Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 254 I'm waiting for your support, what are you waiting for?

Chapter 254 I'm waiting for your support, what are you waiting for?
"So, this invitation is yours?"

Zuo Zhou put one foot on the armrest of the chair, leaned his whole body, and raised his chin slightly. It was obviously the same height as Wuqing sitting in the wheelchair, but it gave people a feeling of looking down.

"Hiss, this man has such great authority!" Xiao Yu'er couldn't help blurting out, eyes full of envy.

Yan Jing looked at him in a daze from behind, "Speaking of which, shouldn't ordinary people feel disgusted? Why do you write worship on your face?"

Instead, Xiao Yu'er looked back at him strangely, "We are from the valley of the wicked, and we are not good people. Why do you hate a wicked person? Besides, he is just a little arrogant and has not done anything bad. You have a problem with judging things based on your own emotions. You have to change it!"

Rigorous: "..." Has he been educated?

Jiang Biehe felt a little embarrassed, looking at the greeting card in Zuo Zhou's hand, yes, it was sent up by someone before him, but he didn't know why it was in Zuo Zhou's hand.And looking at this posture, he didn't know whether to admit it or not.

Wuqing didn't mean to resolve the embarrassment, but approached: "So you didn't go back with us to pick up the princess because you came here? Don't you worry about the safety of the princess?"

Zuo Zhou looked at her amusedly, "Don't tell me that you let the princess and Yang Paifeng go on the road together when we all left."

Ruthlessly silent, she did say to ask Yang Paifeng to wait before going on the road.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhou continued: "So, let's not talk about anyone, you and I are here for revenge, so come here, but these idlers are waiting..."

Jiang Biehe took a step forward, cupped his fists and laughed, "Jiang Biehe has seen General Li, and this letter of greeting is exactly what Jiang wrote at Miss Sheng's request, but he didn't expect General Li to take the first step."

Zuo Zhou glanced at this guy, he was taken aback when he stopped the greeting card, Jiang Biehe?How did Xuejiazhuang get involved with Jiang Biehe?Now it looks like it was made ruthlessly.

He didn't pay attention to him, but looked at Wuqing again, "Are you trying to follow the rules of the world?"

Ruthlessly asked, "Are you trying to overwhelm others? If you always do this, it will be difficult for you to deal with people in the Jianghu in the future. You must behave in the Jianghu."

"As long as I don't violate the law, I don't care to talk about the rules. It's a pity that Master Xue doesn't want to talk about the rules with me, but wants to talk about the law with me."

These words are quite forceful, as if there is an invisible pressure falling on everyone, it is not true energy, but more like the moral bottom line in the heart.

Frowning ruthlessly, "What did you do?"

Zuo Zhou casually threw the greeting card back to Jiang Biehe, and then said: "I came here two days earlier than you, and I was not happy with this manor at a glance. It's built like a summer resort. The accommodation is luxurious!"


Can this kind of thing be said directly?
"Afterwards, I went to the local county government and asked them to send out some servants to go up the mountain with me the next day, but the county magistrate started sending letters to Xuejiazhuang overnight, but Xiaobao was very clever and stopped both people and letters. So I put the county magistrate into the prison, and brought all the yamen servants up the mountain at the same time, just to see how brave this Xueyi man is, and what kind of gangster gang he is!"

These words were so righteous and upright that the surrounding government servants couldn't help feeling a little admiration after hearing them.

But to the ears of people who are familiar with him, Xiao Yu'er and others, this is not the case. This... it should be regarded as fishing law enforcement. You may have guessed that the county government has colluded with Xuejiazhuang.

Wuqing naturally figured out the problem in an instant. She didn't think Zuo Zhou would make trouble at the first moment, but was just thinking about the procedural issues. If Xue Xiaoren really had a problem, then Xue Yiren was covering up criminals, which in itself was a violation of the law. She didn't naively think that Xue Yiren really didn't know anything.But... "You have crossed the line. In your capacity, you cannot directly send the county magistrate to prison."

Zuo Zhou smiled and said: "It's rare to finally reach an agreement on one thing. You have to change your mind. This Xuejiazhuang is the stronghold of the local evil forces, and the county magistrate is his official umbrella. The combination of the two is likely to be harmful to the princess. Safety poses a threat. I am nipping the threat in the bud in advance. Before leaving the imperial capital, Master Di passed an order. Under the premise of Jiangnan Road's grand strategy, I can act cheaply. What's more, I have already used it as evidence The letter will be sent back to Dali Temple in the imperial capital immediately, even if some official wants to impeach me for nothing, Lao Di can help me stop it."

