Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 316

Chapter 316
"Did you find her?"

"Found it, her body is with He Hongyao."

"There are no corpses and traces?"

Mingyue looked at her subordinates with some surprise. Ever since she used Fengyun Combine to blow herself away that day, she survived by luck, but these days, she has not waited for Su Ying to join her.

She felt that it was not good at the time, so she asked her subordinates to take a risk to find it, and finally got such news.

"No, not only have no corpses been destroyed, but since the two have been practicing poison kung fu all year round, even wild beasts are not interested in them."

Mingyue paused, "Bring me to see."


Soon the two corpses were carried in front of Mingyue, and there were inevitably some exiles around to watch.As people with three lives, they are actually not too sad. After all, as long as they are not particularly unlucky, there will always be a day of goodbye.So compared to Su Ying's passing, they are more concerned about how people die.

Mingyue squatted down slowly, and stretched out her hand to poke Su Ying's broken throat, "The throat is torn, this kind of power should be a master of claw skills. There is a freezing reaction on the body, and many internal organs and bones are broken. It looks like... Tianshuang Fist?"

Mingyue was confused for a moment, she raised her head and asked, "Where is Qin Shuang now?"

"Sister, that Li Yuanfang is obviously delaying time. He has to stay at each post station for a day, and some post stations are not on the way and deliberately detour, which is outrageous. Similarly, Qin Shuang is with him. By the way, they recently We wiped out three bandits."

"Three groups? As far as I know, the law and order in the territory of Daqin is very good. It is very difficult to find a group of bandits. He actually eliminated three groups of bandits?"

"This... it seems that there is a group of human teeth, and there is a nest selling illegal salt, and the other group is a gang of thugs who collect protection money."

Mingyue was speechless, and continued to look down at Su Ying's body, huh?this location...

Punching and kicking injuries are different, and different footwork often hits the enemy's parts with some characteristics. This very similar to Fengshen's leg!
Did Su Ying meet Nie Feng?However, from her understanding of Nie Feng, the other party is a very clear person, he will come to seek revenge on her, but he will not vent his hatred on Su Ying.Could it be... someone who also knows the three skills of fist, palm and leg?
Mingyue thought of Zac for a moment, but then shook her head and gave up the idea. Everyone knew that Zac was killed by Li Yuanfang, and there was no reason why he would appear near Yihua Palace, not to mention the kind of unexplainable skill, he would definitely not teach others.

"Forget it." I couldn't figure it out for a while and then I didn't think about it. "Leave two people here to stay behind and check for information at any time. Even if Xu Jiaqi wants to come back, it will take several years. Let her give us an answer then."

"Sister, what shall we do next? Now that the imperial capital is changing, our strength seems to be a little weak." A boy who was obviously an exile asked.

Mingyue thought for a while, "Go to Song Kingdom and ask Bingbing to help me."

The young man's face was a bit embarrassing, "Sister, you know, Sister Bingbing has always been unwilling to get involved in these things. Besides, Song State is too chaotic, and it is the stronghold of official forces. I am afraid that entering it rashly will cause misunderstanding."

"Idiot, you just go in openly and use their intelligence channels to find someone. The more open you are, the more at ease they will be." Mingyue rolled her eyes angrily, and then said: "And... Bingbing and Zuo Yaoqing has the best relationship, even if she doesn't come back for me, she will come back because of Zuo Yaoqing."

"Yes, I'll go right now."

"Wait, official... I mean, have their spies in the imperial capital made any changes recently?"

The young man shook his head, "Now all parties are paying attention to the Qin State. At this time, no one dares to make a move. All they do is wait and see. Or wait for the opportunity. Once the fortune of the Great Qin State weakens, everyone will attack it together. "

"Rise up and attack them? Sounds good, let's talk about stabilizing the situation in your own country first!" Mingyue snorted disdainfully, then ordered her subordinates to bury Su Ying's body, and went out to mount a horse and drive towards the imperial capital.

Zuo Zhou knew that Song State had the most exiles, but as a person who traveled for the second time, he didn't know that the official organization of the next-door Earth in 3333 was also in Song State.

Logically speaking, the official should be regarded as the largest organization of exiles, but this is not the case.Because before the time travel, the lottery rules of the will of the universe counted as personal account property.Although those officials are high and powerful, their personal assets are not as large as those of the leaders of some large enterprises.This creates a problem, those rich people can recruit people with their large number of martial arts, while the official people have a difficult start.

Of course, the main reason is that the next-door earth in 3333, because of global unification, although Chinese culture has become the mainstream, the concept of country has been greatly weakened, replaced by the concept of 'human race', after all, it has entered the interstellar era. , naturally have to be consistent with the outside world.

But in this world, power is no longer power, but money can be exchanged for success. The inequality in resources makes the official people doomed not to get the support of the majority.Although an offensive and defensive alliance was formed by relying on some close ties with those in power in the past, it is no longer possible to coerce all the exiles.Otherwise, he wouldn't be nervous because Zuiyuelou's subordinates might cross the border.

