Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 291 I want to kill someone

Chapter 291 I want to kill someone

"You gave Jiang Biehe that kind of unique knowledge, isn't that causing trouble for me? How can I seek revenge from him afterwards?"

Jiang Xiaoyu caught up later, and his task is to take Shi Hongshi around in front of An Yunshan, so that An Yunshan can understand that this general knows far more than you!

Zuo Zhou could almost imagine An Yunshan's expression, but compared to Xue Xiaoren's hardcore Qinglong club, An Yunshan who hadn't been contacted by his superiors for a long time was obviously the target of Zuo Zhou.The combination of kindness and power is a common method, will he not read the cheats after he has handed it?Are the commercial channels of the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce free?If An Yunshan was not stupid, he should know what to do in the future.

As for Shi Hongshi, let's hang out with You Ruo first, anyway, this team doesn't care about carrying a drag bottle.

"Kunlun Flame Palm is quite strong, but it is definitely not a good choice for those who have been hollowed out by wine and sex. Since they are destined not to practice to the limit, no matter how hard they work, it will be a waste of time." Zuo Zhou looked Jiang up and down Xiaoyu, "Jiang Biehe's illegitimate daughters have come to him, so you don't know about Jiang Yulang's virtues? What are you afraid of with two people who practice Blazing Palm? Why don't you practice your own kung fu if you have this time."

Jiang Xiaoyu looked at Xuanyuan Sanguang next to him who was teasing Shi Hongshi with dice, and then at the rigor who was holding a test tube and didn't know what to study, and heaved a long sigh.He also knows a unique skill, which is Yan Nantian's magic wedding dress, but it takes too long, if you want to speed up the practice, you need to practice it together. The problem is, look at the two crooked melons and dates beside you , which is reliable?

Zuo Zhou also took a serious look when Jiang Xiaoyu sighed. Since he gave Wei Jinzhong's flesh and blood to him, this guy seems to have gone further and further on the road of biochemical warrior.By the way, does researching biological warriors with pharmacological Gu Dao count as science and technology?It should not be rejected by the will of the universe.

"What do you gain?" Zuo Zhou asked curiously.

The rigorous expression was a bit weird, "I found that the zombies that Wei Jinzhong turned into were a little different from the refined zombies. The refined zombies had the disadvantage of being extremely powerful but stiff, and their intelligence was not high. It would be easy if no one watched and assisted Being targeted or falling into a trap. Especially if you encounter yang attribute exercises, you will be restrained!" As he spoke, his expression turned and he said excitedly: "But Wei Jinzhong is different, he seems to be the kind bestowed by heaven...then It is a very different kind of zombie. It will not be afraid under the scorching sun, and the balance of yin and yang in the body does not have the disadvantages of being afraid of yang attribute exercises, and the body is almost the same as that of a normal person!"

Zuo Zhou frowned, "The zombie you mentioned seems familiar to me, so Wei Jinzhong won't come back to life?"

Shaking his head rigorously, "I'll tell you for sure, no! Zombies born in the conventional sense are the new spiritual ones reborn after death, and they are very mentally retarded. But this kind that was struck by lightning seems to contain With a great destructive attribute, a new spiritual wisdom cannot be born, and can only rely on the original soul. If the original soul dies, he will not live again. That Wei Jinzhong is dead, unless some soul voluntarily sneaks in to become a eunuch , otherwise it would not survive."

Zuo Zhou heaved a sigh of relief, if he found that Wei Jinzhong was alive again after returning, then he would have fun.However, the method of summoning Tianlei to temper oneself with the Heavenly Fury Heart Technique...wouldn't the ultimate purpose be to refine this kind of body, right?Hiss, Zuo Zhou was shocked by his brain for 3 minutes.

"Then what do you want to do? Give your own little zombie a new ability?"

A trace of hesitation flashed in his rigorous eyes, and then he shook his head decisively, "I will definitely study it, but even if I want to do it, it is not now. My zombie still looks like a child, and even if I become this kind of zombie, I will suffer a little. I have to Let's study how to let him grow up first, and wait until he looks like an adult, then it won't be too late to transform."

Jiang Xiaoyu watched the two of them communicate from the side. He knew every single word, but he didn't understand it together. Could it be that what Li Yuanfang said, he should read more?
"It's possible to make a small zombie grow again... it seems to be a good way."

Looking at him rigorously and somewhat expectantly, "You know this? You have learned all this knowledge."

Zuo Zhou glanced calmly at Sheng Tianya who was walking with Tie Shou, and this guy started pretending to be that non-existent Dayong again.He is really convinced about this, Wuqing has been missing for such a long time, and he didn't even say to look for it.Isn't he afraid that Wuqing will commit suicide because of his lack of love?
"I saw that Da Yong, he knows a kind of exercise with extremely strong vitality. The growth of this creature cannot be separated from the participation of vitality. If you communicate with him more and show your research, he must be interested!"

"Dayong?" Yan Jing looked over suspiciously, and happened to meet Sheng Tianya's gaze.

However, Sheng Tianya didn't look serious, but stared at Zuo Zhou angrily, his eyes seemed to be full of question marks, the kind of question marks of 'not I have a problem, but you have a problem'.

Zuo Zhou didn't even bother to talk to him, I still want to ask, is there a problem with me or you?

