Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 289 Let You Practicing Taoist Health Exercise for Your Good

Chapter 289 Let You Practicing Taoist Health Exercise for Your Good

To put it better, at least when I meet Zhang Junbao in the future, I won't be obsessed with his jokes.

Well, Zuo Zhou comforted himself so much.Then... cry!
It's a big loss, a blood loss!

The power of Love in the Allure is too strong, half of the hills in front of my eyes are gone, not only the hills, but also the ground has formed an abyss that cannot be seen to the bottom. If you kick the gravel down casually, you will not hear an echo for a long time.

Fortunately, the rules of heaven will not allow black holes to exist forever, otherwise the world will be destroyed, so he doesn't have to play.

However, so many people died, their souls were gone, and there was no scum left, so he naturally had no way to search for the cheats.And because Love in the Allure was too powerful, it also caused a lot of damage to his body. The dense wounds all over his body were like a sieve. Fortunately, Shura's arms bore most of them, otherwise his fate would have to be explained here No.

But Shura's arms were wiped out. Looking at his panel, all kung fu related to Guowei Arhat Fist is in the initial white color, that is to say, this knife has wiped out all the true meaning of Buddhist martial arts in Guowei Arhat Fist, including Therefore, if you want to practice the Dharma again, you have to start from the beginning.

Fortunately, Zuo Zhou has the Heart Sutra of Returning to Dreams, and if he were an ordinary person, he would not even think about it without seven or eight years of hard work.

Then there is the infinite sword...

Zuo Zhou held the blade and carefully wrapped it with his coat. From the outside, the Wuji Sword did not suffer any damage, but the soul of the sword was seriously injured. He could clearly feel that the spirituality in it was flickering. Whether it will survive or not is anyone's guess.

If you make it through, there will be a huge biochemical disaster. If you don't make it through, Zuo Zhou can only keep it at home as a souvenir.

Squeak, the sound is very slight, but Zuo Zhou is a strong man after all, so he still has some hearing.

Turning her head to look, Jiang Yuyan stared there in a daze, the admiration in her eyes was really strong.

Zuo Zhou glanced at himself, well, this should be called the blood-stained demeanor!
"You came out... Are there any survivors inside?"

Jiang Yuyan (⊙_⊙)? I can't tell her a word, why ask?Uh, although it is true that there are no living people inside, how embarrassing it is for you to ask such a question!
Zuo Zhou knew the result as soon as he saw Jiang Yuyan's expression, well, the name Jiang Yuyan sounds like a master of stealth!

"Let's search around." Zuo Zhou carried the sword behind his back and entered the mountain wall with the Wushuang sword in hand. When he passed by Jiang Yuyan, he glanced casually, "It's very beautiful."

Jiang Yuyan: "..." Not very happy, because she knows that when a man frankly praises you for being beautiful, it means that he will not be obsessed with your beauty.

Zuo Zhou searched from house to house in the mountain wall, and found a lot of gold and silver bills. The former can be taken back in a carriage and confiscated, while the latter can be kept by him temporarily.As a man, you can't always hand over the financial power to women, you need some small coffers.

"General, what are you looking for?" Jiang Yuyan followed closely behind, looking for something to say.

Zuo Zhou replied while rummaging, "I'll find you a decent skirt."

It can be seen that Zac is a very 'retro' person. It is estimated that few people would make clothes similar to evening dresses, but he was able to find a size suitable for Jiang Yuyan.It's not that this kind of evening dress is bad, but it's inconvenient to move around.

Jiang Yuyan immediately laughed and said, "Actually, I can also wear men's clothing."

"Do you want to wear the men's clothes of those bad guys?"


Jiang Yuyan wisely stopped talking, but she could tell that Li Yuanfang wasn't looking for a dress at all, but just didn't want to tell her.

Looking for a skirt, but by the way, Zuo Zhou actually wanted to make up for his loss.That sky cone shocked him. As an organization of rich people, the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce does not only have a magic weapon, right?

Even if there is no magic weapon, there must be some martial arts cheats. After all, exiles have the habit of hiding backups in secret places, and then take them out when they rebuild in the next life, so as to save them from returning to zero due to death.

Zuo Zhou has also done this kind of thing before, but compared with him, organized exiles have more advantages. They can be stored in the organization, and someone will help to watch them, so that you can come back and look for them when you are very young.

Of course, this kind of situation is also very likely to benefit other people in the same organization, but there is something to be willing, it's all voluntary, and it depends on whether you believe it or not.

What Zuo Zhou is looking for now is the place where the cheats are stored in the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce.

Soon, Zuo Zhou came to the place where Jiang Yuyan was imprisoned before, ignored the unlucky guard outside the door, pointed at the three girls in the cage, "Did you kill it?"

Jiang Yuyan nodded and looked at him weakly, but Zuo Zhou didn't blame him at all. He knew this person too well, and if he didn't have a clear conscience, he wouldn't simply inherit it.Besides, looking at the state of the three girls, you don't need to think deeply to know how much torture they have suffered.

Zuo Zhou found a long cloth and wrapped up the corpses of the three girls, intending to take them out for burial, and then began to rummage through the secret room.

