Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 270 Is it the Beggar Gang?

Chapter 270 Is it the Beggar Gang?
Jiang Xiaoyu put away his gloating expression, and turned to look at Zuo Zhou with some complaints.

"Let's not argue about whether you are handsome or not for the time being. I just want to know how to settle this account?"

Zuo Zhou tilted his head in confusion, "Which account are you referring to?"

Jiang Xiaoyu leaned back, "How many times have you tricked me?"

"What do you mean, when did I cheat you?"

"It's a trick this time!" Jiang Xiaoyu said and nodded his back with his thumb, "The one who just went out won Xuanyuan Sanguang just to please you, so he extended our bet for a month! One Moon, how am I going to live?"

Zuo Zhou was not surprised, Jiang Yuyan still has a little bit of skill in dealing with people, it's one thing to show kindness without repaying it, but it's another thing to let the other party know that you've done it.The same is true of flattery, silent but let people feel your flattery, it is more sincere than blatant flattery.

"So you targeted her just now?"

"Where did I target her? Since she uses me to curry favor with you, can't I give her some face?"

Zuo Zhou didn't say anything more. If you show her face like this, isn't it equivalent to telling me that she is flattering me secretly!It seems that the Valley of the Wicked does not teach small skills in dealing with people, and intelligence alone cannot make up for the experience in dealing with people.

But thinking about it is right, if those so-called villains really understood this, they wouldn't sneak into the Valley of the Wicked to keep warm.

"Don't say this in advance, you came to me, is it because I asked you to make progress?"

Jiang Xiaoyu nodded, sat down at the table carelessly, picked up the pastry and took a bite, "I observed carefully for a while, and found that there is really no problem with the servants of Jiang Biehe's mansion. However, the surveillance outside the yard There will be more people."

"Too many? So there are more than one group?"

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised. Ever since he came to Anqing City, he secretly gave Jiang Xiaoyu a task, which was to observe secretly to see if anyone was following them.Of course, Jiang Xiaoyu is very skinny, so he is willing to help easily, but Zuo Zhou can easily drive him by exchanging some information.

"There are a lot of people in one group, and they seem to have kung fu, but they are all young people like you and me. The other group is definitely unexpected to you. Hehe, it's a group of beggars!"

Zuo Zhou froze for a moment, this a big negligence!

Coming back from Jiannan Road and then coming to Jiangnan Road, Zuo Zhou had a lot of doubts along the way. This Azure Dragon Club seems to have a sense of omniscient vision. Now it is not an online world. How can you be able to grasp it all the time? Where are we?
But this feeling stopped for a while before, that is, on the way when he escorted Qingping to Muming Town, Qinglonghui didn't know how many of them had killed the Twelve Astrology and the Twelve Demons of Tianchi.So is there anything special this time?In addition to being able to rule out that Jian Chen and the others are not the Azure Dragon Society, it seems that Zuo Zhou can only breathe a sigh of relief. At least the so-called intelligence methods of the Azure Dragon Society still focus on people, rather than some supernatural and incomprehensible means.

At the beginning, Zuo Zhou also had some doubts. He had obtained a lot of information from Zhan Zhao, Lu Xiaofeng, and many exiles.From the identities of these dragon heads, he can actually roughly infer the time when the green dragon will appear.And at this time, there are many intelligence organizations hiding in the dark, but there is only one Bai Xiaosheng who can know your whereabouts silently!

This organization has been lonely for a long time, and it is not even sure whether it exists or not. The fundamental reason is that the various weapon lists and magical skill lists compiled by it have become jokes. After all, the arrival of exiles has made the world The magical power of the gods is no longer exclusive to a certain family or sect.

Take Liu Liqin's Six Meridians Excalibur Zhong Chongjian as an example, she was lucky enough to be able to get the remnants of the unique skills, which made the Six Meridians Excalibur no longer exclusive to the Daqin royal family and the Dali Duan family.Coupled with the special nature of the exiles, who knows if they will be merged into other unique skills in the future, how can Bai Xiaosheng create various lists?

This is like a certain blog building an annual popularity list. It is obvious that another person is number one, but everyone knows that he is not worthy. If there is no credibility, who will take your list seriously in the future?The list has lost its credibility, so no one will trust Bai Xiaosheng's intelligence ability anymore.

Therefore, Bai Xiaosheng's organization collapsed almost overnight.However, when the organization collapsed, those intelligence channels may not disappear, and that time happened to be the time when Qinglong would rise, so Zuo Zhou associated the two together.

But Jiang Xiaoyu's words reminded Zuo Zhou that he had really neglected one thing. The only time the Azure Dragon Society didn't get the information seemed to be in the wild, so the information force of the Azure Dragon Society was all in the city.

This sounds like nonsense, but it just shows the power of intelligence. Just imagine, you know what happened in all cities. Doesn’t that mean that all cities have your manpower, and every detail shows that there are still many people. .Does that fit a lot?
Not much at all!

Zuo Zhou shook his head and smiled wryly, never thinking that he would make such a low-level mistake.

