Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 288

Chapter 288
It may be a long way from Bai Ding, who does not know martial arts, to the innate realm. It may take less than a day for some people to get empowered, but for some people, it takes 16 years.

On October [-]th of the Xinchou Year of the lunar calendar, this day is light snow, and troubles in the Palace of the Five Yellow Demons are imminent!
Where there is trouble, there will always be people coming and going.

The old man with a vicissitudes of life said that this crowded arena pays attention to human relationships and sophistication.

Disputes, ambitions, power, exiles with names and natives have all begun to emerge but have not yet become a big climate.This year, I heard that the imperial court will make big moves. It is good that Qin Huang, who was wise and mighty in the past, chooses a person who is destined to bring decline. At least he can see the future clearly, and only by standing on the right side can he make a living.

When I first met Di Renjie, he was still very embarrassed, and even now I still don't know exactly how much he resembles the image in my impression.

I just know that he still has faith in his heart.

People say that there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. I still don’t know how so many civil servants and generals get together, how do they compromise and help each other?Maybe, when I am with them, I will also become an excellent person.

I am not famous, but I have some skills, and he said that this is not good.If you want to play with them, you have to be Yuan Fang.

Yuan Fang was a pioneer and also his boss. She had some fame in the early years, and she should have continued to burn in another place, but... there are always some things that I don't want to mention again, and some people are never seen again.

You can't get away with this name for a day, and you can't say that he was sorry for you and asked you to bear this burden.Or, you are sorry for the name.

He is the first man I have ever seen who entrusted me with the secrets of martial arts. From then on, I knew that it would be difficult for me to get rid of him in this life.So I decided to do something to continue this character...

I have thought about many ways, but none of them are concise enough and not domineering enough, and this thought is a year, yes, I have been running around for a year, he is 17 years old, I do not know when his birthday will pass The old man didn't remind him either.

It’s just that when I was in Turkic and Jiannan Road, more and more people said my name, and people’s attitude towards me changed slightly.At that time, I realized a truth. It turned out that tearing the skin, but it was harder than someone else's fist.

However, whenever I want to stabilize my daily life, troublesome people and things always come to me. This habit has lasted for a long time, and it seems like an inevitable thing.

It must be so boring, so boring that I am willing to put down my mind and be a reckless man, because I am confident in myself, so confident that I am numb.

But this time it seems different...

This man is called Zac, and he is a very careful person. He obviously has the best qi in the world, but he still dare not touch his gun with his own spear.

Everyone has their own beliefs and habits, Zach is better than him at this point, at least I can't position myself in many cases.Maybe it's because of the name, he always felt that he didn't fit the name of this bull.

But I know that hating one thing is more powerful than liking one thing, because liking is a kind of inertia, but hating requires constant urging.

Sometimes I always think, what would have happened if he hadn't taken over the escort mission when the desert was blowing sand?Or if you don't answer, will you have any regrets?
Sometimes the more I want to understand something, the more I want it to understand myself. I suddenly found that I have been immersed in this name.

So I showed my Shura arms and raised the Wuji Saber. I think my life should be more than this.

I told myself, what should I do, I should give some people, some past time an explanation.

A person will meet 920 million people in his life, but less than one percent of them can remember each other, and only a few hundred of them can accompany each other for many years.

So I raised the big knife high... At this time, I was 17 years old, and he was also 17 years old.

There is a long distance from martial arts Baiding to the innate realm. It may not take a day to find a good woman through supplementary training, but some martial arts true intentions and people have gone for a full 16 years!
Time will corrode all buildings, making tall buildings and roads completely deserted. If they stay in place, they will only be completely submerged by the sand of the past.

So we can only endure the tears and pain and continue to move forward. The beginning of the story always coincides with the unexpected meeting, and the end of the story is always two flowers on each side of the sky, the autumn wind is bleak, and thousands of lights are on.

Some people will always continue to accompany, and some stories can never be finished, so let’s not talk about it, if you are tired, destroy it.

I hope my knife can make you remember and bring you a smile!


OK, take it!
Stop being sentimental, don't be hypocritical.

Naturally, if you want to use a big move, you must have a sense of ritual. The attack power of the sky cone is too great, and it will attract the celestial phenomenon. This is obviously a level that cannot be reached by the magic sword or the eleventh Nirvana. After all, both of them are still restricted. at the limit of human range.But this trick obviously has nothing to do with people, it is the communication and cooperation between the spirit of the divine weapon and the way of heaven.

"Bully people!"

Zuo Zhou sighed like this, a cold light extended from Shura's arms along the handle of the knife, and moved towards the blade very slowly.

The tornado came, and the black sky pillar had already shattered the ground near Zuo Zhou before it was close to him. The chaotic rubble was pulled and hit Zuo Zhou's back, legs and feet, and even some sharp fragments scratched his body. From his scalp, thin streams of blood flowed down his neck, everything looked so messed up.

