Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 271 Shi Hongshi

Chapter 271 Shi Hongshi

At this moment, An Yunshan seemed to have aged a few years all of a sudden, he stretched out his hand and slowly stroked the courtyard wall, as if it was the cheek of his former lover, so carefully.

"Really? You really decided?"

When the voice outside heard An Yunshan's question, he was no longer as determined as before. After a while, he sighed: "I have been listening to you, and I have been waiting. Three years later, three years later, three years later. It will still be three years later, ten years already! Do you know how I have spent these ten years?"

An Yunshan let out a long sigh, as if he was still unwilling, " should know that although we are both members of the Azure Dragon Club, we are not the same as Da Longtou."

"I know, but take a look at what the Ming country looks like today? What do you think our current lurking will be useful for such a country?" The voice outside paused and said, "You and I will fight side by side together soon!" For 30 years, from the Song Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, every time we seem to be able to realize our ambitions, there will always be accidents and everything will be lost. We... are not young!"

An Yunshan slowly condensed his true energy in his hands, silently, but the thickness of the true energy became deeper and deeper, and he seemed to be able to strike out at any time with a slightly bent arm.

"I know." The voice outside continued: "I know, these years you have a family in Daqin, and you have a son in old age, and you have less and less contact with the people below."

An Yunshan paused, "Isn't this good? No one knows our identities, isn't this a good opportunity to clean up? Come and help me, I'm an official now, as long as we are careful, no one will know We used to be members of the Blue Dragon Society."

The voice outside let out a wry smile, "Lao An, we are different, my identity... Wang Jiantong knows."

"..." An Yunshan was stunned for a moment, the zhenqi condensed in his hands had not been released.

"At the beginning, Longshou sent me to sneak into the Beggars' Gang because he knew Wang Jiantong's identity, but Wang Jiantong was not stupid. He never trusted me sincerely, and he never included me under his command. I was a member of the Beggars' Gang. The identity has always been embarrassing, otherwise I wouldn’t have been pushed out to come to Daqin.”

"Lao An, you are luckier than me. You still have options. I have been on a dead end since the beginning!"

An Yunshan sighed, killing intent appeared in his eyes again, but when he was about to make a move, he heard the voice outside the wall: "Old An, I know! Although the lineage of Dalongtou is not the same as ours, but Longshou has not seen it for ten years. The news is over, how many years can I fight at my age? I want to fight again, maybe, the big leader can really fulfill our expectations?"

An Yunshan's eyes were full of struggles, and he persuaded again: "Since you are willing to submit to the leader, why are you unwilling to give Emperor Qin some confidence?"

"Emperor Qin? Hmph, he's already confused. If it was the former one, I'd be willing to surrender to the government. But now, news has come from the palace that he intends to pass the throne to his son Hu Hai! You know this What does it mean?"

There is silence inside and outside the wall, as if even the insects and birds in the middle of the night can feel their bitterness and accompany them quietly.

"This is the last time I'm looking for you, Lao An, I want to fight again, but... I hope you can help me take care of my daughter, you know, the only thing I can't let go of is her. She is here now, you know of."

An Yunshan lowered his head slightly, and what flashed in his mind was a cute little face. He watched the other person grow up.At that moment, the appearance of his own son flashed again. They are both fathers, and their feelings are the same.

The true energy dissipated slowly, and An Yunshan's body was a little bent, let him fight again, he believed in his brother again, even if he was caught, he would not betray himself.


A dilapidated outer wall, with two heads sticking out secretly.

"This is the home of the head of the beggar gang? It seems that there are no guards!" Zuo Zhou looked around and found no hidden secret whistle.

Jiang Xiaoyu rolled his eyes, "Are you stupid? They are beggars, they don't even need any guards at home. Do any plants and trees here belong to them?"

Well, I have to say you have a point.

"Which one is Shi Huolong?"

Jiang Xiaoyu squinted his eyes and searched carefully, then shook his head, "No, but it doesn't matter, have you seen the little girl reading in the back room? That is Shi Huolong's daughter, just 12 years old this year. As long as she is here, then Shi Huolong will definitely come back."

Zuo Zhou was bored, "Then wait..."

Zuo Zhou choked up as he spoke. He found that there was something wrong with the book that the little girl was reading. From his angle, he couldn’t see the whole picture of the book clearly, but he could see a little bit of the words on the book, especially when the little girl was holding a pen. Annotations made in the book.That is, Simplified Chinese!
Hiss, it's really... Well, according to his experience, none of the useful protagonists and supporting roles he knows will be replaced by exiles, but he has never been able to measure the size of this role, after all, the people he meets are also Not too much.What's more, it is even more difficult to judge when there is a fake bright moon.

