Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 325 Mausoleum

Chapter 325 Mausoleum
"I haven't asked the senior's name yet."

"The old man is white."

The middle-aged man in black robe replied, now that the two of them are walking in the palace, there are guards patrolling past from time to time, as if they cannot be seen.

And not far away from them, there were two other teams, heading in the same direction, following them not far away. It seemed that Qin Huang was not the only one who summoned him.

"You're not dead yet, so you're a zombie now?" Zuo Zhou was a little surprised, and in an instant, he recalled the words about Tian Fu's mentality and the strictness he once said.

Bai Qi was not angry when he heard the words, but thought about it seriously, "Zombies refer to the life of a new soul born on a corpse after being resurrected from the dead. From this perspective, I should not count it. Because I have always It’s Bai Qi, but it was indeed reincarnated from the dead under the tempering of the thunder to reach the current strength, it should be... a different kind of zombie."

Suddenly, Zuo Zhou looked up and down, "Not afraid of the sun, not afraid of thunder, then this technique is perfect, why did you destroy the Skyfury Sword later?"

"Is it perfect? ​​It's not perfect at all." Bai Qi didn't hide anything, and continued: "If it's just thunder tempering the body, then this is definitely a good body training method. But don't forget, attracting thunder The evil energy of resentment is used, so this body has thunder and resentment coexisting. This leads to the tempering of the body is not all positive!"

"Is there a negative effect?"

"I can't eat delicious food as I like. Although I can feel the delicious food, I will have diarrhea after eating it! Hehe, I am a master of the earth list, and I am also a master of body training. Diarrhea, can you imagine?"

Bai Qi was a little excited, watching Zuo Zhou was also in a cold sweat, the picture of the local master squatting in the hut crying was so beautiful, he didn't dare to think about it.

"Although the lifespan seems to be unlimited, the strength will decrease with time. If you want to maintain it, you must drink live blood regularly. Although animal blood can be used as a substitute, it is still not as good as human blood, and the fresher the blood, the stronger the strength. I have become a monster." Bai Qi shook his head while talking, "The most uncomfortable thing for me is that it seems that I have no way to leave any children. No matter how many women I change, none of them can conceive successfully. If I hadn't been practicing There have been descendants before, and the Bai family is afraid that it will be cut off in my generation, which is very scary."

"Hiss! Can't even give birth to a child? This... I heard Meng Yi say that as long as you are willing to sacrifice, all your true energy will be..."

"I know this method and have tried it, but it's a pity that I am a body refiner, so I don't have much true energy. What's more, after becoming the body of this zombie, both the blood and the true energy are somewhat toxic. Once the true energy is transported into someone else, and it turns the other person into a zombie."

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Have you tried it?"

"I tried it. I was also shocked at the time, but luckily I reacted quickly enough to strangle them all to death."

Hehe, kill him after playing, you are really a scumbag!
"So you're still the only zombie in the world now? You didn't find yourself a partner." Zuo Zhou teased, thinking about it, if it was him, then he would definitely do this.

"Your Majesty's daughter, Princess Yinman, is a zombie, but I didn't transform her, she practiced the Heaven's Wrath Mind Technique herself. Oh yes, she's still an exile!"

Bai Qi's casual remark made Zuo Zhou jump again, "You mean, there is another strong man in the palace? Or an exile... No, an exile should not be as famous as the next-door universe." Someone with a surname."

Bai Qi laughed, "It seems that you have misunderstood something. I can only say that people who are related to the world next door and destined to have great influence are not exiles. As for those who have little influence, they are not included. Just think about it that way, Many things are the same in the two worlds, so according to historical records, the children of those ministers will take part in the imperial examinations or marry with certain ministers’ families in the future, so they should all be recorded in the history books. They are all named and surnamed, but the result is not A lot of exiles mixed in?"

Zuo Zhou blinked, "You still haven't explained why you destroyed the Skyfury Sword."

Bai Qi rolled his eyes, his surname is probably Bai, his eyes are very white, "The past is different from now, this kind of zombies tempered by the sky thunder is very troublesome, a bit against the meaning of the destiny. So in order not to let people find out With the Skyfury Sword destroyed, there are not so many problems now, but the body tempered by the Sky Thunder is not as strong as before."

Zuo Zhou frowned, "Like Wei Jinzhong's fake list? What's the point?"

"You will know in a while, let His Majesty tell you."

Zuo Zhou had no choice but to hold down his curiosity and look left and right. When he entered a certain path in the harem, two people walked out of the two teams. Looking at the prince's clothes, Zuo Zhou could easily spot Fu Su and Hu Hai!

Fusu's image is very good, he has the feeling that he is like a unparalleled son in the world, and the most important thing is that he is not a mother at all, always holding his head up and full of confidence.But Hu Hai's image is a little worse, a little shorter than Fusu, with smaller muscles, a little less handsome, and even a little less hair!
Well, if Hu Hai is taken out alone, he can be regarded as above-average, and he can score 85 points for 99 points, but you are a little uncomfortable standing next to a person with [-] points.

"Yesterday, I listened to the villain's slander and offended Mr. Zuo. Hu Hai apologizes here!"

Before Zuo Zhou could speak, Hu Hai just bowed to the end, which can be described as clean and neat.

Zuo Zhou pursed his lips, suddenly, he really didn't know how to answer, forgive me?It depends on what compensation your father has.