Wuqing suddenly realized that the man Ganqing was confident, "Then what's going on with you now, why don't you go in?"

Zuo Zhou glanced back at the closed door, "I've already had someone inform Xue Yiren to hand over his younger brother Xue Xiaoren, and I'm waiting for him to make a decision."

Tie Shou was a little worried when he heard the words, "Aren't you afraid that he will run away? According to my years of experience in the world, these people in the world often have a chance to survive in their own strongholds, such as tunnels. If you wait like this, they may... "

"Wouldn't that be better!" Zuo Zhou was happy, and kept tapping his fingers on the armrest of the chair, "If the case back then was really related to Xue Xiaoren, then he might be a member of the Qinglong Society. In this way, Xue Xiaoren must not fall into the trap." In my hands, what do you think they will do?"

Everyone was puzzled, but Xiao Yu'er blurted out, "As long as Xue Xiaoren doesn't fall into your hands, no matter what the reason is, it means that this Xuejiazhuang is related to the Qinglong Society!"

Zuo Zhou took a look at Xiao Yu'er. This cleverness fits the aura of the protagonist very well, but it's a bit unstable.

"That's right, the county magistrate made a bad move. He gave me a reason to put a hat on Xuejiazhuang directly." Zuo Zhou sneered disdainfully, "Now they don't have many choices, either let the two brothers escape along the tunnel together, or Let Xue Xiao run away and Xue Yi stay."

Jian Chen was puzzled, "Why? Shouldn't they run together? Otherwise, what's the point of running away and keeping the other? After all, you've already convicted them."

"Of course it makes sense." Zuo Zhou said quite expectantly, "Running together will basically prove the crime. From now on, whenever these two people appear in any team, that team will be labeled as a traitor. If the Azure Dragon Society wants to change the sky, they can't use them, let alone rely on them to win over the forces of the world. At the same time, the injustice of the Wuqing family has confirmed the guilt of the Azure Dragon Society. From then on, the Azure Dragon Society is also a gang of rebels. Hehe, do you know that when we killed Wei Jinzhong, there was no evidence linking him to the Qinglong Society, and we didn't expect that there would be some unexpected gains this time."

"But if you run away and keep the other, you can't do this, because Xue Yiren can push everything on Xue Xiaoren. His crime is just cover-up, even if he is sentenced, there is no judgment. But I am betting that he will not Willing to go to prison for a few years!"

bet?When it comes to gambling, Xuanyuan Sanguang is not sleepy, so he hurriedly asked: "Isn't Xue Yiren going to jail if he stays? How can he not be reconciled?"

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, "It's not easy to lose the reputation of the Jianghu that you've gained with great difficulty, otherwise you wouldn't have to collude with the county magistrate. And you can only use officials to deal with the officials of the imperial court, so ah, some people will escape Please help, I'm waiting here, just to see how many officials, or how many officials will come to help him!"

Everyone was dumbfounded. There are so many layers of meaning behind this seemingly reckless move.

Wu Qingxiu frowned slightly, "I believe you can achieve your goal, and you have your own reasons, but...Xue Xiaoren ran away after all, that case..."

Zuo Zhou took a meaningful look at Wuqing, "Run and run, since he is sure to be a member of the Azure Dragon Society, he will be caught sooner or later, just like Mo Laosan."

Wuqing was a little angry, but it was useless to talk about it now, and he could only wait here with him.

Time passed minute by minute, until an hour later, Zuo Zhou got up and waved to the servants, "It's almost there, hit the door!"

The yamen servants couldn’t wait a long time ago, and they were asked to stand guard here early in the morning. If it weren’t for the authority of this official, they would have complained a long time ago. Now, it’s good, and they can send it to the people in the manor if they are angry. Well, to be honest Said that as the government servants here, they have long disliked Xuejiazhuang.

Just like what Zuo Zhou said before, as a general, you don’t even live in such a luxurious mansion. It’s as exaggerated for you Xue’s family to be here, just like living in a high-tech mansion for Iron Man in the countryside. .


Just as a group of yamen servants were about to knock on the door, the door suddenly opened. An old servant who looked a little old bowed and said, "Master, please come in and have a talk."

It's a pity for Zuo Zhou to hear the words. Sure enough, Xue Yiren still can't give up the reputation he gained after so many years. Judging from his previous behavior of delaying time, this Xue Xiaoren should have run far away, and he didn't know that he would be called Some rescuers come.

"I don't know what offended my Xue family, this general wants to target it like this?"

