Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 388

Chapter 388

"Senior Brother, I really want to kill my Junior Brother! Ahahahahaha!"

Luan Tingyu smiled brightly, Lu Junyi and the others even felt that Zhou Tong was lying just now, and it doesn't look like they have a bad relationship just looking at the enthusiasm?

Zhou Tong was also a man of the scene, and he was also full of smiles, his baby-like smooth skin suddenly squeezed out a few creases.

"Junior brother, I haven't seen you for many years, and you have improved again. These years have not been short of good times, hahahaha."

"What did senior brother say, no matter how diligent you are, you can't compare to senior brother. Come on, look at me, these unprogressive disciples, why don't you just come and meet senior?"

Luan Tingyu is a shrewd looking man, with a shiny face and a cold face, which makes people think of the word 'cunning', but his strong figure does not cut corners at all, and he feels just right when he walks, sits and lies down.

Luan Tingyu and his disciples were much worse. Brothers Zhu Long and Zhu Hu seemed to be picked out of a mold. This mold was Zhu Chaofeng, the owner of Zhujiazhuang. The three of them were as ordinary as father and son.

On the contrary, the third son, Zhu Biao, is quite heroic, his skin is smooth and white, but he is not powerful, his appearance is handsome and masculine, and he has the demeanor of a Confucian general.If he hadn't followed his mother face to face, I'm afraid Zhu Chaofeng would have been muttering in his heart for a long time.

Zhou Tong ignored Zhu Chaofeng, but cast a glance at Zhu Biao, "Well, your talent is good, and your teaching is also good."

Luan Tingyu was overjoyed when he heard the words, it was not an ordinary affirmation to be able to get a senior brother at the top of the list to say "good"!

Zhu Biao was also very good at coming, and took the initiative to take over the job of entertaining and lead everyone into Zhujiazhuang. When he learned that Zhou Tong's disciple was actually Lu Junyi, he was even more impressed.Take a look, the master of other people's rankings is Niubi, and even his disciples are celebrities.

Zhu's family and Luan Tingyu also saw Zhan Shiqi, but to the outside world, the appearance of Zhan Shiqi was still very strange, and they couldn't figure it out for a while.

But Zhou Tong did introduce Zhan Shiqi very solemnly. When he learned that he was Yue Fei's direct disciple, Luan Tingyu's expression was slightly embarrassed, and he quickly found a topic to prevaricate.

Speaking of Yue Fei's accident that year, Luan Tingyu had the heart to rescue him, but the people who wanted Yue Fei's life were the dignitaries of the dynasty, and even... Anyway, after weighing, all Luan Tingyu can do is to pay homage to him every year and festival. That's all, after a few years, it will be forgotten in the depths of memory.

But he didn't expect that Yue Fei still had his own disciples alive, and most old people like young ones, let alone Yue Fei's disciples, I am afraid that in Zhou Tong's eyes, this little girl has a higher status than their disciples and juniors.

Luan Tingyu originally thought that Zhou Tong would complain about him, but Zhou Tong had also been in the officialdom before, so he didn't seem to pursue this matter too much.People, the more mature you are, the more you need to understand each other. Unless your strength can ignore the power of the imperial power, there will definitely be times of compromise.

The road leading to Zhujiazhuang is a pantuo road, it is absolutely impossible to grow like this naturally, Zhou Tong saw at a glance that it was guided by an expert in formation.

Zhou Tong didn't care, and followed Zhu Chaofeng's personal guidance into Zhujiazhuang without mentioning it.


The first stop of the Liangshan troops on this side was Lijiazhuang, but Li Yingduxing and others who were ready for a big battle were puzzled by whether they could only besiege or not.

The news quickly spread throughout Zhujiazhuang and Hujiazhuang. Zhu Chaofeng was still entertaining Zhou Tong with all his heart, but he was caught off guard by the news.After a brief discussion with the third son, he and Luan Tingyu stayed in town, and the third son led the troops to Lijiazhuang.Similarly, Hujiazhuang's troops are also on their way. There is a reason why the Sanzhuang Alliance has been here for so many years.

If there is no accident, the Liangshan people will encounter the dilemma of siege on three sides.

When night fell, Sun Erniang, under the escort of Li Kui, asked to meet Li Ying alone as a messenger.

Although Li Kui was tough, there were only two of them in total. Li Ying felt that even if they met alone, there would be no trouble, so he summoned them...

Almost at the same time, Li Yuzhu caught up with Liangshan's team, and when she learned that Sun Erniang was going to see Li Ying alone, she knew that there was no longer any delay.Under the cover of several exiles, they saw Lin Chong quietly.

"Why did the military master come over so quietly? But brother Chao Gai, what orders do you have?"

Lin Chong frowned, he was sensitive to a little problem, although he always felt that the relationship with Song Jiang and others was closer, but his rationality told him that he was still a member of Chao Gai's family, and some things still had to be measured .

Li Yuzhu looked at Lin Chong, suddenly hesitant, the two of them remained silent for a long time, Lin Chong did not urge him, but just waited quietly, until someone outside called Sun Erniang to come back, Li Yuzhu took out a cheat book and handed it to Lin Chong, " Brother Chao Gai gave you this, I hope you can make the right choice."

Lin Chong was at a loss, took the cheat book and flipped through it, and was attracted by the mystery.

