Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 370

Chapter 370
"Your knife is sloppy in terms of forging technology, fire control, and materials. This kind of weapon has no advantages other than being hard enough. But..."

Yi Yun's eyes were filled with reverence. It was a very magical feeling. A person who had never even heard of it would have reverence for the user because of a knife.At least Zuo Zhou didn't understand it. In his opinion, he had to have heard of it, otherwise why would he reverence it?
"The user of this knife, relying on a certain persistent belief and strong strength, cultivated the soul of the knife with countless blood and victories, and the perennial qi permeation made this knife reborn, not only eliminating the original knife Impurities in the material, and the previously arranged and combined materials with great flaws are adjusted to perfection!"

Yi Yun took a long breath, and blew lightly on the knife. The sound of the knife easily overwhelmed the roiling heat wave in the sword mound. The originally extremely high indoor temperature seemed to turn like a spring breeze in the blink of an eye.

For a moment, all the craftsmen turned their heads to look, and the sword chanting was like a beautiful woman who was overwhelmed by the country, and it easily attracted countless people to fall.

"This is a weapon that can't be forged by the manpower of the forger. It belongs to the perfect combination of the right time, place and people, but no luck at all!"

Yi Yun sighed, then suddenly raised his head and roared, "You guys have seen that, do you know what you should do to create a handle for such a peerless weapon?"

Zuo Zhou shuddered, good guy, the fighting spirit that was not seen in Jiannan Army now appeared in a group of craftsmen.

At the same time, all the craftsmen seem to have changed in spirit. If making sticks was just a midterm exam for them before, they now regard this stick as a college entrance examination!

Well, there are black lines all over Zuo Zhou's face, dare you not take it seriously before, right?

Yi Yun returned the saber to Zuo Zhou with both hands, with a look of satisfaction and no regrets, "I never imagined that I would see such a magic soldier for the rest of my life!"

Zuo Zhou took the knife but looked at him strangely, "This knife made you exaggerate, so why did you destroy the knife soul?"

"Meteor Blade Soul? No Meteor!"


Yi Yun knew it when he saw Zuo Zhou's bewildered expression, and said amusedly, "You are not a swordsmith. I don't understand. I can clearly perceive that this sword has not suffered any damage. Naturally, the soul of the sword is also It never died, but whether it was taken away by someone or left by itself is hard to say."

Zuo Zhou came to a sudden, in short, the sword became fine...

Yi Yun didn't know that Zuo Zhou really understood from time to time, but he still reminded: "Your saber is good, but it's too advanced. Unless you can find the original saber soul, it's almost impossible to re-brew the saber soul. possible."

"How to say?"

"The soul of the sword has always grown together with the body of the sword. If the body of the sword is too strong and the soul of the sword is weak, the power that can be exerted will be biased. It is like a baby holding a peerless magic weapon. The sword stabbed the bad guy to death, do you think it is the magic weapon or the baby? This cognitive bias will seriously affect the improvement of the sword soul."

Zuo Zhou was stunned, is there still so much to pay attention to?Wouldn't the Promise Sword Soul not be able to move to a new house smoothly?

Zuo Zhou thought for a while, then asked again: "Is there a way to know where the original sword soul went?"

Yi Yun laughed, "How do I know that? Besides, it's fine if the sword soul is taken away by someone, but if it leaves on its own, even if you find it, you won't be able to make it return to the blade body. Even if you force it back, the sword soul won't follow If you cooperate, it will be counterproductive at that time, and it might even be better to just stuff a sword soul in."

Zuo Zhou pursed his lips, and suddenly felt a little regretful, he should have killed Yang Zhi too!

No wonder Yang Zhi gave out the family heirloom sword so simply, no wonder the Yang family kept the treasured sword in the warehouse for such a long time, it turned out that it was a weapon that could not cultivate a sword soul, and it was meaningless to stuff a sword soul in it .At most, it is sharp enough, but if it is only sharp, it is really not precious to warriors.

Yi Yun smiled, "It's still the question just now, do you want me to forge a big sword for you directly? You have shown me such a magical weapon, which is considered a kindness to me. I took all the materials from Mingjian Villa."

Zuo Zhou shook his head, "Every expert has come from a baby who has learned to crawl, I believe in my sword soul, he will not let me down, although he is not qualified to live in this 'big villa' yet, but I I believe that one day he will be qualified!"

Naturally, Yi Yun didn't care much about these very passionate words, but the Wuji Saber Soul in his mind was very useful, and he played all kinds of fun in Zuo Zhou's dream space.

Zuo Zhou was happy, carefully wrapped the knife with a cloth, and handed it to Jiang Yuyan to hold it.

Jiang Yuyan put her hands in her hands carefully, and her eyes were full of splendor, look!This is the real magic weapon, even though it doesn't have a sword soul, it is much stronger than a certain sword.

Peerless Sword:? ? ?

Bixuezhao Danqing is very panicked now, unlike Wushuangjian's embarrassment, he has thought of the problem, if the sword soul can't enter the big sword now, then Zuo Zhou will have to use the sword in the future?Damn, be scared!
After learning about the problem with the big knife, he didn't want to delay here any longer, "This stick will be taken care of by Master Lao."