Xue Yiren is a very particular person, whether it is clothing, beard or long hair, he is very serious. Although he is almost sixty years old, there are still no wrinkles on his face, and his eyes do not show murderous intent even in this situation. .It's hard for you to associate him with the former blood-clothed man.

"Villager Xue has defined this matter as a personal grievance just by opening his mouth. This is not good. This general never bends the law for personal gain. I will sue you for defamation if you talk nonsense!" Zuo Zhou looked around in a leisurely manner. The scenery of the place is really good. It was originally built on the mountainside, and what is rare is that the landscape of the mountain itself has been integrated into the manor.

"But in my opinion, what the general did was a personal grievance, otherwise why can't there be evidence?" Xue Yiren's performance can be called calm and steady, but when it comes to evidence, Zuo Zhou laughed.

"If you opened the door directly before, I really can't get evidence. I can only ask your brother Xue Xiaoren to go back and investigate. But now it's a step too late, and the evidence has come." Zuo Zhou said, pushing Dayong aside, pushing Ruthless came out, "The sufferer has arrived. When your younger brother committed the crime, she was the victim. It is not wrong for the survivors to personally identify the murderer."

Xue Yiren's gaze focused on Wuqing for a moment. Xue Yiren was okay, but Wuqing's expression became gloomy. At first, she thought that Xue Yiren might not know that he was just protecting her younger brother, but when Zuo Zhou took her The moment she pushed it out, she felt a trace of hatred in Xue Yiren's heart.

Hehe, this Xue Yiren was not shocked or remorseful, but hated his brother for not killing them all, and left a witness!
Ruthlessly turned his head and winked at Zuo Zhou, he immediately understood, well, it turns out that you, an older brother, know what Xue Xiaoren did.Very good, today's harvest is not small!

Xue Yiren didn't know about Wuqing's ability, and he still insisted: "Even the victim does not rule out the possibility of being framed for certain things."

Zuo Zhou suddenly lost interest in talking nonsense with this guy. In fact, he had read the Chu Liuxiang series before. At that time, he had doubts. This Xue Yiren's kung fu is so strong, why can't his younger brother's strength be seen?The difference between this swordsmanship specially practiced for killing and the orthodox swordsmanship is not so great, especially the practice of kung fu will change the temperament.As two people who get along day and night, and also a master of swordsmanship, can't you really feel it?

In the original book, there is indeed no evidence to prove that Xue Yiren is guilty, but logically speaking, there is definitely a possibility of Xue Yiren covering up, but there is no evidence.But after all, he is a member of the martial arts world, so there is nothing to say about helping relatives or not.

Zuo Zhou turned his head and glanced at Xuanyuan Sanguang, the latter was still in a daze, what do you see me doing, I was just a crowd watching.

There was no way, Zuo Zhou acted too aggressively, and Xuanyuan Sanguang didn't dare to make trouble at this time, for fear of getting himself arrested.

Xiao Yu'er understood instantly, and pushed Xuanyuan Sanguang, "Aren't you going to bet with him? Go!"

Xuanyuan Sanguang was a little flustered, man, don't trick me, can this scene be mixed casually?

Xiao Yu'er rolled her eyes, feeling that the people in Evilman's Valley are really irresistible, she hurriedly leaned next to Xuanyuan Sanguang's ear and said, "My lord told you to delay time and force people to gamble, isn't that what you are good at?"

Xuanyuan Sanguang suddenly understood, Xue Yiren was delaying time before to wait for rescue, but now Zuo Zhou is delaying time, he is very greedy, after confirming that Xue Yiren has a problem, he wants to arrest more people.

Immediately raised his chest and raised his head, "I want to make a bet with you, that gray-haired old man in front who keeps making trouble!"



On the official road five miles away from Xuejiazhuang, Wei Xiaobao and You Ruo were hiding in the grass and waiting quietly.

"We've waited for so long, do you think the reinforcements won't come?" You Ruo was a little worried. In fact, about half an hour ago, they saw Xue Xiaoren galloping past on horseback.

Wei Xiaobao frowned slightly and sighed, "My lord's plan is fine, but there is also an obvious disadvantage, that is, it is easy to let Xue Xiaoren go. Although I don't know why your lord did this, it is still not satisfactory. In addition... just don't rule out the enemy. There are smarter existences among them, and those who get Xue Xiaoren's distress message may not be willing to expose themselves to save others. Let's wait for a quarter of an hour, and if we still don't see anyone, it will be enough to prove one thing."


"The enemy has more brains than you!"

(End of this chapter)

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