Li Yuzhu paused for a moment and said: "It's best not to get close to women when practicing this kung fu, otherwise it will affect your energy and you will get twice the result with half the effort and know the disadvantages."

Lin Chong raised his head for a glance, then lowered his head and continued to study the cheats, not even knowing when Li Yuzhu left.

But he understood what he said, but he didn't think it had anything to do with practice, energy, etc. He felt that this was Chao Gai reminding himself, I'm afraid that the slut Sun Erniang seduced him has already been known, This is Chao Gai warning himself.

However, Lin Chong immediately thought too much!

If you say something, just mention it, and if you warn it, you will warn it. Why send a cheat book?It's just an obvious wooing move, could it be...could it be that Sun Erniang who came to seduce him was instigated by Song Jiang, and wanted to coerce himself to side with Song Jiang!
The more Lin Chong thought about it, the more likely it was, he couldn't help gasping for air, and the night wind felt a bit cooler.

At this moment, "Brother Lin Chong, is he resting?"

Sun Erniang's voice came from outside the tent again, Lin Chong shuddered suddenly, Sun Erniang is not finished yet, right?There are so many people in the camp, if I let you in, wouldn’t everyone know about it, and I, Lin Chong, am still a human being/
The snoring sounded loudly, causing Erniang Sun outside the tent to have black hair. The old lady rushed to the scene so hard, just to complete the elder brother's task as soon as possible.I just met you who are not sensible, take off your clothes honestly, and let it be over after a good time, isn't it good?

Just when Sun Erniang was extremely depressed, the sky exploded into flames and lit up the night sky, and the teams of Zhujiazhuang and Hujiazhuang rushed out from two directions at the same time.

This thousands of miles of fire was an agreement they had made in Sanzhuang long ago. As soon as they saw the signal, they would send out troops at the same time, and strangled Liangshan's team from three directions in a double-teaming manner.


Mission House Ship
Fan Zeng shook his head, "A bandit is a bandit. Fortunately, there are former regular army generals like Lin Chong among them. The arrangement of this camp is extremely unreasonable. Once someone robs the camp at night, they will be in a hurry."

Zuo Zhou glanced at the still quiet Li Family Village, and suddenly became amused, "Why don't we make a bet, this seemingly inevitable battle will end with Liangshan's victory."

"Oh? Brother Li is rarely interested, but do you have any inside information?" Murong Fu was a little interested.

"There is no inside information, but I think that Li Ying's back bone is a bit protruding, and he may jump back." Zuo Zhou looked mysterious, and Fan Zeng and Xiao Ai looked at each other. Who is the fortune teller?
"I would like to bet this time with General Li, but I don't know what General Li's bet is?" Murong Fu hadn't opened his mouth yet, but Xiang Yu suddenly stood up to participate in the bet.

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised, and said with a smile: "What bet do you want?"

"I heard that General Li is the prince of the Demon Sect, and there is a unique technique in the Demon Sect called Shendao Zhan. I don't know if the General can understand it?"

Divine Sword?
Xiang Yu's words moved everyone's hearts, especially those who are obsessed with martial arts and use swords, such as the second sword emperor, Nie Feng and others. Of course, Murong Fu is also among them.

Zuo Zhou frowned slightly, "You have practiced the magic sword. If you learn the magic sword again, although your strength will undoubtedly increase a lot, it will be easier to immerse yourself in it. Once you become enchanted, there is no cure. Do you understand?"

Xiang Yu was not afraid at all, and raised his head and chest, "If I lose, I will promise General Li one thing, even if it violates morals and ethics!"

"Ahahaha! It's really straightforward, okay, this is what a martial idiot should look like. Isn't it just a magic knife cut, there is nothing to hide. I made the bet!"

Zuo Zhou laughed, and the second swordsman next to him was also smiling and stroking his beard. As long as he can become stronger, ethics and morality are just floating clouds and are not worth caring about. Unfortunately, some people regard it as a standard, which is ridiculous. This guy is not bad.

Betting on one side, the battle on the other side has directly entered a fierce battle. From the perspective of the Sanzhuang Alliance, this is a battle that must be won.

How can the so-called side of the couch allow others to snore?In fact, the existence of Liangshan is like a thorn that makes the Sanzhuang Alliance care. If they are in Liangshan's territory, of course they can't win.But now they dare to tease them, of course they want to take the opportunity to pull out the thorn.

It's just...why hasn't there been any movement in Lijiazhuang?
The teams of Hujiazhuang and Zhujiazhuang have already pierced Liangshan. The teams are about to meet up. Zhu Biao and Hu Cheng, who are not far away, look at each other, and they can see the doubt in each other's eyes.Why hasn't the Lijiazhuang team come out yet?

Hu Cheng is the son of the owner of the Hu family villa. His younger sister Hu Sanniang and Zhu Biao are childhood sweethearts and have a marriage contract. The relationship between the two parties is very solid.Now that they meet in one place, they have a bad feeling at the same time.

Just at this moment, the team in Li Family Manor rushed out, and before the two of them could breathe a sigh of relief, the smiles froze on their faces.

I saw Lijiazhuang's team charged out but raised their swords at them!
"Not good! Li Ying has already rebelled, retreat! Retreat! Think long-term!"

Hu Cheng roared angrily, but now that he has penetrated into the enemy's formation, how can it be so easy to figure it out?

(End of this chapter)

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