Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 334 See off, Zuo clan of Confucianism?

Chapter 334 See off, Zuo clan of Confucianism?
In the early morning, Zuo Zhou glanced at Jiang Yuyan, "I'm going to live and sleep on this road, are you sure you want to follow? It's too late to regret it now!"

"Follow General Li, life will be very exciting!"

Jiang Yuyan's answer made Zuo Zhou deep in thought. This can actually be regarded as Zuo Zhou's response to her previous solicitation, but unfortunately, the two solicitations did not get a positive answer, but now the situation is completely different.

At that time, Jiang Yuyan was a fledgling, and Zuo Zhou was willing to give her shelter and try to save her from the big pit of the Jiang family, but now, after not seeing her for such a long time, Jiang Yuyan's spirit is completely different.

Among other things, although Jiang Yufeng asked Di Renjie for the position of the female officer of the envoy, based on his understanding of Jiang Yufeng, she would never take the initiative to do so, so it should be Jiang Yuyan's instigation.It is not Jiang Yuyan's character to put herself in a completely unfamiliar environment with no support at all.

So there is only one answer, Jiang Yuyan has the confidence!
So the question is, what is her confidence?

Zuo Zhou thought about it carefully. Although Jiang Yufeng and others had taught her martial arts, those martial arts were not enough to make her reborn.The only chance... The Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce?What kind of luck is this, the villain who can't remember the name is gone, where did she find the martial arts cheats?
Thinking of this, Zuo Zhou's eyes changed, and he looked around Jiang Yuyan, making Jiang Yuyan's cheeks blush, "Why does General Li look at her like this?"

"Let me see where the protagonist's aura is?"


Zuo Zhou's movement caused Ah Xiang's bulging head to bump into him, and Zuo Zhou reached out and hugged him in his arms, "During the time I'm away, remember not to cause trouble, practice at home with peace of mind, and... look at my old man Don't make trouble."

Ah Xiang wiped tears on his chest, and pushed Zuo Zhou, "Hurry up, remember to get Shi Qi back."

Zuo Zhou finally exchanged glances with Qingping Zuo old man Wei Xiaobao Shuang'er and others, and then waved his hands in the distance, Zhu Yuyan and Wanwan stood at the top of the city and blowing the wind, pinching the spirit of the master of the magic sect to death.

"Let's go." Zuo Zhou turned around and waved, and then got into the carriage with Zhan Zhao, Zhan Hongling and Jiang Yuyan.

Speaking of which, this may be the most perfunctory mission group ever, except for the four of them, there are only a dozen palace guards following them, oh yes, there is another one, Cao Zhengchun!
Although Hu Hai may not be prudent, he can often think very thoughtfully about the things he cares about.Now Zuo Zhou, as "one of the core masters of the Great Qin Dynasty", has to pay attention to Song Guo as an envoy. Zhan Zhao and Zhan Hongling are obviously not very good at dealing with some mundane affairs, so Hu Hai sent Cao Cao who once liked Zuo Zhou very much. Zhengchun.I just didn't expect Di Renjie to find Jiang Yuyan again, but this is nothing, anyway, it's just a female official, so Hu Hai blocked it casually.

"There is no way to repay the general's kindness, and it will be decided in the future..."

"Okay, this is also your own good luck. If this trip goes well, you will have a good time in the palace in the future." Zuo Zhou waved his hand to interrupt the big gift that Cao Zhengchun was about to perform, and continued: "What will happen next?" The itinerary will be very slow, because the goal of our mission is to find Zhan Shiqi, and as for the business and trade issues between the two countries, we can procrastinate."

"Isn't this going to be a bad thing? Song Guo...would they be angry and think we're not sincere?" Zhan Hongling frowned. It was the first time she assumed such a heavy responsibility, she was a little timid.

Zhan Zhao had a lot of experience, and said with a smile, "It's not certain whether the Song Kingdom can survive this attack from the Qing Kingdom. What can we talk to them about?"

"..." Zhan Hongling turned her head to look at the indifferent people, well, this is a bit heartbreaking, no one of them takes Song Guo seriously!

Outside the carriage, the old man Zuo at the city gate watched the carriage go away with a long sigh. It was the first time sending his son abroad, and this feeling was quite complicated.Thinking about taking out the meritorious bamboo slips, he took out a writing brush from his cuff, recalled what he heard last night in his mind, raised his hand and wrote a word on the bamboo slips, 'dignity'!
Yes, last night when Zuo Zhou was discussing with Di Renjie whether to ban brothels, he mentioned this word, which made the old man Zuo very touched.

Now watching Zuo Zhou leave, a mysterious feeling welled up in my heart, and I felt that I should write something, so I started writing.

"Dare to ask, but the Zuo family of Confucianism?"

Just as old man Zuo and the others were about to turn around and go home, a voice full of vigor sounded behind them.

Ah Xiangxiu frowned slightly, congenital?Are there so many congenitally now?

This is a scholar in a green shirt, with a scroll in his hand, and a long sword hanging from his waist. He has a perfect combination of bookishness and quackery, coupled with his handsome appearance, it makes people fall in love with him at first sight.

"Junior Zhang Liang Zifang, I have met senior!" The scholar bowed respectfully, with a bit of reverence in his eyes.

