Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 261 Staying in the Jiang Family

Chapter 261 Staying in the Jiang Family
Anqing City, although its name is Anqing, has nothing to do with Anqing on the next-door earth. After all, the territory of Daqin is too large. Even if you use your light skills every day, you may not be able to make a circle even if you run non-stop for a year, let alone There are other countries too.

The first thing Zuo Zhou and his party did after they entered Anqing City was not to go to Jiang Biehe's house for a meal, but to contact the city lord or the county magistrate first.However, it is different from the county magistrate Zuo Zhou arrested before. After all, each county is different. Anqing City is very large, and there are more villages under its jurisdiction, so there are more yamen servants. If the county magistrate of Anqing City caused trouble that time , he can't directly catch, um, maybe kill him directly.

Zuo Zhou now has the status of a general. Although he is higher in rank than the county magistrate, he has no real power.In other words, he had no real power when he left Princess Qingping. After all, he was the princess' guard.

So when Zuo Zhou saw the city lord of Anqing City, the first thing he said was to pull the princess' banner, "The princess will arrive in Anqing soon, and the city lord needs to fully cooperate with the princess's accommodation and guard work."

"Don't worry, the general, I will do my best in this humble position, but the guard work still needs some guidance from the general."

The city owner's surname is An and his name is Yunshan. He is a serious scholar. He passed the imperial examination seven years ago and became a Jinshi.Judging from his resume, this should be regarded as a capable minister, but he was a little surprised when he saw it.

This city lord... is too old!

The hair is snow-white and snow-white, and the long goatee exceeds the chest. Although he is holding a cane inlaid with emeralds in his hand, he is still in good health.

The words 'Fan Jinzhongju' came to Zuo Zhou's mind instantly. Although Fan Jin was only in his 50s, although it sounds old at first, it is just a comparison with the beautiful life of modern times.You must know that there were very few upward channels for the ancient people, and it is crazy for scholars to roll up.If you put it in the ancient environment, Zhongju in your 50s is already very happy!
At this moment, Zuo Zhou finally had a clear understanding, probably because Zuo Zhou always communicated with some talented people, and the oldest person around him seemed to be Zhuge Zhengwo.But in fact, if he looks down, he will see more elderly officials.

"The princess has a noble status, and the road is quite dangerous. Considering the needs of accommodation and guards, we decided to stay in Jiang Biehe's mansion, and asked the city lord to temporarily borrow a house near his mansion to house guards."

"Honestly obey orders."

An Yunshan knew how to measure, even though he heard most of the nonsense in what he said, he turned around as if he didn't hear it and went to make arrangements.

Everyone soon came to Jiang Biehe's mansion together. I have to say that Jiang Biehe's act of finding a rich woman was very correct. At least this big house should be very comfortable to live in.

Rockery, gardens, artificial lake, front hall and back hall, small square for practicing martial arts, each of the children has a house, and each house has east and west wing rooms. There is no shortage of Buddhist halls and watchtowers. The area is about half the size of the earth next door. The palace is big.

Zuo Zhou glanced at the respectful Jiang Biehe, do you want to check this guy's tax situation?

"Father, you are back."

A gentle voice like a spring breeze rang out, and everyone followed the prestige to see a gentle beauty in a pink tunic dress approaching, this is a very standard beauty, her facial features seem to be firmly nailed The standard line of people's aesthetics, placed next door to the earth, is a standard plastic surgery template.

It can be seen that this woman likes to wear pink very much, not only the skirt is pink, but even the headdress is pink headband.Jiang Biehe's family is so rich that they can't afford hairpins, it can only be said that this woman prefers them.

Of course, the most important thing is temperament. This woman has a kind of aristocratic style who is well-educated and well-educated with jewelry. I don't know how this Jiang Biehe was cultivated.

Zuo Zhou looked at Jiang Biehe and then at the woman, and finally found two similarities between her eyebrows and eyes before giving up.Well, Jiang Biehe was able to be Jiang Feng's bookboy back then, and his appearance was also top-notch.But this woman is only half like her father, which is enough to show that her mother's genes are strong.

It seems that Jiang Biehe married that rich woman not only because she was rich, after all, who doesn't love beautiful and rich young ladies?

"It seems that Jiang Daxia is very lucky. He married a good-looking wife and gave birth to a pair of handsome and beautiful children."

Jiang Biehe was stunned for a moment, looked at his daughter's eyes lit up and laughed and said, "This is the little girl Jiang Yufeng, who was spoiled by me since she was a child, and she didn't come to thank the general for her compliment!"

Jiang Yufeng was really stunned this time, is this her father?Why is he so respectful?Then she focused on looking at the team. There are two very handsome people here. One is the general at the front, and the other is a young man with a scar on his face. She has a good impression of that young man's clear and innocent eyes. As for this general... What does that obviously relieved look on your face mean?
Zuo Zhou took a long breath, and a big stone fell from his heart. When he heard that Jiang Biehe had a daughter, his hairs stood on end. It wasn't because of the cold, but because he simply wanted to live to the end.

