Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 273 Good men and good women have to fight

Chapter 273 Good men and good women have to fight
"You cried, which is rarely seen in exiles."

Zuo Zhou said without raising his head, while groping Shi Huolong's body. His deep tone and obscene behavior made Shi Hongshi's big eyes look helpless to complain from time to time.

The natives are different from the exiles, there is no possibility of cheating if they die, and most normal people don’t carry martial arts cheats with them, so what Zuo Zhou wants to find is actually the pill he took just now, what is it called? ?Oh, the blood of the beast!

I don't know if it was Zuo Zhou's bad luck, or he was really influenced by Chu Chu and He Ran. The enemies he encountered were more or less moths.Either he made a breakthrough before the battle, or he was connected to a lot of subsequent troubles. Now that this exaggerated drug appeared again, if his enemies would take one before they died, he would not have to mess around.

Especially when you think back to Shi Huolong's speed just now, he...he's okay to protect himself, but it's not enough to protect others.

It's a pity that the blood of the greedy beast doesn't seem to be an unusual thing, at least Zuo Zhou didn't find it this time.

"You seem to know the exiles well."

Shi Hongshi wiped away his tears, half knelt on the ground and closed his father's eyes, only to find that his eyes were still wide open, as if he was dying.

"The drug called Greedy Beast's Blood damaged his facial nerves and muscles, including the eyelids of course. I also have exiles under my command, not to mention it's been so many years. For high-level officials, exiles are not a secret. " Zuo Zhou stood up, looking at Shi Hongshi, but he was a little embarrassed.

This girl is definitely a talent. How talented is she to be able to restore the dog-beating stick method by stealing it?Moreover, this girl is really cute, it reminds Zuo Zhou of the dancing goddess who was once known as a must-see for macho men.

It's just that loyalty is hard to guarantee. If he is a native, he can cosplay a handful of Orochimaru and fool a bunch of children casually, but all the exiles are ghosts and ghosts.

Shi Hongshi didn't force Shi Huolong to close his eyes, but looked up at Zuo Zhou with some disgust, "Do you have prejudice against exiles?"

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, and said lightly: "The exiles are mostly selfish people, they are not familiar with them, and they can't expect much. Friendship and love may only be for you who are also exiles."

"That's because of the mutual recognition after experiencing the destruction together. The civilization and history of our civilization for thousands of years can actually be compared with a few years on your side? Besides, how many exiles have you seen? How can someone who is not ruthless succeed? Power never belongs to those who are gifted, but only to those who are desperate for power!"

Zuo Zhou kept rolling his eyes over him. Did this girl treat herself as Orochimaru and start fooling me?
"This is the quintessential theory of your civilization? Relying on passion and recklessness cannot make civilization progress." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to press Shi Hongshi's head, and gently pushed her to look into the distance. Xue Xiaoren's killer was already very close. up.

Shi Hongshi was taken aback, this script is wrong, aren't the natives very easy to fool?

"Fuck with me, or you run away now, maybe you can escape their pursuit."

Shi Hongshi paused, "What do you want from me?"

"I was moved by Shi Huolong's fatherly love."

"Do you think I will believe it?" Shi Hongshi tilted his head, looking at the perverted uncle. Although this uncle is not a few years older than him, he is quite handsome... But who made her a minor?From a legal point of view, the advantage is mine.

Zuo Zhou turned his head and left, "You better not believe it."

Shi Hongshi was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at the killer who was getting closer and closer in the distance, "I believe it!"


When Zuo Zhou returned to Jiang Bie He's house, everyone had already finished his breakfast, and no one left him some, which made him miss Ah Xiang and Shi Qi a little.

He didn't bring Shi Hongshi back directly, but dressed him up as a boy, and found an inn to open a room for him to stay temporarily.Have to say, this is a very risky move.But Zuo Zhou had to do so now.

There was no problem with what Xue Xiaoren said before, Shi Huolong came here with his daughter, it must be that this place can keep them safe.He didn't know who Shi Huolong relied on, but after thinking about it carefully, it was nothing more than the two giants of Anqing City.

So here comes the question, is it the official figure An Yunshan or the Jianghu master Jiang Biehe?
Zuo Zhou is a little uncertain now, why can't he meet the villains who are out of their minds on TV?Each one of them either has several layers of identities, or left behind all kinds of nirvana, which is hard enough to think about.

"What about the little girl? You won't let him die, right?" Jiang Xiaoyu came back later, and asked about it as soon as he entered the room. He felt that he cooperated well with the little girl. He whipped the whip, and she screamed. ...

Zuo Zhou didn't say much, but just handed him the secret book of the dog-beating stick method, "Send it back to the beggar gang, she will definitely go back secretly to find the secret book."

Jiang Xiaoyu looked at him with a strange expression, "Leave it to me as simple as this, there won't be any traps here, right?"

Zuo Zhou was very angry, "Can people trust each other? Didn't the Valley of the Wicked teach you something good?"

