Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 272 The Blood of Covetous Beasts

Chapter 272 The Blood of Covetous Beasts
"That girl is going to be whipped, won't you make a move?" Jiang Xiaoyu asked curiously.

Zuo Zhou shook his head, "Be a man, don't be too holy, not only will I not save him, but I will also watch them plot against Shi Huolong!"

Jiang Xiaoyu frowned, "After all, I learned the stick technique from others, isn't that bad?"

"If you think about it this way, why should I feel guilty about the stick technique I learned by stealing it?" Zuo Zhou laughed, "Besides, if I want to kill Xue Xiaoren, I have many chances, but I still have to use him to make sure." One thing. Therefore, you can’t kill him! As for Shi Huolong... Since he is in collusion with the members of the Qinglong Society, he is my enemy. You can’t think that the enemy is worth saving just because he has a lovely daughter! It's not that wives and concubines are in groups and children are in pairs, but can this smooth out the bad things they did?"

Jiang Xiaoyu nodded when he heard the words, but agreed with his point of view, "Since Shi Huolong sent a beggar to monitor you, he must be an enemy. I understand this, but this little girl seems innocent!"

Zuo Zhou looked at Jiang Xiaoyu seriously, "You are still young, and some things are easy to get into a corner. Do you know why there is a lot of talk in the Daqin law? Because the parents of these children get benefits after breaking the law, and the children's relatives also enjoy it. Here we are. So should they be punished? I think they should, but considering that they accepted it passively, the punishment must be lighter. This is why the main culprit was beheaded, while most of the family members were exiled."

Jiang Xiaoyu rolled his eyes, "I was born in the Valley of the Wicked, believe it or not, I study the law better than you!"

Zuo Zhou choked for a moment, well, you are right.

Jiang Xiaoyu said again: "Of course I know the reason for sitting continuously, but look at Shi Hongshi's dirty clothes, how can he seem to have enjoyed it? I'm afraid he didn't enjoy the blessings, so he just endured the hardships!"

Zuo Zhou remained unmoved. If he didn't enjoy the blessings, where could he secretly learn Wang Jiantong's dog-beating stick method?This kind of convenience is not available to ordinary people.

But he didn't refute anything, "If you want to make a move, you can do it, but you can't be discovered by Xue Xiaoren, and I will use him in the future!"

"Wow, you are really embarrassing, but I can't be embarrassing, hum!" Jiang Xiaoyu quietly ran to the backyard, and then slapped the person in charge of the whip with a brick on the back of the head, don't ask where the brick came from.

Then he changed into the man's night clothes, came to the side of the bound Shi Hongshi, and whispered: "Scream! Shout loudly!"

Shi Hongshi was stunned, and then he saw Jiang Xiaoyu swinging his whip and starting to whip the man in black, he reacted instantly, and shouted at the top of his voice, "Ah! It hurts, ah! Don't, ah! No way! Ah! Help!"

Zuo Zhou: "..."

Jiang Xiaoyu: "..."

Xue Xiaoren: "...What are these people doing behind the scenes?"

The vise was a little embarrassed, "This...maybe the brothers have held it in for too long, I think that little girl is also quite cute."

Xue Xiaoren frowned but didn't care, he snorted coldly and said: "According to the time, Shi Huolong should be here soon."

"Boss, he's here!"

A burly figure outside stretched out his hand and pinched the head of a certain unlucky man in black. His five fingers contracted and directly crushed his head.Then Shi Huolong walked out of the shadow step by step, the heavy low pressure seemed to be able to crush the entire village.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhou took a breath of respect and expressed his respect. What the hell is this beggar?This strong man is about to become a green giant!
Well, although it is not really that exaggerated, Shi Huolong's model is indeed too big.He is more than two meters tall, and his arms are waving powerfully. Every time he steps on the floor tiles, cracks will appear.

This is a master who has practiced external skills from the outside to the inside, and he is still in the realm of congenital perfection, only one step away from the master of Renbang.Of course, considering the special external skills, it is estimated that no one will underestimate his attack power.

Shi Huolong's state at this time was just like his name, he was about to burn, a gust of anger seemed to come out of his eyes, and Xue Xiaoren's eyes hurt.

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised. He knew this. It was a technique of eye-killing, which was a technique of conveying killing intent through sight. It could also be regarded as a relatively low-level mental attack technique.It's just that he didn't expect that Shi Huolong, who practiced external skills, would understand it.

The sudden sight obviously stunned Xue Xiaoren for a moment, and when Shi Huolong came back to his senses, Shi Huolong had already slammed into him. If his broad and hard shoulder was hit, even his bones would be broken.But Xue Xiaoren was not in a hurry, he just smiled and said, "Listen!"


