Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 260 The Murderer Appears

Chapter 260 The Murderer Appears
"Hiss! The general is getting stronger and stronger."

Zuo Zhou's bet on the surface seemed to be a bit of hatred for iron and steel to educate Xiao Yuer, but no one at the scene thought it was that simple, it was more like showing off his muscles with someone.

Youruo opened her mouth wide in surprise, and asked in surprise, "What's going on? How did the general grow a third hand?"

"That's not the third hand, it's an ability endowed by a special unique skill. I saw it on a master named Dong Tianbao when I was ordered to follow Nie Feng and Qin Shuang before. Sir, this should not be fully practiced. If you fully If you practice it well, it should form a complete human figure." Wei Xiaobao recalled the time when he was in Jiannan Road, but Dong Tianbao didn't impress him deeply, he just remembered it.What surprised him even more was the death of the clay bodhisattva, which he hadn't figured out until now.

You Ruo blinked, "Then what happened to this Dong Tianbao?"

"He was beaten to death by an adult."

"...From what you said, it seems that this kind of method is not that powerful!"

Wei Xiaobao turned his head away with a little disgust, my twins are still smarter.

Zuo Zhou held the copper coin and put it in Xuanyuan Sanguang's hands, "Your gambling has always been good, I hope you will admit defeat, one month, start early and end early." He looked at the bewildered little fish again , turned around and walked towards the tent, feeling quite a sense of accomplishment in rescuing the lost youth.

"Hey, wait, it's not this..."

Xiao Yu'er's exclamation came from behind, but Zuo Zhou didn't care, hmph, real men don't look back at the screaming man!
Returning to the tent, Zuo Zhou closed his eyes and entered the dream space. This was the first time he used this trick in reality. Just like what Wei Xiaobao said, this trick had the same principle as Dong Tianbao's Arhat Demon Subduing Magic Art back then. After the air is mixed with the true meaning of Buddhist martial arts, it is condensed into something similar to the law.Or those who don't know the law can also imagine it as Susano...

However, the two dharma appearances are somewhat different. Dong Tianbao's dharma appearance comes from the Arhat subduing demon magic skill, and his dharma appearance comes from the fruit position Arhat boxing.

The former will show a complete shape after one practice, while the latter is shaped little by little, and there will be individual differences due to the different Buddhist martial arts integrated.He also learned the Prajna Palm from Jiang Biehe, so that he could reach the bottom line of opening and shaping, and first created an arm.

Zuo Zhou has simulated many times in the dream space. According to his estimation, if this thing wants to reach the perfect level, at least he has to wait for him to step into the ground list.

Fortunately, this arm is the same as his sword shadow, as long as it is shaped, it will always exist.If the sword shadow is not stored in a scabbard, it may slowly dissipate, but this arm exists in the dream space or the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness, as long as it is not broken, it will always exist.

And the appearance of this arm has greatly enriched Zuo Zhou's combat methods, he no longer has to change weapons frequently!
As for intimidating everyone, hehe, it's purely Wei Xiaobao's imagination, he is already the strongest among them, so what's the point of doing it again?If there is any meaning to it, it is to make friends with Jiang Xiaoyu, a guy with the halo of the protagonist. The reason why he chose this method is because Xiao Yuer is rather awkward, so you tell him clearly, He may not appreciate it and may think that you have bad intentions, but if he has figured it out, he will believe it more.

It's just that Wei Xiaobao and the others didn't know the identities of the protagonists like Jiang Xiaoyu or Nie Feng, so they didn't feel that Zuo Zhou was making friends deliberately. After all, with his current status and strength, Li Zuozhou Yuanfang was the protagonist. Bar!


As time slowly entered the night, Zuo Zhou specially ordered the yamen servants not to let him out, except for normal eating and drinking. Suffering from the cold wind.

However, Xue Yiren was also very stubborn, he gritted his teeth and tried not to react at all, but the urinating air in his trousers pocket was really unbearable to the surrounding yamen servants, so there was no one beside the prison car at the moment.

At this moment, Xue Yiren, who was sitting quietly and enduring the night wind, opened his eyes. A yamen servant took a rice bowl and put it into the cage with disgust, with a dirty mouth, "Tch, I have to... Waiting on you bloody bastard."

