Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 382 The leader of the demon star, the 4th brother of benevolence and righteousness

Chapter 382 The leader of the demon star, the fourth brother of benevolence and righteousness

There are many people in this world who can flatter their skills. After all, the national conditions of various countries are so good and bad.The people of Daqin can treat others well, and the people of Song State can also become cunning for their livelihood.Besides, under the current situation where there are various rebels and bandits running rampant inside and powerful enemies outside, it is very reasonable to learn some special survival methods!
Zuo Zhou didn't mean to embarrass Sun Erniang and Song Jiang. After all, the two were passionate about adultery. In order to make himself less redundant, Zuo Zhou got up and left. Of course, there are still some things to remind.

"Morality is a good thing. It is the key to separate humans from beasts. Since you have a human form, try to maintain your humanity. If one day, you lose your humanity, then I will help you to be decent!"

Turning around, stepping on the sword and leaving, the whole program highlighted a handsome man, um, after all, this long series of words is for the final act!
Seeing Zuo Zhou's figure disappear into the sky, Song Jiang couldn't stop laughing, "This guy's martial arts is high enough, but his head is really not good, and what he said is completely incomprehensible."

Sun Erniang's expression was extremely broken, "Why are human beings so fierce now!"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"No, no, I mean, the official is so handsome!"

"Hahahaha, is that right, ahhahahaha, why tell the truth!" Song Jiang was extremely proud, despite the handsome group of boys just now, but in the end the little girl chose me, Lao Song.

"Oh? What are you doing undressing?"

"Uh, this is not good, the wilderness..."

"Oh, there are corpses around, it's inappropriate!"

"Hiss, ha, thank you Yasha!"

Sun Erniang wiped the sweat off her face, got up and put on her dress again, her eyes drooping and she felt exhausted, but looking at Song Jiang whose temperament had changed drastically, she was satisfied.

Song Jiang got up and put on his clothes slowly, "Have a good time, have a big dream, and you will know who I am! Yasha, where did you come from?"

Sun Erniang smiled wearily and said: "A few years ago, Ba Shiba, a master of the Yuan Kingdom, lurked into the Song Kingdom. His original intention was to develop Anzi and prepare for the resurgence of the Yuan Kingdom. The mental power is extremely powerful, so I was valued by him and accepted as a disciple to teach the spiritual law of changing the sky and striking the earth."

Song Jiang didn't know what Bashiba was, but he could think of the fate of Bashiba, "Hmph, how can a mere human who specializes in spiritual power compare with our big demon soul?"

Sun Erniang nodded, "After I learned the spiritual method of changing the sky and striking the earth, I awakened the memory of the demon soul. I turned around and attacked him and seduced him. I wanted to drain his whole body's power. But this Ba Shiba also has some skills, and he has already entered the bed curtain But in the end, he woke up and realized the strangeness of my demon soul. He dissipated all his energy and was finally killed by me. It's a pity that I only absorbed [-]% of his energy at that time!"

Song Jiang sighed, "Unexpectedly, although everyone has a backup, but the way of heaven is clear, there are very few who can succeed in the end. It is an accident like yours that has become the key to the awakening of my brother, Yasha, and we will continue to do so in the future." I'm going to wrong you, I allow you to charge [-] success power as compensation after helping them awaken!"

Sun Erniang was overjoyed, she bowed her body and said, "Thank you, brother, it's a pity that many brothers were killed on this mountain before..."

A look of grief flashed across Song Jiang's face, "This is fate, don't be immersed in sadness, your ability is really more important now. Protect yourself first."

"Thank you, brother, for your understanding." Erniang Sun said that Yingying was blessed again.

Song Jiang laughed heartily when he saw this, "Your human etiquette is decent."

Sun Erniang was proud, "The complicated etiquette of human beings is sometimes very helpful to improve temperament, and human beings also value appearances the most. I have already seduced many so-called martial arts heroes."

Song Jiang stroked his beard and agreed, "You reminded me that human beings value appearances most, such as reputation! My reputation of being timely and protective of righteousness can be used one or two, just follow me to Qingfengzhai, flower Rong is also our brother, and helping him awaken is the top priority right now."

"It's...uh, boss, that one just now..."

Song Jiang paused, and his face turned a little ugly, "Humans dare to threaten me!"

Sun Erniang sneered, "Shouldn't the point be, why can he see through our strength? Could it also be the reincarnation of a certain god from the past?"

Song Jiang frowned slightly and shook his head, "It's not like, I don't remember this kind of breath, but he has a Buddhist smell on him, and he is probably an Arhat or a Bodhisattva. Hmph, but those guys look down on my monster race the most, let alone Warning, it’s not surprising to do anything. When I recover my skills, this little guy who isn’t even a master of the list will be wiped out!”

Sun Erniang looked at Song Jiang, and she didn't have the nerve to tell him that she tried her best to seduce him just now but it didn't work.


Zuo Zhou didn't expect that the two monsters on his back would wake up as soon as he left. He just stepped on the sword shadow and flew up and down the canal. Unfortunately, he didn't know if he was really hiding from him or the other party had already left. , anyway, he didn't see that person.

