Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 314 Should we hurry up?

Chapter 314 Should I go back quickly?

"The world is laughing, the grievances are over! People make tricks, laughing hides the knife..."

While singing casually, Zuo Zhou gently put the information in his hand on the candle and burned it, Yaoyue is dead!This is the information transmitted by Fei Ge, and Jiang Biehe and his son's pissing nature, this matter will spread throughout the entire Jiangnan Dao Martial Arts within a few days, and will spread to a certain extent in the future. Many people know that there is such a pair of Jiang family father and son in Jiangnan Dao Wulin.

Thinking about the appearance of Yaoyue before, Zuo Zhou felt a little embarrassed like a cat crying like a mouse, so this is the real arena, the winner is not necessarily just, and the hero on the surface may not be really great Xia.

It's such a simple truth, but it's a pity that many people just don't understand it, and there are even so many rookies who dream of breaking into the rivers and lakes every day.

It's like reading "Water Margin" when I was a child. It said that there are [-] heroes in Shuibo Liangshan, and even took pictures of the seats. Thinking about it, it is very heroic.But when you grow up, you should understand that among the hundred and eight, there are no more than ten fingers who can support the word "hero".

The rivers and lakes seem to be free and easy, but they can't escape the word fame and fortune.

"What are you thinking? Why are you up so early?"

Qingping wore a thin gauze skirt and hugged Zuo Zhou's waist from behind, leaning her head against his vest, her voice was lazily as if she hadn't woken up.

"Yueyue is dead, and the Jianghu forces on Jiangnan Road will no longer be a hidden danger." Zuo Zhou answered casually, then turned around and picked up Qingping and put her back on the bed, "It's still early, sleep a little longer Bar."

Qingping shook her head, said with a smile: "If you wake up, you won't be able to sleep. Since Yaoyue is dead, does that mean that Yihua Palace has been destroyed? Xiao Yu'er's revenge has already been avenged."

Zuo Zhou scratched her cheek with his fingers jokingly, "Yaoyue is dead, but Yihua Palace will not be destroyed. Hua Wuque will become the master of Yihua Palace, and Jiang Xiaoyu will become the second palace master. After all, Jiangnan Road Wulin cannot be dominated by one family, good and evil must be opposed, otherwise how boring would it be?"

Qingping frowned slightly, looking at Zuo Zhou, she seemed to have figured out something, "Is this the court's intention?"

"Well, after all, Lao Di told me before that he wants me to do things cheaply."

"Hey, the intrigue in the court is really tiring. By the way, Jiang Biehe and his son belong to you, Jiang Xiaoyu also belongs to you, good and evil belong to you, is it fun to beat yourself like this?"

"You can't talk nonsense. What do you call me? Officials want the beauty of adults. Jiang Biehe and his son want fame, and I will give them fame. Hua Wuque wants to get rid of control, and I will give him freedom. Jiang Xiao Yu wants to live a rich and luxurious life, and I satisfy him. As for what will happen to them in the future, what does that have to do with me?"

Qingping laughed, "Then what are you talking about in opposition to good and evil?"

Zuo Zhou put his hand on Qingping's lower abdomen naturally, feeling the softness, "I want to fulfill An Yunshan, after all, I am an official and should be the most powerful person in this land, how can I let the forces of the world become the boss?" Woolen cloth?"

"Forget it, I can't always blame you." Qingping was speechless, hugged Zuo Zhou tightly with both hands, and burrowed into his arms.

Zuo Zhou didn't say anything more, and let Qingping's intimacy move, but his thoughts drifted far away.In fact, Qingping's words touched him, and he was also a little tired. Ever since the real Li Yuanfang died in the battle of the desert, he has never been idle.

This time, when you return to the imperial capital, you must take a good rest and do everything you can do.

First, report to the imperial court to restore her real name, then marry Qingping, and then marry Axiang and Shiqi.The next thing is to have children and give old man Zuo a job of raising children.Then, just be a rich man with peace of mind. The mission at Dali Temple can be postponed as soon as possible. With the shares of the God of Wealth Chamber of Commerce, he will definitely have enough food and drink in the future, and he doesn't need to fight for his life anymore.

Well, unless Daqin is in danger of being destroyed, he doesn't plan to leave the imperial capital easily.Even if Daqin is really destroyed, it’s nothing. They are all people with high martial arts skills. In which country can they not survive?
Future life, think about it, there is really hope!
Just like that, Zuo Zhou entered the dreamland with a smile, not a dream space, but a peaceful sleep.


The next day, when Zuo Zhou woke up, the team was already ready to go, and many generals spontaneously came to welcome Princess Qingping into the camp.

The first thing to do after entering the camp is to deal with that Zi Yu, yes, the double of the double.Compared with Jingzhou, this stand-in's stand-in is a bit unbearable.

The appearance is made to look alike through disguise, but that kind of bearing has not been learned.Qingping was not interested in acting any more, so he was given an umbrella, and then chopped to death with a knife.

At this point, everyone in the army understands that this Zi Yu is a fake, and the original Zi Yu who defeated Yang Cang by relying on the umbrella is dead.This caused quite a stir, but the result was the same, and the military power was now in the hands of Princess Qingping.

As for Tian Zhan, who used to have a lot of unreasonable ideas, he was arrested by Jiang Xiaoyu sent by Zuo Zhou for the crime of assassinating the princess. Who knows that Tian Zhan not only refused to surrender, but also stubbornly resisted!

