Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 282 Zach's Power

Chapter 282 Zach's Power

This is destined to be an exciting night. The younger brother who cheated and the older sister who was cheated are just appetizers, and the real feast will come later.

The door of Jiang's house was knocked open, and killers in black rushed in.

At first, there was a person dressed in gray clothes, with long hair casually scattered behind him, raised his head, raised his chest, brows and eyes sharply, and glanced around, his eyes finally fell on the main hall.Since it was late at night there was no one there.

He didn't see the responding person, but he didn't care, he just took a breath with a sneer, "Li Yuanfang! Come out and die!"

Infused with true energy, the voice pierced the sky. In an instant, everyone heard the roar, and Wu Qing, who was still a little sluggish just now, lifted his spirits in a blink of an eye, but the tiredness in his eyes could not deceive anyone.

"It's so murderous, push me out, by the way, take the sword box with you."

Jiang Yuyan turned into a quail again, weakly pushing Wuqing to carry the sword box on her back, but deliberately slowed down a few steps to hide behind the others.Ruthless thought she didn't have martial arts and didn't care.

People quickly gather to form a confrontation with the killers.

Is this the enemy?It should be, but this enemy is very good at pretending. Since it is a killer, he didn't sneak up on the wall, but kicked the door and shouted. Do you think this is a martial arts gym to kick the gym?
Jiang Biehe looked at the broken gate of his house with an ugly expression, stepped forward and clasped his fists and said, "This friend, I don't know what is wrong with Jiang, but he wants to call at the door? Is there any misunderstanding?"

The leader scanned the crowd for a few times, and lingered on the girls for a moment, "Zake, the president of the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce, is here today to repay General Li!"

Everyone showed incredulous expressions when they heard it. A chamber of commerce came here for revenge?Who gave him the courage~!

Zach seems to have long been used to this questioning look, and he doesn't care. Anyway, he can convince you in a while, "Where's Li Yuanfang?"

"General Li is not here, if you want revenge, please do it early tomorrow!" Jiang Xiaoyu yawned and answered.

"Not here?" Zach froze for a moment, his eyes unconsciously swept over Mingyue, what signal did you send me if the Lord is not here?
"Forget it if you're not here, it's his fate. Then killing all his friends is a kind of reward, hehe!"


This brain normal!


Zach didn't have any nonsense, and he was playing his cards from beginning to end.

The melee started... No, the elite of the Yang family led by Yang Paifeng was the first to show their power, "Charge!"

Without horses and without enough space, the power of the army would have to be compromised, not to mention that the Yang family's elite masters used long spears to supplement steel knives, and they couldn't be used in this field that wasn't considered a fight.But its unified coordination and small-scale battle formation still caused the killers to lose a lot in an instant.

The female soldiers lined up in a row by sprinting and jumping, and shot at the killers. One round after another, it kept surging like a tidal wave, catching the killers by surprise for a while.

The back row drew out the steel knife and slashed in the gap between the spears, so that every killer faced two people almost at the same time.Zach's face is ugly because of his overwhelmed appearance. Both of you are generally better than each other in kung fu, but now you are losing ground?

"Idiot, use hidden weapons! What kind of melee fight with the army?"

After hearing the words, the killers used their lightness kung fu to escape from the struggle of the female soldiers, and then shot several hidden weapons out of their pockets.

This really caused a lot of trouble for the female soldiers, the terrain was narrow, they didn't wear shields, they couldn't use their spears, and they didn't wear armor.

Not enough, these hidden weapons did not cause any damage in the end, but all hovered in the air.

"Huh?" Zach looked at Wuqing in surprise, this cripple was actually a rare user of spiritual power.

Yang Paifeng glanced at Wuqing, waved and shouted: "Bow and arrow!"

A row of archers moved forward, firing arrows with full bow, the powerful arrows were far more powerful than hidden weapons, and the eyes of all the killers were frightened for a moment.

"What are you panicking about?"

Zac spread out his hands, and his strong true energy spread out like spiritual power, knocking down all the arrows to the ground.

"This true stronger than Mr. Zhuge's! How old is he?" Tie Shou was shocked.

"Although he looks a bit old, he feels similar to me." Jiang Xiaoyu squinted his eyes and made a judgment.

Wei Xiaobao glanced at him from the side, do you have the nerve to say so?The same age, look at others, look at you!
Zac shot again, hitting the ground with his palm, all the floor tiles were lifted up, and shot at everyone with true energy.

He was ruthlessly surprised and used his mental power again, but what people didn't expect was that Zac was hidden behind the floor tiles. He punched hard on the spiritual wall and blasted all the spiritual power away!

Blow up?

Ruthlessly stunned for a moment, it wasn't blown away, if she was blown away with brute force, she would definitely be shocked.

That's right, I didn't expect that the theorem that forces are mutual can also be applied to mental power.

But since he was not shocked, it means that the opponent used other methods, "Be careful, his kung fu is weird!"

Without the mental power to defend everyone, they would not be injured by mere floor tiles, but it also caused the female soldiers to fall into chaos.The killer took the opportunity to rush into the enemy's formation, and the melee began.

