Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 290 The life-saving grace cannot be repaid

Chapter 290 The life-saving grace cannot be repaid
"General, in fact, I... the general came in time, and I was not bullied by that traitor. The little girl is here to thank you." Jiang Yuyan said that she was about to bow down.

"Hey, don't make such a big move in the carriage, it will destroy the balance of the carriage, and you should always think about the horse."

The horse pulling the chariot snorted psychically, and Zuo Zhou slowed down his speed amusedly. In fact, he understood why Jiang Yuyan said that.

In this era, what will happen to a girl with yellow flowers who is robbed by gangsters and then rescued?Anyone with a little brain can imagine that the cyber violence on the earth next door can kill a person, not to mention that in this world and this era, just that kind of look is enough to make people collapse.

Jiang Yuyan's idea was nothing more than hoping to get Zuo Zhou's help to clarify, which was nothing more than a little effort for him.

Smart people communicate so smoothly, and they can tell what's going on just by looking at each other. Jiang Yuyan calmed down happily and picked up a book to read.

Zuo Zhou looked at her curiously, "Didn't you look down on that Taoist health-preserving exercise? Why are you reading it so positively now?"

Jiang Yuyan was slightly stunned. The book in their hands was bought at the bookstore on the way back. This kind of book classified as "health care" does not have an annotated version of so-and-so. Welfare.

It's a pity, just like everyone on the earth next door knows the benefits of exercising, but how many people can persist for a long time?The same is true for Daqin and even the whole world. Obviously, if you keep practicing, you will be able to reach the innate level per capita after 30 to [-] years of hard work, but this is the simplest and most unattainable thing.

Jiang Yuyan, who had just obtained the Taoist health-preserving skills, also sneered. Zuo Zhou could still see this, but it was because of Zuo Zhou's face that she started to read it.But who knows, it seems that the more you drive, the more fascinated you become.

Jiang Yuyan smiled sweetly, "The general will never give up and give her best skills. Of course Yuyan must study hard."

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows. Could it be that this girl's acting skills have improved again?For a moment, he couldn't tell whether it was true or not!

Zuo Zhou pondered for a moment, as if he really saw a little sincerity in his eyes, maybe it's still too late.

Just for this trace of sincerity, "Miss Jiang, you are the daughter of a Jiangnan hero. I shouldn't have said this, but... the princess has been in trouble many times on a bumpy journey, and she is physically and mentally exhausted. She just needs a sensible female official to share the mundane duties." , I wonder if Miss Jiang is interested?"

Jiang Yuyan's smile looked awkward for a moment, this was the second time Li Yuanfang offered her an olive branch.

The last time it was an attendant, this time it was a female official, the status has obviously improved, but... In fact, the so-called female officials in Daqin are very embarrassing now, they have the title of "female official" but they don't have the status of "official".For one thing, they didn't enter the officialdom through regular channels, and they didn't even take the imperial examination.Secondly, they are female officials. In fact, most of them are housekeepers and other roles around the big shots, so naturally they are not taken seriously.

If it was changed to before, Jiang Yuyan would definitely refuse, she really doesn't want to serve anyone anymore!But... this time it was Li Yuanfang who sent the invitation, this person he had already become a little obsessed with, she will never forget the back that was covered in blood and confronting the abyss before, maybe, she will never forget it in her life!

Feeling Jiang Yuyan's struggle, Zuo Zhou laughed a little: "There is a saying that when the coin you use to make a decision is flipped in the air, you already know what you want to choose. Your hesitation is a good proof of this In a word, stick to your own heart, maybe it is wrong, maybe you will regret it in the future, but at least it is your choice.”

Jiang Yuyan didn't say anything anymore, but she seemed to really let go of something.Zuo Zhou didn't sigh like last time, everyone has their own choice, he felt that he was pulling her, but actually thinking about it, maybe Jiang Yuyan didn't need him to save her.

Just like that, the relaxed atmosphere was restored between the two of them, and they walked slowly back to Anqing City talking and laughing. It should be said that Jiang Yuyan was indeed the person valued by the old bustard at Yunlai Pavilion. Zhou feasted his eyes.

The location of the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce is actually not very far from Anqing City, but Jiang Yuyan is a girl without martial arts after all, and can't stand too strong bumps, so the two walked intermittently for three days before reaching Anqing City.

As soon as he entered the city gate, Zuo Zhou noticed the difference. At this time, the guards in charge of the city had been replaced by the elite of the Yang family. They were all fully armed, probably because they felt aggrieved by the hasty challenge last time, so now everyone can't leave their guns. , The horse follows the left and right.

The news of Li Yuanfang's return from General Li was soon known by everyone, and Qingping took the initiative to greet her.

"You are willing to come back!" Qingping complained as soon as she opened her mouth.

Zuo Zhou scratched his head in embarrassment, and only at this moment did he look like a 17-year-old boy, "Sorry, some things were delayed, I will help you get revenge."

"Revenge?" Yang Paifeng said with a cold face. If you hadn't left in the middle of the night, they wouldn't have been raided and even had no strength to fight back. Well, it's only my own incompetence. After all, that Zac is very powerful, even if Li Yuanfang It may not be the opponent now, so she just expressed doubts, but she didn't say anything to blame.

But Qingping knew Zuo Zhou very well, looked at the carriage behind, "Where's the head?"

Zuo Zhou spread his hands, "There is nothing light or heavy in your hand, and the head is gone, but you believe me, will the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce be a problem in the future."