Zach and a group of people from the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce smiled. These are a bunch of bad guys, and they are so excited to see blood!
Zuo Zhou still maintains this posture, he is not gathering momentum, but hesitating, he is afraid that the big knife will not be able to hold this move.However, he soon felt the excitement of Wuji Dao. At this moment, he felt that he had a psychic connection with Wuji Dao. This is a mysterious feeling.

It turns out that you don't need blood to recognize the master, you don't need the master of destiny, you just need to understand it, that's enough!
Zuo Zhou didn't hesitate anymore, just like what Wuji Dao told him, even if he died, he would bloom brightly!
Allure of Love!

The deepest trick is hidden in Zuo Zhou's skill panel. It is said that Guan Erye used this trick to make his face turn red. What will happen to him?
call!The sound of the wind passed by, Zuo Zhou thought that there would be no wind, it can be seen that sometimes some inertial thinking can't be wanted.Although some tricks are not as exaggerated as inducing astronomical phenomena, the effect is definitely not bad.

The world in everyone's eyes seems to be distorted for an instant. The blade crosses the space, first stirring the air, then distorting the sight, and then pulling the space. It's indistinguishable, it's black, like a black bean.

The black bean started to move forward, not fast, not even as fast as the throwing knives thrown by the dragons just now.

But it was gradually getting bigger, and when it flew five meters away from Zuo Zhou, it was already the size of a human head.At this moment, Zach and the others saw clearly that it was not a black bean, but a... black hole!
The black hole is of course dark, deep and hopelessly dark, it seems to be spinning, surrounded by dazzling white arcs, everything disappears when passing by, the soil and sand are gone, the black wind column that reaches the sky is gone, the magic soldier The sky cone was gone, not even the light.

Everyone panicked. They wanted to run subconsciously, but found that they couldn't run. Their bodies were pulled back uncontrollably. Their consciousness stagnated, as if the black hole could even affect their minds.

Then, fear came, and there was a problem with their skill panel. The moment they were pulled into the black hole, the system panel was shattered, and the will of the universe could not save them, and their souls were also torn to pieces by the black hole.What three lives?Just one, it's gone...

As the leader and the strongest martial artist, Zach naturally persevered until the end, but he was swallowed up by the black hole in an instant when his true energy surged. His clapping hands may be hoping for some kind of magical kung fu.But the black hole is not true energy, nor is it a simple true meaning of martial arts. The result of patting the black hole with both hands is that the hands are gone.

There was not even a scream, and Zach did not enter the black hole completely, and his body and soul disappeared into nothingness along with his hands.So... this black hole actually didn't absorb anything, probably they don't deserve to be absorbed!

boom boom boom

Not knowing what was going on outside, Jiang Yuyan felt an unusual tremor coming from the ground.

She hit the lock on the outside of the cage hard with the Golden Snake Cone. How could an ordinary lock block the Golden Snake Cone?Even if Jiang Yuyan's strength is not enough, hitting a few more times will always have an effect.

The iron lock was shattered with a bang, and Jiang Yuyan looked back at the three girls, "Are you going to run?"

The third daughter looked at her numbly, as if she had really become a log.Jiang Yuyan understood, and her tone gradually softened, "Do you want me to help you out?"


How ironic, relief, the first time a person in despair ignites hope, he is actually begging for relief.

Under the grateful eyes of the three women, Jiang Yuyan stabbed them to death with a golden snake cone.

This is not Jiang Yuyan's first murder, but it has the strangest meaning. It's the first time she sees her being killed and she has to thank her. It seems that her whole body has been sublimated, okay?
Shaking her head, Jiang Yuyan hid the golden snake cone again, and the real challenge came.

She pretended not to know anything and quietly opened the door to escape, but was suddenly caught by an arm behind her.

It was the guard outside the door, she knew it earlier.

"Ah! Let me go, please, don't hurt me!"

Chu Chu's pitiful cries will only arouse the bad guys' desire to hurt you, so I heard the person behind him giggling lewdly, "Don't worry, you are the president's toy, I don't dare to touch you, but it's okay to charge some interest."

As he spoke, he clasped Jiang Yuyan's chest with both hands, and squeezed it hard, causing Jiang Yuyan to frown in pain.

However, Jiang Yuyan suddenly bent down and led the guards behind him to lean forward. Just as he was about to straighten up subconsciously, a golden light flashed in front of his eyes, and the severe pain mixed with the darkness made him scream out. Everywhere is penetrated!
Ho ho, he couldn't make a sound anymore, blood spurted out, blind, he fumbled around but gradually lost his strength, and finally sat dead in the corner.

Jiang Yuyan had already retreated far away, and she was relieved when the other party was completely silent. She didn't procrastinate, but just hid the golden snake cone and continued to walk out.She remembers the route, and it depends on whether she can escape in the chaos. She admits that it is a bit risky, but there is no other way at this time.

Gently pushing open the door, Jiang Yuyan was stunned. He saw a figure standing in the sun, covered in blood, and in front of that person was a pitch-black abyss...

(End of this chapter)

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