Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 335 The wheel of history was lightly slapped

Chapter 335 The wheel of history was slightly crushed

Coming to Jiangnan Road, the warm hospitality is always indispensable. Jiang Biehe was very satisfied with Jiang Yuyan's willingness to join the envoy and accompany Zuo Zhou, and even praised her for the first time.Well, from Zuo Zhou's point of view, this compliment is quite annoying, anyway, he didn't see the slightest bit of happiness from Jiang Yuyan.

In this way, under Jiang Biehe's arrangement, everyone found a very luxurious restaurant to stay in, and at midnight, Xiao Yu'er came to the door.

"How are you doing recently? I'm still used to the life of prosperity and wealth." Zuo Zhou teased.

Jiang Xiaoyu nestled crookedly in the chair, "It's been less than a month since you left Jiangnan Road, what can you feel in this little time, let's talk about it when I get tired of it."

Zuo Zhou smiled and didn't care, Jiang Xiaoyu is a free person, he won't stay in one place for a long time.

Jiang Xiaoyu continued: "I have already sent a letter to the wicked people, asking them to help pay attention to Miss Zhan, but I just said that I am my friend, and did not mention your relationship. I am afraid that some restless people will mess around. .”

"Oh? A restless person..."

Jiang Xiaoyu nodded, "Great Qin has fought for many years. Although the world is peaceful and people's lives are better now, there are always some remnants of other countries who want to restore the country and take revenge. Such people have been taken in by the Wicked Valley. In addition, the Wicked Valley also There are some...some people who are as rigorous as you."

Zuo Zhou was stunned, "Exile!"

"Yes, they are the exiles. Ever since Emperor Qin died, they have been restless. So far, many exiles from the Valley of the Wicked have left."

"It's a dragon, not a death!"

"It's all the same. They're gone anyway. Some of them are exiles recruited by those who want to restore the country."

Zuo Zhou nodded. This was not beyond his expectation. Everyone knew that the future would be a stage for exiles, but there were conditions. It's only because Qin Huang had to die, otherwise a Great Qin with Qin Huang in charge would not have a stage for them to make troubles.

"For these exiles, you should be more vigilant. After all, there are always many ambitious people who want to dominate the world. But compared to Yihua Palace, which has been labeled as an evil faction, Jiang Biehe may Jiangnan heroes are more likely to be missed."

Jiang Xiaoyu naturally understood this truth, but nodded but hesitated to speak when he remembered something.

"something wrong?"

Jiang Xiaoyu's expression was a little gloomy, hesitating again and again, and finally couldn't help asking: "You said... I have a friend who actually fell in love with a woman who is more than 20 years older than me. What could be the reason?"

"Huh?" Zuo Zhou regained his energy immediately, and I won't be sleepy if you say this, "That very rich? Or is she very skilled in martial arts?"

Jiang Xiaoyu shook his head and nodded again, "It's not rich, but its martial arts are not weak."

"That woman... has a good face, is she beautiful?"

Jiang Xiaoyu frowned slightly, then nodded, "Very beautiful, about the same as a girl in her twenties."

"The man lacks fatherly or motherly love?"

"..." Jiang Xiaoyu stopped talking, his eyes lit up as if awakened by Zuo Zhou.

Zuo Zhou was overjoyed when he saw this, "Female junior, hold gold bricks, and female senior [-] give away Jiangshan! As long as your friend is happy, that's all. After all, men like beautiful and young ones. If a woman is beautiful but can't see There's nothing wrong with that age."

Jiang Xiaoyu curled his lips, as if disdainful towards Zuo Zhou, jumped out of the window after a few casual words, he is now the second palace lord of Yihua Palace, it would be embarrassing if he met Jiang Biehe face to face, After all, he couldn't start a war in front of Zuo Zhou.


Song Dynasty, imperial palace, harem
A carriage was galloping towards the dark and majestic palace, and there were densely packed black figures in front of it, but strangely, there was no sound at all.

At this time, there were an old man and a young man sitting in the carriage, the old man was named Cai Jingnai, the current Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty, and the younger one was named Gao Qiu, a football star.

As soon as the two got out of the car, there was a death knell in the distance, and the two looked at each other and sighed in unison.

Song Huizong lay naked on the bed with blank eyes, beside him was a beautiful woman who was also naked, or a corpse of a beautiful woman.

"I have seen Mrs. Cai Xiang and Mr. Taiwei. Your Majesty has been guarding Concubine Liu Guifei's body for three days. Please persuade Your Majesty. The bell is several times longer than the rules of etiquette."

The voice of the eunuch outside the door slowly spread into Song Huizong's ears, but he didn't care at all, his beloved concubine died, Concubine Liu Gui died, ah!
Gao Qi's calf was a little cramped, lying with a dead body for three days, just thinking about it made people feel hair standing on end.

Cai Jing, however, seemed to have come here long ago, saluted calmly and said: "Your Majesty, only the health of the dragon body can lead to the well-being of the country. Please give your Majesty condolences!"

I don't know how many times I have said the same thing in the past few days, but Song Huizong naturally didn't respond.

However, Cai Jing had already made preparations before he came. As the saying goes, only feudal superstition can defeat magic. Cai Jing said, "Your Majesty, when I came here, I met Mr. Yiqing. I heard from Mr. Liu that Concubine Liu Guifei will go first this time." It is for His Majesty to become an immortal in the future, so His Majesty need not be sad."

Song Huizong stood up suddenly, "Aiqing's words are serious?"