After all, when I first watched the TV series, I was so impressed with Jiang Yuyan that I almost ignored the other supporting roles, but I forgot that Jiang Biehe seemed to have a daughter.

"The little girl is rude, I hope the general will not blame me, let's go in first."

Jiang Biehe led the crowd in embarrassingly. When passing by, he gave Jiang Yufeng who was stunned, what a shame!
Jiang Yufeng was a little wronged, she would never be rude under normal circumstances, but this time Jiang Biehe and Zuo Zhou's actions overturned her perception, and she was stunned.

"Returning to the soul, is your father scolding you for being stupid? Your mental capacity is too poor!" Xiao Yu'er came to Jiang Yufeng's side and shook his hand, calling her back.

Jiang Yufeng looked at this handsome guy with a scar on his face and suddenly became normal. Sure enough, such a man who took the initiative to strike up a conversation was normal, and it was the general who had the problem.

However, Jiang Yufeng soon began to doubt her life, because she would find that Jiang Xiaoyu had the character of finding fault with everyone she saw.

Zuo Zhou followed Jiang Biehe around the courtyard and was very satisfied with Jiang Biehe's arrangements.

"Old Jiang, you're not bad, by the way, can you do what I asked you to investigate before?"

Jiang Biehe found out that his address had changed from 'Jiang Daxia' to 'Lao Jiang', and he was very happy. He whispered, "Master Jiang will naturally do his best."

As he said, he handed a thin booklet to Zuo Zhou, and Zuo Zhou put it in his sleeve after taking it, then waved his hand and said to everyone: "Okay, go and choose the room you like, everyone try to keep the room in the middle Leave it free for the princess, and our guards will be around."

Wuqing and the others naturally also saw the booklet, but they couldn't be too curious if Zuo Zhou didn't tell them.

"Okay, you can go to work too, I have to think about the next itinerary."

"Okay, my lord, please help yourself."

Jiang Biehe was very sensible, and left directly to find his children, as if Zuo Zhou was the master of the family.

Zuo Zhou turned around and entered the room, then put the booklet on the table but did not open it in a hurry, "Come out, I can smell your beriberi from a long distance away!"

"You'll be mad at me!" Wanwan jumped in from the window, and the meeting was bombarded with winks and charms.

Zuo Zhou scolded without changing his face: "If there is a door, don't go through the window? Who is used to it!"

Wanwan frowned, "Your words are intriguing, aren't you implying something?" She said and turned around.

Zuo Zhou stared at his butt, "My mother only trained you to be barefoot, why didn't she train you to have bare butt?"

Wanwan glared at him fiercely, "Vulgar! Hmph, the master shouldn't have sent you back at the beginning. He said what was good for you, and you ended up being educated like this? It's better if the master educated you!"

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised, "What do you mean? It means that Zhu Yuyan thinks I will be better educated by my father?"

Wanwan was slightly startled, and turned her head away arrogantly, "Please beg me, beg me, and I'll tell you!"

"That's it."

Zuo Zhou's expression was instantly flat, but his heart became more and more curious. His father didn't say a single word of truth, and his son didn't learn any honesty.I told him before that he came from an ordinary family, but later I told him that he was once a handsome young man from all over the world, and he was also an old sea king.Judging from the meaning of Wanwan's words now, it seems that Zhu Yuyan approves of him in a certain way, which is not simple!

Recalling the past a little, it seems that since they have memories, apart from being housekeepers in the left guard's house, they don't seem to have much to pay attention to their previous experiences.Or is it that old man Zuo is hiding something deep?

"Speaking of business, did I let you catch up with me?"

Talking about this, Wanwan became energetic, "You never imagined that I not only discovered the secret base of the Azure Dragon Society, but also met the murderer you have been looking for!"

Zuo Zhou: "..."

Wanwan was stunned, "I said I met a murderer, can you give me a reaction? Or, did you know about the murderer?"

Zuo Zhou clicked on the pamphlet that Jiang Biehe brought over, "Guess who gave it to me?"

Wanwan glanced at the brochure without flipping through it, but I thought about it seriously, "Let me guess, could it be Jiang Biehe?"

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, very good, he guessed right without even turning the pages, and said that Jiang Biehe is not from your Demon Sect!

"Wow, Senior Sister is smart, and Senior Sister is mighty!" Zuo Zhou held out his thumb perfunctorily.

Wanwan was proud, "So?"

"I already know that the murderer has his own intelligence network, so since Jiang Biehe can find the officials who may help Xue Xiaoren, the murderer will definitely be able to find out. As long as he is fast enough, he can track down Xue Xiaoren. Then those who are also tracking Xue Xiaoren It's no surprise that you met him."

(End of this chapter)

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