Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 384 According to the plan, Wang Lun is gone

Chapter 384 According to the plan, Wang Lun is gone

Murong Fu's information was very fast. In less than two hours, the information about Lu Junyi had already reached Zuo Zhou's hands. From this point, it can be seen that this Murong Fu is much stronger than the original novel. At least It is really cultivating power, not relying on martial arts reputation or the like.

"Let's take a look too."

Liu Liqin and the others leaned over with a smile on their faces, leaned behind Zuo Zhou and poked their heads, looking stunned, and didn't know which section they saw.That intimate look made Jiang Yuyan feel disgusted for a while, don't these exiles know whether a man and a woman can kiss or not?
Zuo Zhou didn't care about it either. To be honest, the distance between men and women can't reach the level of intimacy between men and women, at least it should be a negative distance.

Lu Junyi, the strongest man in the Daming Mansion, is known as the No. [-] stick in the Song Kingdom. Of course, this title is mostly nonsense, after all, his master is not dead yet!
This Lu Junyi's previous experience was very similar to what he remembered, but it seemed that something major changed not long ago.He discovered the fact that his wife Jia Shi had committed adultery with his protégé Li Gu, beat them to death with his own hands, and gave the local county government money to settle the matter.

Then maybe he was sad, so he took his loyal servant Yanqing and a guard into Bianjing.

It should be noted that Yan Qing has been following Lu Junyi's hardcore, but the guard has never been seen before, and the person who reported the information has not been able to find out information about him so far.

The information up to this point is over, and after that is the most recent part.

Lu Junyi's whereabouts during his stay in Bianjing were secretive and difficult to find out, and it was not until he met Zhou Tong that there were traces to follow.It is worth noting that when Zhou Tong appeared, he was followed by a woman named Zhan Shiqi, who claimed to be his grandson, and at this stage the court also sent many people to follow him. of surveillance.

Then there are several pages with information about Zhou Tong.

Zhou Tong, when he was young, he also had a background in the imperial examinations and was a serious official.It's a pity that at the beginning, he advocated fighting against the Jin and Liao, so it was politically unsatisfactory.So he gradually shifted his focus to martial arts. Facts have proved that excellent people are excellent everywhere, and their realm goes straight to the master of the list, and they have not even encountered any bottlenecks.

But if you say that he is perfect, you can't say that he is perfect, at least he has a lot of difference in seeing people. He has accepted many apprentices in his life, but among these apprentices, there is only one who really satisfies him.

Yue Fei!

Yes, it is the well-known Yue Fei, who is not only highly talented but also has an excellent heart. The most rare thing is that filial piety, loyalty and righteousness are almost perfect.

However, it was this favorite apprentice who was killed by the treacherous party of the imperial court when Zhou Tong closed the door to attack the realm of the earth list. What made him most distressed was that when Yue Fei was in trouble, none of the disciples Ken offered to help.

Needless to say, this broke the old man's heart.

After leaving the customs, Zhou Tong began to travel aimlessly around the world. He didn't deliberately hide anything during the whole process, so not only Murong Fu's people knew about him, but even the spies of the imperial court knew about him.

In fact, those treacherous parties didn't think that Zhou Tong could break through the ranking list, after all, it sounds very unreliable to close the door.If they knew in advance that he could achieve the top ranking, how would these people dare to do something to Yue Fei?

So those people are terrified now, and they always find someone to monitor Zhou Tong, and if he has the slightest intention of avenging his disciples, he will quickly take his property and run away.

Fortunately, Zhou Tong's travels did not reveal this kind of thinking, so those treacherous parties were relieved a lot.

Zhou Tong had been in this state for several years, until he met Zhan Shiqi, with his strength, he could see Zhan Shiqi's powerful Yue family marksmanship at a glance, and at that time identified him as Yue Fei's disciple.After careful questioning, he was even more delighted, as if he had already regarded him as his disciple.

The first thing the old hero did after regaining his strength was to visit those disciples. Of course, he didn't mean to clean up the sect, but just wanted to teach them a lesson, teaching them what unity and friendship are!

Zhou Tong went to Daming Mansion for the first battle, but Lu Junyi had already gone to Bianjing at that time, so he switched to Bianjing again.

This frightened the traitors of the imperial court. They not only cheated Yue Fei, but also cheated Lin Chong. If Zhou Tong really wants to take revenge, who can stop him?
So during that time, a large number of officials related to this matter asked for leave to go back to their hometowns to visit relatives, and some important ministers always found various reasons to stay in the palace.Obviously they found Zhou Tong's so-called weakness.

After all, Zhou Tong was educated by scholar-bureaucrats since he was a child, and he has a sense of loyalty to the emperor and patriotism. Although this feeling has faded, he is still unwilling to play wild in the palace.

They were right, Zhou Tong really didn't do anything to anyone during that time.

Then not long ago, Zhou Tong, Zhan Shiqi, Lu Junyi and others left Bianjing again, but this time their whereabouts were a mystery, and where they went was still unknown, waiting for the latest information.

