Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 301 Don't Forget About Murder and Punishment

Chapter 301 Don't Forget About Murder and Punishment
"It's very embarrassing for you to say that." Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes directly, of course he understood what Xiao Ai meant.

Because of a moment of soft-heartedness, Xiao Ai let Qingping go. She didn't take this matter seriously at all, and she probably didn't have any expectations for Qingping. After all, she was a lonely and seriously injured princess What can be done?

But it never occurred to me that it was the subjugated princess who met Xiaomei and the old beggar Hong Rixin during her escape without medical treatment, and she survived intermittently for several years relying on the nourishment of her true energy.It was also because of her appearance that the old beggar had the opportunity to entrust the two sisters to Zuo Zhou, and also taught Zuo Zhou the Heart Sutra of Huimeng, which gave him the capital to rise.

Zuo Zhou is so awesome, he rescued Di Renjie, fought in Turks, returned to Jiannan Road to meet his son-in-law, the emperor killed Wei Jinzhong, and now escorted the princess to Jiangnan Road, killing Xue Xiaoren and Liu Yunfei along the way, and ruined the prosperity Ant Chamber of Commerce, the impact of this can no longer be described with a simple word 'big'.

Although Qingping's role in it cannot be said to be too great, it belongs to the source. This alone can have a great effect on Xiao Ai, and it also successfully helped Xiao Ai to be promoted to the realm of the master of the list.

However, the grand master realm of a fortune teller is still different from that of a traditional warrior. She has no true meaning in martial arts, and she may not be able to beat even ordinary innate masters.But after all, he is a role like a military adviser, and he doesn't need to do anything, as long as he lives for a long time.

Now that Xiao Ai is here again, needless to say, he must have tasted the sweetness of investing in Qingping, so he wants to add more chips.

This feels very annoying. There is such a person who blatantly wants to influence your life, what should you do?If it was Zuo Zhou, he would be able to go up with a knife!

However, it wasn't Li Yuanfang who invested in him, so no one would dare to invest in him, after all, he failed at the fortune-telling stage without accident.

What to do depends on what Qingping thinks. After all, this is Qingping's hatred. Although she is her own woman, it does not mean she is her own slave. In this regard, Zuo Zhou has no concept of marrying and obeying her husband.

Similarly, Qingping didn't have any. She was educated by the orthodox royal princess. In which dynasty have you seen a princess who completely listened to the concubine after she got married?
But when it comes to awkwardness, Qingping is also very annoying, and she doesn't want people to arrange her future, but since Xiaoai dared to come today, she must have done something.Wouldn't it be foolish to reject something that is conducive to Qingping's revenge?

"What have you done?"

Xiao Ai chuckled when she heard the words, everything was as she expected, Li Yuanfang might not care about her, but she knew Qingping's temperament too well, if she could get rid of fake Ziyu smoothly, Qingping would definitely endure it All kinds of dissatisfaction before, and the one who cooperated with her.

"Fake Ziyu was named Jingzhou from the real Ziyu at the beginning, which means to take back Jingzhou City. He is very smart. He can basically imitate [-]% of the abilities of Zhenzi Yuhui back then. Similarly, when looking for a substitute It's the same in this case."

Zuo Zhou and Qingping were startled, and they looked at each other, which really exceeded their expectations. If he also found a substitute, then Qingping's revenge would really be difficult to avenge.

Xiao Ai was very satisfied with the expressions of the two of them, "From the time when General Li sent a letter to the imperial court to issue the sea arrest document, that Ziyu who was confined in the Jiedushi's mansion is no longer Jingzhou. The real Jingzhou is now coming. Hiding in Jingzhou City, I am planning to use the army to kill you after you enter the city."

Zuo Zhou was a little puzzled, "Is this a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry? Daqin's princess can be killed if he says so? I am afraid that even if he really succeeds, Qin Huang will take down his Jiedushi for the reason of disadvantageous protection. Besides, Where did he get the army? All the generals along the way should have received arrest warrants, will anyone jump on his wrecked boat at this time?" This is different from joining the pot party in [-].

Xiao Ai said with a smile: "This Jingzhou may not be good at other skills, but as Zi Yu's shadow back then, he has learned the skills of substitutes and cultivating dead men to perfection. In addition, a few days ago there was Yihua Palace Only by uniting with him can there be sufficient manpower. In addition... the death of the father-in-law is nothing to him, because he is ready to take the place of the dead ghost."

Zuo Zhou was happy when he heard the words, "Who has such a big face? He can even bear the crime of assassinating the princess."

"Tian Zhan!"


Zuo Zhou and Qingping stopped talking, this guy is the second in command of the Jiangnan Dao army, he was the one who wanted to get Qingping and robbed Ziyu of military power to collude with the Qinglong Society.It turns out that it is good now, Zi Yu actually regarded him as a scapegoat long ago.

"Don't say that the dead soldiers raised by fake Ziyu have all been mixed with Tian Zhan's personal soldiers."

"General wise!"


