Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 259 Girls can't catch a cold

Chapter 259 Girls can't catch a cold

A faint fragrance lingered in his nose, and the whiteness dotted with red flowers made Zuo Zhou feel quite dazzling.

"How many times have I said, wear shoes! Wear shoes! Don't look at you can't feel anything now, but when you get old, you will know how serious the cold on the soles of your feet is!"

Zuo Zhou earnestly pointed at Wanwan's forehead, and only rolled his eyes in circles as the girl said, "I'm trying to seduce you, why do you always bring the charming atmosphere to your feet?"

Seeing that the girl put away her coquettish energy with a confused face, Zuo Zhou sat down on the floor in a leisurely manner, "Tell me, how long have you been with me? You showed up just after Wuqing left, why? Jealousy! "

Wanwan turned around and no longer maintained that coquettish vigor, she sat down carelessly like Zuo Zhou, and the two of them still touched their knees from time to time.

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, "Senior Sister's charm skills have improved again, I really had a little reaction when the skin was rubbed just now." He reached out and touched Wanwan's knee, "Hey, this skin is greasy. , do you usually bathe with milk?"

Wanwan shuddered and moved away a little bit, bitterly said: "Are you reacting? Why didn't I see it!"

"It's not the reaction from below, it's from the top." Zuo Zhou said and nodded his brows. This is not a lie. Just now when Wanwan performed the coquettish technique, it did arouse the reaction of the Heart Sutra of Huimeng, but the reaction was not violent. .

Wan Wan was a little discouraged, the seductive tricks that can make people realize basically failed, she blinked and returned to normal after she was frustrated, and said with a smile: "Senior sister, you are usually quite perverted, so is Princess Qingping more attractive than senior sister?" ? Or do you mean that you have status blessings? Does the junior brother have requirements in this regard, so he likes to bully those with prominent status?"

Zuo Zhou waved his hand, "It's not that bad, it's just that when the atmosphere gets to that point, it's just going along with the flow. If the senior sister knows how to create an atmosphere one day, then maybe the younger brother will do his best for the senior sister."

Wan Wan rolled her winking eyes, "It seems that the senior sister will work harder in the future, but I don't know why the junior brother secretly left the signal to ask the senior sister for what? Let me tell you first, the power of the Demon Sect in Daqin is not strong, if it is too difficult Just don't open your mouth."

Zuo Zhou smiled. At this moment, he tasted the benefits of having a right-hand assistant for the first time. Although You Ruo is unreliable, Wei Xiaobao is very useful. Not only can he lurk or monitor, but he can also leave secret signals in some key places.

"Senior sister's qinggong is so good, she can definitely do it."

Wanwan's eyes widened, "Could it be that you asked him to run errands? He doesn't even have shoes. Can you bear to see his delicate feet become rough?"

Zuo Zhou glanced at it, and had to say that this foot was so delicate that it wanted to be licked, "Senior Sister's remark wronged Junior Brother, how can you say that running errands is a great logistics business!"

"Don't bluff me, think I don't know? Logistics logistics, logistics, object circulation is something like sending letters and darts! Don't you want me to run errands!" o(^`)o
"You're really clever, why don't you change the mission?" Zuo Zhou acted as if he had been discovered by you.

"What mission?"

"We just burned Xuejiazhuang, but then I thought about it, there should be a secret room in it, so the enemy will definitely go to open the secret room, and the time is coming soon. So please go and follow, the enemy's swordsmanship Superb but light work should not work, senior sister will not be in danger. Just come and tell me after you find their stronghold!"

Wan Wan hesitated, "The so-called enemies... mean the Azure Dragon Society?"

"That's right, why did the Demon Sect have contact with the Qinglong Association?" Zuo Zhou was a little curious.

"That's not true, but I heard from the master that the Qinglong Society once wanted to infiltrate the Tang country, but that time it was expelled by the Momen and Cihang Jingzhai together. But it's unknown now, after all, Tang is also a bit It's chaotic, if they really mess around, it's really hard for us to find out."

Zuo Zhou understands clearly. Thinking about these dragon heads today, there are generals in charge of military power, eunuchs in the Qin Palace, martial arts masters from the Western Regions, businessmen with huge economic power, former leaders of Jianghu intelligence agencies, and recently Lord of Mingjiao who knows.Well, it seems that there is only one dragon head and a big dragon head left that cannot be identified.

But... "Senior Sister, there is no need to worry. Qinglonghui is too busy to take care of itself now, and its focus is not on the Tang Dynasty. The base of the Demon Sect is not in any danger."

The Yang family was fooled by Qin Huang with some conditions, Wei Jinzhong was dead, Shangguan Jinhong scared Zuo Zhou and ran out of Daqin, Yang Dingtian had been dead for ten years, there was no point in doing things in the Western Regions, after all Turks were all Daqin The territory is over, with Wang Jian sitting in the town, with a so-called dragon head, he can't turn the storm.So the chance to make trouble is only left on Jiangnan Road. If Zuo Zhou can use Xue Xiaoren's affairs to find the enemy's lair, then this taste will be too beautiful.

"You're self-confident, that's fine. The senior sister has accepted the job, but... Junior brother, I think you seem to be very wary of that ruthless one. Could it be that courtship does not result in hatred because of love?"

This time it was Zuo Zhou's turn to be confused, "Where did you see this?" Is the brain power so strong?

"You still don't admit it? You have been targeting that Jian Chen, and even let him confiscate the hero sword. Isn't it because of your rival? Senior sister knows that you have no intersection with Jian Chen, and there was no hatred at all before. question."

