Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 281 Did You Kill?It's nothing to kill

Chapter 281 Did You Kill?It's nothing to kill

"You should thank your sister for giving you three seconds to explain!"

"My sister's face is worth three seconds?" Sheng Tianya couldn't believe it.

"Three!" Zuo Zhou raised his sword again.

"There is a letter to prove it!"

Sheng Tianya knelt down resolutely, clasped his hands together and held a letter in his palms, if Zuo Zhou slashed with his knife, the letter would definitely be chopped into pieces first.

Zuo Zhou kicked this guy on the chin and kicked him far away. He easily opened the envelope with a swipe of his Wushuang sword. After making sure that there were no means such as Gu insect poisonous, he began to read.

The handwriting is Mr. Ximen's, but it doesn't prove anything. Although Sheng Tianya doesn't have such strong mental power as Wuqing, Mr. Ximen doesn't have such high mental defense as himself.Or, if Wuqing is also involved, go back and hack her to death, at worst, go back and have a fight with Zhuge Zhengwo, bid farewell to Lao Di and take Axiang Shiqi away to go to the rivers and lakes!

'Camel, when you read this letter, I hope you didn't kill that kid.But it's okay even if you kill him, don't be sad and guilty because of this, it's not worth it, that kid really deserves a beating. '

Zuo Zhou frowned, his tone was Mr. Ximen's, but... looked up at Sheng Tianya who crawled out of the ruins, "Have you read this letter?"

Sheng Tianya rubbed his chin, with an aggrieved expression on his face, "That's to prove my innocence, what do I think it's for?"

Zuo Zhou frowned slightly, Uncle Ximen was as accurate as ever in seeing people, this kid really deserved a beating.

'I'm not afraid of death, I'm just afraid of the torment of my conscience. I thought that time would make me forget everything, but I was wrong.The nightmarish nightmare made me finally understand that my life was lost in that snowy night a few years ago. '

'When I saw him, I have to admit it was the happiest I've been in decades.I know this decision is hasty and selfish, and I'm sorry for you and Ah Xiang.But I'm even more afraid that you don't know why I made this decision! '

'I'm stupid, but when you spend years thinking about something, no matter how stupid you are, you can always guess some truths, but I can't do anything just to face the truth.Xue Hubei, Leng Liuping, Mo Gesan, there must be something wrong with these people, I don't know who else, maybe Zhuge Zheng me, maybe Xianwang.I think it was probably King Xian, after all, it was Zhuge Zhengwo who stopped us back then. '

'Of course, I have no evidence, and I have no ability to find evidence, so I can only hope for someone who has the ability to find evidence.You, or Lao Di, or Bao Zheng, or Lu Xiaofeng, but I think it will be you, because we have the best relationship! '

Zuo Zhou paused after reading this, and suddenly remembered the ruthless words not long ago, 'I took advantage of your kindness. ', doesn't Lao Tzu look vicious?As for plotting against me with my life!Bitchi!

'Reading this, you may scold me, but I really deserve it.But other than that, I have no other way to make this matter worse. Of course, the key point is that I am a little tired from life. '

Zuo Zhou: "..."

'Do you understand what it feels like to have a broken faith?Qin Huang is weak, and if he was replaced by him before, he would never let Lao Ai go, and he didn't care if the queen mother interceded or not!Similarly, Di Renjie will not be sent to the border because of this matter.I can't help but wonder, if all the clues point to Xian Wang in the end, do you think he will let his own brother go? '

'I don't understand so many principles, but I know that there is no justice in the world, and what I used to pursue with all my blood was not the so-called justice.Gratitude must be repaid, revenge must be avenged, and those who owe their lives must be returned to the sufferer. In this way, life is smooth. '

'I'm sorry, I have to say this last, I didn't see you two getting married, take good care of Ah Xiang.I don't deserve to be a father! '

A few simple words made Zuo Zhou's expression change dozens of times, and Sheng Tianya next to him was in a daze as he watched the twitching muscles. What kind of movie king is this? Does his eyelids have several acting levels?
Zuo Zhou put away the letter and came to Sheng Tianya in a few steps. The latter glanced at the two hands behind Zuo Zhou, but they had disappeared at some point.

To be honest, Sheng Tianya breathed a sigh of relief, but when he was about to speak, Zuo Zhou pressed the blade of his sword against his neck again.

"Tell me, start from the beginning!"

"Uh, your Wushuang quite sharp, that, where do you say it?" Sheng Tianya laughed, with such a flattering and cowardly look, you would have no idea that he is actually a serial killer.

"Why didn't you die? Where did you go all these years?"

Sheng Tianya wanted to gently push the blade away but found that he couldn't, so he said helplessly, "You may not understand even if you tell me."

"Say it!" Zuo Zhou stamped his foot.

"Hiss! I'm a lucky exile, and I got two remnants of unique skills in the lottery, one is the soul-moving method, and the other is the silkworm magic skill."

Sheng Tianya's mouth was sharper, but a simple sentence made Zuo Zhou feel a little jealous, damn it!Two remnants of unique knowledge, this guy couldn't be a rich man in his previous life, right? How many lottery draws?
"I've heard of the soul-shifting method, let's talk about the magic of the silkworm!" It's also familiar but I can't remember it.