However, compared to Tang, which is getting better and better, and Ming and Qing, which are still stable, Song is the second most dangerous country after Yuan.

The Yuan Kingdom had been beaten by Da Qin before, and other forces made things worse, so it couldn't be slowed down.As for the Song Kingdom, it was because of its own chaos. Once Daqin lost the ability to coerce the world, the exile organization would definitely find an opportunity to replace it, and use the Song Dynasty court as a springboard to fight for world hegemony.

Of course, everything comes back to strength, and now generally 17-year-old exiles have not yet reached the stage of strength!


"What happened, why is the back kitchen so messy?"

"Reporting to my lord, a chicken in the backyard was stolen by a weasel."

"What? There are bandits who dare to loot the official station! How dare you!"

" lord, it's just a chicken..."

"You needn't say it. As a parent official, of course you have to make decisions for the people. This group of bandits who committed the most crimes have hit the gunpoint today!"

Zuo Zhou slapped the table, frightening the postmen at the post station so that they didn't dare to speak, but Yang Paifeng, who was eating next to him, finally couldn't take it anymore.

"It's enough for you. You have been delaying time like this. What do you mean? Do you think we have a lot of time and can play as you like?"

Zuo Zhou glanced at the girl with flaming eyes, "Hey, if you want to go back, go back first, it's rare to come out, I haven't had enough fun yet!"

Yang Paifeng gritted his teeth with hatred, but he scolded Zhan Shiqi in his heart, what kind of vision, why did he see such a dishonest person?

Zuo Zhou was silenced by Yang Paifeng, but he was also having a hard time, because soon the postman came over with a carrier pigeon in his arms.Zuo Zhou took the bamboo tube under the pigeon's feet, and opened the note inside with an annoyed expression on his face.

Was Lao Di's ingenuity used to plot against him?How do you know he wasted this time?
"What's wrong?" Qingping looked at him with concern. These days are the happiest days in her life for nearly 20 years. She has no major enemies, her lover is always by her side, and she travels around the mountains and rivers every day.

"Lao Di told me to return to the imperial capital without delay."

Qingping burst out laughing, "Master Di still understands you, but it's good to go back, we can get married first."

"You're thinking well, it's not that easy. Now that the entire imperial court is in chaos, and you are a princess, although there is no problem of being forced to give a marriage, according to the rules of etiquette, the Emperor Qin also wants to make a decree and not It was arranged according to the princess's specifications. But now is obviously not the time, let's put it this way, if there is no definite date for this matter, our marriage will not be possible."

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, but what he said surprised everyone around him. Sheng Tianya ran away when he was in Jingzhou City. He probably went to the Qing Dynasty to seek revenge from Du Lian. Only Tie Shou was left for Zhuge Zhengwo .Yang Paifeng can lead troops in fights, but politics is far from it.Although Qin Shuang, Xuanyuan Sanguang, Jiang Xiaoyu, and Shi Hongshi were clever, they didn't know anything about the situation in the imperial capital.The second sword king and the second dream didn't care at all.Rigorous does know, but he cares about his own strength and has no intention of participating in politics.So I couldn't help but be surprised to hear what he said.

"Then according to what you said, even if you go back early, it seems that you really have nothing to do." Jiang Xiaoyu laughed.

"So, let's continue to travel around the mountains and rivers!"

Zuo Zhou turned the note into powder with a pinch of his fingers, but within a few minutes, the postman unexpectedly brought another carrier pigeon.

The content still requires him to return to the imperial capital as soon as possible, and the content is exactly the same as before.

Zuo Zhou pretended not to see it with a cold face, and rubbed it again... The postman took out another carrier pigeon...

Zuo Zhou let out a sigh of relief, and patiently opened the note. Very good, the content has changed this time, and the words are written very large at the end of the sentence. This should have the same meaning as the exclamation point, right?

Why, you still want twelve gold medals to call me back to Beijing!

Seeing Zuo Zhou's troubled and awkward expression, Qingping smiled and stretched out her hand to wipe the center of his brow, "I had a good time, let's go back. No matter how long those ministers quarrel, there will always be an end, won't it?"

Zuo Zhou was helpless, feeling that the food was tasteless, so he got up immediately, "Forget it, go back to Anqing City first, I will explain some things, and then I will go back to the imperial capital."

Jiang Xiaoyu was not surprised either, "Since you are going back to Anqing City, then I will not go back with you."

Zuo Zhou was not surprised either. After all, Yaoyue was gone, and Jiang Biehe was the only enemy left.Jiang Xiaoyu was not in a hurry to take revenge, he could wait for Yan Nantian to leave the customs.It's a pity that Jiang Biehe doesn't know now that his life has entered the countdown.

(End of this chapter)

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