Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 263 Someone robbed a woman from Jiang Daxia

Chapter 263 Someone robbed a woman from Jiang Daxia

There was a misunderstanding that only men can come to the brothel.

This is really a misunderstanding. In fact, the Goulan is different from the brothel. The Goulan is really a place to vent your desires. As long as you don’t enter the room with a girl alone in the brothel, you will find that the person in the hall is a match. One is elegant and chic.

The brothel has never prohibited women from entering, but under normal circumstances no women would go to such a place, even if it was a dinner party, they would not bring women to participate.

But today is naturally an exception, because it is impossible for Jiang Biehe to invite only Zuo Zhou alone, that would be too obvious, so people like Ruthless Tie Shou who are in the imperial court are naturally included, and when Ruthless comes, Jian Chen, who follows suit, is also indispensable. .Since one or two brought friends, Xuanyuan Sanguang and Xiao Yu'er naturally wanted to join in the fun, even bringing a child to be strict.Coupled with Wei Xiaobao and You Ruo who were always by Zuo Zhou's side, this lineup consisted of men, women and children.

Then... Zuo Zhou got angry, "It's just a brothel, it's just a meal, you all come to join in the fun, no one is going to look at Xue Yiren, right, then light a thousand miles of fire and tell Xue Xiaoren to come to rob people tonight! No need A knife does not need a gun, a small hammer picks the lock and a sledgehammer smashes the cage and it is over."

At this point, Tie Shou stayed to preside over the overall situation, Wei Xiaobao grew up in Yi Chunyuan and had no interest in brothels at all, and he didn't even go with You Ruo.Xuanyuan Sanguang had no choice but to gamble, Yan Jing was still a child, but Xiao Yuer took him to practice together in order to avoid Xuanyuan Sanguang, and offered to come to the brothel to try something new, and I don't know if he tasted something serious?
"Actually, the person I said is not suitable for brothels is mainly talking about you."

Zuo Zhou looked at Wuqing with disgust, and Jian Chen, who was pushing the wheelchair behind him, held back his laughter all the way, but Wuqing didn't care at all, and snorted coldly: "You seem to have done a lot of things behind our backs recently, I must remind you, the guardian princess The task of the case is shared by us, and if something goes wrong, neither you nor I can escape. As for the case back then, I am more qualified to participate as a party involved."

"So you're here to spy on me? Bad woman!"


There are already blue veins popping up on the ruthless forehead, if she can't beat this person, she will definitely give him a good beating.

Jian Chen smoothed things over at the back, "Okay, okay, this time it's just Hero Jiang's treat, there won't be anything special. We've spent too much time sleeping and eating during our journey, it's time to eat something good."

Zuo Zhou glanced at Jian Chen, and said leisurely, "Okay, then remember to bring some leftovers for Tieshou and the others when you come back."

Jian Chen smiled awkwardly, since he was a child, he has never had the experience of packing food, especially when everyone is arty, wouldn't this be a bit embarrassing?
"The brothels in this big city are nothing more than that, there are no girls standing outside to solicit customers, tsk!"

Jiang Xiaoyu originally looked at the Yunlai Pavilion which was getting closer and closer with a curious face, but he was a little disappointed when he got closer.

Zuo Zhou looked at him amusedly, "Do you know how to compose poems?"

"I didn't study."

"Can you play piano, chess, calligraphy and painting?"

"The appreciation level is not bad."

"Then you...forget it, you don't even have a fan, so you can't even pretend to be a romantic."

The corner of Jiang Xiaoyu's mouth twitched slightly, and he looked Zuo Zhou up and down, "Could it be that you know all these things?"

"I'm an official, so even if I roll in with a big belly and a greasy face, others have to accompany me with a smile!" Zuo Zhou puffed up his chest and raised his head, instantly putting on the airs of an adjutant.

Jiang Xiaoyu's eyes are shining, this official authority is so dazzling!

Jian Chen looked at Jiang Xiaoyu who was gradually being led away, and subconsciously moved the wheelchair to the side, but Wu Qing didn't object.

"Huh? It turns out that City Lord An is here too." Zuo Zhou immediately saw An Yunshan and Jiang Biehe waiting at the door.

The two smiled, and the former said: "As the lord of Anqing City, the lower official has the responsibility to entertain the upper official well. It's rare that Jiang Daxia is the host today, and the lower official has the cheek to beg for a meal."

"Master An is serious. It is really an honor for Jiang to have the opportunity to invite General Li and Lord An. Please!"

