Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 269 Good guy, it's useless to learn something

Chapter 269 Good guy, it's useless to learn something

Such crisp, burning pain made Jiang Yuyan's ears buzzing, and she fell to the ground weakly. Even if she didn't lift her face up or look in the mirror, she knew that her beautiful face must be red and swollen.

"Who told you to make this bet with Xuanyuan Sanguang casually? Not only did you make me feel ashamed in front of General Li, you even dared to... disobedient!"

Jiang Biehe is angry, he lost face in front of General Li and An Yunshan today, and was thinking about how to make up for his impression in front of Li Yuanfang, but he added another sentence to Xiao Yuer's sentence after hearing what this evil bastard said. moon.I want to help Hua Wuque kill Xiao Yuer in the future, what is this now?Helping Xiao Yuer become stronger is not against my father!

"My daughter is ignorant, and my father is angry. You can beat her or scold her if you want, but don't drive her away. My are the only relative!" Jiang Yuyan threw herself at Jiang Biehe's feet enduring the pain. , raised his head tearfully, his pitiful look made Jiang Biehe's heart soften for a moment.

"Forget it, I shouldn't expect anything from you." Jiang Biehe shook his head and sighed, her mother is a prostitute, what else can she expect except for a good appearance?

"Forget it, I'll let you off this time. Just remember, the world is dangerous. You should be cautious in your words and deeds. If someone uses you to threaten your father in the future, you should kill yourself to avoid being humiliated."

Jiang Yuyan hugged Jiang Biehe's feet and her eyes trembled, but her hands became tighter and tighter. Jiang Biehe kicked him away, turned around and sat on the chair, "If you have nothing to do, learn more from your sister and restrain your wild nature. Well, there are distinguished guests at home now, since you have learned how to serve people in Yunlai Pavilion, then go to entertain General Li, remember, you must serve well, if you offend General Li, I will take your skin off! "

"Yes, my daughter must be careful!"

"If you don't go down, remember to cover up the wound on your face."


Jiang Yuyan retreated with a low eyebrow, but Jiang Biehe's anger has not dissipated. None of these children can rest easy.

Originally, he wanted to give Jiang Yufeng to Li Yuanfang, but found that his daughter was beautiful, but she didn't seem to be Li Yuanfang's favorite. After finally finding out that Li Yuanfang seemed to be interested in this cheap daughter, it spoiled his business before giving it away.

Not long ago, during the task of eliminating the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce, Jiang Biehe wanted to show Jiang Yulang's face, so he helped him stop the task of copying Yunlai Pavilion.Li Yuanfang agreed, saying that it was for young people to exercise.

Who knew that Jiang Yulang sent Wei Xiaobao after copying the whole thing, good fellow, that boy who looked ordinary before found three traps as soon as he came, Jiang Biehe blushed really embarrassingly.


Zuo Zhou is back, Wei Xiaobao is definitely a professional in house raiding, especially from the Yichun Academy, he knows the secrets of the prostitute's hiding things, so he easily found the black account of Yunlai Pavilion.This made the whole quarrel completely legal.

To his surprise, this Yunlai Pavilion had done many population transactions with the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce, and the requirements of the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce were also very simple, all of them had to be virgins.

This condition is actually not harsh, but it seems very wrong.

This is not Zuo Zhou's era, most women don't care about the first time, but here women place great importance on chastity, so virgins are easy to find.In this case, even practicing the evil art of harvesting yin and nourishing yang will definitely have requirements for appearance and figure.

And Xianghong Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce's large-scale situation, regardless of beauty or ugliness, is too weird. I'm afraid it's not as simple as the general method of harvesting and nourishing exercises, and it may have other functions.

However, he does not need to think about these things for the time being. The evidence he found this time is a solid evidence of the illegal behavior of the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce. After a while, it will be reported to the court, and the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce will be banned. At that time, its wealth will still belong to the state. .

"My lord, this is a gift from An Yunshan."

Zuo Zhou was thinking, when suddenly You Ruo knocked on the door and said, a palm-sized gift box was handed over to Zuo Zhou.Zuo Zhou was a little surprised, he waved his hand to make You Ruo retreat, while he opened it cautiously and steadily.

There are no organs inside, just a few contracts.

The content is very interesting. An Yunshan's son established a chamber of commerce, called the God of Wealth Chamber of Commerce. Tomorrow, General Li Yuanfang will invite General Li Yuanfang to cut the ribbon and give him half of the shares...