As a result, this person who was placed high hopes by the Azure Dragon Society disappeared.

Speaking of the Azure Dragon Society, Zuo Zhou was a little curious. He said that since he killed Xue Xiaoren and the master of the Flying Sword Sect, the Azure Dragon Society seemed not to have made things difficult for Jiangnan Dao anymore.

This doesn't look like the style of the Azure Dragon Club, does it?
"What do you think about, Junior Brother? Do you miss others?"

In the big tent, Zuo Zhou was blindfolded, feeling cool and greasy to the touch.

Zuo Zhou greedily took a deep breath, there was a natural deodorant on Wanwan's body, which smelled good.

Seeing this, Wan Wan let out a strange cry, and jumped back, "Ah, you are such a rascal!"

Zuo Zhou looked disgusted, "Don't act so innocent, can you? How can a big girl always secretly find a chance to be alone with a man."

Wanwan snorted coquettishly, and turned to Zuo Zhou, "He's here to deliver information to you, and you still despise him."

"Let's not talk about the information first. Didn't you say that you killed Yaoyue Lianxing? Why didn't Lianxing die?"

Wanwan moved a chair and sat opposite Zuo Zhou, her two long legs were raised in a very exaggerated posture, especially the part that was spinning in the air was deliberately slowed down so that Zuo Zhou could see it more clearly.

Zuo Zhou drooped his eyelids, but he saw the embroidered shoes on her feet at a glance, and said that he didn't like it, and his body was not very honest?

Seeing that Zuo Zhou's gaze was changing with her, Wanwan was very satisfied, and her charm skills had improved rapidly, "I wanted to kill everyone when I mixed with my master in the crowd, but was stopped by Hua Wuque, he said Lian Xing needs to formally pass on the position of palace lord to him, so that he can justify his name."

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised, but he didn't care. Of course, he wouldn't believe any nonsense about "righteousness and integrity".But it's not important, see Wanwan sighed: "Let you mix with a bunch of stinky men, it's hard for you two."

"It's not a big deal, it's good to simply pretend to be a man, not to mention that the master has long disliked that Yaoyue." Wanwan leaned forward, leaning on her chin with one hand, and looked at Zuo Zhou with watery eyes.

Zuo Zhou glanced at the deep ravine, and said calmly, "Tell me, what information do you have? Is there any news from the imperial capital? Who is the general who came to take over the position of Jiangnan Daojiedushi?"

"Meng Yi!"

"Meng Yi? The youngest one in the Meng family?"


Meng's family was regarded as the direct line of the royal family in Daqin, and Meng Ao served the father of the Qin Emperor, and at that time he was the highest official.Afterwards, his son Meng Wu fought with Wang Jian. Although he was inferior to Wang Jian in terms of strength and official position, he could rival the Yang family in terms of family power.

And the Yang family is a family that has surrendered. In this regard, it is obvious that the Meng family is more trusted by Qin Huang.

Now Meng Wu guards the Great Qin Border Pass like Wang Jian and She Taijun, but the direction is different.According to the logic, the position of Jiangnan Dao Jiedushi should not be taken by the Meng family.

Zuo Zhou turned his eyes, frowned and said, "The situation in the imperial capital is very serious? Has the Emperor Qin sent his direct descendants to take over the military power?"

Wan Wan nodded, her expression became a little more serious, "During the morning court, every day, the next court was followed by writing letters. It was a mess. Moreover, according to our information, many ministers have started to contact each other in private, and they moved around quite frequently. .”

The corners of Zuo Zhou's mouth twitched. He quarreled in the early court and wrote letters in the next court. Wouldn't that provoke the real Emperor Qin and his double?
"How about Di Renjie, Bao Zheng and others? Oh, and Li Si."

Wan Wan shook her head, "They are very calm, but that Li Si is on Hu Hai's side, so naturally we won't do anything about him, but even if he is the prime minister, it doesn't matter if so many officials object..."

"Don't move, just eat melons and watch the fun!"

Zuo Zhou's eyes widened, and he reminded him very solemnly, how powerful is the real Emperor Qin, who would be persecuted by a group of ministers?Being so laissez-faire now is naturally holding back the big move, maybe when you will be punished by the Nine Clans, you won't even know.At such a dangerous time, my dear mother, you must not jump!
Wanwan tilted her head and looked at him strangely. Although she didn't understand, she decided to tell the master exactly what he said.

"And the Sima Guang you asked us to monitor. He was going to go this way, but it seems that because of the drastic change in the situation in the court, he rushed back to the imperial capital in a hurry."

Hearing this, Zuo Zhou came to a realization. It seems that Qinglonghui did not suddenly relax its struggle for military power in Jiangnan Dao, but completely changed its strategy.Originally, the continuous failure of plans in Turkic and Jiannan Road, etc., the original strategy should be changed.Now that Sima Guang has suddenly returned to the imperial capital, it seems that he saw a better opportunity there.

"What are you thinking?" Seeing Zuo Zhou in a daze, Wanwan pinched his nose mischievously.

"Well, you also know that your feet stink? Well, I have endured it for a long time."

"Damn it, everyone is wearing shoes!"

"Then why don't you wear socks?"

"You didn't give it away!" Hmph (.-`ω-)

(End of this chapter)

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