Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 268

Chapter 268
This is the first time Jiang Yuyan has stepped into the gate of the Jiang family. She has never seen such a big house in her life. Speaking of which, the city lord's mansion in Anqing City, that is, the county government, is probably not so big, but it's okay to think about it. Well, An Yunshan is a serious official after all, so he definitely can't be so blatant, even if he is richer than Jiang Biehe.

"Is this where I'm going to live in the future?"

"Come on, I'll take you to see your room. I have asked the servants to come back and clean up first, and they will live next to me." Jiang Yufeng is very concerned about this sister. Speaking of which, she is in this house. Very lonely, how should I put it?It's not that my brother's father treated him badly, it's just that there are some disagreements. Besides, boys and girls don't always play together. Now it's all right. This younger sister gave her a happy feeling of "someone playing house with me" in the future.

Jiang Yuyan let Jiang Yufeng lead them all the way to the backyard. The rockery, artificial lake and other landscapes opened her eyes. It turned out that rich people would dig a pond in the yard to raise fish instead of growing vegetables.

"Oh, Miss Jiang is back, huh? This is..."

From a distance, she saw a man with a gentle and honest temperament, and a square face. Based on Jiang Yuyan's experience in seeing people in Yunlai Pavilion, she could be sure that he was a man who was not attracted by beauty.

Well, what kind of experience can Yunlai Pavilion have in judging people, it is nothing more than judging whether a man is lewd or not, no, it should be said to see whether a man will lose his mind because of his beauty.

Tie Shou glanced at Jiang Yuyan in surprise, "This lady is..."

"This is my sister. She was separated from her father before, and she just got back today." Jiang Yufeng smiled happily, without saying anything extra.

This undoubtedly made Jiang Yuyan have a good impression of her. Although this kind of thing cannot be concealed, but not mentioning it is to take care of her feelings.

Tie Shou was slightly surprised, but still congratulated lightly, and then said: "Miss Jiang, please do what you want, I just heard the voice and came to take a look, you know what our duty is."

"Brother Iron Hand has worked hard." Jiang Yufeng smiled and pulled Jiang Yuyan to continue walking.

"Sister, who is that person?"

Jiang Yufeng replied casually without looking back: "That's General Li's friend. They have an imperial decree to escort the princess to the Jiangnan Dao camp, but because of some accidents they stayed at home temporarily. When the princess comes later, they It will leave, oh yes, there is still a very vicious murderer imprisoned behind, don't go close, it's very dangerous."


Jiang Yuyan nodded obediently, she did not show even the slightest curiosity.This made Jiang Yufeng very satisfied. This younger sister was not only smart but also very obedient. As a person in the Jianghu, Jiang Yufeng knew too well the truth that curiosity killed people.

"Okay, you are also very tired today, rest first, there are some distinguished guests at home, don't wander around, just wait for my sister to take you to get to know them tomorrow. They are all very kind people!"

"Who are you talking about being kind? Why are you so rude!"

Jiang Yufeng smiled awkwardly, and turned around to see the most rude person among the guests, "Mr. Xuanyuan, you haven't slept yet!"

Xuanyuan Sanguang's face was ugly, "Where's Xiao Yuer? Why don't you come back to practice, when will this month be exhausted!"

"Uh, he has business to do with General Li, so he might have to come back later." Jiang Yufeng knew this character well, so she must not offend him, otherwise she would have to bet against you.

"Sister, this... hero is..."

"Huh? The little girl said who is a hero, you are a hero, and your whole family is a hero!" Xuanyuan Sanguang stared angrily.

Jiang Yuyan was startled, she could hear her so softly?

Jiang Yufeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and at the same time explained in a low voice, "Mr. Xuanyuan is a master, he can hear you even if you whisper it."

Jiang Yuyan is so smart, although Jiang Yufeng is explaining on the surface, but she only said that Xuanyuan Sanguang is a master and not a hero, that is to say, this person is not a kind person.

Seeing that she stopped talking, Xuanyuan Sanguang looked again and realized that she didn't recognize her, "Hey, who are you? I haven't seen you before, I'm afraid you're not a spy! Well, you dare to infiltrate Lao Tzu's territory and bet on me Do it, or you won't be able to escape!"


Jiang Yufeng was full of nonsense for a while, not knowing where to start.

Jiang Yuyan was also dumbfounded. Is the life of the Jiang family... so colorful?
"Mr. Xuanyuan is a noble hand. This is my younger sister. She just recognized her ancestors today. She doesn't know martial arts, and she doesn't know how to gamble. How can she be qualified to be a match for Mr. Jiang Yufeng?" Jiang Yufeng flattered.

"Don't talk about those useless things, that Li Yuanfang also said at the beginning that he hated gambling and drugs, but in the end he won me easily, and now I have to urge Xiao Yu'er to practice kung fu every day!" Xuanyuan Sanguang became more and more angry, and once again Looking at Jiang Yuyan, "I haven't gambled for several days, and I have to enjoy whatever I say today. Don't say that I bully you, a junior, you can choose how you want to gamble!"