"Bribe! This is Hong Guoguo's bribe! Who doesn't know that I, Li Yuanfang, am upright, it's too disgusting!"

Zuo Zhou cursed angrily, then carefully stuffed the box into the bag and put it away. This is all evidence!

If the God of Wealth Chamber of Commerce was run by An Jia themselves, they wouldn't easily give Zuo Zhou shares. It's just that this Chamber of Commerce is completely robbing the foundation of the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce, and it is developing by absorbing the bone marrow of the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce. The shares pulled him into the occupation.

Hehe, starting to make money without doing anything is a bit sweet.

Of course, risks and opportunities coexist, as long as the God of Wealth Chamber of Commerce does not do anything that breaks the bottom line, then he doesn't mind playing the game of collusion between government and business.

"What are you here for?"

"My father asked me to bring some pastries to the general."

There was a question and an answer coming from outside, the voice was quite familiar, it was obviously You Ruo who stopped Jiang Yuyan.

"Let her in."

Zuo Zhou was in a bit of a dilemma, he didn't know Jiang Biehe's intentions, but if you want to send it away, send it to Jiang Yufeng, don't you think I'm going to take the bait!
This Jiang Yuyan is really hard to touch. If you ruin her innocence, she will probably remember you for the rest of her life, and this kind of remembering is probably not a good thing.No, be confident, [-]% will not be a good thing.

Jiang Yuyan pushed the door open and slowly put the cakes on the table, and took a step back obediently, "If the general has any orders in the future, please tell Yuyan directly, I'm afraid the servants are clumsy and can't serve you well."

Zuo Zhou nodded, but he saw the problem at a glance. Jiang Yuyan is also good at makeup, but it is not so easy to use cosmetics to reduce the redness and swelling.

Zuo Zhou immediately sprayed Jiang Biehe with scolding blood. Is this old Jiang looking for death?Your daughter is obviously still alive, but this frequent beating and scolding is not forcing her to blacken her.

"Ahem, did you make your father angry?"

Jiang Yuyan's tender body trembled, and she lowered her head, "General, it's because Yuyan is not good at making daddy angry, so please don't say anything because of it, Yuyan is not worth it."

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, "Your father said he was a Jiangnan hero, but he is actually a treacherous villain, and he has other influences behind his back, so this is not a good place. I will give you a chance now, and follow me in the future. As you can see, You Ruo doesn't know how to take care of people at all, and I just lack a housekeeper role, are you interested? If you nod, I'll ask Jiang Biehe for you!"

Jiang Yuyan was confused, why is this different from what she thought?
At a time like this, shouldn't a normal person try to persuade her, say something nice about her father, and be a peacemaker to ease the relationship between her and Jiang Biehe?Why did she just say 'Your father is a villain', how did she answer it?
Zuo Zhou said again: "Your problem is that you think too much. You don't need to think so much at this time. You just need to ask your heart, where do you want to stay, and where do you think it's better to stay."

Jiang Yuyan raised her head. This was a habit she developed in Yunlai Pavilion. To judge whether a man has malicious intentions, all she needs to do is look into his eyes.

At this time, Zuo Zhou's eyes were pure and shining, she had never seen such pure eyes in her life, there was no evil thoughts, only sincerity.

For a moment, Jiang Yuyan really had an impulse to agree, but reason prevailed again. This is the advantage of all intelligent people, but it is also a disadvantage. Sometimes, it is better to rely on intuition.It's just a pity that her experience from childhood to adulthood taught her a bloody lesson.Don't be willful, don't be impulsive, be rational!

Let's not talk about Jiang Biehe, he is her father after all, it's just that they don't know each other yet, after a while, she believes that she can be loved by her father.

But Li Yuanfang was different. He had a noble status, lived in a complicated environment, and was surrounded by beautiful women. Even if she felt that she was not inferior to anyone else, she was not outstanding.In this way, if it cannot be special, it will inevitably become ordinary.

In addition, the daughter of a Jiangnan hero and General Li... who is that woman?Jiang Yuyan turned her head and glanced at You Ruo outside, maid?attendant?or something else?
No matter what it is, can this identity give me a happy future?It seems impossible!

Zuo Zhou stared at Jiang Yuyan's movements, and knew the answer when she turned her head to peek at You Ruo.

Sometimes fate is like this, he gives a choice, although this choice seems unreliable, but it is often a better future.At least, it's better than staying by Jiang Biehe's side.