Seeing that Zuo Zhou was angry, Jiang Xiaoyu immediately jumped out of the room. He felt that it was very difficult for him. He had to avoid Zuo Zhou's angry eyes and Xuanyuan Sanguang who would suddenly appear gank at some point. To carry out the task, alas, if he hadn't wanted to keep an eye on Jiang Biehe, he would have already run away.

"Father, you can see, this General Li seems to trust Jiang Xiaoyu more."

In the dark, Jiang Yulang watched Jiang Xiaoyu run out unwillingly.Next to him, Jiang Biehe hated iron for being weak. Can you blame him for valuing Jiang Xiaoyu more?If you can't do such a simple thing as ransacking your house, how can they trust you with the task?
But Jiang Biehe didn't want to hit his son, but said: "Your sister came back to convey the general's words, it seems that he still likes your sister more."

Jiang Yulang frowned and turned his head. Although he was talking about 'sister', the difference could still be distinguished. "Father, is this Li Yuanfang really worth my sister's sacrifice?"

Jiang Biehe sighed, and patted Jiang Yulang on the shoulder, "Father knows that your brother and sister have a good relationship, but there are some things you don't know. This General Li must please you. Besides, he is now a celebrity in the court. You My sister will always benefit from following him."

"But what benefits can we get?" He wasn't too worried about Jiang Yufeng. If she doesn't stay in college, she always has to marry someone. Since they are all from other families anyway, it's different who they marry. The key is what they can do to them. help.

Jiang Biehe smiled and said, "Don't worry, as long as your sister and him achieve good things, even if he has many women, your sister will definitely become his first wife. Since we are in-laws, we can leverage on many things in the future."

Jiang Yulang was surprised, "Father, where did you get your confidence?"

Jiang Bie He smiled mysteriously and said, "Of course someone will help us."

Just at this time, an old man came in from outside the door. It was An Yunshan, the lord of Anqing City.

"Lord An came so early." Jiang Biehe went forward with cupped fists.

An Yunshan replied with a smile and said, "Just now a young man delivered a letter. Princess Luanjia will arrive in Anqing City today. Why don't I hurry up and inform General Li!"

"Oh? The princess is coming soon, so I have to prepare well. I don't know if the princess dislikes the simplicity of this place?"

An Yunshan laughed and said: "Don't worry, our princess has a very close relationship with General Li. Since General Li is used to living, the princess must also be used to living there."

"That's the best, please!"

The two went to see Zuo Zhou with a smile. Jiang Yulang was naturally not qualified to go there, but he was even more confused when he heard about the princess. General Li saw that he would be a son-in-law in the future. With the princess around, what would his sister do? wife?This is illogical!

When Zuo Zhou and An Yunshan Jiang Biehe were discussing how to welcome the princess, Qingping and the others were already very close to Anqing City.

Anqing City is actually not too far from Muming Town. With the escort of Yang Paifeng and the elite of the Yang family, the safety of Princess Qingping can be guaranteed.What's more, neither Ziyu nor the members of the Azure Dragon Society had time to mobilize experts or troops in such a short time.

Of course, the most important thing is that the Azure Dragon Society is not willing to do anything near Muming Town, after all, Wuming has already returned.

"Master, do you think junior brother and this princess are suitable?" Wanwan looked at the carriage among the elite guards of the Yang family from a distance.

Zhu Yuyan still had that quiet, beautiful and luxurious look, "It's not suitable."

"Then why do we need to protect along the way? Junior brother's request?" Wanwan was puzzled.

"We are supporting Hu Hai, this is his request, and... Now there are rumors suddenly in the court that Emperor Qin is going to succeed Hu Hai, although as a teacher, I can't figure out how the rumors spread, but... ... After all, it is a good thing for us!"

"Oh, that's it." Wanwan fell silent.

Zhu Yuyan frowned slightly, and looked into her eyes, "Wanwan, don't tell me you are...following that kid!"

"Oh, master, this is not funny. I admit that although he has inherited your excellent blood, master, he looks too much like you. If the disciple is really with him, if one day he changes into a woman's clothes on a whim , I'm afraid I'm going to suffer a huge mental injury!" Wanwan shuddered as she thought about it.

Zhu Yuyan was amused, "You said it was boring, you've thought so much. But it's nothing, I don't know how many ministers were under the teacher's skirt back then, young men and women will inevitably be confused by the foreign minister, just don't get caught up in it."

Wanwan (;¬_¬) is narcissistic, but mother and child are exactly the same!

"Then master, why don't you look up to the younger brother and the princess? I think this princess is pretty good. If she can successfully take back the Jiangnan Taoist military power, wouldn't the younger brother be able to take advantage of it?"

Zhu Yuyan sighed: "I have no objection to the princess. If the two of them got married before, it would be fine. But if the princess has military power, many people will not want to see them together."

Wanwan understood everything, but she still asked with a strange expression, "How can I stop this?"

"I don't know, but the court is dangerous, there is always a way."

(End of this chapter)

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