Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 315 The Woman Who Annoyed Di Renjie

Chapter 315 The Woman Who Annoyed Di Renjie

Since it is a world of high martial arts, some rules are almost established by convention, such as the matter of reproduction.

It seems that the more powerful a person is, the more difficult it is to give birth to a child. Zuo Zhou doesn't know why, maybe the essence of life is locked in his body?Or is it that the will of the universe is adjusting the balance?

Anyway, this is a common perception that Zuo Zhou and Qingping have had a lot of fun along the way, but they haven't heard anything so far.Another example is Wang Jian, who has a high position and authority, and his strength is also extremely strong in the range of masters on the list, but it is said that he has no heirs now.On the other hand, Meng Wu from the Meng family is equally strong but has two sons who are both talented.

So when Zuo Zhou saw Meng Yi for the first time, he secretly asked him if he had a secret recipe for having a son...

Meng Yi is the youngest of the Meng family, and there is also a big brother Meng Tian. Originally, Meng Wu wanted the two brothers, one civil and one military, to develop in the court and the army, but the two brothers strictly inherited the ancestral genes and used the martial arts skills in battle. Drawing inferences from one instance, but often sleeping with various classics in hand.

In the end, the two brothers had no choice but to fight in the army. Unlike Meng Tian, ​​who was already experienced in hundreds of battles, Meng Yi was just 20 years old. Since Da Qin hadn't fought for many years, his fighting experience was not even as good as Zuo Zhou.It's just that Qin Huang watched him grow up and was deeply favored by him, so it seems that he was sent here this time to practice.

"Haha, it's not difficult to have a baby, I'm afraid General Li won't want to!"

"Huh? Really!"

Zuo Zhou's eyes shone brightly, and even Princess Qingping, who was not far away, turned her ears sideways.

Meng Yi has a face with Chinese characters, looks very upright, not handsome but makes people feel very reliable, but when he mentioned the "secret recipe for having children", his eyes were a little more agile?No, it's coquettish, this is a sullen person!
"At the beginning, my father was seriously injured during the battle, and his foundation was damaged. He felt that it would be difficult for him to enter the country again, so he began to think about the issue of extending his heirs. He found that as long as he instilled all the zhenqi in his dantian into In the woman's body, it is very easy to make the other person pregnant, even if it doesn't work once, it will definitely hit within ten times!"

Zuo Zhou was stunned, such a rude expected of a military family!
Zuo Zhou understood it almost as soon as he said it. The dantian is the place where warriors store their true energy. No matter how much true energy is used, as long as there is still a trace of it, it is equivalent to a seed, and the true energy will continue to grow according to the previous recovery speed.But if all of it is poured into others, it is equivalent to giving all the seeds of true energy to others.Similarly, true qi is the essence of many years of cultivation, and it naturally contains a strong vitality.It is a matter of course that it can increase the chances of pregnancy.


If you instill it all in others, your own dantian will be empty, and the effect of automatic recovery of true qi will be completely gone.You can only re-practice the previous exercises from beginning to end. Although the dantian meridian has adapted to the previous exercises, this time it will be faster than before, but it still takes time.

If you say that, Meng Wu is also very hardworking. A military commander has been in a state of no real energy for a long time, and he feels guilty when he hears it.

As for himself, Zuo Zhou's dantian is usually empty because he has to accumulate sword shadows for a long time. If he is not familiar with him, he may not even be able to tell that he is a master.

"My father is magnificent!"

What could Zuo Zhou say? Meng Yi laughed, and turned to look at Princess Qingping, "I heard about General Li's contribution to the Turks before, and later rescued Concubine Xiao, and now he is opening in Jiangnan Road. The situation, one by one, such credits are enough to ascend to the position of general. At that time, Daqin will have the fifth general besides Wang Jian, my father, She Taijun, and Zhang Han, and it will be the fifth general in history. The youngest one!"

Zuo Zhou twitched. Isn't it common sense that there are five of the Four Heavenly Kings?But why does this kid mean to set a flag? Well, it doesn't matter if he sets it up himself, because he really can't think of the possibility of it being fulfilled, but it sounds a bit awkward if someone else sets it up.

"It's too rewarding. The Qin law stipulates that only military generals who have expanded their territory can be awarded the title of general. I can't count it."

"Hahaha, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, although Turkic is not judged by General Li's troops, but your letter consumes at least [-]% to [-]% of Turkic power, it's just Yang Wenguang who took advantage of it, and the credit is still yours .”

Zuo Zhou couldn't cry when he heard the words, and he was a little sorry for Brother Ramuye when he said it. The point is, he didn't expect those Turkic nobles to be so brainless.No, it should be said that it is inappropriate. When you should be loyal, you swing from side to side, and when you should not be loyal, you rigidly obey orders.It is estimated that Yang Wenguang was a little skeptical about life when he picked up the wrong ones!
But hearing Meng Wu's meaning, it seems that he is quite disdainful towards Yang Wenguang, but it's right to think about it, the two are about the same age, and they are both military and military families. It is also much more vast than Yang Wen, so it is the two of them competing for comparison.Well, it is estimated that Meng Wu also used "other people's children" to hate Meng Yi.

There will always be topics among young people. Although Zuo Zhou's inner soul is not a young man, this does not prevent him from having a pleasant chat with Meng Yi.