Shi Hongshi's screams came from the backyard at the right time, Shi Huolong was about to bump into Xue Xiaoren, but he braked suddenly, his whole face twisted like a ghost.

But Xue Xiaoren made a move, and the long sword that had been hanging around his waist was unsheathed, instantly stabbing one of Shi Huolong's eyes.

"Ah, despicable!"

Shi Huolong staggered back half-kneeling on the ground, the blood gushing out continuously spilled from his fingers.

Xue Xiaoren flicked the long sword in his hand, Zuo Zhou saw that long sword, slender and narrow, almost exactly the same as the red one in the Central Plains.This sword has been prepared for a long time, waiting for an opportunity to attack, but the level of this sword is the same in Zuo Zhou's opinion, far inferior to Xue Yiren.

"I heard that Shi Duozhu's golden bell cover has been practiced to the sixth level. Except for the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, shade, door, etc., it is almost invulnerable. I have no choice but to ask Shi Duozhu to forgive me!"

Shi Hongshi in the backyard was still screaming with all his strength, but it was so painful to Shi Huolong's ears. It was still a child, and he couldn't imagine how these beasts would abuse his daughter.

"Tell them to stop!"

Xue Xiaoren waved his hand, and the vise next to him shouted loudly: "The ones behind, keep your voice down!"

Jiang Xiaoyu's execution ability was very strong. He immediately pulled back the whip, then wiped a lot of blood from the corpse on Shi Hongshi's body and face, and then threw the corpse on the roof.

Seeing this skilled operation, Zuo Zhou couldn't help sighing, he deserved to be from the Valley of the Wicked, and his professional ability is indeed excellent.

The situation in the front yard changed again. Behind Shi Huolong, a lot of men and villagers in black appeared, but as Zuo Zhou had guessed before, these villagers were hidden killers, and they were not holding hoes. But a steel knife.

"Xue Xiaoren! I have voluntarily surrendered, why do you have to force me so hard!"

Xue Xiaoren sighed after hearing the words: "I only blame you for not timing your surrender. I actually didn't get the order from the leader this time. I acted without authorization!"

Shi Huolong was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood that Da Longtou obviously wanted to give up Xue Yiren, but Xue Xiaoren was unwilling, so he brought people over to plan to do something.If Shi Huolong hadn't clamored to see Da Longtou, he would naturally recommend him when things were done, but he couldn't do it now, because once his purpose was exposed, Da Longtou would definitely stop him from rescuing.

"Just because of this? We can discuss it. I'll see you later." The sharp pain in his eyes made him gasp.

Xue Xiaoren shook his head, "You have no right to bargain with me, and I have no interest in paying attention to you, a homeless dog. Tell me all your information channels, and I will spare your father and daughter's lives. Otherwise, I promise you can Watching my own daughter being torn to shreds."

"You... I said, you bring my daughter out first."

Xue Xiaoren waved his hand, and the dog-leg vise shouted, "Bring her out."

Jiang Xiaoyu quickly pushed Shi Hongshi out, Xue Xiaoren didn't look back, "Let's talk now."

Shi Huolong's eyes hurt, and he didn't look carefully at the remaining one eye, but he didn't realize that the bloodstains on his body were all fake.

"You count?"

"You have no right to question me." Xue Xiaoren sneered, that's how awesome it is with hostages in hand.

The murderous aura on Shi Huolong's body weakened, he took out a booklet from his arms and threw it to Xue Xiaoren, and the vise next to him took it for inspection, "Boss, it is indeed a list."

"Very well, then tell me something I don't know."

Shi Huolong said angrily: "What else do you need to know? Your words don't count!"

Xue Xiaoren made a regrettable look, "This is framing me, I always say the same thing, but you are dishonest!"

"I've told you everything!"

"Also! As far as I know, your boss sent you to sneak into the Beggar Gang, and Wang Jiantong sent you to hide in Daqin. Originally, you were supposed to be in the imperial capital. Why did you come to Anqing City now? I'm afraid there are your accomplices in Anqing City." !"

Shi Huolong's remaining eyeballs trembled, "Are you investigating me?"

"It's just a little bit of understanding. After all, it's dangerous for you to take a daughter with you on a latent mission. If you weren't sure that it was absolutely safe here, you wouldn't do anything, would you? Come on, tell me, you're in Anqing City Who is your accomplice?"


Shi Huolong realized that this is a deadly situation!

If he said it, regardless of whether the other party would let them go, just talking about his understanding of An Yunshan, even though he was an old friend for many years, he would definitely kill him.

