Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 258 I have a plan

Chapter 258 I have a plan
Wei Xiaobao and You Ruo finally came back, it was already early in the morning, although both of them had kung fu, but the long hours of intense vigilance still made them quite tired.It's just that I feel a little refreshed just after entering the door. What's the situation?Why is there a flattering uncle who is courting us General Li?Uncle, where did you buy that heroic skin on your face?

"Oh, you're back, how are you?"

Seeing Wei Xiaobao's return, Zuo Zhou's relaxed smile became a little unnatural, and he took a deep breath as if he was ready to hear some bad news.

Wei Xiaobao paused for a moment and didn't mind Jiang Biehe's presence, "As you expected, I did see it."

Zuo Zhou's expression was very exciting in an instant, especially the serious and fleeting killing intent, which made the nearest Jiang Biehe shiver uncontrollably.Good guy, this killing intent is stronger than that of Xue Yiren before!
Of course, this killing intent was not aimed at him, nor at Wei Xiaobao, but Jiang Biehe's kung fu was stronger than Wei Xiaobao and You Ruo's, so his perception ability was also stronger.

Jiang Biehe was thinking about what made Li Yuanfang so excited to kill, when Zuo Zhou suddenly turned his head to look at him.

"Hero Jiang, I heard that you have a lot of contacts in Jianghu. I wonder if I can help you?"

There was light in Jiang Biehe's eyes. He was not afraid of how difficult your request was, but he was afraid that if you didn't ask for it, wouldn't this exchange of favors mean that you help me and I help you? As a person who is good at business, he has never been afraid of owed favors .

"My lord, what are you talking about? Master Li is loyal to the country, and all he asks and wishes is for Daqin. As a citizen of Daqin, Jiang should naturally do his best."

Jiang Biehe clasped his fists with both hands, his eyes were firm, his expression was serious and dignified, Wei Xiaobao beside him was shocked by his dignified look.If it wasn't for his flattering appearance just now, Wei Xiaobao even felt that he would be cheated too.

Zuo Zhou kept smiling, "It's ashamed to say that this general was born in the army. If you talk about leading troops to fight, you can't talk about it, but you can't handle the complicated relationships in the rivers and lakes, and you don't have any contacts. Every time you want to get some information. It is always necessary to rely on others, but everyone has their own standpoints and ideas. When the information is passed on, it will inevitably go through several rounds of "careful selection", and then it will not be known after several layers of polishing in my hands. Now, when I need information, I find that the information channels around me are not trustworthy, alas! It's desolate to think about it!"

Hearing this, Jiang Biehe's face was full of sympathy and empathy, and he comforted him: "General Li is heroic and heroic. Naturally, he is not good at such frivolous things, but there is no need to feel guilty about it. Although Jiang is not good at those dirty things, However, there are also friends in the Jianghu who are like thieves and thieves. If General Li has any request, just ask."

"In this case, please come to Jiang Daxia. This general wants to know how many officials there are to follow the official road to the border of Daqin from this point of origin. Of course, it is necessary to limit the distance to three It’s good if you can get here within a day.”

Jiang Biehe was taken aback for a moment, "Is it just a list of officials?"

"Yes, the more detailed the better, no matter the size of the official position, I want them all."

Jiang Biehe nodded and smiled, "It's very easy. If it's just a name, Jiang can do it in a day."

"Thank you, Hero Jiang." Zuo Zhou smiled brighter and brighter.

At this moment, Wuqing, Tieshou and others also came out, Zuo Zhou smiled and turned to look at them, "Get ready, we will leave for Anqing after breakfast." Then he seemed to think of something, "Yes Well, Jiang Daxia seems to be settling down in Anqing City, and he may have to bother me a bit."

Jiang Biehe naturally knew that there would be Princess Qingping and his party coming to join him, he laughed and said, "General Li is willing to stay in the humble house, it is Jiang's honor." Then he told Jiang Yulang: "Yulang, hurry up first Let's go, tell your sister to clean up some of the guest rooms."

Jiang Yulang didn't seem to have seen his father so attentive before, he was taken aback for a moment before he realized it, and left the door to get on his horse.

Although this scene looks a bit like an old friend staying at your house for a few days, it is weird no matter how you think about it. After all, everyone knows that Zuo Zhou and Jiang Biehe have no friendship.

Zuo Zhou didn't mean to explain, but asked everyone to have breakfast together. During the dinner, he said apologetically to Jiang Biehe: "The food in the yamen is not as good as in ordinary restaurants and restaurants. I have wronged Hero Jiang." .

Fortunately, when everyone was about to leave Xuejiazhuang, Zuo Zhou seemed to have finally returned to his original appearance.


The yamen servants threw the torches in their hands into the villa, and the combustion aids that had been piled up for a long time burned quickly, and a raging fire rose almost in the blink of an eye.