"General Li's martial arts are world-class, and Jiang admires it." This is naturally Jiang Biehe. In fact, he doesn't quite believe it. After all, Zac is a bit outrageous, but before he finished speaking, Jiang Yuyan came out of the carriage.

"You... why are you in the car?"

"My daughter was taken away by thieves. Fortunately, General Li arrived in time to rescue her. Otherwise, my daughter might never see her father again!" Crying, I wanted to cry at this moment.

Zuo Zhou wanted to laugh but he couldn't help it, "That's right, that Zac coveted Miss Jiang's beauty and wanted to commit crimes, but it was also because of this that he left clues that allowed me to chase them all the way, kill all the enemies and rescue them." Miss Jiang, hehe, Miss Jiang is also very witty, she left a lot of marks along the way, this time, Miss Jiang should be credited with killing the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce. Let Miss Jiang ask for some credit."

Jiang Biehe's face looked better, An Yunshan said with a smile: "Your officer, please remember."

Jiang Biehe rolled his eyes and stepped forward gratefully, "There is no way to repay a life-saving favor. We people in Jianghu are rough men who don't know etiquette. We only know that we must repay our kindness! Let the little girl promise you with her body. Be a squire for the general, and help your lord avoid the burden of many mundane affairs."

Jiang Yuyan's hand, which was still holding the Taoist health-preserving exercises, suddenly clenched tightly, and the expression management was almost abolished.

Zuo Zhou was a little dumbfounded, this Jiangnan hero is really good at flattering and building relationships!

"Let's forget it, we have suffered along the way, Miss Jiang has no time to spare and could easily miss Qingqing's life." Zuo Zhou smiled and shook his head and refused.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I still have a daughter who knows martial arts!"

Jiang Yuyan let go of her hand slowly, her smile became more false, and she suddenly remembered what General Li had said before, 'Your father is unreliable! ', good words are always harsh, she used to think that her father's partiality was only aimed at herself, but now it seems that her sister is not much stronger.

It's ridiculous that she, a miserable person, started to sympathize with another miserable person.

Zuo Zhou glanced at Jiang Yufeng who was behind the crowd. The girl had a lonely expression at this moment, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"Hero Jiang is wrong. Ms. Jiang's literary talent and martial arts are all top choices. How can she be a mere attendant? In my opinion, you should take the imperial examination!" He said and looked at An Yunshan, "Please trouble Mrs. An to help I will prepare the pen and ink, and I will edit a book in a while, and then I will let Miss Jiang take it to the capital to find Mr. Di. Mr. Di was also a serious imperial examination student in the Tang Dynasty. With his teaching, Ms. Jiang will definitely be able to go to high school!"

Jiang Yufeng suddenly became energetic, and looked at Zuo Zhou full of gratitude, but Jiang Biehe was in a daze, why did he go to the imperial examination all of a sudden?The topic jumped too fast.

"This...isn't suitable, Yufeng hasn't even had the county test yet..."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, you can ask Lao Di to recommend it. I still have some face for this general. Anyway, it's a waste if he rots in his hands." Zuo Zhou laughed hahaha, which can be regarded as pulling Jiang Yu. Fengyi, he is actually quite strange, in such a family with a crooked upper beam, why is there still a seedling in the lower beam that can be saved?Probably because Jiang Biehe is too patriarchal, and Jiang Yulang is always brought along when he does bad things.

At this point, Jiang Biehe was completely at a loss for words. Although he was still smiling and thanking him, Zuo Zhou could also see his dissatisfaction. All the cheat books were handed over to Jiang Yuyan, saying it was a reward for her contribution, of course it was a copy, and it was supposed to be collected by the imperial court.Only then did Jiang Biehe's complexion improve.

Zuo Zhou didn't delay any longer, and after saying goodbye to everyone, he followed the princess team and left Anqing City. After that, the Yang family elite divided a dozen people, and went to the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce according to Zuo Zhou's instructions, and brought the hidden gold, weapons and armor All the other things were escorted back to the imperial capital.


On the night Zuo Zhou left Anqing City, Jiang Biehe came to Jiang Yuyan's room, looked at the Taoist health-preserving exercise in her hand, "Why are you practicing this?"

"It was given to Yuyan by General Li." The answer was still soft and cute.

Jiang Biehe sneered, "This kind of... Kung Fu, forget it, tell Dad honestly, are you perfect at this moment? Why did Li Yuanfang reject you so many times!"

Jiang Yuyan pulled her heart hard, "Daughter didn't let that thief take advantage of her, I'm afraid it's her daughter Pu Liu's appearance that won't catch the general's eyes."

Jiang Biehe pursed his lips, and wanted to scold him, but suddenly thought of the unique skills in those secret books, his complexion became better again, "You did a good job this time, since General Li rewarded you with all the secret books, I don't even think about it. , it may indeed be that General Li's vision is too high. By the way, your brother wants to practice Kunlun Fire Palm, so remember not to make any noise about it in the future."

Jiang Yuyan looked at her father who was about to treat it as a family heirloom, and made a look of joy, "Brother has amazing talent, and in the future, he will definitely become a generation of heroes like father."

Jiang Biehe smiled complacently when he heard the words, and left the room with a few words of comfort.

Jiang Yuyan's hand holding the secret book turned white. She stared blankly at the door for a long time before letting out a long sigh of relief. There was no smile on her face, and she was even a little cold.

Turning his head to the table, he took out a book that seemed to be placed randomly from the nearby bookshelf, and opened it with some incomprehensible numbers.

She spread out the Taoist health-preserving skills on the side, and compared them left and right, while muttering, "The number of pages...the number of lines...the number of words...the great soul searcher..."

(End of this chapter)

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