"We are Jiangmen Zuo Shi, you have found the wrong person!" A Xiang stared at Zhang Liang with a confused look on his face, he turned around and supported the old man Zuo, and was about to leave. What about the suburbs and you're getting in trouble?

The old man Zuo couldn't laugh or cry, but he didn't say anything, but there are some things that cannot be escaped. From the moment the Confucianism's most sage master appeared, all the Confucianism disciples scattered all over the world could feel the induction one after another.

Unfortunately, he doesn't know what he can do now.


"During the war before Song, many parts of the country were occupied by other countries. Among them were the Qing, Tang, and Ming, so even the Qin Emperor...well, it should be called the First Emperor now. Even if the first The emperor did not transform the dragon to infuse the power of unity, and these three countries will not be polite to the Song State." Zuo Zhou posed in a very comfortable position in the carriage, "Thanks to them, now we need to wear clothes if we want to reach the Song State. A part of the territory that crosses the border between Tang and Ming, fortunately, it is now a no-regret zone, it can also be said to be a detente zone between Tang and Ming, so we don't need to say hello to any country."

After hearing the words, Zhan Zhao sighed: "It is true that a lot of troubles have been reduced, but also without the protection of the imperial courts of other countries, there may be some twists and turns."

Zhan Hongling snorted disdainfully, "What's wrong with our lineup? Don't worry, there aren't that many people in this world who don't open their eyes!"

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes angrily, you crow's mouth said, I'm afraid you might really run into a robbery.

Cao Zhengchun looked at the crowd and asked with some doubts: "My lords, since we are here to find Miss Zhan, should we first confirm her whereabouts? So we are so sure that she went to the Song Kingdom?"

Zuo Zhou replied: "Naturally, we will not decide arbitrarily. We first used logic to determine her whereabouts, and then I sent a letter to confirm with the government and martial arts forces in the direction of Jiangnan Road and Jiannan Road. Seventeen originally left I went to the Jiangnan Road and wanted to reach the Song Kingdom, but Jiangnan Road Wulin seemed to have missed traces and was discovered by Seventeen, and now I have changed to the Jiannan Road to go to the Song Kingdom by water.”

Zhan Hongling was shocked, "Isn't Shiqi's whereabouts all under your control?"

Zuo Zhou shook his head, feeling a little regretful, "My news channel on Jiangnan Road comes from Jiang Biehe, who is also Yuyan's father. I didn't go to Jiangnan Road with me before the [-]th, so I don't know about Jiang Biehe and me. However, after I found out, I switched to Jiannan Road. It’s true that I don’t have many contacts in Jiannan Dao’s martial arts, but I am from the camp of Jiannan Dao. She wants to enter the Song Dynasty by water. If you are in the country, you will definitely pass through the border water village. I have already asked my friends to pay more attention!"

"Then why don't you let your friend stop Shi Qi?"

Zuo Zhou looked at Zhan Hongling speechlessly, "If I could stop it, I would have stopped it a long time ago. The current Shiqi is not weak. If a congenital master is determined to leave, even if you are a master, you have to work hard. , maybe it will hurt Shi Qi."

"Okay, then how do we go?" Zhan Zhao asked.

"Study Seventeen, first go to Jiangnan Road, then enter Jiannan Road, and then take the same waterway."

"Isn't this superfluous?"

"I went to Jiangnan Road to find Jiang Xiaoyu. He was born in the Valley of the Wicked, and the Valley of the Wicked is located in the area where no one cares. Although we are strong dragons, we are not interested in crushing any local snakes. On the contrary, I will use the help of the Valley of the Wicked." Forces to track down Shi Qi's whereabouts!"

Hearing this, Zhan Hongling looked at him with admiration, "I didn't expect you to be so thoughtful!"

"There are too many accidents in this world. The main reason is that I don't want to see Seventeen clash with people in the Valley of the Wicked when he crosses the border."

Zhan Zhao nodded in agreement, "The people in the Valley of the Wicked are not so strong in kung fu, but their methods are very bad. If they were located in the territory of Daqin, they would have been taken over by the pot, and they will not be allowed to be presumptuous at all."

Zuo Zhou shook his head, "The means of evil people to deal with good people is nothing more than to use their compassion. But I know that Seventeen and Ten Killing School's education prevents her from giving kindness to strangers, so the wicked people can deal with it." Her method is nothing more than poison, but she has Wangyou Gu and innate skills to protect her body, most of the poisons are useless. As for martial arts... It's not that I look down on those villains, maybe martial arts have some characteristics, but when it comes to truth Combat strength, Seventeen can completely blow them up!"

"You have so much confidence in her?" Zhan Zhao looked at him amusedly.

"Xuanyuan Sanguang's strength ranks very high in the Valley of the Evil, and his strength is basically the same as that of Yang Paifeng. Since Seventeen can beat Yang Paifeng and Yang Wenguang violently, why can't he beat the Valley of the Evil?"

"How can this strength be calculated like this? What if there is someone who can restrain Shi Qi's martial arts?" Zhan Hongling said amusedly.

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes and glared fiercely at the other party, "Don't talk nonsense, you crow's mouth. If there is anyone who restrains Seventeen in martial arts, then the unlucky one must be the restrained person, because I will go to talk to him personally. talk!"

 Yesterday's birthday collided with the public memorial day, don't forget the national humiliation, so add an update today, and thank you friends for their birthday gifts
(End of this chapter)

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