Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 369 How can I empathize with the anti-thief?

Chapter 369 How can I empathize with the anti-thief?

"The chain you want is actually very easy to solve."

"Because I didn't request to use the chain as the main weapon?"

"Yes, from your description, the chain is basically only used as an auxiliary role, not even an auxiliary attack. Therefore, the simple requirement of fortification is easy to achieve."

Zuo Zhou and Yi Yun were discussing with the enthusiasm of a craftsman. There were many people accompanying them, but as time went by, more and more people left.After all, not everyone is interested in how to forge a weapon, but a limited number of people such as Xiang Yu, Nie Feng, the Second Sword Emperor, Jiang Yuyan, and Zhang Junbao stayed.

For Xiang Yu and Nie Feng's second sword emperor, knowing every detail of weapons is actually a kind of cultivation. When they perform tricks, they can exert more powerful combat power, and it can also make them more powerful than magic weapons. There is a tacit understanding between communication and cooperation.

Of course, Xiang Yu also had some selfish intentions, and he also wanted to ask for a knife here, but it was inappropriate in front of Zuo Zhou and others, so he planned to learn more first, and then look for opportunities later.

As for Zhang Junbao and Jiang Yuyan, they were purely accompanying Zuo Zhou, but Zhang Junbao was quickly kicked out by Zuo Zhou. After all, a big man stood there waiting for his eyes, this style of painting was really unbearable.

Jiang Yuyan is quite suitable, but Zuo Zhou also feels a little distressed, the almost constant heat wave will hurt the skin, this girl is really willing to spend the money.

"Yuyan, go and get some watermelons to cool down the masters."

Zuo Zhou could only use this method to relieve this slight but excruciating torture.


Forging weapons did not happen overnight, but during this period of time, the two letters were sent to the Great Qin and the Ming Kingdoms by galloping thousands of miles away.

The weapon business of Mingjian Villa is doing quite well, so both the Great Qin and the Ming Kingdom actually have unique news channels, and the two letters were delivered to the hands of the two at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine.

The first time Di Renjie opened the letter, he was a little dumbfounded. It was not an accident, but he had a feeling of "you are worthy of it". He was obviously looking for his sister. Looking for an arms dealer, this time is not wasted.

But jokes are jokes, Di Renjie was not ambiguous at all, first he asked Yuchi Zhenjin to find out information about the marriage between Mingjian Villa and Ji Gang, and soon entered the palace.

Hu Hai held the information and the letter and remained silent for a while, feeling a little helpless with Li Yuanfang, who had clearly told him that Daqin had defeated the Turks now, and was just in the stage of digestion, and could no longer divide its strength to fight for anything.

In the end, he was lucky, and directly occupied the border city. Well, it was only a city after all, and there was nothing serious about it.It's good now, and I found another arms dealer alliance. Isn't this offending the Ming Dynasty?

It's not that they are afraid of the Ming Dynasty, it's just that they can't fight now, which will delay the control of Turks and consume the vitality of Daqin.Besides, the war between Song and Qing is still very anxious. It is hard to say what kind of chain reaction will happen if the war starts at this time. What if Qing and Song take advantage of it?
Hu Haiping backed away and thought for a while to summon Zhao Gao to the palace.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhao Gao at this time was definitely a celebrity in front of the emperor, and Hu Hai would summon him from time to time to ask about matters big and small.His proposition was also highly valued by the emperor. Whenever Hu Hai wanted to implement a government order in the court, it would arouse opposition from courtiers.

Therefore, in the eyes of the courtiers and the common people, this Hu Hai has been emptied by the courtiers, and this Zhao Gao has become a loyal slave who supports the royal family.

"Your Majesty, according to my opinion, this matter is not only a simple marriage, but also an enmity with the Ming Kingdom. The Ming Kingdom's navy is very powerful. Even when the first emperor was still alive, he never won a head-to-head victory. Our Great Qin is in a difficult situation. It is an extraordinary time, it is not suitable to take risks. And..." Zhao Gao snorted disdainfully: "Famous Sword Villa is just a group of craftsmen, what qualifications do you have to marry the daughter of my Daqin courtier? Hmph, overthinking oneself, this is obviously because Li Yuanfang The decision I made at random due to my friendship, I completely used my Daqin's face as a tool to give favors, it is heartbreaking!"

Hu Hai was stunned when he heard that, good guy, I thought of going with you!

If you don't know Hu Hai's attributes in advance, that's all. Maybe you will be very happy that there is someone who shares the same goals with me.But the problem is that it's awkward when you know it.

My thinking is actually the same as that of a traitor, what the hell am I...

Well, sure enough, there was a reason for the demise of the Great Qin in the world next door, "Ahem, okay, Aiqing and I want to go together, and tomorrow I will determine the matter at the morning court."

Zhao Gao backed away in satisfaction and respect, and then things went on as usual, a group of courtiers headed by Prime Minister Li Si unexpectedly raised their hands to unify the marriage, contrary to the usual party struggle.

