Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 265: Jiang Yuyan

Chapter 265: Jiang Yuyan

Jiang Yuyan's mother was a prostitute. As for her father, I heard that he was Jiang Biehe, a great hero from the south of the Yangtze River. This was what her mother told her when she was dying.As an illegitimate daughter, she has never met her father. It is said that her father already has a wife in his family and is a very prestigious woman.After the mother and father fell in love at the beginning, it was because of her obstruction that they finally separated.

Before she was four years old, she would occasionally look enviously at other children playing with their parents. At this time, her mother would cry all night with resentment. After she was four years old, she tried hard to control her expression. At a young age, I threw the word 'father' deep in my heart.

Her family is very poor. Although her mother was redeemed by her father, she has no skills. She usually helps others to sew or to share the burden during the peak business season of the embroidery shop.Therefore, the family has lived a tight life since childhood, but even so, the mother still has no idea of ​​remarrying. Maybe she still thinks about the father who once gave her a dream of love.

This difficult life did not change until I was 11 years old. In that year, there were always men coming to my door to show courteousness. My mother is a very kind person. There were also people who came to ask for marriage in the past. My mother was always able to gently reject these admirers. But it doesn't hurt the face of those people.But this year, my mother changed. She scolded fiercely and drove those people out with brooms, poles, and rolling pins.

Jiang Yuyan had never seen her mother so fierce and frightening, but every time her mother hugged her and cried.

At first Jiang Yuyan didn't understand very well, until half a year later, another old man came to the door, and then she realized that the purpose of these men is no longer the mother, but her!
Life is not easy, especially when orphans and widows are together, there are always so many right and wrong, scary words, maybe out of jealousy, maybe it's just plain bad intentions, the once kind neighbors slowly began to use strange She looked at them with eyes, dark at first, but when the mother shooed the two rogues away with a stick, these emotions turned into bitter sarcasm.

Mother is a decisive person, she was very reluctant and decisive, took out the money she had accumulated for more than ten years, and bought a small house across the street near the county government.

Jiang Yuyan would like to thank Emperor Qin. The officials in Daqin are generally not bad. Although there are many corruptions, they are still doing practical things.The county magistrate is very dignified, and the mother has become the cook of the county magistrate's family through some connections in the embroidery village. The mother and daughter have gained some protection.

However, the good days did not last long. On her 14th birthday, her mother fainted, and she never got up again. She lasted for about half a year, and all her family savings were used for medical treatment. up.

At the end of the day, Jiang Yuyan disobeyed her mother's order and went out to ask the county magistrate without permission.

Jiang Yuyan, who was not yet 15 years old, didn't understand anything. In order to save her mother, she agreed. The first time she got the money, she went to the pharmacy to get the medicine, but she overheard the discussions of the pharmacy staff.

'Hey, look at the little beauty. '

'Hush, that's the county magistrate. '

Those two simple sentences caught her heart, but she was too anxious at the time, so she went home after buying the medicine.But the medicine was not able to be taken by the mother, who grabbed her hand and asked, "Where did you get the money?"

Jiang Yuyan couldn't persuade her mother to tell the truth, and the grief-stricken mother told her about her father, and finally stabbed herself in the heart with a pair of scissors when she went out to pour water...

Desperate, she came to the pharmacy again, first she showed up in the pharmacy, then went back to hide, and those pharmacy workers started talking again.

At this moment, she realized that the county magistrate ran into Jiang Yuyan who sneaked out to play when she went out to the street, and then she knew that her beautiful cook had such a beautiful daughter.So they found someone to secretly poison her mother, and her mother was seriously ill, so the county magistrate, the pharmacist... and her were all murderers!
Jiang Yuyan sat there for a whole day, not telling anyone about her mother's death, and bought half a catty of arsenic used to kill insects from the restaurant clerk with money, and put it in the meals of everyone in the yamen.That day, everyone vomited, had diarrhea, and fainted. The different symptoms made the yamen servants quickly know that they had been poisoned. They went to the doctors in groups, and of course there were county magistrates among these people.

The doctor worked all night to save everyone's lives, but Jiang Yuyan sneaked into the pharmacy again and stabbed the tired doctor to death with the scissors her mother used to commit suicide, followed by the clerk, and then the yamen servant after detoxification With the county magistrate's family, they were weak from the severe poisoning, and most of them were killed in their sleep.

Only the county magistrate was woken up first and then stabbed to death. She wanted him to know that she deserved to die, and then a fire burned everything down.

The process is simple to say, but it is very dangerous, and I always feel lucky when I think about it afterwards.This is also a murder case that is enough to cause a sensation in the entire Jiangnan Road, but no famous arrester would have imagined that the one who did it would be a weak girl under 15 years old.

After Jiang Yuyan buried her mother, she decided to find her biological father. She didn't want to live alone in this world. That... would be too painful.