Hehe, Jiang Biehe, Jiangqin who betrayed his master in the past, the lackey of the Demon Sect, Xiao Yuer and Hua Wuque's enemies, if only these two enemies are the only ones, don't forget, Yan Nantian is still alive, And when he comes out again, he will be a great success in the wedding dress. In the past, he was in the realm of a master.

Do you have any future with such a father?
Zuo Zhou sighed inwardly, well, these are the future of the original work, who knows what will happen now.Maybe Yanhuang can work hard to create a future.

In fact, Zuo Zhou had an idea when he watched the peerless twins, the most important thing for Xiao Yuer to do in the world is not to cause trouble, but to accumulate strength secretly, and then wait for Yan Nantian to come out, lie down and win!
But it wouldn't be much fun in that case.

"Blood dissolves in water. After all, they are your own father and daughter. Just pretend I didn't say what I said today." Zuo Zhou didn't care. "I don't need anyone to serve me here, so go back."

Jiang Yuyan paused for a moment, her expression changed to a miserable one, "If Yuyan goes back like this, she will definitely be scolded by her father, the general will give Yuyan some work, Yuyan can endure hardship and can do anything. "

Zuo Zhou didn't believe this expression at all, and asked directly: "Then... what do you know?"

Jiang Yuyan replied: "Yuyan knows a lot about piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, dancing, tea ceremony, embroidery, and cooking. She can always help the general."

Zuo Zhou clicked his tongue twice, and shook his head with a look of disgust, "Good guy, you don't know anything useful!"

Jiang Yuyan (⊙_⊙)?
You Ruo (⊙_⊙)?
Jiang Xiaoyu (⊙_⊙)?
Zuo Zhou looked at the confused Jiang Xiaoyu outside, "Why are you here?"

"I just came here to see who is cheating on me!" Jiang Xiaoyu staggered into the room, and put a face directly in front of Jiang Yuyan, almost touching the tip of his nose.

Jiang Yuyan was still in a state of deep self-doubt, but was suddenly frightened and fell back when Jiang Xiaoyu interrupted her body. She was sure that if this happened outside, countless young masters would reach out and hug him.

But good guy, neither of these two moved. Zuo Zhou ate a piece of pastry lightly, and Jiang Xiaoyu seemed to be looking forward to it when his eyes widened.


Jiang Yuyan's butt hurt from the fall, and she glared at Jiang Xiaoyu angrily.

Zuo Zhou shook his head, "Youruo, come in."

You Ruo came in and subconsciously went to help Jiang Yuyan, but suddenly saw Zuo Zhou throwing a chair over.You Ruo was startled, and landed on an iron bridge, then a backflip, "What are you doing?"

Zuo Zhou ignored her, just looked at Jiang Yuyan, "You saw the same thing, she can land steadily, but you can only sit on the ground."

"But...but I haven't learned martial arts before!"

"But my enemies don't care if you know martial arts or not. Although You Ruo can't sing, dance, embroider and cook, she can stand firmly when the enemy attacks, and can dodge and fight back. And you , you can only sit on the ground and wait for the enemy to hand you a sword to take your life." Zuo Zhou shook his head again, "Go back, tell Jiang Biehe these words, he will not let you come here again."

The word "send" was like a basin of ice water poured on Jiang Yuyan's head. She actually knew what Jiang Biehe meant a long time ago. Since she pretended to be obedient and came here simply, she might not have no idea.

After all, after becoming the daughter of a hero, her identity is settled, and she should fight for her own happiness.Her mother's past education was that she must find a good man to marry.In Jiang Yuyan's concept, a man can be obsessed with himself, but he must not delay his career because of female sex.Li Yuanfang was undoubtedly a good match, but things seemed not as simple as she thought.

The so-called ability in the past was looked down upon by others, the status of the daughter of a hero was looked down upon by others, and her looks didn't seem to be dominant, so what was left of her?
Besides, everyone knew that she was 'sent' here by Jiang Biehe, a word 'send', how humble!

Why would such a man let himself get it?
Jiang Yuyan's eyes dimmed, and she no longer had the delicate and pitiful look she had before, nor did she have the vitality of escaping from Yunlai Pavilion. Although her expression was numb, she still bowed slightly and left in a courteous and thoughtful manner.

Jiang Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I feel that I am more handsome than you, why is no one so eager to throw himself into my arms?"

"You don't have to say you are handsome, you need others to judge you." Zuo Zhou glanced at You Ruo, "Tell me, who is handsome among us?"

You Ruo said decisively, "Of course it's the general!" If my father hadn't entered the Dali Temple, I wouldn't have paid any attention to you, you bastard!
(End of this chapter)

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