Jiang Biehe is a man of the scene, obviously very familiar with the process of banquets, he can miraculously maintain his heroic demeanor and take good care of the guests.Similarly, the sad Jiang Yulang and Jiang Yufeng, as juniors, also took on the task of pouring wine for them during the banquet.

An Yunshan's first cup was naturally to be respected to the superior. He kept talking about Zuo Zhou's previous achievements, and his words were full of sincere envy, which made him feel like being flattered unconsciously.

Looking at what An Yunshan did, Jiang Biehe felt a little inferior in this respect, but fortunately he also has his own advantages, "This small place can't be compared with the imperial capital, Yunlai Pavilion is already a good place to go, it's inevitable There is some noise outside, I hope the general will include it."

Zuo Zhou cooperated and expressed doubts, "What happened outside? Why is it so noisy?"

Jiang Biehe smiled and opened the door of the box. Their place is located on the front of the second floor, which is the most honorable place with the best view. Just open the door to see the situation of the stage below.

Usually there will be singing and dancing performances on the stage of the brothel, but today a group of people gathered around looking forward to the stage, and at this time a rather old woman was bowing to each other and laughing.

Zuo Zhou took a sip of wine casually, and Jiang Yufeng hurriedly filled the wine glass, "Looking at this attire, he should be the procuress of the brothel!"

The word "madam" is very vulgar, and most romantic men would tease "Mom" when they are having fun here, but Zuo Zhou really couldn't call it out, he was afraid that Zhu Yuyan would tear down the place if he found out.

Jiang Biehe smiled and said: "Your Excellency, I don't know, today is a bit of a coincidence, it is the day when Yunlai Pavilion Huakui leaves the pavilion, that's why there is so much noise."

"Oiran? Is it the most beautiful in the brothel?" Jiang Xiaoyu stopped stuffing chicken legs into his mouth. In fact, those masters taught him the rules about brothels when he was in the Valley of the Wicked, but to be honest, these so-called villains They really can't be on the stage, they have never seen any high-end brothels, let alone Daqin, even the Jiaofangsi of Song Dynasty.This caused Jiang Xiaoyu to have a lot of knowledge about such things, but very little practical experience. In order not to make a fool of himself, he tried to act as simple as possible, even if he looked like a bumpkin.

Zuo Zhou reached out and stuffed a chicken leg into his mouth, just like he did with Ah Xiang back then, "Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, the oiran is not only beautiful, but also has a lot of talents."

"Talent? Is it the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting you mentioned earlier?"

"Otherwise? Is it about leading troops to fight and governing the country?" Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, but suddenly saw Jiang Yufeng next to him. This girl seemed a little depressed. What do you mean? "Miss Yufeng seems to have a different understanding?"

Jiang Yufeng was startled, looked at Jiang Biehe who was already a little dissatisfied, and said with a sneer: "Your Excellency, I misunderstood, Yufeng is just ashamed of herself."

Jiang Biehe next to him hastened to smooth things over, "My lord, you are laughing at me, my daughter is not a girl at all, she just likes to learn how to dance a knife and stick with me, and she leaves early, as a father, I am really afraid of her." In the future, I will be disliked and bullied by my in-laws."

Jiang Yufeng sneered but felt wronged, didn't you teach martial arts?He also said that women should know how to protect themselves when they are outside.

Zuo Zhou naturally didn't pay attention to this, he was attracted by the performance on stage after laughing.

The so-called oiran leaving the court naturally does not mean that a woman from a good family gets married, but only that the oiran will come out to receive guests from now on, and today is the day when the oiran receives the first guest.

This rule is the same as buying things on the next-door earth. When the goods are sold to the first owner, they will be very expensive, and second-hand things are naturally cheap and there is no need to make such a fuss. Just go to the seafood market.

Of course, there are also situations where the price is getting higher and higher, but that is all because of the blessing of the story or identity.For example, if there is a second chance to buy and sell a girl like Hongfu after she has achieved a great reputation, she will have a high price.Or some princesses and princesses who were married a long time ago were sold to brothels because of the war, so there will be high prices for receiving customers.

"The oiran of Yunlai Pavilion is well-known in the entire Jiangnan Province. I heard that he is as beautiful as a fairy and has many talents. A dance has intoxicated countless heroes." Jiang Biehe laughed, seeming to admire this oiran quite a lot.

Zuo Zhou laughed when he heard the words: "Then there is Jiang Daxia among these heroes?"

"Hahahaha, General Li was joking, Jiang has never had the chance to see the beauty of the oiran, but today he also borrowed from General Li."

