Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 262 What should I do if my daughter can't send it out?

Chapter 262 What should I do if my daughter can't send it out?
"Tch! So you're so useless!"

"Do you dare to say it again?"

"Just try it, it turns out that you..."

"Oh, I don't listen, I don't listen, you hate it to death!"

Wanwan clutched her head and floated out of the window, but Zuo Zhou refused to let go, and jumped to the window, "Senior sister, it's shameful to be malicious, you don't suit this style!"

Seeing Wanwan staggering from a distance, Zuo Zhou sat back on the chair contentedly. Before that, Wanwan had indeed found the murderer, but the other party was very cautious, and his lightness kung fu was very good. The method is to turn around and run away after a short fight and find that the winner cannot be determined, so that Wanwan lost the target with a single carelessness.

Fortunately, Wan Wan is smart enough, since she can't keep up with the murderer, she will continue to follow Xue Xiaoren, but Xue Xiaoren left from a secret passage, so she can't follow him. Fortunately, she still remembers where the vise was hidden. The horse, after waiting for a day, finally waited for the other party. After tracking him again and finding Xue Xiaoren's new address, he came back to tell Zuo Zhou information.

Hehe, should we say that Xue Xiaoren is eager to save his brother, or should we lament the huge power of the Azure Dragon Society?The new stronghold chosen by Xue Xiaoren is a small village under the jurisdiction of Anqing City, and it only takes half a day from there to the city.

However, judging from all the signs, this guy would not take the initiative to send him to the door unless he really had water in his head.

According to Zuo Zhou's calculations, this guy will definitely use a strategy similar to diverting the tiger away from the mountain, and transfer himself away from here, so that he can rescue Xue Yiren.To be honest, Zuo Zhou was a little curious, how on earth would he adjust himself to leave?
Of course, it was never Zuo Zhou's character to passively wait for the enemy to attack. Now that he knew the enemy's location, he should take the initiative to attack.But...he wanted to confirm again, to confirm the murderer once more, if it was really him, then he could only say sorry to Wuqing and Tieshou!
Thinking about it, Zuo Zhou slowly picked up the booklet and flipped through it slowly.Since Jiang Biehe's intelligence system belongs to the Demon Sect, the list in the brochure will naturally exclude those who belong to the Demon Sect. In theory, the more names there are in the brochure, the weaker the penetration ability of the Demon Sect is. .According to this logic, the penetration ability of this magic door should be... quite weak!

"It seems that the development of the Demon Sect in Daqin is not very smooth. How come the local officials have nothing to do with the Demon Sect?" Zuo Zhou was a little dissatisfied. He, the Prince of the Demon Sect, didn't even have anyone available. Is this plausible?

Huh?the name...

Sima Guang, Minister of Rites...

Zuo Zhou wanted to laugh a little, is it this person?Half a month ago, this person asked for leave to go home to visit relatives, and when Zuo Zhou besieged Xuejiazhuang, among those places extending in the direction of official roads, there was only one official with a higher official position than him, and the Minister of Rites was in charge of the Ministry of Rites, so he was qualified to The specifications and etiquette of the princess and her party are irresponsible.From a certain point of view, it can also interfere with Zuo Zhou and even affect the princess guards.

The most important thing is that Zuo Zhou can kill a lot of county magistrates cheaply, but Shangshu is definitely not an example!
Speaking of Sima Guang, he is also a historical figure. Zuo Zhou is not a student of history. He only knows three things about Sima Guang's main deeds.One is to smash tanks to save children, the other is to compile "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", which is required for the exam, and the other is to oppose Wang Anshi's reform.

When I was in school, I read history books purely for exams. Remembering some knowledge points means memorizing them, but I don’t think about them in depth. On the contrary, I don’t have to deal with exams after graduation before I think about certain historical events. meaning behind.

Take Sima Guang as an example, he should be a very famous person, otherwise how could the incident of smashing tanks have been spread for thousands of years!
There is also the matter of compiling chronicle history books. From this point, it can be seen that he must be very good at managing contacts, otherwise how could he preside over this kind of work that has left his name through the ages and is not tiring?Compilation of history books, this matter is actually a very important matter, not to say how important and precious this history book is, in fact, if he does not preside over it, someone else will preside over it, and without "Zi Zhi Tong Jian", there will be Other history books replaced it. After all, there have been a sea of ​​capable literati for 5000 years.What is really important is to express one's political thoughts by compiling this history book, that is to say, it is a means to maintain the rule of the court.And the person who can take over this kind of work must be in the mainstream of the political party.

Then there is opposition to Wang Anshi's political reform. From this point, it can be seen that this Sima Guang is a person who is good at party struggle and doesn't care much about the state.To say that he is old-fashioned would be an understatement. After all, the effects of Wang Anshi's reforms have already begun to show. You have been in charge of compiling the history books for so many years. Can't you see why taking history as a mirror is good for the country?But he is firmly opposed, and can only say that the right to speak is more important than doing the right thing.

