherit the family business.

If you want to say that the owner of Xuejiazhuang is a second or third owner who is good at management, that's all. In the end, you became the owner after wandering around.Are your parents so big-hearted?Or are you too filial to 'beat' other competitors and inherit the family business?
"Hehe, this little brother is very straightforward, but if he angers Master Xue for a while and he doesn't bet with Mr. Xuanyuan, then Jiang will be invincible." Jiang Biehe smiled while stroking his beard.

Xuanyuan Sanguang glared at Xiao Yu'er, who didn't care at all, and followed the team all the way to Xuejiazhuang.

Unexpectedly, when we reached the gate, we saw that the entire mountainside was surrounded by yamen servants, and outside the gate of Xuejiazhuang, there was a man with a golden sword sitting on his back. Isn't it Zuo Zhou!

(End of this chapter)

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