Of course, contrary to the situation where Zuo Zhou and Sheng Tianya met each other silently, Tieshou was always in a daze. He was there that night. The relationship between Li Yuanfang and Wuqing is not as simple as a relationship between a man and a woman. Said he couldn't help it.Afterwards, Zac attacked and Wuqing was broken. Logically speaking, he should be dead, but Wuqing's body was not dug up. He had a little hope in his heart, thinking that Wuqing might have been captured by the enemy.But Yang Paifeng didn't see it when he led the army to chase after him, and Li Yuanfang didn't notice it when he wiped out the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce. Can Wuqing leave by himself?
Broken spine, broken heart, these are fatal injuries, not to mention Wuqing can't walk, can they walk by themselves?What's even more incomprehensible is that Li Yuanfang doesn't care at all, even the cheerful Dayong, who was always called "Sister, Sister" before.


Qingping poked her head out of the carriage, and waved to Zuo Zhou. Everyone was used to it. This was probably General Li's nickname, and no one except Princess Qingping dared to call it.

Zuo Zhou got into the carriage in a blink of an eye, "What's wrong? Are you... nervous?"

Qingping paused for a moment and nodded helplessly, "I'm going to see those people again, and I always feel that something bad has happened."

Zuo Zhou blamed himself a little, and gently hugged him in his arms, "It's all my fault, Mr. Ximen's incident with that stinky old man made me mess up. I should always stay by your side. But don't worry this time, I will I have sent the author of Mr. Ximen’s suicide note back to the imperial capital, and told Ah Xiang to keep quiet. From then on, I have only one task left, to protect you!”

Qingping didn't struggle, just squeezed into his arms, as if she wanted to cover him with a quilt.

"You should have brought Axiang and Shiqi here, how lonely they must be in the imperial capital."

"You're not talking right now. They're here, why are we messing around?"

"Oh, as if you don't mess around if they don't come, let me ask you, how will you explain to Di Renjie and Zhuge Zheng me about Wuqing when you go back?" Qingping glared at him reproachfully.

"Let Sheng Tianya explain, I'm just an implicated person who can't see people dying."

The rascal's answer didn't disappoint Qingping, he just sighed: "Sometimes I envy you exiles, you can have high wisdom since childhood, so that you can have a clear conscience from birth."

Zuo Zhou laughed, "What? You have done a lot of wrong things?"

Qingping was silent, and the atmosphere suddenly became heavy, "When I was the princess of Peiguo, we studied Yang Cang's sword skills in the future. We used many living and dead men to practice swords. The dead men are nothing more than death row prisoners. But the rest are mostly civilians from the enemy country..."

Zuo Zhou was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled, "Why do you need to be alive to practice swordsmanship? Yang Cang's swordsmanship was born out of Spring and Autumn Swordsmanship, and just those few moves can be practiced with a piece of wood!"

Qingping was a little depressed, "It's not that simple. Peiguo doesn't have people with extraordinary talents like you or Jianchen. It's not so easy to create a kind of martial arts to restrain Yang Cang's saber technique. We use living people to test the saber. It is necessary to observe the reactions of those living people when they are desperate, and then extract the most effective postures and integrate them into one, so that the embryonic form of the umbrella is gradually formed, and after many improvements by the generals, the complete umbrella is finally formed!"

Zuo Zhou blinked in surprise. All along, he has been in contact with some of the most favored people. After a long time, it is inevitable that he will feel a little "why not eat minced meat". Now, after Qingping mentioned it, he finally realized that it turned out that a kind of cultivation technique with potential was born. It was so difficult.

"Your statement scares me a bit. Is this Yang Cang so scary? You actually asked you to use the power of the whole country to study him?" Am I going to type the phrase 'Leuwenhoek' on the barrage?
Qing Ping shook her head, "Yang Cang wasn't from Yan Kingdom originally, he seemed to appear out of nowhere, and no one knew who he was or what faction he was, in short, he was very powerful, and he beat us back steadily. Zi Yuzhi So the prestige is because he killed Yang Cang and achieved fame, although I know it was all done by the shadow."

Zuo Zhou understood when he heard the words, "You are not only trying to expose his false identity, but also erasing his only credit! What do you want to do?"

Qingping got up and stared at Zuo Zhou with burning eyes, "I want to defeat him with Yang Cang's saber technique. In the barracks, in front of all the soldiers and generals, I want everyone to know that he can't beat Yang Cang. A villain who stole the power of splashing the sky!"

Zuo Zhou blinked. After all, she is a princess educated by the royal family. This kind of thinking is quite cruel. The fake did the real thing, but the real person became a fake. Now the real and fake are easy to change again. All credits must be denied, killing and punishing one's heart!

"The problem is, there are only three moves left in the Spring and Autumn Saber Technique. I'm afraid you won't be able to defeat Zi Yu's Pei Umbrella." I can't teach you the love of the city!
"So I want you to teach me. I heard from Axiang that you have a... method to practice quickly."

Zuo Zhou was stunned, and then he was relieved, this Ah Xiang was indeed in my shape, and even in the face of Qingping, he didn't pass it back to the Dream Heart Sutra.

"Since you asked frankly, I will teach you."

"how should I do?"

"Sleep first."

Qingping blushed, and slowly took off her coat, "It's broad daylight, and the team is still on their way, isn't it good!"

(End of this chapter)

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