Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 264 The Merry Young Master Lies to the Beauty?

Chapter 264 The Merry Young Master Lies to the Beauty?
There is a little hope in despair, and then despair begins again. What kind of thinking has such complicated eyes?Zuo Zhou saw it today. Compared to the confrontation between Jiang Biehe, An Yunshan and the two exiles from the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce, the brief change of this oiran attracted Zuo Zhou's attention even more.

In the same way, maybe this sensitive woman sensed the interested gaze, and the two gazes met far away. Like a frightened rabbit, she immediately withdrew all sharpness and turned into that depressed poor person again.


Zuo Zhou muttered softly. Although there was a little smile on his face, no one thought he was really funny at this moment.

An Yunshan and Jiang Biehe looked at each other. In their hearts, in the hearts of Xiao Yu'er and Jian Chen, Li Yuanfang had already equated with the knife hidden in the smile.

It's because Ruthless, who is the most sensitive in cultivating spiritual power, was a little surprised. She didn't feel any malice from Zuo Zhou. Did he really find it interesting?What's interesting?What is this person thinking!

"2 taels!" Jiang Biehe was rich, but he wouldn't call it that way in general. This actually conveys two meanings. One is that we are determined to win this oiran, and the other is that we are already angry.

"Twenty thousand and one hundred taels!"

The two exiles laughed all over their faces, and they only added 100 taels to the top. Not only did they ignore you, they even started to tease you.

An Yunshan and Jiang Biehe were stunned for a moment, and then furious, but this time it was An Yunshan who called the price, and his deep and slightly old voice seemed to lower the entire Yunlai Pavilion a few degrees.

"3 taels!"

"Thirty thousand and one taels!"

Wow!The whole place began to boil, and people looked at the two people with caring eyes for the mentally retarded, what should I say?If you were asking the price normally, it might be okay, but you dare to tease me like this, I'm afraid you won't be able to get along in Anqing City.

However, the two exiles may be really confident, they don't care about threats at all, and stare at the oiran on stage with evil eyes.

The madam swallowed, the figure of more than 3 was far beyond her expectations. Although it might offend two local giants, at that time, it was an auction after all, and she was just acting according to the rules. At worst, she would send more gifts in the future to make it up. impression it.

So, when the bustard repeatedly confirmed that no one would increase the price, she finally dropped the hammer.

"General, in fact, Jiang Mou has a lot of money, if he keeps asking the price, he won't be able to..."

Zuo Zhou raised his hand and interrupted Jiang Biehe, "Hero Jiang, what are you talking about? I'm not interested in this oiran at first, so why spend more money? As for Mr. An, after all, he has only been in office for a few years. It seems that it is not clean enough, as parents and officials, we still have to put the well-being of the people first, and there is no need to care about these businessmen who are full of money!"

Although Jiang Biehe's expression was ugly, he was okay. Knowing that Li Yuanfang didn't blame him, he felt a little more relaxed, but he was deeply impressed by the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce.

However, An Yunshan's heart skipped a beat. According to his salary, he shouldn't be participating in the auction. He was really angry when he asked for the price just now, but he also regretted it after he called.But Zuo Zhou’s reminder means that he will not pursue it. After all, the princess will come soon. Although the princess is not here for the assessment this time, if you go too far at this time, there will always be hindrances. After all, who hasn’t ordered What about political enemies?
"Your Excellency's words are very true, the lower officials are taught!"

Zuo Zhou laughed and picked up his chopsticks again, "Okay, eat quickly, this is a dish bought with real money, so don't let it go to waste."


In the backyard of Yunlai Pavilion, the bustard raised his hand to whip a whip, pointed at the oiran with red eyes and scolded, "I'll provide you with delicious food and drink, and I also teach you piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Is this how you repay me?"

The oiran sat slumped on the ground and hugged the old bustard's leg, "Mom, please let me go, Mr. Li and I really love each other, so please help us!"

Next to Hua Kui, a handsome and frail scholar was kneeling on the ground by two strong men. He was the so-called Mr. Li. Many thugs.

The old bustard raised her hand again, and whipped Mr. Li with a whip. She was not willing to beat the oiran, and the two guests were still waiting. If they broke it, wouldn't they have to pay for it?

"I used to think that such a horrible thing would happen in the storybook, but who knew it would happen. Hehe, true love? True love should redeem you, so why would you do such a kidnapping thing? "

"Mom wants too much, we can't afford so much money!"

The old bustard squatted down with a distressed expression, and stroked the oiran's face, "Silly girl, how can I give you a happy life without even this little money? You see, those two guests are good, how proud they are. From what good Ah, look at those ransomed idiots who work in the streets in coarse linen, not to mention hard work every day, but still can't earn any money, even if they want to buy a hairpin, they have to humbly ask their husbands."

The oiran was crying, I saw the pitiful demeanor that stunned the bustard for a moment, "Mom, please help me, I won't pick up the guests!"