An Yunshan was watching clearly from the side. Judging from his many years of flattering experience, the next step is to give Jiang Biehe away to please someone.Sure enough, Jiang Biehe sighed: "The general is an upstart in the government and the public, and he should have some maids to accompany him when he travels. I think that although the two servants of your lord are very capable, they really lack some insight in serving people. Why don't you go with the general?" How about picking some people from Yunlai Pavilion?"

Zuo Zhou was amused, um, the last one who wanted to give him a girl was brother Ramuye, unexpectedly he met another one today.But it's different now, he doesn't lack women at all, Qingping doesn't say, as long as he wants, he can drag Zhan Shiqi and Axiang to sleep when he goes back, uh, although it's a bit difficult to sleep together, but it's It's not that we can't work hard, why bother to find these wandering women?
It's not that I don't look down on it, it's just that it's unnecessary, and it's easy to leave holes for the enemy, boring!
But he couldn't just refute Jiang Biehe's good intentions, he just shook his head, "I'm a rough man from the army, but I can't keep up with delicate girls, especially these ones whose waists are about to be broken."

Jiang Biehe seemed to have expected it, and then persuaded: "These vulgar fans are naturally not in the eyes of General Li, but we can see how the oiran looks after a while, if General Li is interested, then Jiang will borrow flowers to offer Buddha. "

Hey guys, that's how the word is used?If your Buddha picks up flowers, is it still a decent Buddha?
Zuo Zhou couldn't evade any more, and everyone began to enjoy the performance quietly. The bustard seemed to understand very well, and he finally let the oiran out after making the atmosphere very hot.

The lights in the entire hall suddenly changed color, and a phantom smoke gushed out. Zuo Zhou knew that it had a slight aphrodisiac effect just by smelling it.

And the crowd below gradually became agitated. At this moment, an alluring beauty hung a ribbon and slowly fell from the air.

Zuo Zhou generously admitted that he was the one who made the gasp.

He didn't expect that in this so-called brothel, there were really beauties who were all over the country. Of course, it would not be surprising to see many beauties, but this woman's temperament was too familiar.

Mei!Fascinating to the core, this temperament is a perfect match with the environment of the brothel, but she is also an oiran and a virgin.And there is only one explanation for this situation, natural obsequiousness!
Just like his cheap senior sister Wanwan, if his mother sees this, there will probably be another witch in the future.

Let's dance!Let's dance!

Not to mention, Zuo Zhou was really excited. Think about how much it would cost Wanwan to dance for him. Now seeing a beauty dancing with her who doesn't know her at all, doesn't it feel bloody profitable?
With this thought in mind, Zuo Zhou looked very seriously, but it also misunderstood Jiang Biehe next to him. Sure enough, General Li is young and energetic, and he likes to show off!

Dancing... Well, dancing is not good!
Zuo Zhou sighed. He could tell that although this oiran had learned to dance and had solid basic skills, he seemed a little absent-minded today.But forget it, besides him, is anyone really here to watch the dance?
The answer is no!
As soon as the dance was over, the auction began. On the stage at this time, the oiran seemed to be separated from the world. The outside was colorful, but she was hopelessly gloomy.

"Yo, this is still an oiran unwilling to accept her fate!" Zuo Zhou teased, but his eyes were quite difficult to move away from her. He had to admit that he was a little soft-hearted.

Zuo Zhou just expressed a little interest here, and Jiang Biehe has already asked for a price, 5000 taels!

Oops, I can't tell, Boss Jiang is so arrogant.

1 taels!

Everyone was stunned, Jiang Biehe showed his face when he called the price, not only him, but also An Yunshan could be seen, the two giants of the local rivers and lakes court called the price, which already meant a bit of bullying, but in the end there were still people Dare to stroke the tiger's beard?

Jiang Biehe frowned slightly, Jiang Yulang looked down with a cold face, only to see two teenagers glanced at them with complacent and disdainful faces, hey, Jiang Yulang was so pissed off, when did young master Jiang suffer this? gas.

It's just that in front of Zuo Zhou and others, he really couldn't do anything, so he looked at the marks on the two teenagers.Turning around, he said, "Father, he is from the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce!"

Jiang Biehe and An Yunshan frowned, and Zuo Zhou was also slightly surprised. Isn't this the Exile Chamber of Commerce that was once beaten by the Qiang Gang and was about to collapse.

Speaking of it, it is really destined, if anyone in this world really understands the horror of Zuo Zhou, there is no doubt that Shangguan Jin Hong is one of them. In order to force him to retreat, Zuo Zhou used a little power beyond the rank of the list.

It's just that I didn't expect that the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce seems to be jumping a bit recently!
 You drop Yan Huang is infinitely rampant

(End of this chapter)

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