Xue Yiren ignored him, but soon the yamen servant began to whisper: "The owner of the village is patient for now, the leader is already gathering people, and he will definitely rescue you."

Xue Yiren lowered his head and gnawed at the rice bowl, but also whispered back: "Don't let him come, that Li Yuanfang is very powerful, I am not his opponent at all, unless he is transferred, he will definitely fail."

The yamen servant paused for a moment and then said: "The subordinate will convey the truth. Also, don't worry, the leader has already transferred all the information. They found the secret room but did not find the double organ."

Hearing the words, Xue Yiren also seemed to let go of something, and sighed: "Tell the second child, if it really can't be saved, forget it, just remember the hatred."

The yamen servant nodded slightly, and shouted loudly: "If you don't eat, you will die!" He snatched the rice bowl, but secretly stuffed a few pills, "This is a body-protecting elixir, which can temporarily withstand the cold wind."

The yamen servant turned and left, Xue Yiren was sitting on the fence in a daze, and ate the elixir vaguely, a warm current slowly spread from the stomach, and finally his body warmed up a bit.

After gaining some energy, he began to recall the whole process slowly. Although Li Yuanfang was a general, he was worthy of being an official of the imperial court.He even felt that Xue Xiaoren's smooth escape was due to his conspiracy, so he just told the second child not to come to rescue him.

Thinking of this, Xue Yiren slowly turned his head to look at Zuo Zhou's tent, but saw that the lights had been turned off, and the black tent seemed to be able to swallow everything.

In the early morning, Zuo Zhou stretched his waist, walked to the side of the cage, rinsed his mouth for a while, and then spat at Xue Yiren.

"Hey, old Xue is very strong, did he take medicine or an injection?"

Zuo Zhou's words shocked Xue Yiren's heart, his dazed eyes fixed on Zuo Zhou, "You..."

"So there really is, tsk tsk tsk, ever since I knew your brother was going to ask for help, I knew he must have a very good relationship with you, so the more I tortured you, the more he felt sorry for him. The more distressed he was, the more determined he was to rescue you You, hehe, throw yourself into a trap, you know it!"

Xue Yiren grabbed the railing and stared at Zuo Zhou, "Why? Since you were able to rush into the village at that time, why did you give him a chance to escape?"

Zuo Zhou shook his head, "Don't look at me like that, I'm not a pervert, I just want to use him as a bait. Regarding this, I can guarantee that just this time, I will never play tricks on your brother again , After all, I have achieved my goal."

"You... what have you done?"

Zuo Zhou smiled and stopped chatting with him, turned around and shouted to everyone, "Let's go!"

"Don't go, tell me, what have you done? What have you done?"


A certain mountain, a certain river flowing down the mountain, a certain Zhuangzi built in the middle of the mountain, if Zuo Zhou was here, he would definitely find that it was a perfect replica of Xuejiazhuang!

The only difference from Xuejiazhuang is that this place is more steep. Ordinary people can't see any corner of the manor visually from the foot of the mountain. Similarly, there are no mountain paths leading to this place.The only way to go up the mountain and enter the villa is to use lightness skills to go up, or to go through a huge gondola similar to an elevator.

Here is the base of Xue Xiaoren's killer organization, and also the base for training killers.At this time, a man in black came to the hidden hanging basket. He looked around and found that there were no outsiders before removing all the branches that were used as concealed objects. Then he entered the hanging basket and began to shake a waist pole, hanging The basket began to rise slowly.

"I told those guys a long time ago that this shaft should be oiled. Really, it is getting more and more difficult to shake."

The man in black rose slowly, and when he was halfway up, someone shouted, "Who is it?"

"It's me, Vise."

Obviously, the person who asked the question above was very familiar with the person code-named vise, so he started to shake it without much nonsense, making the speed of the hanging basket a little faster.

After entering Zhuangzi, the man in black, code-named Vise, nodded to the helper and rushed into the manor. It was obvious that he had important information on him.

And the person who just helped was used to it, and was about to turn back to put the hanging basket down, but found that the sky was extraordinarily blue.

'I didn't want to look at the sky? '

The next thing I saw was my body that was slowly falling, the neck was as smooth as a mirror...

Xue Xiaoren sat in the center of the hall with a gloomy expression, while the man in black who signed the vise began to report word by word.