But now there seems to be a standard, Shi Hongshi, Shi Huolong's daughter, is also the next generation leader of the beggar gang in the original book "Yi Tian Tu Long Ji".Do you think she is important?It doesn't seem to have any effect. When she was in power, she basically followed the lead of the Mingjiao, and even her position as the leader of the beggar gang was only given to her in memory of the former leader.So this level of utility can be an exile?
Zuo Zhou was a little curious, winked at Jiang Xiaoyu, and then quietly jumped to the roof, where the beggars in the courtyard couldn't find them at all.The two people who landed on the roof gently lifted the tiles, and at a glance saw what Shi Hongshi was writing and drawing.

"This seems to be some kind of martial arts?" Jiang Xiaoyu was a little confused, he even understood a little bit of guessing, it seemed to be a very delicate set of stick techniques.

Zuo Zhou could understand it, but he was just patronizing and surprised.

The dog-beating stick method is a unique skill in the list of people. Shi Hongshi stole it from Wang Jiantong, and then deduced and supplemented it with his own intelligence, and achieved the great success of the stick method.

hiss!This exile sister, what a talent!
Can the dog-beating stick technique learned by stealing be completed and restored with one's own knowledge?How did you do it?
Zuo Zhou didn't understand. Logically speaking, even if he had read all the kung fu that he secretly learned, he didn't know the ingenuity of the strength in it, so he could only learn four different things.But Shi Hongshi actually made it up with his own ability, what a talent!

Of course, amazement is nothing but admiration, but the benefits are real. The dog-beating stick method has no supporting internal strength, but it can reach the rank of the list with its moves, which shows its sophistication.But Zuo Zhou was also amazed by it.

Generally speaking, a stick is a blunt weapon, and if you want to exert its power, you need to perform a miracle with great strength.But this dog-beating stick method is a slanted sword, and all moves are dexterous and changeable.

If the method of using the stick is divided into [-]%, then [-]% of it will be vigorous, and the remaining [-]% will be dexterous, and this dog-beating stick method will get the essence of the [-]%.

"Good guy, this stick technique... is full of stimulants, not even a drop of urine!"

"What?" Jiang Xiaoyu didn't hear what Zuo Zhou was muttering.

Just as the two of them were peeking at the little girl, a series of screams suddenly came from outside.

Shocked, Shi Hongshi stuffed the book under the bed, and when he went out, he saw that a dozen men in black had slaughtered all the beggars outside.

Shi Hongshi was stunned, turned around and was about to run, but saw a man in black jumping and landed next to her, raised his legs and swept him, and Shi Hongshi's head hit the ground directly, and he felt dizzy all of a sudden. .

Before she could react, the man in black picked up her collar and jumped out of the courtyard wall.

Zuo Zhou waved out the chain and took back the cheat book under the bed, then raised his head, "Chase!"

"You can chase after him, but you have a share, you can't go all alone!" Jiang Xiaoyu curled his lips, he was either greedy or he couldn't afford it.

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, "You don't like to practice martial arts, so I'm blind for nothing!"

"I like to practice now, don't I?"

"Okay, I'll take a look and give it to you when I get back."

The two flew out of the yard, but fortunately those men in black's lightness skills were not very good, so they could easily keep up.

The crowd quickly left Anqing City, and it took a full hour to rush all the way, and finally arrived at a small village under the jurisdiction of Anqing City.

The village is located near a small river, surrounded by three hills, two of which are large terraced fields, and there are several acres of bamboo forests in the distance.

It can also be called a beautiful scenery.

Those men in black entered the village one after another, showing no intention of betraying them at all, and even greeted passers-by.

"The whole village is probably from the other side!" Jiang Xiaoyu was a little surprised.

Zuo Zhou became more cautious. They hid in the east and began to slowly approach the building in the middle that obviously belonged to the 'village chief's house'.

It's still the roof, or the tiles, but this time the two of them are a lot more careful, because the people talking below are all 'experts'

"Boss, this is Shi Huolong's daughter."

"Very good, let's whip a few whips first, and when Shi Huolong comes, it will make him feel distressed." Xue Xiaoren snorted coldly, not thinking that the little girl was really cute at all.

Vise nodded, but was a little puzzled, "Boss, didn't Shi Huolong say he was willing to help? Isn't it a bit..."

"Hmph, a lost dog that no one wants, and he still wants to meet the big leader! He will die if he dies, what we need is just the information channel in his hand, it doesn't matter if he is there or not."


The man in black took Shi Hongshi down to whip his whip, but Zuo Zhou saw the leader's identity from the sword on his waist at a glance, Xue Xiaoren.

Isn't that a coincidence!

(End of this chapter)

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