Before Cai Jing answered, Song Huizong breathed a sigh of relief, "Mr. Yiqing should have come to inform me earlier, it made me feel sad for three days."

Seeing Song Huizong's relieved look, Gao Qiu stepped forward and cupped his hands, "Your Majesty, the border... alas!"

A sharp pain in his lower back made him hold back all his words, and looked back at Cai Jing tearfully, why are you pinching me?

Song Huizong sighed: "Cai Xiang, Concubine Liu Gui's funeral must be grand, the more beautiful the better."

Gao Qiu pursed his lips, "Your Majesty, but the border..."

The soles of the feet were in severe pain, and this time I couldn't even cry out, so I could only suck my air.Why don't people talk about it!

Looking up again, Song Huizong had already left the main hall, Gao Qiu was helpless, "Cai Xiang, the Qing Dynasty violated our border, and Daqin sent a mission at this time. I don't know what purpose it has. You should report to His Majesty for a decision!"

Cai Jing rolled his eyes at him, "If you miss, go!"

Gao Qiu looked at Song Huizong who was going away, it seems that His Majesty really doesn't intend to know about this, so I won't beep.

Cai Jing waved his hand and told the servants to quickly remove Concubine Liu's body, and strictly ordered everyone not to look at the body, after all, he just looked at the body as if...

"Well, two things. Since His Majesty wants to have a grand burial, he will immediately order the local governments to start collecting taxes."

Gao Qiu was taken aback, "There is still a lot of money in the treasury..."

"How can the emperor's family affairs use the national treasury? This is the contribution that the people should make to your majesty!" Cai Jing was naturally full of emotions.

Then he said: "I still have to find someone to go to the border to negotiate a peace. As long as the war ends, we will pay you no matter how old you are. In the Qing Dynasty, a group of barbarians who only know how to be brave and ruthless. What is there to be afraid of?"

Gao Qiu Ting's eyelids twitched, good guy, can you still do this... Well, write it down, maybe I will use it someday, after all, His Majesty likes this now.

"By the way, Prime Minister Cai, there is one more thing. Many so-called rebels suddenly appeared in various places, and there are even signs of uniting to respond to each other."

Cai Xiang's face darkened, "I still need to teach you about this? A group of mountain bandits is nothing to mention, let Tong Guan lead someone to quell them."


"Oh? Where did your majesty go? I saw your majesty just now..."

"Reporting to Prime Minister Cai, Your Majesty has just entered the tunnel to go to the Chunyun Building!" The servant responded.


Song Huizong was in the same line as the one on the earth next door. He was frivolous all his life. Apart from his love of flowers, birds, fish and insects, calligraphy and painting on Chuanding tripods, alchemy and seeking Taoism, he was especially obsessed with beauty!

About half a year ago, the rumors of Qin Huang's death had already appeared before turning into a dragon, and the countries were ready to move, and there were frictions on the border from time to time.Song Huizong had to face the remonstrances of those veteran officials in the court almost every day, which was very annoying.

At this moment, there was news in Beijing that Li Shishi, a famous prostitute, was going to choose her first benefactor. In the past, Li Shishi's talent and reputation spread far and wide, even Song Huizong had heard of it a little.But at that time Li Shishi was selling his art but not his body. Although I don't know if it was a gimmick or what, but no one succeeded in entering her boudoir.So Song Huizong didn't care about it, and now he was very itchy when he heard this, so he secretly brought someone to meet him under a pseudonym.

Unexpectedly, he was so addicted after seeing this, not only built a tunnel in the palace, but also took it out of the hotel to the newly built Chunyun Building.

At this time, Song Huizong blushed. Thinking of Li Shishi's gorgeous face, he couldn't help speeding up his pace, but just entering the Chunyun Building, he heard Li Shishi sobbing softly.

I couldn't help feeling distressed, "Why is Shishi crying so sad?"

Li Shishi gently wiped away the tears on his cheeks, a simple movement was full of temptation, so Song Huizong couldn't help but stepped forward, if he didn't see that she was still sad, he would definitely do something at this time.

"Your Majesty doesn't know something. Today, Shishi heard two people discussing the country's war on the street, saying that the Qing Dynasty has violated the frontier, but His Majesty is timid and trying to use the treasury to fill the belly of the jackal. This is an act that is wrong to the country. Shishi is not convinced. I went to argue with them, but they pointed at Shishi and said that it was someone who seduced His Majesty with her beauty, which is a disaster for women!"

Song Huizong wiped away tears from Li Shishi's heart, "Why do you beauties bother about this matter? I'll let someone go and peel off that tongue-twisting person."

But Li Shishi said: "Your Majesty, how did you stop Youyou's mouth? After killing two people, there are still two people, and there are thousands of people. After all, Shishi bears the bad name of harming the country. Just like Yang Guifei of the Tang Dynasty, I heard that he was almost killed by Li Longji. Will His Majesty kill Shishi one day in the future?"

"Oh, how can I be willing! What does the beauty say?"

"Your Majesty, why don't you send some food, grass, weapons, and military pay to the border, so that even if there is only a little bit, outsiders have no reason to say that Shishi is a beauty!"

"Hey, what's the big deal? It's a trivial matter. I'll order someone to send it tomorrow. Well, I'll send it in the name of a beauty. Let's see who else dares to chew their tongues!"


Li Shishi froze for a moment, but was picked up by Song Huizong and walked towards the bed.

(End of this chapter)

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