Zach looked at Wuqing with great interest after his mental strength was broken, but he just frowned instantly, "Huh, I thought I had gained something today!" But then he saw Jiang Yu squatting behind Wuqing's wheelchair as the background Yan, "Excellent!"

The man who was full of domineering just now called at him ruthlessly with a face like Brother Zhu, but a solid figure from his back blocked him directly.

Bang bang, two fists clashed, Iron Hand's fist and Zach slammed together fiercely.

Treading, Zac took two steps back and shook his hands with some disdain, but the iron hand couldn't stop backing away, almost knocking over the ruthless wheelchair.

"My true qi has been dissipated!"

Tie Shou's face was so ugly, his own zhenqi collapsed, but the opponent's zhenqi could play a role, and he suffered too much from this back and forth.

"It wasn't broken up, it was just broken up for unknown reasons!" Wu Qing watched the whole process closely with his mental strength, and naturally found the problem.

"External skills are effective!" Jiang Biehe and Tie Shou stood together, he is also a veteran, after talking ruthlessly and watching the other party's reaction, he naturally found a way to deal with it.

"External skills are effective, so are weapons." Yang Paifeng was the first to charge forward, and a gust of gunfire swept wildly, and a small area of ​​the small yard was emptied after she unleashed it.

Seeing this, Wei Xiaobao shouted: "Scatter the battlefield and break it one by one!"

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, Wei Xiaobao and others who are not skilled enough of course cannot fight against masters, but it is enough to deal with these killers whose martial arts are several grades behind.

The female soldiers, the guards of the Jiang family, and the guards of the government office cooperated in pairs and began to scatter throughout the Jiang family to entangle with the killer.

But Yang Paifeng fell into a hard fight, this Zach... What a strong method!

At this time, Zac held a long sword that he had taken casually in his hand, and then he used various sword techniques from his hand, and all of them were just right. Every time he attacked Yang Paifeng, he would be saved, and danger appeared everywhere for a while.

"Hengshan swordsmanship, Huashan swordsmanship, Dharma swordsmanship, Snow Mountain swordsmanship...why does he know so many swordsmanship?" Ruthless muttered in shock.

Tie Shou and Jiang Biehe looked at each other and entered the battle at the same time. Fist and palm were interspersed with Yang Paifeng's marksmanship at the same time. The three who cooperated for the first time unexpectedly synced up.

However, without the support of true qi, Jiang Biehe's state suppression became a joke, the power of Iron Hand's heavy punches was greatly reduced, and Yang Paifeng's marksmanship also lost a lot of strength.

On the other hand, Zach fought more and more courageously, and even grabbed a spear from a dead female soldier at the height of the battle, and used the Yang family's marksmanship!

Yang Paifeng exclaimed, as a member of the Yang family, of course she could see the problem at a glance. This person has acquired the essence of the Yang family's marksmanship, and he is extremely proficient in linking moves. Who the hell is he?

The others were also taken aback, what the fuck!Are there traitors in your Yang family?
However, before they were surprised for a long time, Zach forced Yang Paifeng back with a shot, but he waved his palm to meet Jiang Biehe. However, the moment the two palms touched, he changed his palm and pushed it into a slash, hitting Jiang Biehe. Crane chest.

puff!Jiang Biehe flew back and crashed into a window.Trying to hold it up, his eyes are full of surprise, this is his palm technique!
The same problem also appeared on Iron Hand. Fist to fist, Zach and Iron Hand were on par, and the punching method was exactly the same.

" learning the palm technique secretly? But this level of proficiency is too exaggerated!"

Xuanyuan Sanguang broke the neck of a killer, and saw this unbelievable scene when he turned around.

"Impossible, how can anyone be so talented?" In front of Nie Fengfei, afterimages all over the sky gathered and kicked Zach.

Except for the inexplicable collapse of the true energy, the legwork is often strong and heavy, but it suppresses Zach again.

Jiang Biehe and Yang Paifeng forgot their shock and continued to join the siege. The situation fell into anxiety again, but now it was four against one, and it was already possible to determine who was strong and who was weak.

Xuanyuan Sanguang frowned slightly, pulled Xiao Yu'er and Yan Jing over, "I'm afraid these people won't be able to stop this master, we're going to run!"

Yan Jing didn't say anything, just took a deep look at Zach, can an exile really be proficient in so many kung fu?

Jiang Xiaoyu refused, "It's not time to run away, if you are worried, go up and attack!"

The corner of Xuanyuan Sanguang's mouth twitched, "You slacker, I told you to practice more martial arts, otherwise you wouldn't lose sight of the situation."


The battle quickly explained to Jiang Xiaoyu. Zac's figure began to fill the sky with afterimages, and he kept fighting against Nie Feng. Being able to use the advantage of true energy made Nie Feng quickly defeated and was kicked out. With Fengshen legs, Zac was unstoppable, and the extreme speed made everyone panic.

"There are flaws!" The ruthless voice lifted everyone's spirits, "The power of the exercises he used is the same as that of you, and will not surpass you. It is only because of his true energy that he appears to be powerful."

It''s useless to say it!

"Just use an attack without a fixed move, and he will definitely not be able to copy it." The ruthless voice fell to the ground, the golden snake sword box opened, and the golden streamer shot out under the influence of mental power.

(End of this chapter)

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