"Li Yuanfang! You're bullying too much!"

Xue Xiaoren smashed the table with a wave of his hand, his eyes were burning with anger, if he was not rational, he even wanted to kill his brother right now to save his brother.

Seeing this, the man in black hurriedly said: "The owner of the villa once reminded that this Li Yuanfang is very strong. If you don't have a surefire method, don't try to save him."

A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in Xue Xiaoren's eyes, and he asked again: "What does the above mean?"

The man in black lowered his head helplessly, and Xue Xiaoren sat down slowly. If he had no support from above and relied on himself, he would not be able to use a strong attack method, even if there were more killers under him.After all, if his elder brother is not Li Yuanfang's opponent, no matter how many people there are, they may not be able to break through Li Yuanfang's defense.

"How about this, you go to Jiangnan Dao camp, find Leng Liuping, and ask him to cooperate with my future actions. And... go to Si..."

"You don't need to look for anyone, Xue Hubei, today is your death day!"

"Who?" Xue Xiaoren stood up abruptly, and his mighty voice echoed in his ears, which could be heard throughout the manor. The killers seemed to be well-trained, and they immediately gathered in the lobby when they found enemies.

"Don't come over!" Xue Xiaoren yelled, but it was too late.

There were a dozen of the fastest killers whose bodies were shattered into several pieces, and through the sticky blood, everyone also saw that the completely transparent trap was actually densely distributed white silk threads !
"It was able to block the entire hall without me knowing it! Good method!"

Xue Xiaoren looked around coldly, and at the same time, he was even more horrified. He found that not only the doorway, but also some places in the hall were covered with white silk thread. How did he do it?
"Chop it up!"

A killer outside started to attack, but found that the silk thread was extremely tough, and it took a few slashes with a steel knife to break one. However, there were too many white silk threads, and it was really impossible to break in for a while.

"Your Excellency is very strong, and your methods are unpredictable, but Xue doesn't remember offending Your Excellency!" Xue Xiaoren reached out to pick up his long sword, but put his hand on the hilt of the sword ready to go.

"Not only you, but also Leng Liuping, Du Lian who went to the Qing Dynasty, and even Wu Shengdong and Wu Shengxi who escaped by feigning death, you all must die!"

Xue Xiaoren's eyes glared angrily. He probably knew the whereabouts of Leng Liuping and Du Lian, but Wu Shengdong and Wu Shengxi, didn't they say that they died in the Song Dynasty while guarding the darts?This is not what their Qinglong will do. Why is this person... this intelligence system is stronger than our Qinglong's?

"What you said... Are you a survivor of the Sheng Dingtian case? No, except for a female doll, we all killed the survivors one by one. Who are you!"

"Hey, I just want you to die in a daze!"


As the gloomy voice reverberated, suddenly several killers fell to the ground outside and died. The death appearance was exactly the same as that of Dugu Wei back then.

"Du Lian's poison! What is your relationship with Du Lian?"

"you do not need to know!"

Hissing, extremely slight continuous sound, more and more silk threads appeared to wrap the whole hall like a huge silk cocoon, as if they were going to be sealed to death with this poisonous thread.

However, Xue Xiaoren glanced coldly at the vise beside him. The latter came to the chair in understanding, and rubbed it hard on a floor tile behind him, only to see a hole suddenly sinking in the side of the hall. The secret passage has been prepared long ago.

"Although I don't know who you are, you are capable of finding this place. It's a pity that I don't have time to chat with you right now. See you later, ahahaha!"

Just like there are tunnels in Xuejiazhuang, there are also tunnels here, and it is even more exaggerated than Xuejiazhuang. They hollowed out most of the mountain!

As soon as Xue Xiaoren left, the killers outside seemed to have practiced many times, and one by one they started to disperse and escape.

This move obviously angered the other party. Weapons tied to silk threads began to attack in all directions. Some of these weapons were dropped by killers, and some were wooden thorns and tiles. In short, everything that could be used as a weapon was used. up.

With just one blow, nearly one-third of the killers in the manor were killed in an instant. However, there was obviously no friendship between the killers, so no one had rescued them. No matter how flexible the silk threads were, they still ran away many people.

Obviously, this was an unsuccessful raid, and all they could do was to set everything on fire like Xue Jiazhuang!
(End of this chapter)

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