"OK! This Celestial Silkworm Art is derived from the Taoist health-preserving exercise. There was once a genius who combined Taoist health-preserving exercise and Miaojiang voodoo art to create this Celestial Silkworm Art. This skill is very good, but if you want to practice it to the level of perfection, you must die once. , and then rebirth is taken from the meaning of breaking out of a cocoon and becoming a butterfly. And because of the inheritance of Gu art in it, if you die from poisoning, you will also get the same ability as the poison you were poisoned in, and change into the magic power of silkworms, which is what I am now It's the technique!"

Zuo Zhou suddenly realized that in the world of high martial arts, there is a skill that can regenerate, which is also very reasonable, um, wait... "So, your sister Wuqing also practiced the Celestial Silkworm Divine Art?"

"Of course, but she didn't die from poisoning. She shouldn't have awakened the magic power of the silkworm, and it doesn't have the effect of poisoning. By the way, you shouldn't be so cruel and cut off her head, right? My sister is so beautiful, you must not bear it. Right!"

Hearing this, Zuo Zhou stared at the giggling bastard, "So, you didn't tell Wuqing about the game you played with Mr. Ximen?"

"I didn't mean to lie to her. It's just that she doesn't lie at all. If you really want to tell it, you will definitely see it. After all, you are as smart as a monkey. Maybe she will persuade me to surrender. How boring And ah, this is also a good opportunity, with your hand to help her practice, as long as she awakens the Celestial Silkworm Divine Art, she doesn't need to slowly practice Rama's inner strength, and she can stand up after being reborn from the cocoon!" Sheng Tianya said quite proudly .

Zuo Zhou took a deep breath, "You are such a good brother! So you have been chasing and killing the murderer all these years? Also, Mr. Ximen took the initiative to find you!" After all, you don't look very smart, do you think out this method.

Sheng Tianya snorted and said, "I'm not stupid. I won't take revenge casually when my kung fu is not good! I went to Song country first, because there are the most exiles there, and I learned a lot of kung fu. It's just a pity to come back to take revenge later. , I didn’t find many people. As for Young Master Ximen, he was indeed the one who found me!”

"How did you find it?"

"After he came to the imperial capital, he went to worship at my grave, but found that the shape of my grave was different, so he dug up my grave and found that it was an empty tomb."

Zuo Zhou was in a daze, the tomb... bag... shape... different?
Well, after all, it is Young Master Ximen's heart demon, since he said it was different, then... then it must be different!

"Afterwards, he monitored Sun Bigong, who also changed his name and changed his surname to live in the imperial capital, and blocked me when I was taking revenge. Then he said that there was a conspiracy behind this matter, and as long as I would forgive him, he would commit suicide and help me expel this If things get serious, at the same time you will investigate to the end!"

Sheng Tianya gave a thumbs up, "I never thought that you could find so many things. You see, almost all my enemies have been killed."

Hearing this, Zuo Zhou's heart seemed to miss a beat, as if something had firmly grasped his heart, just for one sentence...forgive?
Sheng Tianya said again: "He also said that neither Di Renjie nor Zhuge Zheng can be relied on in this matter, we can only rely on you, and I hope you can investigate to the end!"

Zuo Zhou glanced at this guy coldly. Of course he understood why Mr. Ximen said that, Daqin has no shortage of people who can handle the case, but if the murderer behind it really involves Qin Huang's brothers, it's hard to say whether these people will be like a drama It's so stern and selfless.Especially after Qin Huang once let Lao Ai go.

But, what is he expecting?

Yes, the homicide case in the princess mansion of the dynasty had a serious impact, and they could take this opportunity to investigate, but if it really proved that it was related to King Xian, would he, Li Yuanfang, have the ability to help them get justice?Or, just for a truth?
If the murderer cannot be punished, does the truth matter?
"How did he die?"

"Create a fighting scene by yourself, and then use my special silk blade to kill myself. After a while, the silk will slowly volatilize." Sheng Tianya made an S and a B with silk as if offering treasures, as if He also secretly laughed at Zuo Zhou as if he didn't understand.

Zuo Zhou rubbed his finger on the hilt of the sword, what should we do?I want to do it a little bit.

"Then why did you run..." Zuo Zhou felt that he had asked a stupid question as soon as he said it.

Sure enough, Sheng Tianya said confidently: "Although I didn't kill Mr. Ximen, I killed everyone else. You are a soldier and I am a thief. Of course I want to run!"

Zuo Zhou resisted the huge impulse and slowly withdrew his sword, and finally asked, "If you can't kill your sister, but just bleed, you should be able to awaken the magic of the silkworm, right?"

Sheng Tianya frowned, "You can't be so bad, you didn't kill my sister? You can't be interested in her, are you showing mercy? I despise you!"


In the Jiang family, Jiang Yuyan helped Wu Qing put on the dress slowly, at this time Wu Qing was completely hopeless, her eyes were as dull as a living dead.

When Jiang Yuyan helped her take a bath, she admired Ruqing's body the whole time. She had to admit that this beauty was quite tempting, but this still couldn't change the fact that she was a slut.

"Sister, don't be sad, men will soften their hearts towards women who have had sex with them and those related to them. Although I don't know who you want to prevent him from killing, what if he is soft!" Jiang Yuyan whispered.

Returning to God ruthlessly, "Really?"

"Of course!" No wonder, I, General Li, are cruel and merciless!

 There seems to be some recommendation today, add one more, it should be in the afternoon


(End of this chapter)

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