Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 324 Actually, those good things are not done by the widow

Chapter 324 Actually, those good things are not done by the widow
"How long has it been? How many years has it been since you have been honest with all your loves?"

Qin Huang sat at the head, next to him was the Minister of Rites, and then a group of officials. The originally spacious hall of the Minister's Mansion was already crowded.Originally, someone should sit outside, but Qin Huang was very kind today, and asked people to take a lot of cushions and place them in the hall.

"Today, the widow wants to chat with all the dear ones, so we don't have to pay too much attention to the etiquette of the monarch and his subjects." Qin Huang said and pushed all the chairs aside, took a cushion and sat down.

Qin Huang has set an example, and other people naturally cannot hesitate any longer, otherwise you will stand higher than Qin Huang, and that would be a bit disrespectful.

"Today I summoned all my dear ministers to talk about the Crown Prince's affairs." Qin Huang first raised his hand and interrupted those courtiers who were anxious to express their opinions.

Qin Huang rubbed his palms together as if it was a little cold, and put his hands into his cuffs. He said in a nostalgic and deep tone, "Since the widow came to the throne, we have started a war. Our great Qin cavalry has swept across the countries, wiped out many aristocratic families, and destroyed many The sect, the common people live and work in peace and contentment applauded, and it also made countless enemies hate it."

"My emperor is heroic!"×n
Qin Huang smiled, "The widow is also a person, and I also like to support others to sing praises, just like just now, I am in a good mood."


"Everyone is more or less a little bit about the problem of being overjoyed, and so is the widow! The greater the imperial power, the more greedy. At that time, the widow wanted to let the Great Qin unify the world. It was only later that I knew the existence of the exiles."

"..." There was something wrong with the atmosphere among the officials. In a corner that Qin Huang couldn't see, countless ministers exchanged glances with each other. They always felt that something happened tonight, and Qin Huang actually talked to them about this?
"Speaking of knowing the problem of the exiles, it is thanks to Yin Man. When the widow wanted to continue fighting, she told the widow what happened in another world. That night, the widow thought a lot, until now, the widow still does not understand How do the people make the decisions, and how can the common people decide whether those in power will stay or not? However, judging from Yin Man's description, people in that world are happier than the people of Daqin, so... the widow thinks, The other world's approach should be right!"

"Your Majesty! The world is different, the rules are different, Daqin is under your governance..."

Qin Huang once again raised his hand to interrupt the rainbow farts of some courtiers, "Let the widow finish first."


"The widow's childhood was not happy. When I was a child, I often thought, what is the purpose of being born, there must be some destiny waiting for me to fulfill. Later, when I realized that the will of heaven and earth has no time to manage this world, the widow no longer Believe in destiny. But I can’t help but think, if there is no destiny, then what is the purpose of our life, to end our life in a daze? It’s a bit boring!”

"So the widow asked about the history of Yinman's world in detail, and finally discovered the difference between the two worlds. The most important point is culture." Qin Huang said with a sigh, "Before, the widow wanted to let People in the world have done so much to get rid of the shackles of the so-called Mandate of Heaven, so that there are too many theories and ideas in parallel in the world today. It is really unsightly to criticize each other when they are not in harmony with each other, and the only thing you can refer to is only some ancestors. made."


Qin Huang glanced at the bewildered officials below, but he didn't explain anything, and continued: "After the widow has stopped fighting, I don't really care about the government anymore."

These words easily drew a large gasp.

"Except for the morning court from time to time, the widow will hand over the government affairs to the two children. They don't know how many times they have met with your loved ones under the mask of the widow. Some Qing's family can see it, and some don't come out."

"The minister is guilty!"×n
"What crime are you guilty of?" Qin Huang said with a smile: "The two children are good children. The widow told them that until my death, whoever does well will be the next Qin Huang!"

"Your servant is terrified!" ×n, which emperor do you see who always says he is dead?How unlucky!

Qin Huang went on to say: "In the past seven years, the two children have tried their best to get the position of the crown prince. The child Fusu is very good, fortitude and bravery, and foresight. In comparison, the boy Hu Hai It's a lot worse in character."

All the courtiers were secretly delighted when they heard the words, it turned out that in Emperor Qin's heart, Fusu was also the best successor!
"It's a pity that Hu Hai won in the end!"


This is impossible ah?Fusu is obviously stronger than Hu Hai, so why is Hu Hai winning in governing the country?

Qin Huang took a glance, as if he saw the countless question marks above the heads of the officials.He did not explain to the officials how Hu Hai found the correct answer, but continued to sigh: "Yin Man once told the widow that the Great Qin in another world would perish because of Hu Hai's nonsense. But now, Hu Hai is a Good emperor, although he is nothing like me."

"Your Majesty... think twice, Your Majesty!"×n
Qin Huang glanced again, with a little disappointment in his eyes, but said again: "Perhaps all the lovers don't know that in the past few years, nearly [-]% of the government orders you sang praises were from Hu Hai."