Soon, he found it, just like Xue Xiaoren back then, there is a secret room after the secret room, and a brick on the ground against the wall is a mechanism, which can only be triggered by stepping on it with sufficient skill.

As the wall slowly rotated, a huge space was soon revealed. Rows of bookshelves came into view, and Jiang Yuyan's eyes were full of spirits.

So many martial arts cheats!

Zuo Zhou, on the other hand, had an ugly expression on his face. He was an exile himself. He knew too much about the pissing nature of the system. Really powerful kung fu was always rare. Most of the records in so many cheat books should be rubbish.

I picked up a copy, with my name written on the cover, but nothing else. After I opened it, I found that there were seven kinds of martial arts recorded on it. The most advanced one was the Five Tigers Breaking the Door Knife, and then there were the Sangmen Nails and Migrating Locusts. Shi's concealed weapon technique, mandarin duck kick technique and lightness kungfu raising vertical technique, none of them are worthy of Zuo Zhou's liking.

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, found a large box containing gold from outside, and then poured out the gold to store cheat books.

Although he doesn't like martial arts, the good thing is that these martial arts are not encrypted, which is obviously a tacit understanding between the organization and the exiles.

Book after book, Zuo Zhou basically rummaged through every book and threw them into the box, and only a few of them were put aside.

Jiang Yuyan doesn't know what good kung fu is, but she can also understand that those kung fu that are put aside must be good kung fu.Well, a little greedy, but I don't show it.

After Zuo Zhou stuffed all the cheats into the box, he picked up the three books that were set aside. Yes, there were only three books that he could read.

The facts are actually similar to what he thought. Although the organization provides the service of preserving cheat books, it is obvious that many people do not trust Zach, so there are not many masters who are really willing to collect kung fu.Even if you collect it, it may not be the most precious kung fu in your body.

These three books were selected by Zuo Zhou because they recorded two kinds of top-notch unique knowledge and one unique knowledge of human list respectively. Can you believe that they are actually left here?

The two first-grade unique skills are Shaolin Dragon Claw Hand and Divine Walking Talisman. The former has nothing to say. It can be regarded as a reinforcement in the claw technique when combined with the Eagle Claw Kungfu that Zuo Zhou has learned a long time ago. The latter is interesting. A spell of drawing.

The function of the magic talisman is to use the wind to enhance speed and endurance. Stick two magic talismans on the calf, and you will be able to travel thousands of miles a day like a tireless fast horse.This thing can be said to make up for Zuo Zhou's embarrassment that he doesn't have long-distance light skills. It's not handsome at all to run with a charm.

The Renbang Kung Fu method is a bit interesting. Kunlun Liehuo Palm, a complete set of martial arts, is composed of palm techniques and internal strength. When performing kung fu, it will produce monstrous fire power. When it is practiced to a high level, even rocks can burn.

But as long as you look carefully, you will know that the cultivation conditions are ridiculous, there is almost no threshold, and it can be practiced by individuals, but the heavier the yang energy, the better the cultivation effect.

This requirement basically bid farewell to all female practitioners. Under the circumstances that the upper limit is almost restricted, no female practitioners will do such an unpleasant thing.

And male practitioners don't need to be too happy, we must know that our human body is in harmony with yin and yang, but the male yang energy is a little heavier.This determines that it is difficult for even men to cultivate to the top level.

Only male patients with unstable yin and yang and excessive yang energy are the most suitable for cultivation, and even if they are fully trained, they cannot have sex with women, otherwise there will only be two results, either the women will be burned to death in the process, or their own The skill is greatly reduced.

So Zuo Zhou threw it into the box after the entry of Kunlun Flame Palm appeared on the panel. He would never practice it, but he could simulate it.

"Wow, this Kunlun Fire Palm seems very powerful, can I practice it?"

Zuo Zhou was studying the magic movement talisman here, while Jiang Yuyan was holding the secret book of Kunlun Fiery Palm and his eyes were shining brightly.

Zuo Zhou laughed and said: "Yes, anyone can practice. You have a good talent, and you may be able to achieve some results! But after practicing, you will grow a beard, have a thick voice, flat chest, dry and red hair, and maybe even baldness. Woolen cloth!"

"Hehe, it really is a magical kung fu." Jiang Yuyan threw it back into the box calmly, like throwing a piece of trash, extremely disgusted.

" there anything suitable for me to practice?"

Zuo Zhou didn't care, "All external exercises can be practiced, but for internal exercises, try to choose neutral or feminine ones. Your body hasn't suffered from childhood, and suddenly practicing those strong stimulating exercises will hurt your body. It's too much. Neither cold nor masculine."

"Then can you teach me?"

Zuo Zhou looked at Shangjiang Yuyan's expectant eyes, and it was hard to refuse for a while. He thought for a while and said, "When I go out, I'll go to the bookstore and buy you a book of Taoist health-preserving exercises. You should practice first."

Jiang Yuyan was confused, "You can buy it in a bookstore?" This must be a bad job!
Zuo Zhou said very seriously: "Actually, there are universes in the Taoist health-preserving skills. As long as you practice it to the innate level, it will evolve into innate skills. At that time, you don't need to control it, and it will grow slowly by itself. .In addition, what I practice is innate skills, look at how strong I am now!"

(End of this chapter)

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