Well, this is the logic of Zuo Zhou, don’t argue with anyone, you are right!

According to the records in the brochure, the current state of Song is in chaos, and all talented and ambitious people have come to Daqin. Bao Zheng and Zhuge Zhengwo are the most obvious examples.Sima Guang also came here at that time, but he is not as famous as Bao Zheng. After all, smashing a tank and turning a child into a child is not a political achievement, so Qin Huang would not open the back door for him.

This Sima Guang became an official through taking part in the imperial examination, and he was a Jinshi in high school for the first time, which can be regarded as quite literary.It's just... If Bao Zheng came to Daqin based on the year, he would become Minister of Rites in less than 20 years. This is a bit too fast, but if there is help from the Qinglong Society secretly, it seems that it is not impossible.

Speaking of this Minister of the Ministry of Rites, he should have seen it before. When Zuo Zhou escorted Concubine Xiao back to court, many officials from various ministries came to greet him at the city gate, but there were too many people at that time, and Zuo Zhou could not remember so many people.

dong dong dong.


Jiang Yufeng opened the door and walked in with a pot of tea and a plate of pastries with a formulaic smile on her face, "Master Li, my father asked me to bring you some refreshments. Our place is no different from the imperial capital, and the food is a bit crude, so I hope you can include it. "

Zuo Zhou couldn't help being a little funny looking at all kinds of pastries piled up on one plate, is this still crude?Well, he hasn't eaten a royal banquet either, so maybe it's really crude.

"It's fine to let the servants deliver it. How can Miss Lao Jiang deliver it in person? Did Lao Jiang personally order it? How polite!"

Jiang Yufeng was a little uncomfortable, 'Lao Jiang'?I've never seen anyone call my father that.

Zuo Zhou looked at the awkward Jiang Yufeng and smiled, "What else did your father order?"

"Oh, my father said that if you have any requests, please ask, and we will definitely cooperate with you." Jiang Yufeng's smile is very sweet, and her eyes are closed when she smiles, which makes people feel good.

Zuo Zhou came to a sudden, is this the start of sending off girls?
However, Jiang Yufeng obviously didn't understand her father's "good intentions", she put the fruit plate and teapot on the table, and saw the opened roster at a glance.

"Master Li is busy with business, so I won't bother you."

"It's nothing, I'm done." Zuo Zhou slowly closed the booklet, reached out and took out a pastry from the plate. "It's quite delicious, what kind of name is this?"

"Oh, this is Yunlai Pavilion's pastry, which is very famous in Anqing City." Jiang Yufeng obviously eats it often, and she can tell it just by looking at it.

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised, "Yunlai Pavilion? Bakery shops are rarely called 'Ge'. Customers are like Yunlai. I don't know whether to call this name vulgar or elegant, haha."

Zuo Zhou just said casually, but found that Jiang Yufeng's expression was a bit embarrassed.


"Uh, Yunlai Pavilion is actually... a brothel. The pastries and wine are just gifts from them, but I haven't been there, it's my brother..."

Zuo Zhou was amused, "Brother Ling is unrestrained, it's just a visit to brothels occasionally, it's not a big deal."

Jiang Yufeng laughed and blamed herself for being reckless, how could she entertain guests with the pastries brought back from the brothel?After leaving the room, I kept feeling that something was wrong. Should I tell my father? It seems that my father thinks highly of General Li. If he gets angry secretly, then my father may suffer in the future.

Prepared to be scolded, Jiang Yufeng ran to Jiang Biehe's room.After briefly explaining the matter, Jiang Biehe stood up in fright.Oh, this is a trouble, since he got the order to curry favor with Li Yuanfang, he has inquired about it. The relationship between this general and Princess Qingping is not simple!

When the princess came, he found that there were brothel cakes in his room. It would be strange if it didn't cause trouble. When the time comes, the general will blame his own plan... Wait...

Jiang Biehe frowned and looked at his daughter, "I just asked you to deliver pastries, why did you come back so soon? Didn't you tell him what I taught you?"

"Well, he said he knew." Jiang Yufeng obviously didn't understand what her father meant.

Jiang Biehe was a little angry, but he protected this girl too well, he was usually very smart, but he was confused about this kind of thing.But he didn't blame him either, after all, no one would have thought that the daughter who was so distressed in the past would be sent out by his father.

The only problem now is that I can't send it away even if I want to. Although General Li has an unusual relationship with the princess, he seems to have a lot of female relatives in his family. Could it be that he doesn't like my daughter?
Jiang Biehe looked it up and down suspiciously, it was very beautiful, but he suddenly remembered Li Yuanfang's performance at the door, could it be... Li Yuanfang likes to show off!
It's not wrong to think so, as a son-in-law, what you want is fame and fortune, otherwise there are so many rules, who would take the initiative to catch up with you except true love!
Thinking about this point, he raised his head and said to Jiang Yufeng: "Go again and tell General Li that today I will host a banquet for my father at Yunlai Pavilion to invite all adults."

(End of this chapter)

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