Zuo Zhou was stunned for a moment, Wanwan's words really reminded him that sometimes the more he knows, the more easily he will be affected, because he knows the reason of the original work, so he despises Jian Chen, but when he thinks about it carefully, those things are actually Jian Chen hasn't done it yet, and it seems that it is not good for him to be so secretly targeted.

"Hey, let me tell you that the Golden Snake Cheats is a unique skill. He wants to learn it himself, and it has nothing to do with me."

Wanwan covered her mouth and chuckled, "The Golden Snake Cheats are precious and true, but there are rumors that Wuming has already stepped into the world rankings. Regardless of whether it is true or not, it would be foolish for such a character not to learn the Kung Fu to practice the Golden Snake Cheats. If Without you coaxing him, he wouldn't have lost his mind."

"Anyway, you can forcefully throw the pot on my head, that's fine, just kneel down if there's nothing wrong with you."

"Hey, here's what you can do!" Wanwan snorted coquettishly, turned and left, stomped her feet at the door, this heartless person didn't even want to send her off.

Tranquility was restored in Zuo Zhou's tent, and his expression gradually became gloomy, not towards Wanwan, nor towards Wuqing, or not completely towards Wuqing...

This night, the night wind was not cold, but the whole camp was quiet and people's hearts were cold. If you looked left and right, there were so many people, but there was a feeling that they were split into countless pieces that could not be glued together.This feeling is terrible, not even as good as meeting in the world!

The only one who can give her a sense of security is Wei Xiaobao, not because he is strong, but because they are grasshoppers on the same rope.

"What do you do after you say that?"

Wei Xiaobao was roasting a chicken wing by the bonfire, and at the same time whispered without raising his head: "Wu Qing, Tie Shou, and Jian Chen are not trustworthy, Jiang Bie He's plan to please the general is unknown, Jiang Xiaoyu seems to have something to do with Jiang Bie He Hidden hostility is ignored by the rest of the people. It doesn't matter what we do, the key is what the general plans to do in the future? We just follow!"

You Ruo looked at Wei Xiaobao in surprise, "You don't seem to be afraid at all? No one around here is trustworthy, it's really scary!"

Wei Xiaobao paused for a moment, then handed a grilled chicken wing to You Ruo, "It was more difficult for me when I was in Tianxiahui, because I put on a mask and trembled all the way here. What's more, the situation is so good now, what's the matter?" scary?"

"Where is the situation?" Speaking of Tianxiahui, Youruo felt a little ashamed. Wei Xiaobao used to be a member of Feiyuntang, so many disciples knew him, but it turned out that he just wore a mask, and no one recognized him. , and even his father regarded her as a confidant, which made people feel that the whole world would seem to be a bunch of idiots, no one had a brain, and the most helpless thing was that she herself was one of these people.

Wei Xiaobao smiled and said: "I already know who the enemies are, isn't it good? This is equivalent to betting with a clear card, and the advantage is mine!"

You Ruo still doesn't understand, what kind of advantage is this?A bad guy is still a bad guy!Forget it, anyway, the people who conspired with them have a dirty heart, so let's finish the mission and go to the imperial capital. She is a little worried about Xiong Ba, her brother and father have been at odds, and she doesn't know if she can take good care of her father?
Zuo Zhou walked out of the tent and ate something casually, but saw Jiang Xiaoyu and Xuanyuan Sanguang playing dice there, with Yan Jing awkwardly accompanying him.

Zuo Zhou rescued the embarrassment with a funny face, "There is still a while before bedtime, don't you guys practice? Don't you think it's a waste of talent to play here every day?"

Jiang Xiaoyu raised his head and said with a smile: "The general's words are wrong, what did you do in martial arts?"

Zuo Zhou replied: "In order not to be threatened by others, you can freely live a happy life according to your own wishes."

"Then am I living a happy life now?"

Zuo Zhou laughed, "I knew you would say that." Turning his head to look at Xuanyuan Sanguang, "I heard you like to gamble? Let's have a game."

Xuanyuan Sanguang was overjoyed when he heard the words, "It's rare that the general is interested, so how should we bet?"

Zuo Zhou took out a copper coin from his pocket and threw it into the fire, "I'll reach out to get the money from the fire in a while, and I promise not to use my qi body protection, nor wear any armor gloves, and if I get burned, you win the coin." , I’ll lose you a bottle of Black Jade Ointment. If I don’t get burned, you’ll have to take Jiang Xiaoyu to practice together for a month, um, it’s the kind that lasts for a long time, so don’t deceive yourself.”

"Oh? What does it have to do with me?" Jiang Xiaoyu stared.

But Xuanyuan Sanguang is obviously not the kind of person who cares about other people's feelings, otherwise he wouldn't have the habit of betting with other people.I just confirmed again, "You don't need to protect your body with true energy? Don't you wear armor gloves? You can't be a master of body training!"

"Touch and see." Zuo Zhou generously rolled up his sleeves and gave Xuanyuan Sanguang a squeeze.

Xuanyuan Sanguang can be regarded as an old Jianghu, one can tell whether this person has learned horizontal kung fu by pinching it, and immediately said: "It's a bet!"

Zuo Zhou laughed, "It's a deal."

As soon as the words fell, a phantom of an arm suddenly appeared behind him, with a thick knot of muscles and muscles, it directly plunged into the fire and took out the copper coin.

(End of this chapter)

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