"Hey, what are you floating on it, did you get revenge?"

The building boat had already reached the surface of the river, and Qin Shuang stood on the deck and looked at Zuo Zhou amusedly.

Zuo Zhou had no choice but to give up, and casually replied: "It was a step late, and I wanted to help the Sheng family kill the enemy, but found that someone did it first. But it doesn't matter, let's turn and leave." He entered the cabin.

Qin Shuang was a little surprised, why did she talk so little and stop chatting?

The building boat turned back to the original road, and suddenly there was a ripple on the calm river surface, and a line full of golden scales shaped like a giant python crossed the water surface.

"My lord is not in a bad mood for any reason?" Jiang Yuyan came over with a plate of grapes, and gently put one into Zuo Zhou's mouth.

This kind of serving Zuo Zhou is very useful, but there are still some things in my mind at this moment, and I suddenly asked after a while: "Yuyan, if it were you, you know that someone is likely to do evil in the future, but because he If you haven't done it yet, what will you do?"

Jiang Yuyan was slightly startled, and began to ponder in her heart again, what do you mean?Is this a test for me or what?What does it mean to know that there will be...exiles in the future?
Jiang Yuyan quickly thought of the question of the exiles, so she asked, "Are you talking about the exiles?"

Zuo Zhou didn't deny it, just took a sip from his teacup, and Jiang Yuyan continued, "Following the general for so long, plus Liuliqin and the others never shy away from it all the way, Yuyan also roughly knows the existence of exiles. Yan herself doesn't know the big truth, but she also knows that the exiles have their own code of conduct and morality, and they seem to be very mature and difficult to be influenced and changed. Therefore, each of the exiles has a goal and will always move towards it. It will change because of anything. As for whether it is evil or not, it should depend on whether it will affect the original goals set by the exiles. If it will affect them, I am afraid they will kill them directly regardless of whether they are doing bad things or not."


Zuo Zhou looked at Jiang Yuyan in surprise. Is this girl always so pragmatic in her logic, or does she see through the exiles?

Well, what is your original intention and what is your goal?Zuo Zhou suddenly remembered the great wish he made in that high-tech room before he came to this world!

'Give me a wife! '

Thinking about how I really had no structure at the time, this ambition should be changed to 'give me a bunch of wives! ’, so here comes the question, will it affect my finding a wife if I don’t kill those people?
This... it seems that it really doesn't matter!

Zuo Zhou's mood returned to laziness in an instant, and he yawned, "How long will it take to arrive in Bianjing?"

"My lord, it will take a few more days. If you are bored... how about teaching others how to practice martial arts!" Jiang Yuyan's eyes were shining brightly.

Um?I think you are greedy for my body!

"Okay! Let my lord check to see how far you have practiced this Luohan boxing!" (ω)

Kaifeng, Kaifeng Mansion Dungeon
Yang Zhi paid some money to invite all the prisoners out, then leaned on the door rail and sighed: "Brother, if I come to see you like this again, I'm afraid my brother won't even have enough money to eat."

Le He got up in simple civilian clothes and came to the front, followed with a wry smile and said, "What did you say, you can sell the house!"

Yang Zhi almost drew his sword, but fortunately held back, "I've been trying to contact the Heavenly King Tota, but the Heavenly King was injured by Li Yuanfang last time, and he hasn't recovered his strength yet. I'm afraid he won't be able to come and rob the prison in a short time."

Le He panicked, "Then what should we do? We won't be able to recover our strength in a short time, and we won't be able to escape at all. You must know that the masters of the imperial court should not be underestimated. I will be beheaded in a few days!"

Yang Zhi scratched his head irritably, "In fact, I also found Yu Qilin these few days, but, as you know, our relationship with him was not very good in the first place, and it would be nice if he didn't make trouble. Asking him to help is like Idiots talking about dreams!"

Le He frowned, "Yu Qilin has always had a high opinion of himself and has the blood of auspicious beasts, so he looks down on me and other big monsters, hum, but since he has been reincarnated as an adult, he should set himself right. If he is still so arrogant, the future It will definitely suffer."

Yang Zhi rolled his eyes in disdain, "You are a prisoner, don't care about adultery."

Le He snorted angrily, "Since you came to see me again, have you found a way to break the situation?"

Yang Zhi's eyes suddenly changed, and he approached in a low voice: "I found the fourth brother!"

Le He was shocked and then laughed: "Fourth brother? Fourth brother Renyi, where is it?"

Yang Zhi stretched out his finger and pointed at it, and Le He gasped in shock, immediately refreshing the air in the cell.

"Fourth brother is so awesome, when will you save me?"

Yang Zhi said again, "Don't worry, your crime is related to Hua Shigang's being robbed, and the important officials in the court are watching, and it is not easy to manage it from top to bottom, so we can only use the fact that the principal culprit in the case has not been identified." Procrastinate. But you don’t have to worry, the fourth brother said, his plan is about to succeed, and when the time comes, I’ll let you come out of the prison in a big way!”

(End of this chapter)

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