Zuo Zhou is a little discouraged, you guys who play tactics are dirty, dirtier than me.Zuo Zhou was contemptuous in his heart, but he said to Xiao Ai: "Since we have already talked about it, what tactics do you have?"

"If your lord has the confidence to deal with Yaoyue Lianxing from Yihua Palace, then you can gather your troops to go directly to the hiding place of Ziyu in Jingzhou City, and strike first! If your lord has no confidence in this battle, then it's up to you I will lure out the fake Ziyu."

The two methods are considered and feared by people from Yihua Palace.

After Qingping thought for a while, she still turned her eyes to Zuo Zhou, who laughed and said, "When you can use your power to overwhelm others, don't do crooked ways. I don't believe that the dead men trained by fake Ziyu can compete with the elites of the Yang family." On the front, even Yaoyue Lianxing, I don't believe that they dare to resist the Yang family's elite group charge, and as long as they dodge once, it is enough for us to kill fake Ziyu."

Then Zuo Zhou looked at Qingping again, "Don't you want to kill people? Then this opportunity is not bad. Kill the fake Ziyu in Jingzhou City, and then go to the military camp to kill the double. At that time, everyone will think that the double is successful." It’s true, and facing you who has a 100% win rate as a stand-in, your prestige will be the same for a while!”

Xiao Ai took a breath of air, as expected of Li Yuanfang who can thrive in a place like the imperial capital, this scheme is truly murderous.Dirty, really dirty!
But then she became excited again, this is undoubtedly a way to push Qingping's reputation to the highest level, and correspondingly, the more benefits she can get.Undoubtedly, if this move is performed properly, there is a chance to reach the realm of master consummation in the future.Oops, just thinking about it makes me so excited that I can't close my legs.

Feeling Zuo Zhou's confidence, Qingping also nodded, "Since that's the case, it's settled. After that, I'll wait for sister Xiaoai's information!"

With respectful blessings, Xiao Ai solemnly greeted the princess, "Follow the princess' order, after nightfall, the gates of the city are wide open, which is the best time for a sneak attack."

Qingping ordered the two guards at the door to send her away, her solemn and serious expression suddenly relaxed, her eyes were dazed and she looked for comfort, "So there are so many things going on back then, you say... can she be trusted?" ?”

"Credible, at least the part about her wanting to help you is credible. But if you don't agree to cooperate with her, the result will be different."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

Zuo Zhou snorted coldly, "If we didn't agree to her, then the last thing we found might be a double. Besides, do you really think it's that easy to find a double with a similar appearance? Why did Zhen Ziyu only have one double back then? Not really Because it's hard to find. What's more, fake Ziyu doesn't have any connections in the Jianghu. Why should he look for them? But Xiao Ai is different. They have a lot of connections in the Jianghu. It is not difficult for a master of the technique."

"So... her words are actually blocking two ends? No matter what we do, we will not lose?" Qingping was a little angry.

"I can't say it's a good loss. If I fork her out like I did before, and then give her a thousand boards for colliding with the general, she should lose money!" Zuo Zhou said, waving her hand. Waving, as if you are really spanking.

Qingping almost burst out laughing, and glared at him angrily, "You are such a powerful official!"

"What is this? I still plan to use the tricks later! Didn't the fake Ziyu want to blame Tian Zhan? We did what he wished, confirming the identities of the gang of dead soldiers hiding in Jingzhou City, and killing Tian Zhan as well." It's settled, anyway, he's a colluder with the Azure Dragon Society, so it wouldn't be a pity to die."

Qingping opened her mouth, smiled suddenly, and slipped into Zuo Zhou's arms without saying anything, "It's such a good feeling that someone helps you think about everything!"

Zuo Zhou hugged her on his lap with ease, "Don't be lazy, I've taught you the sword technique for so long, maybe you can't defeat Fake Ziyu, but it's okay to beat Fake Ziyu's substitute, don't worry Time to crash."

"Don't worry, if you agree... I think even the fake Ziyu will be chopped off too!"

Zuo Zhou lowered his head, and Qingping looked at him with watery eyes that he couldn't refuse.Zuo Zhou's anger rose a little, but his face was still prudish.

"What conditions?"

"Huh? There are still conditions!"

"Nonsense, no one agrees without conditions. I usually grab the head. Now let me play support. How can I do it without any price?" Zuo Zhou hugged Qingping's body and moved. The little brother tended to look up. As the big brother Can't stand in the way.

Qingping blinked her big playful eyes, and gently leaned against Zuo Zhou's ear, "How about the poses you mentioned before..."

"Deal, hum, you are such a cunning woman!"

Zuo Zhou put it on the stool with an aggrieved expression that you calculated, got up and went out to set it up.In fact, whether it is playing as a support or not, Wuji Dao Dao Hun is now in a state of serious injury, relying on Shen Dao Zhan and Eleven Nirvana, he really doesn't have much confidence to keep Yao Yue Lian Xing.

But if you are playing support, you can give it a try, after all, there are quite a few players in the team who can carry and play.

(End of this chapter)

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