Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 381 Li Yuanfang is not as good as Song Jiang

Chapter 381 Li Yuanfang is not as good as Song Jiang
"Dare to ask this good man, what happened to Qingfeng Mountain here, why is there such a bloody aura!"

Zuo Zhou turned his head slowly, and the person who was asking the question was a short man with a yellowish complexion. It seemed that he was plump and short, but he was not annoying, and even the smile on his face was quite favorable.

This man was carrying a burden and wearing a long gown. Although he was dusty, he didn't let the corners of his clothes get any dust. Well, he was a particular person.

"I've just arrived, too, and I'm planning to go up the mountain to have a look." Zuo Zhou said as he walked up the mountain. The smell of blood lingered for a long time. Based on his experience, at least three figures of people's lives had to be filled in it.

The man paused for a moment and hurriedly followed a few steps, "Song Jiang Song Gongming of a certain family, dare to ask the name of a good man!"

Zuo Zhou stopped and turned to look at Song Jiang. Is this a windfall?Not counting, what is Song Jiang up to?Absolutely not.

"Rain Song Jiang in time? I've heard a little bit about it."

Zuo Zhou replied indifferently, but it surprised Song Jiang a little. Generally speaking, people in Jiang Hu will admire him when they hear his name, even if they don't care, they will pay more respect. This person is so indifferent after hearing it , is it possible that he is not a martial artist?
"What a shameful name..."

"It's rare that you still have self-knowledge. Don't mention names like Jiyu and Hubaoyi in the future."


Zuo Zhou has never had a good impression of Song Jiang, no matter when he was a child or now.Fortunately, what else is he called Hu Baoyi? Think about Guan Erye, who also has the word "yi", how does he do it, and how does he do it?This guy is actually a complete villain, a hypocrite.

If not to say that the four great classics are very mysterious, it is really not something that children can understand and have the qualifications to taste!

Song Jiang doesn't know martial arts, at least in Zuo Zhou's close-range perception, there is no internal force reaction. The blood here is extremely heavy, and he is a little timid by himself, so he followed Zuo Zhou up the mountain closely.Although I don't know why the other party seems to hate him a little bit, but compared with his own safety, being hated won't hurt him at all.

Stopping and stopping along the way, Zuo Zhou checked the death of some bandit minions from time to time, while Song Jiang followed behind on tiptoe and poked his head to watch the whole process.His techniques are quite sophisticated, and he can accurately find out the cause of the opponent's death just by looking at it, and he can even tell how much strength the opponent used by touching it.

"Who exactly is this man who is so murderous and devastated?"

After seeing that the village on the top of the mountain had become a ruined wall, Song Jiang finally sighed.

Zuo Zhou frowned slightly, then stopped suddenly, and asked with interest: "There is something I want to ask."

Song Jiang was stunned for a moment, why was he so pleasant all of a sudden?But he still clasped his fists and said, "If you don't dare to ask for advice, Song Jiang will answer truthfully."

"If one day you have countless generals and you want to recruit one person, kill the other person's whole family, and cause the other person to lose his official position, as compensation, you will betroth your own brothers and sisters. Do you think this can make the other person your confidant? ?"

Song Jiang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his expression was a little strange. This hero looks handsome, but he can't be a fool!

He coughed lightly and said: "The hero is joking, the hatred of family extermination can be offset by a mere brother and sister. Even if such a person really surrenders, I have to be careful. He is secretly harboring ambiguity and waiting for the right time to turn around." ! Taking a step back, even if you really surrender because of this, then this person is undoubtedly a shameless villain who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and I, Song Jiang, am ashamed to be with him for such behavior!"

Zuo Zhou blinked, and asked again: "We're still recruiting one person, but this time, we will replace it with a beautiful and dignified female general who can be regarded as coming from a family. You kill the other party's entire family, then recognize her as your younger sister, and betroth her to the A greedy, lustful, ugly, short, wretched brother. Is it possible for the other party to sincerely surrender to you?"

Song Jiang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly shook his hand, "Don't be a good guy, you must be educated, sensible, filial, honest and shameful if you come from a family. If I kill the other party's family, then the girl will want to strip me for cramps. How can she really serve me? What's more, marrying him to such an unbearable person? Isn't this crucifying Qiu to death, and there is no possibility of any relaxation!"

Zuo Zhou scratched his scalp with the scabbard, this Song Jiang... is quite clever, hehe, he nodded and ignored him, and continued to investigate in the cottage.

But the murderous intention has already been moved in his heart. The one hundred and eight demon stars in Liangshan obviously still have human ethical thinking before they awaken their memories.From the words just now, it is clear that Song Jiang's words seem to be a logical behavior.So if these things are really done, it can only be after the memory of the great demon has been awakened.

In this case, it seems that many things can be explained, not only Song Jiang's unreasonable behavior, but also Qin Ming's attitude, Hu Sanniang's attitude, if it is the demon star who does not take the human race seriously, then everything seems to be able to get explain.

Huh?Could it be that Shi Naian is a future traveler of this world, and wrote everything that happened in the future?

Zuo Zhou burst into laughter for a moment. This frightened Song Jiang behind him. He is probably not a fool. How can he laugh out loud when he sees the corpses all over the ground.

"Seeing that you don't know a little bit of martial arts, why did you come to this wilderness?" Zuo Zhou suddenly asked without turning his head.