No matter how hard Hu Hai tried to argue, he still couldn't compete with the civil and military affairs of the court. In the end, he had no choice but to agree with the courtiers' intentions. During the whole process, Li Siyao showed off his power, as if he already had a sense of sight as a treacherous minister who coerced the emperor to make the princes.

However, there was some disagreement on which daughter to marry. The courtiers were really reluctant to marry their daughter to an arms seller.

"Forget it, I recognize her as a goddaughter, so you don't have to argue about it." Hu Hai rubbed his temples, annoyed by the noise.

"By the way, where is Li Yuanfang? He should be arriving in Kaifeng soon."

A general stood up and said, "According to information, Zhan Zhaozhan Hongling and Cao Zhengchun entered Kaifeng yesterday. But Li Yuanfang is still staying at Mingjian Villa."

The corner of Hu Hai's mouth twitched, "I really didn't take the characters of the envoys seriously, but forget it, the imperial decree will be sent along with the marriage letter."



Ming Dynasty at almost the same time

Murong Qiudi swayed the envelope between her fingers, leaning lazily on the chair, looking at Ji Yanran with interest while chanting the contents of the envelope.

Ji Yanran is very beautiful, she has perfectly inherited Murong Qiudi's appearance and talent, her every move is full of inexplicable nobility, just like a proud princess.

But Murong Qiudi, as a mother, looks no different from this daughter in appearance, if not for her delicate hair and a long dress that is more mature and luxurious, she might be easily misunderstood as a young girl.

"This Yi Tianxing's talent is indeed far superior to Yi Tianfan. In terms of seeing people, you are just like a mother. I just want to know for your mother. What special information do you know about picking this Yi Tianxing?"

Ji Yanran reached out and grabbed Murong Qiudi's sleeve, "Mother~~~~ This is true love!" Do I want to tell you about "Young Zhang Sanfeng"?Although it's a pity not being able to marry Zhang Junbao, Yi Tianxing is even more handsome!
Murong Qiudi looked at her daughter's drool-like appearance, and said a little amusedly: "Mother agreed to this matter."

"Thank you mom!"

Ji Yanran gave Murong Qiudi a mua on the face, then bounced away.

Murong Qiudi casually crushed the envelope into ashes, patted on the west side of the chair, the mechanism was activated, and the chair turned into the dark room behind the wall.

In the middle of this dark room is a corpse sealed in a crystal coffin. It is male and handsome. Even though it has been dead for a long time, there is still a sword intent that does not dissipate.

Murong Qiudi walked around the crystal coffin with blurred eyes, and then with a happy smile on her face, she slowly lay down on the crystal coffin, "Our daughter has grown up and has her own little secret. Although She must know some secrets, but it's nothing, at least she doesn't know the story between us. Isn't it good, she will always be responsible for herself, and she will never treat herself badly. "

Then his expression changed, and boundless coldness suddenly filled his eyes, "But there are always some people who are self-righteous and treat everyone as ants, calculating and calculating, but they don't know, how can the so-called Son of Heaven be an enemy of Tianzun?"


Zuo Zhou yawned for a long time, and suddenly he understood why a swordsmith could only forge one or two peerless magic weapons in his lifetime.Not to mention anything else, just the experience of staring at the fire all the time is not something ordinary people can bear.

There is no high-tech assistance in this world. Whether it is temperature or strength, all problems must be adjusted from time to time by relying on rich experience, true energy, and strength.

Zuo Zhou has spent a long time with craftsmen these days, and he is almost in a trance with his powerful mental strength, let alone those craftsmen, this is a way of overdrawing their potential, no wonder Yi Yun said to build such a thing After weapons, those craftsmen will be useless in the future.

But Zuo Zhou didn't have any guilt at all. First, he did help Mingjian Villa solve the problem. Second, these craftsmen were more excited than him, as if the birth of a peerless magic weapon was their glory.

Probably, this is the difference between an artist and a normal person!
"I didn't expect that the weapon you want to forge is a stick. This is a challenge for us." Yi Yun's mood was a bit complicated. He had to admit that even with decades of experience, he was still a little confused. I can't see through Li Yuanfang.

Walking in the rivers and lakes, who would use a stick like a weapon except the beggars?Even monks usually carry Jie Dao and the like, and even if they have to carry it, it is a Zen stick.After all, carrying a stick is far less lethal than a sword, and it's not handsome at all!
"Show me the knife you want to install. Well, I still suggest that you recast a whole sword. After all, it is difficult to create a unified weapon spirit by combining two weapons."

Zuo Zhou waved his hand, Jiang Yuyan was already ready, and handed over a knife wrapped in cloth.Well, Zuo Zhou is a little addicted to this girl's service, she has much better eyesight than Ah Xiang.If it's Ah Xiang, yes, she will carry the knife for you, but you also have to carry her...

"Hiss! Who forged this knife?" Yi Yun's tone was suddenly agitated.

Zuo Zhou's eyes lit up, "Is it very strong?"

"No, the Forge is rubbish, but... the knife is strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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