Yi Yun was surprised when he heard this, "Don't you look at it? To make a stick produce a weapon soul, the user needs to scatter blood, and we swordsmiths can't do it for us."

"Don't! A stick is a stick, just keep the surface perfect, and you don't need a soul inside!"

Yi Yun pursed his lips and sighed, "General Li is really hiding something, I really can't see through you."

"Hehe, it's easy to say, easy to say." Zuo Zhou smiled and took Jiang Yuyan back to the room. He didn't need to look at the sticks and chains. What he wanted to do most now was to condense his magic weapon.

In fact, when he saw Chao Gai transforming the exquisite pagoda casually, he was very envious. Let alone the power, the function like storage space is extremely precious.

Why are so many gangsters carrying knives and swords instead of maces?Handsome is one aspect, but also inconvenient.

But if you have a magic weapon, it will be different. You can put bows and arrows, long knives, swords, smoke bombs, folding stools, beds, etc. into it, and usually hide your murderous intentions with empty hands. If the pile of rubbish continues, I will ask you if you are afraid!
Well, rags are the limit of Zuo Zhou. He probably can't do things like mountains, rivers, lakes and seas. He has never thought about shit, really never thought about it!

"Yuyan, help me protect the law. Unless Zhan Shiqi or Ah Xiang come, no one will be able to do anything. Don't let anyone disturb me."

Jiang Yuyan nodded and patted her puffed chest, "Don't worry, General, Yuyan is safe from guarding the gate!"

Zuo Zhou took a hard look at Jiang Yuyan's ferocity, and slowly closed his eyes to calm down.

He doesn't know how to lift the tower Arhat boxing, and he doesn't know how the dharma images of Subduing Dragon Arhat Boxing and Subduing Tiger Arhat Boxing are used to create the guardian beasts. The only choice is the Raising Bowl Arhat Boxing.

He doesn't care whether the magic weapon is a bowl or a pagoda, as long as it is easy to use, but even with the Linglong Pagoda as a reference, it is not so easy to refine the magic weapon of the bowl.

The Dharma image formed by the Raising Bowl Arhat Boxing is just a mold, just like the process of pouring hot molten steel into the mold to shape it.However, the materials needed are often very precious, not just ordinary iron, you must know that different materials may also stimulate different effects.

Then, he had to continuously infuse his true energy into it all the time, which required at least the cultivation of a human master. If it wasn't for Zuo Zhou's innate true energy that recovered so quickly, he wouldn't even dare to try it.


Time passed slowly, and Zuo Zhou practiced for a whole day. Looking at the rising sun in the sky, Jiang Yuyan stretched out her hand and stroked her hair, saying that she should make herself a little haggard?Otherwise, if anyone saw that he was so lively after guarding the whole night, wouldn't he know that he knew martial arts?
Just as he was thinking about the sudden arrival of someone from outside the courtyard, Yi Yun smiled excitedly: "The court of Daqin has come, let General Li come out to receive the order!"

Jiang Yuyan froze for a moment, then looked back at the still closed door, and recalled in her mind the scene of Li Yuanfang stabbing the enemy to death in the imperial capital, well, since she is a master, she should have some privileges.And don't they all say that General Li and Hu Hai are at odds?

"Ahem, um, well, the general is currently in seclusion and can't be disturbed. If you have any orders, just wait."

Yi Yun was stunned for a moment, and even Murong Fu and the others who followed outside were also stunned for a moment. Can we wait for this decree?
"Presumptuous! Emperor Qin's imperial decree can actually be delayed, why don't you ask Li Yuanfang to come out to receive the decree!"

A very sharp and piercing voice appeared, obviously using real energy. If ordinary people heard it, they would be in great pain, but there was no mediocre person present, even Azhu Abi was protected by the four generals behind him.

Jiang Yuyan paused for a moment, then pretended to be in pain and sat down on the side, propped her hands on the ground and looked at the eunuch with aggrieved and stubborn face.

That's right, it was an eunuch who announced the decree, and behind him was a team of about 12 military attaches, whose ranks they don't know.

The eunuch looked smugly at Jiang Yuyan who was in pain, and opened his mouth to shout into it, but he opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

A hand that looked gentle but was as heavy as a mountain landed on his shoulder. The eunuch immediately began to sweat, and he didn't know why he was sweating. It was like a physiological reaction, as if after running for tens of thousands of meters, he fell with his shoulders. Several old women fought for three days and three nights, the point is, he is a eunuch, so he can't fight.

Zhang Junbao slowly took out the imperial decree from his hand curiously, "You are so arrogant, isn't this imperial decree intended to depose my brother as a general?"

Then he shook the imperial decree away casually, glanced at the eunuch playfully, "Did no one tell you the contents of the imperial decree, or did the emperor of Qin forget to discuss this matter with his ministers and issued the decree directly? "

The eunuch was a bit confused, all civil and military officials in the court knew that His Majesty and General Li were not in harmony, so what could be a good thing in this edict?

(End of this chapter)

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