"I don't have much time, I just hope that all the lovers can assist Hu Hai in the future to continue Daqin."

"Your Majesty, choose the elders instead of the younger ones, choose the heirs instead of the concubines, and make distinctions between superiors and inferiors. These are the norms of ethics. If your Majesty insists on going his own way, the world will be in chaos!" Sima Guang bowed down in tears, followed by a group of people. The courtiers shouted in unison.

Qin Huang frowned slightly, and sighed again: "Yin Man once said that the Confucian dragon-slaying technique is the ancestral system. Although various theories have not been developed, let alone a hundred schools of thought contend, there is not even one that has a greater influence. But from the perspective of the widow, you seem to want to use the same method to make the widow compromise!"

"I don't dare!"×n
The officials knelt down on the ground without even raising their heads. For a moment, Qin Huang showed a trace of bitterness on his face. He said he didn't dare, but he didn't show any remorse. This must be the court!

Suddenly, Qin Huang was a little curious, how did the emperors of other countries do it?Kill a group, fine a group, win over a group, and achieve your goals by balancing the emperor technique?

Emperor Qin understands this, but...he never does it.

"Forget it, I am a little sentimental today, and tomorrow I will decree that Hu Hai will succeed to the throne. If you have any opinions, you can write a memorial overnight."

"Think twice, Your Majesty!!!" A group of ministers shouted loudly, but Qin Huang didn't look at them again, but left the Shangshu Mansion directly.

"His Majesty……"

When Emperor Qin left the Shangshu Mansion, a middle-aged man in black stepped forward, "Old Bai, let that kid enter the palace tomorrow."

"As ordered."

Qin Huang got into the car and drove away towards the direction of the imperial palace. The middle-aged man in black waved his hand, and the densely packed forbidden army rushed into the Shangshu Mansion. Immediately afterwards, the crying and howling spread throughout the small half of the imperial capital. Countless people were terrified. The power of the emperor is cold all over, Qinhuang... what did he do?

Zuo Zhou yawned for a long time, and helped Qingping smooth out her messy hair. Last night, this girl was too excited and broke herself.

It's a bit out of the question, I have to leave today, forget it, let her sleep for a while first.

Zuo Zhou saw Zhan Shiqi at the first sight when he went out, "You got up early, Shiqi."

Zhan Shiqi looked at her and suddenly smiled brightly, "Don't you have to leave today, there are a lot of things to pack."

"Didn't you tidy up yesterday? Oh, no, you and Axiang are lazy again!" Zuo Zhou rubbed her hair amusedly. It hurts, I must go crazy."

Zhan Shiqi stared wide-eyed, "I... am I so important to you?"

"What you said, you should be more confident!"

Zhan Shiqi shook his head, "I can't be confident, I have never been with you for as long as Axiang, nor have I had an initial bond with you like Qingping, I... I feel like an emotional extension , I... I even envy Sheng Yayu a bit, at least she dares, dares to give everything for important people!"

Zuo Zhou frowned, "Why is this suddenly sensational? And what do you have to envy? Sheng Yayu was completely cheated by his younger brother. Besides, what's the point, it's as if I'm greedy for your body Seems like that!" Stretching out his hand to stroke Zhan Shiqi's face, "We have been through trouble together, if you hadn't jumped out, Mr. Ximen and Zhang Junbao couldn't have escaped smoothly!"

Zhan Shiqi shook his head stubbornly again, his eyes suddenly became sharp, "Then let me ask you, are you greedy for my body?"

Zuo Zhou said decisively, "Greedy!"

"Come on, follow me into the house!" Zhan Shiqi pulled up Zuo Zhou and was about to walk to his room.

Zuo Zhou is very confused, so active?This morning, just comforting the little brother, isn't his fist about to harden again.

"Uh, did I come at the wrong time?"

Yuchi Zhenjin stood at the gate of the courtyard with some embarrassment, one foot stepped over the threshold, the other foot remained outside, as if I would quit as long as you said a word.

Zhan Shiqi blushed instantly, and Zuo Zhou sighed: "The future will be long! The future will be long!"

"Master Di wants to see you."

"Oh, you guys pack your bags first, I'll go back when I go." Zuo Zhou ordered casually, regardless of whether Zhan Shiqi, who had been bowing his head, heard it, followed Yuchi Zhenjin out the door.

"Brother Li is so lucky, hehe."

Zuo Zhou was amused, "What is Master Di looking for? Seeing you off?"

Yuchi Zhenjin's expression was serious, "Last night something happened, Emperor Qin gathered a large number of courtiers in the Shangshu Mansion, and then killed them all."


Zuo Zhou seemed to have stepped on the brakes suddenly, and he was stunned. He suddenly thought of the redemption that the middle-aged man in black said before. Is this how to save it?'s none of my business!I don't care at all whether you kill the minister or not, do you still want to blame me?
What logic is this?

"Earlier, that black-clothed expert came again, saying that Emperor Qin summoned you."

(End of this chapter)

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