However, actually thinking about it carefully, what happened yesterday seemed like he really couldn't get angry at anyone, Hu Hai?Over there, Emperor Qin was waiting to compensate him. Although he didn't know what it was, it was hard to pursue the shortage of manpower.

To Yang Wenguang?Yesterday the Yang family protected Ah Xiang and Shiqi, and they did their best to face such a crazy woman.

Chao Sima Guang's gang of ministers... are all dead!

Zuo Zhou rubbed his temples in embarrassment, "Oh."

Oh?Hu Hai was a little confused, what does this 'oh' mean?
Fu Su saluted Bai Qi slightly, and then saluted Zuo Zhou with the same etiquette, obviously in their eyes at this time, Zuo Zhou and Bai Qi were synonymous.

"Okay, let's talk about things later, let's go in first." Bai Qi smiled.

Everyone continued to walk deep along the path, and Zuo Zhou found that he had gradually entered a mountain. It seemed that Emperor Qin had built a huge underground palace in the nearby mountain range, and seeing the slight sinking feeling, it was not Do you know how deep it is underground?
"Is it just us? Is that Yin Man not coming?" Zuo Zhou was curious.

Fu Su smiled and said: "The emperor's sister is not in the imperial capital at this time, and it has been a long time since I have traveled."

Hu Hai said again: "The rest of the ministers will come over soon, but they are not qualified to go in, so you can't see it."

Zuo Zhou asked again: "What is this place?"

"Royal Tomb!"


If it wasn't for Fusu and Hu Hai who were by his side, Zuo Zhou almost thought that Emperor Qin would use this method to bury him!
If Zuo Zhou couldn't see anything at first, then he could see some mausoleums in the huge mountainside space he entered later.

Bronze chariots and horses suspended in mid-air, an innumerable number of wardens, and even twelve towering giant metal wardens!
"Huh! Gundam?" Zuo Zhou muttered in a low voice, but his eyes were looking forward. There was a palace floating in the middle of the huge mountainside.

The rather empty space made the muttering sound seem to be whispering in the ear, but no one could answer him, after all, no one knew what a Gundam was.

"How did these floating chariots and horses come out?"

"Gongshuchou used the meteorite to volatilize the magnetic force to form a special force field, which can play the role of floating." Bai Qi opened his mouth and came.

Zuo Zhou looked at him puzzled, "You understand?"

"I don't understand, but I will remember what I said when I lost the enemy." Bai Qi was confident, I can fly, do I still need to know why I can fly?

Fusu continued: "Gong Shuchou is enshrined by Daqin, and he has profound attainments in mechanism techniques. He will wait outside soon."

Zuo Zhou suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart, "Why are you waiting outside? What is Emperor Qin going to do?"

Hu Hai spread his hands, Fu Su shook his head, only Bai Qi was filled with a sense of sadness, Zuo Zhou's heart trembled when he saw this, Qin he really going to die?

He didn't ask, and it is estimated that no one will reply him.

The main hall floating in the air is very quiet, like a heavenly palace, but unfortunately it is a dead and silent heavenly palace.

Everyone stepped on the steps made of white jade, and it felt weird to feel empty but firmly on the ground.Zuo Zhou looked up and saw that although the whole palace was huge, its color was solemn and solemn. Is this the mausoleum built by Emperor Qin for himself?

The imperial capital, ten miles outside the city gate, just like every city has a ten-mile pavilion, so here is one.

This can be regarded as a kind of romance of seeing each other off from ten miles away, but it is a pity that at this time, the people in the pavilion did not think of saying goodbye, but stayed in the future.

"You know there is no result, so why come?"

"I apologize, we apologize, don't leave! Auntie, she... finally found you!" Yue Yinping looked at the umbrella and baggage on Zhan Shiqi's back, and felt like crying. up.

"If an apology is useful, what's the use of the government?" Zhan Shiqi shook his head, as if he had become the emotionless killer again, his eyes were cold.

Yue Yinping choked for a while, "We didn't do it on purpose, we just want to fulfill you, we just want you to be a big wife! Isn't this what you want most? Look at that Ximen Xiang who is crying and making noise all day long, no That's what it's for."

There was no wavering in Zhan Shiqi's eyes, "I don't deserve it, I didn't deserve it before, and now...even more so. Thanks to you, I don't have the face to face him anymore."

"Is there anything you can't face, with the Yang family as the backing, and you are also the queen of Zhongliang, aren't you worthy of him?"

"Is the Yang family very honorable? After Zhongliang? My father is not loyal to Daqin." Zhan Shiqi said and continued to walk along the official road.

But Yue Yinping jumped in front of her, "No, can't go!"

Zhan Shiqi looked at the gun in the pavilion, "So you want to use force to keep me here?"


"Actually, you don't have to feel guilty. I don't have any resentment towards Aunt Gongsun and you. It was just a choice I had to make at the beginning, I understand. In addition, I am actually quite proud of my father. At least he is a loyal and patriotic man. People. I also admire Marshal Yue..."

Yue Yinping's mouth was bitter, no resentment?Ignoring is the greatest tragedy!
Zhan Shiqi put down the burden, twisted the umbrella handle twice, a long pole stretched out, the umbrella surface began to stick to the umbrella pole, and a sharp blade protruded from the center, which suddenly turned into a spear.

"Accompany me to the Yue family gun!"

(End of this chapter)

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