Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 302 After the first shock

Chapter 302 After the First Shock

"The gate is open, everyone is ready, and after the spies report back, we will start the battle immediately!"

The gate of Jingzhou City was opened, but Zuo Zhou was a prudent person, he couldn't trust Xiao Ai with a single word, so he sent Sheng Tianya into Jingzhou City to investigate.

Yes, Sheng Tianya, sometimes you have to admire that make-up technique is worthy of the name of the four major magic arts, if the facts were not in front of him, he would never believe that this high-spirited Sheng Tianya and little transparent Dayong are actually the same person.

"Why did you ask Dayong to be a spy?"

Tie Shou drove the horse to Zuo Zhou's side, and looked at him with some puzzlement, but Zuo Zhou didn't look sideways.

"Because this kid deserves a beating, I want to see if he is really so lucky that he won't die no matter what."

Tie Shou froze for a moment, what kind of hatred and resentment is this?Unexpectedly, Zou Zuo went on and said: "If I were you, you would take good care of this kid, maybe after solving Zi Yu's matter this time, this kid will run away. If you still want to get Wu Qing back, you have to watch him!"

Tieshou was speechless. In fact, he was not fully aware of the ruthlessness and bravery. After all, Sheng Tianya felt a little ashamed when he learned everything. How could he take the initiative to talk about this kind of dark history?
Moreover, Sheng Tianya had already thought about it himself. After the matter in Jingzhou City was dealt with this time, he would go to the Qing Dynasty to seek revenge on that Du Lian. After that, as long as Wu Qing was not around, he would not come back, and the provincial society would die.

However, this kind of irresponsible thinking can be easily seen by Zuo Zhou. If he doesn't take the initiative to explain, then Zuo Zhou will face Zhuge Zhengwo's scolding when he goes back. Although he is not afraid, he will feel annoyed.

Besides, Zuo Zhou has no position to prevent Sheng Tianya from taking revenge, so his sense of this guy is getting worse and worse.

"Oh! Is there anything more broken than having a younger brother?"

"It's done, the information is correct, Zi Yu and the people from Yihua Palace are all there!" Sheng Tianya came back after a while, with an excited expression on his face as if he was about to flex his muscles, just like that, he didn't put his sister at all. Take the missing thing seriously.

Zuo Zhou was also used to it, and waved his hand to completely hand over the command to Yang Paifeng.

He may be Li Yuanfang, but he is not a real general. If he is asked to lead troops in an ambush or something, it may be okay, but he really can't use the army formation to hedge against the overall strength of the army on the battlefield.

Yang Paifeng is different, this one is professional.

Da da da, rumbling, the cavalry team formed by the elites of the Yang family was like an arrow. At first, the pioneer horses moved forward slowly, and then sped up a little bit. At the end, when they were fully galloping, they formed a kind of true energy as a whole. Mixed implications.

When passing through the gate of Jingzhou City, the zhenqi mixed together reached the degree of distortion visible to the naked eye, and Zuo Zhou even felt that he had faintly changed into a specific shape!

It's a pity that although Yang Paifeng is in the innate realm, the personal strength of the elites of the Yang family has not yet reached the innate level, and their true energy has not been released, so naturally they cannot keep up with Yang Paifeng's rhythm to a certain extent.

But this power is already very strong!


The terrain of Jingzhou City is so high that it can even be said to be a city built against a cliff. Below the cliff is the river, so it has always been easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Similarly, the terrain of Jingzhou City is also very complicated, just like the mountain city in Zuo Zhou's previous life, with layers upon layers, and the road surface still undulates like waves.

The people who often live in Jingzhou City have mastered special skills. Most people will slow down properly to avoid losing control of themselves or the carriage when going downhill, but the people in Jingzhou City are different. Rush up another uphill.

However, today they saw another way to advance, rushing out from one uphill, and then jumping to another high slope, jumping non-stop, jumping again and again!
If this kind of jump is just a certain master, it's fine, but this is a whole army!
Rumbling, the iron hooves have been completely connected into one piece, but there is an indescribable and shocking rhythm in the chaos, smooth and smooth, even if it does not rain tonight, the actions of this army are like lubricating oil, The strong momentum has been maintained from the very beginning, and it has even become stronger.

And then... Then there was a wave of very hip-hopping teams, although they were also riding the same horses, but they were completely incomparable with the elite just now.My God, this turning point is too blunt, how can there be such a hip-pull team in the world?
The faces of Zuo Zhou and the others were very ugly, and they were complaining about Yang Paifeng in their hearts, so you should have said earlier, that I should stay away from you.The comparison between the front and back pictures makes people collapse and humiliate!

After a loud noise, it was mixed with the sound of countless collapses. Yang Paifeng and the others had no intention of slowing down at all. The momentum of the cavalry had accumulated to the limit.It directly collided with the outer wall of the enemy's stronghold, and the originally tall courtyard wall was as broken as tofu in front of the cavalry.

It wasn't even a collision, it was completely crushed, and then the house, the backyard, and the courtyard wall on the other side.

If someone watched from the sky, they would find that they were like a knife, directly cutting through the enemy's stronghold.And after the knife passed, what was left was a lot of meat paste. No one knew how many people's flesh and blood were mixed in the meat paste.

"Don't let them do it again!"