According to the decree, Meng Yi took the position of Deputy Jiedushi of Jiangnan Road to hold the military power temporarily, and the Jiedushi still belonged to Princess Qingping. That is to say, in name, the military power still belonged to Qingping. Take a look at the emotions of the troops in Jiangnan Road.

It can be expected that Qingping, the Jiedushi, may not have the opportunity to return to Jiangnan Dao in the future, and Meng Yi, the deputy, will serve for a long time, but Qingping herself doesn't care.She only wanted revenge, and the so-called military power was just a tool she used for revenge, so if she gave it up, she gave it up.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Huang is so relieved of her!
After a few days of simple rest, it was time for Zuo Zhou and Qingping to set off to return to the imperial capital. Meng Yi sent several miles away, and he was quite reluctant to give up.If it wasn't for him not showing any signs of sending sister papers, Zuo Zhou would have almost equated him with Brother Ramuye.

"Little fish, what are your plans for the future?"

Riding on the horse, Zuo Zhou turned around and asked.

Jiang Xiaoyu was in a good mood. He thought revenge might have to wait for Yan Nantian to leave the customs, but who knew it would be so easy to win.

"Go to Hua Wuque, and enjoy the days when someone is serving you."

But Zuo Zhou said: "It's not urgent, you are in the Jiangnan Dao Wulin, and you are from the Valley of the Wicked. Do you know any big bandit bandits nearby?"

"Huh? What do you want to do?"

"I thought about it. After all, Jiangnan Road is Qingping's territory. Although it is in name, I still need to maintain law and order and fight against evil forces!"

Jiang Xiaoyu couldn't do it anymore, and looked at him with a confused face, "Isn't the biggest evil force in Jiangnan Road now Yihua Palace?"

"...Yihua Palace doesn't count."

"That's gone."

"This can be."



Daqin, Imperial Capital, Dali Temple

"My lord, this is the latest information sent. Meng Yi has completed the handover of military power, and General Li will return soon." Yuchi Zhenjin said and handed over a small bamboo tube.

Di Renjie opened it and glanced at it, and then ordered: "Someone bring my warrant to urge him to come back. This kid will definitely find various reasons to delay."

The corner of Yuchi Zhenjin's eyes twitched, what are you doing back?Now the court hall is as chaotic as the vegetable market, and those officials from the Ministry of Rituals force others to express their opinions every day, what a ghost!What's more, originally thought that those ministers who needed to express their views were those ministers who could participate in the court meeting, but in the end, this gang of frenzied people didn't even let him go.

please!He is a military officer under Di Renjie's command in Dali Temple, what can he represent?Don't you think you can know Di Renjie's attitude from him?

At this moment, he was a little envious of Li Yuanfang, this guy was really clever and hid in time.

"My lord, that woman is here again."

There was a yamen servant outside who reported back, but Di Renjie, who was prudent, trembled all over his body.

Sighing helplessly, she put down the pen in her hand, "Who else has she given gifts to?"

The yamen servants outside didn't say much, but handed over a small bamboo tube. Di Renjie opened it and looked a little weird. Look at these names, Di Renjie, Bao Zheng, Zhuge Zhengwo, Li Si, Zhao Gao... This list is a bit strange. Damn, of course, the presents are not heavy gifts, they are all small things like pastries, not so much a bribe as a proof.

But this is a bit annoying!

"Aside from Zhao Gao, did anyone else accept the gift?"

"Return to your lord, Prime Minister Li lord has accepted it."

Di Renjie raised his eyebrows, waved the yamen servant and Yuchi Zhenjin to quit, burned the information casually, and said with a chuckle: "Qinghui, you haven't come to me for a long time, it's really a new generation replacing the old one!"

It is rare to hear such a frivolous tone from Di Renjie's mouth. A woman wearing a gauze hat and a plain white dress turned out from behind the door. She obviously had a long sword in her hand, but it was in harmony with her temperament, like a sacrificial vessel. rather than the murder weapon.

"Oh, wandering around the streets with a sword, can't you trust the law and order of my Great Qin Emperor's Capital?"

Fan Qinghui gently took off the gauze hat and put it aside, said with a smile: "The Yin Queen has been too active recently, Qinghui is also afraid of being ambushed."

Di Renjie curled his lips, "I knew you, a woman, wouldn't come to me if you were fine."

What the hell is this resentful tone?Fan Qinghui was a little choked up for a moment, and based on her understanding of Di Renjie, she was definitely no match for Di Renjie in terms of gossip, so she sighed: "The Queen Yin has given gifts to many neutral officials in the imperial capital these days, and her methods are straightforward and reckless. Qinghui doesn't understand. I wonder if Brother Di can teach me?"

Di Renjie thought of the tiresome and continuous presents these days, and hummed: "Isn't it to put pressure on those officials to support Hu Hai?"

"It's that simple?" Fan Qinghui looked suspicious, you think I'm easy to deceive?

"It's that simple!" How can I lie to you!

Seeing this, Fan Qinghui was a little helpless, and knew that his intervention in Daqin's politics had made her relationship with Di Renjie a bit delicate. Seeing that there was really nothing to ask, she could only hold her fists and leave.

Di Renjie watched Fan Qinghui go away lightly, with an expression as if he had stepped on shit, what could be the reason, it must be her stupid son who reminded him blindly!

(End of this chapter)

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