"Li Yuanfang, you're killing everything! Aren't you afraid of being impeached? You don't have any evidence!" Xue Yiren looked at the house that was about to be burned, his eyes were red.

Zuo Zhou narrowed his eyes and sneered, "It's just some people's fat and people's ointment. Just hooking up with the local county magistrate is enough to sentence you! Take it away!"

The yamen servants pushed Xue Yiren to follow the carriage. The speed of the people was not very fast. After entering the county town and changing horses and prison carts, they began to speed up.

Maybe it's the bonus of the world of high martial arts. The horses in this world are very strong, even if they are not specially bred horses, they are also very durable.But this is a pain for Xue Yiren, his whole body is restricted, not only is he tied up, but he also rides in a hard prison cart, and when the horse gallops up, he almost spits out bile.


At the same time, Xuejiazhuang.In other words, a group of men in black came outside the Xuejiazhuang that had been turned into a pile of ruins.

Dressed in black, with a long sword at his waist, and a uniform hat covering his face, he doesn't look like a good person at first glance. After all, who is a good person who wears night clothes during the day?

The person in the lead is slightly fat, probably to make himself more special, wearing a gold and red long gown with a jade belt around his waist, which looks like a rich and luxurious man.Fortunately, Daqin didn't have strict requirements on folk costumes, otherwise the goods would have to be ransacked.


A man in black stepped forward to gently remind him, the fat man came back to his senses and sighed: "Forget it, the house can still be rebuilt, let's see if the information is still there?"


A group of men in black rushed into the ruins to search, and soon cleared a road leading to the rockery in the backyard.

Xue Xiaoren, that is, the fat man, hurriedly opened the secret door of the rockery, screaming in his heart that it was not good, the secret door seemed to be discovered.After entering the secret room, he looked towards the bed for the first time, and his heart was relieved.

The people in black behind him also seemed to be relieved, "Boss, they found the secret room but they didn't find any deeper mechanism."

Xue Xiao was proud of himself, "This is a trick to deceive the world. I deliberately left some shocking materials on the bookshelf outside. They will be shocked when they find out. How can they find the hidden mechanism?" The room was opened, and sure enough, the books in it were piled up on the bookshelf in good condition.

"Quick, transfer all the data."


Xue Xiaoren no longer watched his men move the books, but walked slowly to the half-collapsed front hall, which was already leaking everywhere. Looking at the devastation, his expression twisted, "Brother, I will definitely rescue you!"


Time passed quickly, and the sun slowly set.

"My lord, this old man is about to lose his temper."

The yamen servant reminded Zuo Zhou, and when he looked back, Xue Yiren, who had no qi protection and had his acupoints sealed and tied, turned pale.

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, "Aren't you too old to do evil in a hurry? There is an open space ahead to camp, let's go here today, and enter Anqing City tomorrow morning."

The yamen servants got off their horses and started to set up the camp after hearing the order. It is normal for the yamen to go out on business. After all, Daqin is very big, and the scope of a county is not small. Many surrounding villages are under the jurisdiction of the county government. When camping out.

Zuo Zhou entered the tent that had been set up, and was about to wash his face when he saw Ruqing and came in.

"What? Worried?"

"Are you so confident in yourself?" Wuqing frowned, completely unable to understand where this man's confidence came from.

Zuo Zhou was funny, "From the time Wei Xiaobao saw Xue Xiaoren riding a horse to ask for reinforcements, I already knew what level Xue Xiaoren's IQ was."

"So you're sure he won't find out?"

"I'm sure I won't find out. My trick is called cheating!" Zuo Zhou proudly said, "Copy all the materials, then put the original ones back in the secret room, and then take away the fake materials on the bookshelf outside. Then Xue Xiaoren returned. After seeing this scene, I must have thought that we had been tricked, how could I still doubt it when I was so proud? But I don’t know, those copied materials are buried in the soil behind the rockery, right under his feet!"

"I still think it's a bit risky, I'd better send a message to the imperial capital, let them get the information quickly!" Wu Qing still had doubts in his eyes.

Zuo Zhou leaned lazily on the luggage, "There's no rush, besides, you have to do a full set of acting, and there is a danger of being intercepted if you send a message in such a hurry. Wouldn't it be a failure by then?"

Ruthlessly asked again: "Then when are you going to send the message?"

"After entering Anqing City, I have my own information channel, so I don't need you to worry about it."


"I think there is some misunderstanding between us. I also understand the relationship between you and Mr. Ximen, but I hope you can abandon your prejudices in business affairs." Wuqing looked directly at Zuo Zhou, and the words just now clearly showed distrust.

Zuo Zhou didn't look at each other with any avoidance, but his words were quite frivolous, "I just realized that your eyes are so beautiful, especially when you are angry and staring."

 The previous chapter is Chapter 250, because the background of the website cannot change the number of chapters, as long as everyone knows it, Chinese is so magical, it will definitely not affect reading.

(End of this chapter)

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