It's just that Jiang Yuyan doesn't know the dangers of Jianghu after all, and she doesn't have much experience in Jianghu.In the process of finding his father, he was followed by people from Yunlai Pavilion.

It's ridiculous to say that the guards of Yunlai Pavilion are even better than the servants of the county government. This is the first time Jiang Yuyan knows that there are still masters who can smash wooden sticks with one palm.

She couldn't escape, so she pretended to be a snake and observed secretly. It was about two years before she came out of the cabinet as an oiran, and she still had time.

Since her mother was born as a prostitute before, she has a strong foundation in the skills of piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and female celebrities. She can learn the teachings of Yunlai Pavilion almost quickly, and she is also lively and active in dancing. Nice talent.

The madam was delighted, looking into her eyes as if she were looking at glittering gold.

It is also necessary to warm up for the oiran to leave the court, so at the age of 16, she will be called to receive guests from time to time. This reception is simply to recite poems and compose with some romantic sons to expand her popularity.

Gradually, Jiang Yuyan's reputation as an oiran became more and more popular, and the old bustard began to teach her how to serve men when she thought it was about the same time, and Jiang Yuyan also knew that the time had come...

During these years in Yunlai Pavilion, Jiang Yuyan has seen many times the way the old bustard deals with idiots and resentful women, so she found a smooth-talking Mr. Li to pretend to be in love, so that when the guards went to break his legs, the people in Yunlai Pavilion There will be a shortage of hands.

Then he hid the rope and men's clothes in advance in the flower room. The clothes belonged to Mr. Li. Once when he was drunk, he kindly said that he would help Mr. Li clean it, so he kept it.

The whole plan has been rehearsed in Jiang Yuyan's mind many times. It can be said that all kinds of emergencies have been thought of, and when it is implemented, it is quite smooth.When everyone went out to look for it, Jiang Yuyan mingled with the group of guests who had left and left Yunlai Pavilion.


Zuo Zhou patted his stomach, and walked forward with a look of fullness, "The food in Yunlai Pavilion is quite delicious, but it's a pity that the boss is not very good at being a man."

An Yunshan laughed and said: "What the general said is very true, but it's just a place for fireworks, but it doesn't deserve such delicious food."

Jiang Biehe agreed, "The two adults are right, she is not worthy of being a human being."

Good guy, what you mean is still progressive!Wu Qing and the others rolled their eyes at the same time, the three old Yinbis!
At this moment, the street that was supposed to be calm suddenly became lively, and the strong men and teenagers began to search for something all over the street.When they passed by, they still looked at them, especially Zuo Zhou, Jiang Xiaoyu, Jian Chen and Wuqing. They wanted to fix their eyes on them.

Hey I am short tempered! "Look at your father!"

Zuo Zhou's angry shout did not attract any attention, because there was a shout not far away, and everyone rushed over there.

This is a bit curious, Zuo Zhou followed up with his hands behind his hands at a really slow pace, and everyone naturally followed, but it was fun to see from a distance.

Yo, isn't this the oiran just now?

At this time, Jiang Yuyan's hair was disheveled, and her originally neat young master's long gown was also a little twisted and messed up. She missed a little bit after all calculations, and the two wealthy customers who bought her first night couldn't wait to come out and found her.

What's even more embarrassing is that those two tycoons are not only powerful in martial arts, but also have many subordinates. No matter how she hides, they still find her out.

"Little bitch, my mother has raised you for so many years, and you just repay me like this? Alright, if you don't want to eat the soft ones, I'll let you try my tricks!" He almost stuck out his tongue. After taking a few breaths, he took out a bottle of pills from his bosom, poured out one and gave it to Jiang Yuyan to swallow.

call out!Snapped!
Forced into prostitution in the street?This is interesting, there are several adults standing beside you, how dare you be so blatant?

It was Wu Qing who shot, a stone hit the back of the old bustard's hand under the control of mental power, the medicine bottle and pills fell, and entered Wu Wuqing's hands before they hit the ground.

"This is evidence, take it well." Zuo Zhou smiled, and then looked at the bustard expectantly.

The old bustard was stunned for a moment before he found out how many people there were. He saluted embarrassingly and came to the crowd to make amends and said with a smile: "It turned out to be some adults, but the little one was really blind and offended everyone."

Zuo Zhou pointed at the oiran, "What's the matter? Isn't this your oiran? Why does it seem so reluctant?"

"Uh, dare to ask my lord?"

An Yunshan coughed lightly and snorted: "This is Li Yuanfang, General Li, who came here from the imperial capital to perform official duties!"

The old bustard felt a little regretful when she heard that, what a shame, an official from the imperial capital!I wouldn't be greedy for the 3 taels before I knew it.

"This villain has eyes that don't recognize Mount Tai, so I hope you don't blame me."

"General Li asked you what's going on, tell me quickly!" Jiang Biehe had already seen her displeased, so he cut off his drink and used up all his energy, directly yelling at the old bustard until his complexion turned pale.

(End of this chapter)

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