Song Jiang didn't hide anything either, and said with a smile, "I have a brother from Qingfengzhai Wuzhizhai, and I'm here to see him."

Zuo Zhou came to a sudden, Hua Rong chanted, pointing out that Qingfengzhai was not a place where bandits gathered, but a place similar to the county garrison barracks of the Song Dynasty court.Zhizhai is an inspection official, divided into civil and military Zhizhai, with Wen as the head and Wu as the deputy.

He figured out the cause and effect almost in the blink of an eye. The Water Margin also described this passage, saying that Song Jiang fled because he killed Yan Poxi, and Hua Rong wrote to invite him to Qingfengzhai to avoid the limelight.

"If that's the case, you go over here. Everyone here is dead. If they are not dead, I am afraid that they are either murderers or monsters. Instead, they will kill you, a powerless scholar." Zuo Zhou looked him up and down. In fact, I really want to see what tricks the other party will practice after recovering the big demon's memory.

Song Jiang was a little puzzled for a while, why did this person change his face so quickly, "Let's continue to have a look, my brother, as a local zhizhai, always asks, if I can find something, it can be done sooner or later." Remind him a bit."

Zuo Zhou didn't care, and just continued to move forward. Unexpectedly, he hadn't walked a few steps, and suddenly heard an extremely weak cry for help.

Um?It's not an auditory hallucination, is it?
Zuo Zhou frowned, Song Jiang shuddered, thinking about what Zuo Zhou said just now, could it be a monster?I heard that there are many monsters who pretend to be victims to deceive people to check and then harm them.

Following the sound, Zuo Zhou saw a woman lying flat on the ground within a short time. This woman was wearing a white sarong and a red silk waist, looking capable and dashing, with delicate features and charming features.

When she heard the footsteps, she raised her head and saw Zuo Zhou and Song Jiang, her eyes sparkled, and she hurriedly said: "Two heroes, save the little girl!"

"What's the matter, girl?" Song Jiang hurriedly stepped forward, standing in front of the woman but didn't know what to do, so he could only look at Zuo Zhou.

Zuo Zhou had a strange expression, and tried his best to be pleasant and said: "Dare to ask the girl's name? What happened here, and why are you here?"

Two lines of teardrops easily fell from the corners of the woman's eyes, making Song Jiang's heart ache, and Zuo Zhou's expression became even weirder.

This charm... not so good!I miss my senior sister...

"The little girl from the Sun family of the Zhang family is the second in the family. She was originally a good citizen from the mountain, but she was taken captive by the strong man on the mountain. The head of the family was also cruel, woo woo woo! Afterwards, the enemies from this village attacked and let many innocent women go. The little girl also wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but accidentally fell and broke her leg, fortunately the two heroes came, otherwise... otherwise... blah blah!"

Sun Erniang covered her face and began to cry, the tears could not be stopped as if the gate had been unloaded, and Song Jiang who looked directly did not feel distressed.

The corners of Zuo Zhou's mouth twitched slightly, and his five fingers tightly clenched Yong Weixian, really wanting to slap this monster to death with a stick.

"Ahem, don't cry, let me ask you, you said you are a good citizen at the foot of the mountain, so how did your family make a living before?" Zuo Zhou asked with a smile, but if Erniang Sun said that she ran an inn, he would kill him with a swing of his sword. up.

Sun Erniang bitterly said intermittently: "The head of the family is a firewood farmer, who usually hunts and sells firewood, and farms when farming."

Zuo Zhou frowned, "Didn't do anything else?"


Zuo Zhou hesitated a little. Logically speaking, this kind of lie is too easy to expose. If she is really a girl from the bottom of the mountain, she can easily find out. There is no point in lying.Could it be another change?
However, Zuo Zhou didn't pay much attention to it. Changes are common. Then Bai Sheng and Liu Tang were hacked to death by Yang Zhi. How can there be reason.

It's just that if she hadn't sold human flesh buns, there would be no reason to kill her.

"Do you still have family?"

"Now the little girl is lonely and has nowhere to go. She was rescued by two heroes. Seeing this big brother's honesty and loyalty, if she doesn't give up, the little girl is willing to promise her body and serve her around."

Sun Erniang said this to Song Jiang, yes, to Song Jiang...

What the hell!

Zuo Zhou became popular all of a sudden, are you afraid that you look down on me?I don't want Li Yuanfang, who is handsome and handsome, but rely on Song Jiang instead. I... do I have such a strong taste?
Of course Song Jiang was overjoyed, quickly put away his wretched face, clasped his fists and said, "Ms. Meng values ​​her very much. Although Song Jiang has no strength to restrain the chicken, he will definitely do his best to protect the girl comprehensively in the future!"

Sun Erniang lowered her head, was shy, and blushed, and Zuo Zhou rolled her eyes straight after watching a set procedure.

Shaking his head, he didn't bother with this question anymore, and asked, "Since you survived by chance, did you see the perpetrator?"


"Is it male or female?"

"A woman, a terrible woman!" A trace of fear flashed in Sun Erniang's eyes.

What did Zuo Zhou think of, "Then did she say why she came here to kill?"

"It is said that there is an enmity with the strong people here, but the little girl does not know the specifics."

Zuo Zhou asked again: "Where did she go after the murder?"

"Follow the canal and walk away!" Sun Erniang said and pointed in a direction.

Zuo Zhou is a little funny, isn't this the direction he came from, so... missed it or are you avoiding me?
(End of this chapter)

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