Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 383 7 Walking Liangshan

Chapter 383

Kaifeng, Honglu Temple

Zhan Zhao raised his hand and poured a cup of tea for Zhan Shiqi, with a flattering expression on his face, and at the same time winking at Zhan Hongling frequently.

Zhan Hongling smiled awkwardly, "Seventeen, why don't you stay longer, there are so many interesting places in Kaifeng, but you haven't visited yet."

Zhan Shiqi smiled quite dignifiedly, like a lady from a great family, it's hard for you to imagine this kind of smile appearing on the face of a former cold-blooded killer.

"Master's return to Beijing this time is just to deal with some mundane trivial matters, and now that everything is over, it is natural to leave."

Zhan Shiqi didn't drink his tea, and looked anxious as if he was going to leave soon.The more she was like this, the more anxious Zhan Shiqi and Zhan Hongling became, and said with a sneer, "Seventeen, everyone misses you so much, Ah Xiang's eyes are blurred from crying in the imperial capital, and it's you even in her dreams. Talking in sleep every day makes Chu Chu unable to fall asleep."

Zhan Shiqi raised his eyebrows, people who practice the Dream Heart Sutra can't talk in sleep, "Well, then let her want to go!"

Zhan Zhao rolled his eyes when he heard the words, and gave Zhan Hongling a hard look, stupid!At this time, what are you talking about, Ah Xiang, and Li Yuanfang!

"Uh, Seventeen, wait a little longer for the sake of brother Li, this brother Li will soon..."

"Oh, it's too late, I have to go, well, brothers and sisters, be careful of the traitors in the court, if you have nothing to do, don't stay here for a long time." Zhan Shiqi got up and ran out of the room.

Zhan Zhao and Zhan Hongling stared at each other complainingly, but then sighed together. They also wanted to keep Zhan Shiqiqiang. What about all kinds of backgrounds in a blink of an eye?
"Quickly, send a message to Li Yuanfang Feige. If he is fast enough, he should be able to stop them."

Zhan Hongling sat aside dejectedly, "Stop dreaming, Li Yuanfang is still at least three days away from Kaifeng. Seventeenth, this girl is obviously avoiding Li Yuanfang, how can she possibly give him a chance to catch up."

Zhan Zhao is also quite helpless, if Li Yuanfang is here, he will definitely stalk and follow, but he can't, he doesn't have the confidence to run wild. Wandering around, but there is no way to wander around towns like traveling, and you will be suspected of being a spy.

"No matter what, tell Li Yuanfang about the situation on Shiqiu, so that he can blame us for not doing anything after he comes."



"Master, there are a lot of people coming to see you off!"

Zhan Shiqi stood at the gate of the city and waved goodbye to Zhan Hongling and Zhan Zhao in the distance. He gradually heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, but then he felt a little lost. How should I put it?

It's very complicated. When she learned that Zuo Zhou had come all the way to Song to find her, she was happy in her heart, but... thinking of the fate of Zuo Zhou being ruined by herself, she didn't know how to face it.

"You child, you are too thoughtful. I have asked your uncle about your crap. It is obviously a conspiracy in the court. What does it have to do with you? Even if you want to blame it, you have to blame the Yang family's junior rule."

The person who spoke was an old man with white beard and hair. His body was thin but his face was rosy like a baby's. He smiled very kindly. Even when he was scolding others, he could feel the deep love in his words.

Zhan Shiqi forced a smile, the old man shook his head helplessly when he saw this, and glanced back, but what he looked at was not Zhan Zhao Zhan Hongling, but a group of people hiding in the shadows.

"Hmph, I left the capital, I'm afraid many people will be able to sleep well."

"Master's temper has eased a lot over the years. If it was changed to before, I'm afraid that he would directly crush that Lieutenant Gao." Another voice came from the carriage.

Lu Junyi lifted the curtain of the car with a smile, "Even though Junior Brother Lin Chong was framed, he also got out of the officialdom because of this, and has been at ease since then. It can only be said that there are gains and losses!"

The old man frowned slightly, then glanced into the carriage, and Huo Lin, who had been shrunk in the corner, suddenly shivered.

"Although I have called Lin Chong's ability, but I have not been able to cultivate his blood, and now I have to blame myself for this fate. But you should not say that as a senior brother. Are you influenced by this mount? Or Let me help you kill me!"

Lu Junyi smiled awkwardly, "Master was joking, Huo Lin is still very obedient, it's because the apprentice didn't express clearly just now, Lin Chong's revenge will always be avenged in the future, but he is obviously not suitable to mix in the open and secret fights in the officialdom, It's better to leave the court, as long as he can figure it out, he can take revenge by himself."

The old man nodded and said no more, Lu Junyi sweated secretly, and said with a smile: "Master, let's sit inside and let Huo Lin and Xiao Yi drive the car."

Without saying a word, the old man got up and entered the carriage to sit in the main seat. He leaned in with a big horse and golden knife, glanced at Zhan Shiqi and Yan Qing who were chatting outside, and sighed softly: "It's a pity that a man is talented and beautiful..."

Lu Junyi also took a look. As a former auspicious beast, he didn't mean to look down on humans, but he felt that Zhan Shiqi was a bit clueless.