"Miss Zhan actually has a master who is at the top of the list?" Murong Fu exclaimed, feeling that he and Li Yuanfang were really making a lot of money by calling him brothers and sisters.

Zuo Zhou handed the information to Liu Liqin at will, got up and said, "Turn to Liangshanshuipo!"

"Why did you go to Liangshan?"

"Lin Chong fell grass on the beam. Before Zhou Tong blamed these apprentices for not helping Yue Fei, now that Lin Chong was killed and fell grass, old man, it's hard not to be soft-hearted, why don't you go and see it?" Zuo Zhou said and looked at Liuli Qin and Xiaomeng, "You said that the official exiles are all in Liangshan?"

Xiaomeng nodded and explained: "Yes, the leader of the official exiles is called Li Yuzhu, and he is the military advisor of Wang Lun, a scholar in white on Liangshang. You will be known by them when you step into the territory."

"Oh? That's it, then we don't need to cover up, just go straight there, maybe we can reach Liangshan before Zhou Tong!" Zuo Zhou smiled, and he couldn't help but start imagining Zhan Shi. Seven met his appearance.


Liangshan, Juyi Hall
Dressed up as a scholar, Wang Lun personally brought a plate of gold ingots to Chao Gai, "Brother is willing to go up the mountain to join me in this grand event. Buddha, please choose another master!"

Chao Gai was not surprised, he just looked at Li Yuzhu behind Wang Lun, "What did you say, Master Military Advisor?"

Li Yuzhu is as godlike as jade, although he still belongs to the category of a teenager, he already has the demeanor of a Confucian general. He is three points better than Zuo Zhou in terms of handsomeness. Some people believe in dressing up as men.

"It can't be said that he is narrow-minded. King Chao Tian took the Ruan brothers and Mr. Wu Yong up the mountain together. The martial arts of these people are already stronger than that of the village chief. Once they go up the mountain, they will be regarded as their own subordinates, and this faction will become. How to manage it in the future ? People's hearts will change, but who can be sure that Chao Tianwang will always be inferior to others?"

What he said made Wang Lun's heart skip a beat, what do you mean?Your tone of voice is a bit wrong!
Wang Lun turned around and saw that Li Yuzhu's face was pale, as if he didn't care much about this matter, but his brother Song Wan Duqian Zhu Gui and others turned their heads away and couldn't bear to look.

You can't bear to see a ghost!

Chao Gai was not in a hurry, and felt more and more that this Li Yuzhu was a talent. To Wang Lun, he never cared.Although the Lingling Pagoda has been destroyed, he has no way to help the demon stars awaken, but relying on the original closeness of the demon stars, Lin Chong, Song Wan, Duqian, Zhu Gui and others have already been instigated by Wu Yong, and he personally I had a talk with Li Yuzhu once, and I knew that this military adviser had great talent and a big heart, so I naturally knew how to choose.

Therefore, under such circumstances, if Wang Lun was wise, he could still be kept as the leader. Unfortunately, he did such a thing, and it would be terrible to keep him.

The cool wind blew, and the final ending was similar to the original novel. Lin Chong killed Wang Lun in anger, and Li Yuzhu watched the whole process.

Everything was within his expectations. In fact, if Chao Gai didn't come, he would also plan to kill Wang Lun. After all, even though this corrupt ruthless man became the bandit leader, he was still a bit hesitant about the rebellion, and would treat them Plans get in the way.

It's just... There are still some problems in the middle that he can't figure out.

In the middle of the night, a dark figure came to Li Yuzhu's room, "Boss, this is the information from the outside. Li Yuanfang's boat turned to Liangshan."

Li Yuzhu nodded but didn't care too much, "This Li Yuanfang can still be reasonable. We don't have any conflicts with him. Don't worry too much. Just send someone to follow. You don't need to do too much disguise. If you are discovered, you will show your identity. Life is the most important thing." , as long as there is no malice, there is no danger."

"Yes, boss, what's your trouble?"

Li Yuzhu glanced at the black figure, and sighed: "My plan has been carried out in an orderly manner, but the process confuses me."

"for example?"

"Lin Chong and the others obviously haven't met Chao Gai and the others before, but I found that their relationship has progressed too quickly. How can there be a relationship where they can talk to each other after meeting two or three times? Moreover, Chao Gai is obviously the leader, but I found that they seem to be It is completely illogical to be closer to the Ruan brothers and Wu Yong! By the way, I remember that there are Liu Tang and Gongsun Sheng in the original book, where are these two people?"

"Uh, we haven't got the whereabouts of Gongsun Sheng so far, but Liu Tang reported from Bianjing that they were hacked to death by Yang Zhi when they were robbing Hua Shigang!"


Li Yuzhu was a little confused, Yang Zhi is so fierce?Hacked Liu Tang to death?Moreover, why did Chao Gai want to rob Hua Shigang?

"Forget it, let's talk about this later. I will send the information about Li Yuanfang to Chao Gai. You continue to lurk and don't act rashly. It's not yet time. Let's see when Song Jiang and the others will come, and when Liangshan's power reaches its peak." Now is the time for us to take the last step.”

(End of this chapter)

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