The old bustard came back to his senses, "Hmph, then let me see how firm your true love is. Come on, hold your hand for me. Don't say that mom is cruel, after all, mom has put a lot of effort into you. Mr. Li really loves my daughter deeply?"

Mr. Li endured the pain on his body and hurriedly nodded, "We can learn from each other!"

The old bustard curled her lips in disdain, and pulled out a machete, "Okay, you should have seen it before, the asking price outside has reached 3 taels, and I won't make things difficult for you, just cut off your hands and feet, and it will be considered a ransom." Money, not only that, mom will also give you a dowry to send you out."

Oiran smiled with tears in his eyes, "Thank you mom! Thank you mom! Mom is merciful!" That grateful look wanted to kowtow to her.

But the old bustard said again: "But in the future, you, a silly girl, will have to endure hardships. Take care of a useless person for the rest of your life. You can think about it and don't regret it?"

Hua Kui's eyes were firm, "Daughter will never regret it!" Then he looked at Mr. Li, but couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Seeing Mr. Li's eyes full of fear, lying on the table and seeing the machete about to fall, he quickly shouted: "Wait a minute!"

The old bustard seemed to have expected it, and asked disdainfully, "What else do you want to say?"

Mr. Li heaved a sigh of relief, and then looked at Hua Kui sincerely, "My love for you can be learned from the sun and the moon, but how can I give you a happy life if you lose your hands and feet? For a long time, how can it be day and night? Why don't you rest here with peace of mind, my lady, and I will work hard to study and get fame in the future, and then I will pick you up!"

The oiran was stunned, two lines of tears quietly slid down her cheeks, there was nothing in front of her eyes except the loud laughter of the bustard, "Okay, if you are ambitious, let's send Mr. Li out, and I wish you the best of luck." Mr. Li is able to take the imperial examination for high school, hahaha!"

As soon as Mr. Li heard that he could go out, he hurriedly bowed to the old bustard, and when he was pushed out by a few strong men, he didn't even look back at the oiran.

At this time, the old bustard looked at the dejected virtue of the oiran again, and shook his head, "You, after all, are pure, like this kind of embroidered pillows that trick girls with sweet words, I have to send a few of them every year. Forget it, my mother also understands you, You just go back and calm down, clean up your mood and put on makeup again, those two wealthy customers are still waiting for you!"

As he said that, he winked at a certain strong man, and the strong man helped the oiran into the flower room that had been prepared on the third floor. But naturally there are also the rituals and rules of the brothel.

When the old bustard could no longer see Hua Kui's back, her face changed and she turned her head to order, "Break that Mr. Li's leg, you dare to make trouble at such an important time, you have never died before!"

Several strong men clasped their fists and bowed, turned around and went out to attack.Only then did the bustard let out a sigh of relief, adjusted the tiara on her head and went to entertain the two wealthy guests first.

The two exiles seem to be veterans of this kind, and they are quite skilled in flirting with the old bustard, but the highlight of tonight is always the red candle night of the oiran.The old bustard also saw the impatience of the two of them, and immediately said: "You two young masters, wait a moment, mother, I will go to remind you."

Just when I went out, I saw a turtle slave strolling over, bowed his head and said, "Boss, they didn't touch the wine you gave me!"

The old bustard felt a little helpless when she heard the words. To express her apology, she sent the famous wine from Yunlai Pavilion to the private room of An Yunshan and Jiang Biehe, but now she brought it back intact. angry!trouble!
However, the old bustard breathed a sigh of relief when he remembered the 3 taels. At this moment, a servant girl ran over anxiously, "Mom is not well, the oiran ran away."

The old bustard raised her hand and slapped her across the face, "Don't panic, my mother already knew about it, and she has already been caught, why do you need to say it now?"

The maid covered her cheeks aggrievedly, " ran away again!"

The old bustard was confused, and hurried to the flower room on the third floor. As soon as he opened the door, he could not see the figure of the oiran, but the long red gauze dress that he had prepared earlier was piled up casually, and a rope was tied to the foot of the bed and extended from the window. go down.

The old bustard was furious, and turned around and slapped the two strong men in the face, "Aren't you guarding the door? Why did you let her run away? Who else came to see her? Why is there a rope?"

The two strong men didn't understand either, "There's no one, it might have been prepared a long time ago!"

The madam's cheeks flushed with anger, "Go after me, what are you waiting for, she can't run far without martial arts! Everyone, go after me!"

A group of men and maidservants ran out one after another. Naturally, such a big battle could not be hidden from other guests, but after a little inquiring, they laughed out loud.

However, no one noticed that in the empty flower room at this time, an exquisite figure wearing a nobleman's gown slowly crawled out from under the bed.Could it be the missing oiran!
She unhurriedly adjusted her collar, folding fan, waist pendant, tiara, etc., and she still had red lips and white teeth when she was dressed as a man after removing her make-up.

"Unfortunately, time is limited, otherwise it should be painted darker."

(End of this chapter)

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