If he didn't say it, both father and daughter would die today. No, if he could abandon his daughter and break through by himself, he could still run away.But he is unwilling, the ideal is gone, and his daughter is almost the last proof of his stay in the world.

Then there is only one choice left, he dies, his daughter lives, but he can't imagine how much suffering his underage daughter will experience in the future, she can't even go to An Yunshan, because that is equivalent to exposing her to Xue Xiaoren The existence of An Yunshan.

Shi Huolong stood up slowly, looked at Shi Hongshi, "Xiaohong, don't look for your uncle!"

Shi Hongshi didn't understand, but still nodded his head, but saw Shi Huolong suddenly stood up and stuffed a pill into his mouth.

Xue Xiaoren was shocked, the long sword in his hand came out of the sheath again, but it was Shi Hongshi who stabbed to the side!
However, in the next second, a burly figure suddenly appeared beside Shi Hongshi, it was Shi Huolong!
Jiang Xiaoyu was so frightened that he fell over and pretended not to be dead.

And Zuo Zhou also sucked in a breath of cold air. Just now, Shi Huolong's kick blocked the long sword like a rocket launcher, and the fast Zuo Zhou couldn't see clearly.

What kind of medicine is this?Can it still have the effect of opening eight doors?

The metal clanging echoed endlessly, and although Xue Xiaoren's long sword had a killing intent, it was completely impenetrable.Shi Huolong's eyes were already dark red, and he didn't know whether it was stained red by blood or his soul was burned through by anger.

He turned around and punched, and his already burly body was even more muscular at this time, as if every muscle could swell.Even the air is faintly bursting with air, and the battle is unscientific in an instant.

The most important thing is that this punch was fast and fast, so fast that it could stand shoulder to shoulder with Xue Xiaoren's sword, so fast that he couldn't even react.

"Boss be careful!"

The vise suddenly slashed over with a sword, and at the same time blocked Xue Xiaoren's body.

Ding Yin bang!
The long sword shattered, and the swollen fist hit the chest of the vise, and its back bulged up visible to the naked eye. The spine broke through the back and pierced through the clothes, and it stopped in front of Xue Xiaoren.

"Ah, kill him!"

This blocking finally made Shi Huolong lose his chance to kill with one blow. Looking at all the killers who came to kill him, Shi Huolong turned around and jumped out of the courtyard wall with his daughter in his arms.

Xue Xiao was undecided, looked at the dead vise and let out a sigh of relief, "He took the blood of the greedy beast, and he will explode and die within a quarter of an hour, you go follow him, and dispose of the little girl after she dies. And the vise... Let's bury it with honor!"


Xue Xiaoren took back the roster from the vise, and the killers around him began to run out in groups, and Zuo Zhou also quietly threw down the corpse that had been thrown on the roof before. The unlucky egg that the fire dragon hit.And the person in charge of burying the corpse was Jiang Xiaoyu who was just pretending to be dead.


Shi Huolong's burly body was as fast as lightning, and he galloped through the bamboo forest relying solely on the strength of his jumps. The fast horses of the killers couldn't catch up at all. He could only watch a black shadow from a distance, and it disappeared soon.

On the contrary, Zuo Zhou's speed is very fast, especially in the forest, Qian Qiusuo's way of traveling is far more advantageous than that of a fast horse, but now Zuo Zhou does not dare to get too close, after all, what is the blood of the greedy beast? I understand, it's better to wait for prudence. According to Xue Xiaoren, the timeliness is only a quarter of an hour.


Zuo Zhou pulled the chain and continued to swing in the air. Shi Huolong in front let out a roar of unknown meaning. Layers of horny hard shells grew on his face, and his whole body was blue, like a big lizard , has gradually lost its human form.

The mouth was also turned outward gradually, with fangs and sharp teeth, and saliva dripped on Shi Hongshi who was in a daze. At this moment, she was frightened into a quail, curled up and did not dare to move at all.Is it possible that this second life of my mother will be bitten to death by my father?

But Zuo Zhou understood. Shi Huolong obviously noticed him, but he didn't care and still followed.

In the end, in a forest clearing, Shi Huolong's body collapsed. The scales that had just grown were shattered, and his sharp teeth were broken.

However, he still stared at Zuo Zhou who was slowly approaching with wide eyes, "Don't hurt her, she doesn't know anything."

Zuo Zhou pursed his lips. Compared with most of the exiles, the feelings of the natives are much hotter!

 I will not be able to set the flag easily in the future, and this week is even more tormenting, I feel my body is weak

(End of this chapter)

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