Jiang Yufeng was a little embarrassed, but Jiang Yuyan's heart moved, and she gently touched her sister, "How did General Li Yuanfang win against him before?"

Jiang Yufeng smiled bitterly, and then told her the process, "I also heard from Brother Tie Shou that General Li is powerful, so there is no reference for you."

Jiang Yuyan nodded but fell into a brief silence. She didn't want to learn anything, but wanted to confirm General Li's intentions. He seemed to want to train that little fish.

Si Ding raised her head, "Yuyan will always follow the order of the master, but if Yuyan decides the method at will, it will be too disadvantageous for the husband. After all, I, Mr. Guan... probably don't know how to embroider!"

Xuanyuan Sanguang is a little confused, are you going to embroider with me?I'm a pure man and I'm here to compete with you in embroidery. Even if I really win, I don't need this face.

Immediately Xuanyuan Sanguang had a good impression of this girl, "You are a kind girl, no matter what, I can't take advantage of you, it's better than something you and I know."

Jiang Yuyan smiled and nodded, "Mr. Yiyi like this, um... I wonder if Mr. Yi knows how to play chess?"

"Playing chess?" Xuanyuan Sanguang looked at her strangely, "You learn from famous masters?"

Jiang Yuyan shook her head, "I have learned from my mother, and I have never hired another famous teacher."

"Alright, it's up to you!" Xuanyuan Sanguang disappeared in a flash, and when he came back, he had an extra chessboard in his hand.

The two found a table and sat opposite each other, and Jiang Yufeng stood aside as a witness with some worry. She was very worried, and the ghost knew what exorbitant demands this Xuanyuan Sanguang would make if he won.

Go is considered an elegant game in any country, so if you understand the simple rules, even ordinary people know a thing or two.However, Jiang Yufeng and Xuanyuan Sanguang didn't think Jiang Yuyan was very good at chess.

Jiang Yuyan's chess skill is indeed not high, but it is not bad among ordinary people. After all, her mother was an oiran back then, otherwise she would not have been favored by Jiang Biehe.This piano, chess, calligraphy and painting can also be said to be proficient in everything. As a mother, she naturally taught her daughter all the skills.

But there is no way to win Xuanyuan Sanguang just by relying on this kind of chess skills. However, Jiang Yuyan can understand from simple contact that Xuanyuan Sanguang is impatient. It's long, and Xuanyuan Sanguang will be able to make Xuanyuan Sanguang restless in the end.

So, after an hour, Jiang Yufeng yawned. She felt that she looked up to her younger sister. This chess skill is simply amazing. During the whole process, every step was as fast as 3 minutes or as slow as 7 minutes. .And no matter what kind of skill Xuanyuan Sanguang played, she could drag her into a state of no nourishment.It's like filling all the dots on the chessboard one by one, otherwise I will never give up!

Xuanyuan Sanguang is also a little bit angry. When your mother taught you how to play chess, she taught you how to annoy people.

Just like that, there were fewer and fewer places to play on the chessboard. Jiang Yuyan circled and circled like building a city wall, Xuanyuan Sanguang rolled her eyes.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer empty spaces on the chessboard, Xuanyuan Sanguang is becoming more and more bored. If he continues to play like this, he may win one or two eyes in the end, boring, tired, destroy it, hurry up.

However, after a few more blows, Xuanyuan Sanguang suddenly became excited, huh?
There is a saying in Go that there is a grass belly with golden corners and silver borders. Right now, there is only a small corner left on the board, but just as it was about to end, Jiang Yuyan's style changed to become aggressive. reacted.


This last corner is the space Jiang Yuyan left for each other to fight each other. One side has planned it for a long time, and the other side has become careless. Even if Jiang Yuyan's chess skills are really not as good as Xuanyuan Sanguang, she has a slight advantage in such a narrow place. Even if Xuanyuan Sanguang has the strength to reverse the defeat, it is too late to use it.

In the end, Jiang Yuyan won by one and a half eyes!

"Win, yeah!" Jiang Yufeng jumped up happily, and lost the respect she had for Xuanyuan Sanguang before. You can't even win my sister, and you still put on this pretense, isn't it appropriate!

Xuanyuan Sanguang's face was not so ugly, and he glanced at the chessboard meaningfully. He didn't lose in chess skills, but in people's hearts.

"Willing to admit defeat, um, it's a novel experience. What do you want? Just ask, I, Xuanyuan Sanguang, have very good gambling products!"

Jiang Yuyan's smile was sweet and beautiful, so beautiful that even Jiang Yufeng beside her was stunned for a moment, only then did she realize the beauty of her younger sister.

"It's a junior's honor to show respect to the seniors and play chess with the juniors. Besides, I just recognized my ancestors and returned to the clan. I think my life is complete, and I have nothing to ask for. Let's forget about this game."

"That can't be done! It's my credo in life to bet and admit defeat, you're challenging my bottom line!" Xuanyuan Sanguang stood up abruptly, looking as if he was about to flip the table.

Jiang Yuyan looked embarrassed, so she said: "In this case... then... double the bet that senior lost last time."

(End of this chapter)

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