Finally, someone among the enemies spoke. It was a serious-looking but funny face. It was hard for people who saw this face for the first time to imagine that the two temperaments were so well integrated in one person.Of course, this person is also very handsome, no wonder Xiao Ai didn't feel burdened at all when he took the initiative to dedicate himself to sowing conflicts between true and false.

"Your name is Jingzhou!"

Jingzhou was stunned for a moment, but when he turned around, he saw a young man sitting on a war horse. His horse had a long knife hanging from a hook, a hard bow on his back, and a long sword hanging from his waist. Faintly respecting him, Li Yuanfang's name instantly flashed in Jingzhou's mind.


"Forget it, you don't need to say anything, anyway, you can only be Jingzhou." Zuo Zhou interrupted what the other party wanted to say, and waved a chain around the other party's neck.

Jingzhou was shocked, he understood what the other party meant, oh shit, I'm a fake!

Although it is said that he is fake, the meaning is different.But now there is no time for him to think. Li Yuanfang's strength surpasses him by too much. The angle of this chain is fast and tricky. Not only does it want to wrap around his neck, but the daggers at both ends stab at him from two different angles.

This... can't hide! "Palace Master help me!"


The chain was cut off, and two beauties in palace costumes appeared beside Jingzhou. Their mature charm almost made Zuo Zhou molested him as 'Miss Sister'.

Zuo Zhou frowned slightly, "I didn't hear that the master of Yihua Palace is good at swordsmanship?" Or did he not read books seriously?
After all, Zuo Zhou is also a master of swordsmanship, so his eyes are easily attracted by the sword in Yaoyue's hand. It is a short sword, the hilt is like a rough bronze green, and there is no special pattern. , and even some pits and pits. Look at it, although the blade is sharp, it also reveals a strange feeling, as if it hurts the eyes even if you look at it more.

Um?Is this sword soul trying to compete fiercely with me?I stare!
"For your mother's sake, if you withdraw from Jingzhou City, I will not kill you."

Finally, Zuo Zhou was distracted by Yaoyue's costume, and looked away from the dagger, "Aunt Yaoyue, the Demon Sect is not easy to mix with, why don't you join Cihang Jingzhai, they will be very happy to accept you. You see Shi Zhixuan, after turning to the light, can command righteous martial arts people to serve the country."

They are all members of the Demon Sect, and it is not a small sect, so there are more or less information channels, not to mention that the affairs of Guo Ziyi in the Tang Dynasty have become almost a household name after being spread by interested people.It’s just that it’s too disrespectful for Yaoyue to say it at this time. Whoever joins Cihang Jingzhai, you join Cihang Jingzhai. Your whole family joins Cihang Jingzhai!
When Yaoyue got angry, she naturally wanted to fight. As soon as her true energy exploded, she came to Zuo Zhou. Zuo Zhou felt a surge of energy and slapped her face. The Wushuang sword in her waist was unsheathed immediately. The short sword and the long sword collided with each other. Jianguang exploded in a ring, and the two retreated together.

Yaoyue was not surprised. He had heard that Li Yuanfang was a master of swordsmanship, but Zuo Zhou was a little surprised. "So your swordsmanship is so hip, so why do you use a fucking sword?"

Zuo Zhou got off the horse helplessly, because the horse had been shocked to death when he retreated just now.But Zuo Zhou still said the same thing, just like the Ping-Pong Demon King said, "As soon as you shake hands, you know she's lost."

The same is true for Zuo Zhou at this time, as soon as the two swords intersect, he knows that Yaoyue's swordsmanship is a mess, at least in terms of swordsmanship, she is definitely not his opponent.It's a pity that the unique skill of inviting the moon to become famous has never been swordsmanship, otherwise I would be enough to fuck her today.

"Follow the plan, don't be impulsive!"

Boom!Iron hands descended from the sky, and their fists were as powerful as a mountain, and they smashed towards Yaoyue fiercely.You clearly said that you can play as a support, but you want to steal the head?
Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, seeing that Yaoyue swung his palm hard to catch the iron fists, and his short sword was about to stab upwards.He immediately handed over the Wushuang sword, and used the technique of "wrapping" to stick the short sword firmly, which made Yaoyue's body unstable for a while.

"Go away!"

Yaoyue's body trembled, and a distorted force appeared out of thin air, pulling the Wushuang sword to stab somewhere else.

Zuo Zhou's eyes lit up. Is this just a trick?It's really fast and weird, but it's different from the concepts of "four liang pull a thousand catties" and "stain clothes and eighteen falls", and it's more similar to the force field of Wanwan Heavenly Demon Dafa.

However, I can count your tricks, but what about my arrangements?Can you count it!
The bitter cold air instantly permeated the audience, causing Yaoyue's actions to stagnate a bit, and then the iron hand attacked again, this time his fists were extremely solid, and his true energy did not escape at all.

Yaoyue had no choice but to fight with the short sword and the Wushuang sword while dealing with the iron hand and Qin Shuang who was emitting cold air outside.

"One is cohesive, the other is scattered. The combination of fixed-point impact and range attack is not a bad arrangement. Hehe, do you feel that one hand is not enough to deal with two kinds of attacks with opposite styles? Transferring flowers and jade at the same time transfers two different types of attacks. The strength of the sword is a bit awkward, why don't you let go of the dagger and teach these two rough old men a lesson with both hands!"

Iron Hand (;¬¬¬)
Qin Shuang (“““)
(End of this chapter)

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