"Master, Xiao Yi is really good. He is already born Dzogchen at a young age. Maybe one day he will be able to enter the list of people. Although he is my servant, I have always treated Xiao Yi like a brother. He is handsome. Isn't it better than that Li Yuanfang?"

The old man rolled his eyes at Lu Junyi, and sighed: "You brothers and sisters, including your uncle, you have no talent in this matter of men and women. You don't have any self-knowledge, and you mess up the couples!"

Lu Junyi was a little unconvinced, if it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't beat the old man now, you see I wouldn't reason with you!

The old man said slowly: "Seventeen loves are deeply rooted, and it has nothing to do with whether the other party is good or not. I have a lot of flirtatious... From my experience of traveling in the rivers and lakes for many years, unless the other party has done something that makes her heartbroken, otherwise this The girl is afraid that she will never be able to get out for the rest of her life. What's more, now Shi Qi feels that she owes her a debt, so it is even more impossible to empathize with her. Besides, I also like Xiao Yi, but he is obviously interested in Shi Qi. Seven is a simple brother-sister relationship, but there are no superfluous thoughts. Hmph, as expected of you who taught it, you are very dull!"

Lu Junyi continued to be dissatisfied, and continued to remain silent. After thinking about it, he felt that he could not entangle with the old man in this regard, "Master, where are we going now?"

The old man thought for a while, and finally shook his head bitterly, "Old man, I have a hard life, and when I get old, I still have to worry about you guys who are worthless. Forget it, go and see Chong'er!"


Jiang Yuyan took a carrier pigeon and knocked on the door of Zuo Zhou's room, then pushed the door open and said, "My lord, it's too bad, someone wants to poach your corner!"

"Huh? Which smelly and shameless!"

Zuo Zhou's eyes widened in an instant, and he sucked the note in with a wave of his hand. As soon as he opened it, it was a message from Zhan Hongling and Zhan Zhao.However, Zhan Hongling's product obviously has the ingredients of adding oil and vinegar.For example, there is a very handsome and strong handsome guy who is chasing Shiqi. For example, we wanted to force Shiqi to stay, but we were defeated by her master in a hundred moves. For example, if he doesn’t chase, Shiqi will marry someone else. or something.

Seeing that Zuo Zhou's head was on fire, and then he was stunned!
Shi Qi's talent has always been good, and he is Yue Fei's disciple, so it's normal to be appreciated by Zhou Tong.But the question is, why did Lu Junyi get involved?
Although he is also Zhou Tong's disciple, doesn't this old man always like to travel around the mountains and rivers?And Lu Junyi has a personality... Wait, he won't also awaken the demon soul, right?

Zuo Zhou was suddenly worried, but he wasn't worried that Zhan Shiqi would easily transfer his love to another person. After all, he slept with Zhan Shiqi all the way. Do you change your mind easily?

What he was worried about was whether Lu Junyi would secretly be unfavorable to Zhou Tong or Zhan Shiqi!

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhou immediately got up and went to the deck, and a few steps came to Murong Fu who was pretending to be blown on the deck, "Brother Murong, I have something to ask for my brother."

"Oh? Brother Li, please tell me, what entrustment you and I are talking about, your business is my business." Murong Fu was very surprised, this Li Yuanfang actually asked him for something, this is really treating him as one of his own.

"There is a Lu Junyi in Daming Mansion. I want to know what happened to him recently."

"Lu Junyi? I've heard a little about this guy. He's known as the Three Wonders of Hebei, and the No. [-] cudgel in the Song Dynasty. His reputation is very resounding." Murong Fu was puzzled, "What? Did he offend Brother Li?"

"I didn't provoke him, but his servant has some thoughts about my wife, so I have some thoughts about him."

"..." Murong Fu couldn't laugh or cry for a while, this Li Yuanfang is a master in every aspect, but he is always obsessed with his children's love, which is not good, you see I have so many good-looking maids, and there is still beauty in my hometown My cousin, but when have I been addicted?Instead of wasting time on the relationship between children, it is better to use Azhuabi and the others to win over some insightful people.

"So that's the case, then this person is too bad! Brother Li, don't worry, I will release the news now, and within two hours, I will be able to find out about Lu Junyi's whereabouts and his past information."

Zuo Zhou was overjoyed, "Thank you, brother."

"Ahahahaha, brother Li is serious."

Zuo Zhou and Murong Fu are brothers and sisters here, while Liu Liqin and Xiaomeng have already started winking in various ways.

Liuliqin: Jade Qilin Lu Junyi?Doesn't this guy have a lot of exiles staring at him?
Xiaomeng: I remember that Liangshan's official exiles tried to recruit them, but they didn't seem to have any good methods, so they didn't succeed.

Liuliqin: Didn't you try the original method?

Xiaomeng: Don't be stupid, now that the chaos is like this, Lu Junyi's strength is the master of the list, who would dare to arrest him without conclusive evidence?Don't force it back by something that you obviously don't have, that would be wronged.What's more, no officers and soldiers can hold him!

Liuliqin: Then what's the situation?Yan Qing and Li Yuanfang robbed women?I've seen that woman before, but I didn't see that she has the potential to be the heroine of an idol drama!

Xiao Meng (;¬¬¬)
(End of this chapter)

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