The unknown is always fearful, and when Bai Xiaosheng's organization disappeared, he subconsciously felt that this organization was powerful, even a little demonized.Sure enough, people cannot live by reasoning alone, and the evidence is the evil spirit who drives reasoning to the back alley.Either you die silently in the dark, or turn into a ghost that is more ferocious than a ghost!

It perfectly meets all the conditions, and beggars are almost the standard equipment in all cities in this era, and no one will pay attention to those guys who have no sense of existence.

However, Zuo Zhou became a little embarrassed for a while. The organization of the Beggar Gang is too loose and too fluid. Unless Daqin completely eradicates poverty, it is impossible to completely ban it.And even though the Beggars' Gang is sending information to the Qinglong Society, you can't say that the Beggars' Gang belongs to the Qinglong Society, and you can't say that the leader of the Beggars' Society is the dragon head or the big leader. What if the Beggars' Gang is just a long-term partner of the Qinglong Society?Selling information for a living seems to be no surprise.

Rubbing his temples in annoyance, Wei Jinzhong, Shangguan Jinhong, Yang Wenguang, Yang Dingtian, someone from the Western Regions, someone in charge of intelligence who may be from the Beggar Gang, someone who has no clues, the seven dragon heads gradually became clear.Coupled with the fact that it must be the leader of someone in the imperial court, the structure of the Azure Dragon Society is about to take shape and stand out.

Jiang Xiaoyu didn't notice that Zuo Zhou thought so much for a moment, and continued: "I disguised myself as a beggar before and sneaked in among them, and I also found the sub-helm of the beggar gang in Anqing City. Dragon guy."


What the hell is an acquaintance, in fact, Zuo Zhou can remember this name thanks to the woman in the yellow shirt in "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji", although she didn't appear on the stage for a long time, but she has a deep memory, and I know that there is such a leader in the beggar gang, and his daughter After that, Shi Hongshi also became the gang leader.

Well, about the beggar gang, it has been mainly described in Jin Daxia's book, and it can be said to run through the entire series.From Wang Jiantong, Qiao Feng, and You Tanzhi at the beginning, to Hong Qigong, Huang Rong, Lu Youjiao, Yeluqi, and Shi Huolong and Shi Hongshi later, the gang leaders are really inferior to each other.

And because of the different gang leaders, the momentum of the Beggar Gang is also different. When it is strong, anyone who mentions expelling the Tartars will give a thumbs up. When it is weak, no one takes it seriously, and even follows the Mingjiao.In comparison, Shaolin has a long history, but it has almost always been the Taishan Beidou of martial arts.The reason is that Shaolin mainly wants to promote Buddhism, but the beggar gang does not have a unified corporate culture.

It is estimated that Daqin has not paid much attention to the beggar gang for this reason. The beggar gang itself does not even have a decent slogan.And there is also a problem with the inheritance of their skills. The dog-beating stick method can only be learned by helping the master, and the subduing dragon palm method will not be taught unless they have made great achievements.Besides, the beggar gang doesn't have much opportunity to make meritorious deeds nowadays, and the so-called masters of the beggar gang all bring their skills into the gang, and each of them is extremely complicated. They are almost equating with extremist organizations.

It seems that they are very united, but in fact they do not have the qualifications to take the lead in making troubles in the arena.But if they are really related to the Azure Dragon Society... then they need to be taken seriously.

"Forget it, I'll go meet this Shi Huolong."

Zuo Zhou stood up while talking, but saw Jiang Xiaoyu swaying in the middle, "Wait a minute, I've found the problem for you, shouldn't you tell me something that interests me."

"Oh, you have a brother."

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaoyu was confused.

"Your brother was adopted and taught since he was a child, and he is going to kill you. I guess you will understand when you see it. After all, even if the twins are no longer alike, they still have similarities. Whoever has no grudge against you will kill you later. That's your brother."

"..." Jiang Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, "Your information is a bit outrageous, let me take it did you know?"

"I killed so many zodiac signs, so of course I can know some different information."

"Why didn't they know about Wuqing? They seemed to be there when you killed the Twelve Astrology." Jiang Xiaoyu looked suspicious.

"They're stupid."

"But I always feel that you are fooling me."

"You are so shrewd, how could I have fooled you?" Zuo Zhou said sincerely.

"Then why are you telling me these things now? Just to make a deal with me? Even if I don't look for the beggar gang, you will find out later."

"I'm doing this for your own good. Let me tell you first, so you can prepare in advance. In this way, you will be the elder brother, and he will be the younger brother."

Jiang Xiaoyu was confused, was it because of this?Uh, I thank you!


At the same time, An Yunshan returned to the county government office. Looking at the information obtained through forced confession, he sighed a long time, and walked slowly to a certain corner of the backyard he wanted.

"Have you contacted the other dragon heads?"

A voice came softly from outside the courtyard wall, "The sub-directors accidentally discovered Xue Xiaoren's spies, and I would like to thank you. If you hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known that Xue Xiaoren was from the Azure Dragon Society."

(End of this chapter)

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