Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 389

Chapter 389
Zhou Tong sipped his tea, seeing Zhu Chaofeng who was still calm, he was suddenly happy, "The owner seems to be very relieved of the battle situation, so he has so much confidence in his son?"

Zhu Chaofeng laughed and said: "Seniors don't know, our Sanzhuang Alliance has long wanted to eradicate Liangshan banditry, but Liangshanshuipo's terrain is easy to defend and difficult to attack, so there is nowhere to start. Now they are provocative, then we wait Naturally, I will not be polite. And we have long agreed that it is a cloud-piercing arrow, and thousands of troops will come to meet each other!"

Zhou Tong was delighted, "A cloud-piercing arrow may not summon thousands of troops, but may also be bait for fishing."

Zhu Chaofeng's face changed, and he looked at Luan Tingyu, who asked in a low voice, "What do you mean, brother?"

"It's nothing. After entering the list, some premonitions have become more accurate. I watched the three young masters turn black, and I'm afraid this will be a catastrophe."

"Uh, this..." Zhu Chaofeng was a little flustered, he would definitely get up and scold him when someone said this, but he needs to pay attention to the top players.After thinking for a while, he said to Luan Tingyu, "Please ask the teacher to come over!"

Luan Tingyu got up, and was about to go out when Zhou Tong said again: "Junyi, you and Xiaoyi should go too, um, Shiqi should also go see the world."

Seeing this, Zhu Chaofeng was naturally relieved, and his face became more attentive.

Speaking of which, when Li Yingdu Xing led the troops to rush out, Hu Cheng and Zhujiazhuang's three sons already knew that this battle could not be forced.

The teams of the two sides mixed together to cover each other and retreat. They originally wanted to go back to their respective homes, but what people didn't expect was that Liangshan's soldiers were strong at this time, especially the generals. If they retreated separately, they would be easy to find Chase and kill.

The so-called defeat is like a mountain, even if they often train troops, they can't guarantee whether they will throw away their armor and armor when they retreat.At that time, it will be too late to even close the city gate, and it is very likely that someone will raid his hometown.

But if we retreat to one place together, where should we go?If you go to Hujiazhuang, Zhujiazhuang's defense will be empty.If you go to Zhujiazhuang, Hujiazhuang's defense will be empty.I'm afraid none of us can bear this kind of loss.

Hu Cheng thought a lot in his mind for a moment, and then looked at Zhu Biao and others who were fighting hard, and his heart became ruthless. He believed that Hu Sanniang's ability would definitely be able to defend Hu's family village.Just about to speak, Zhu Biao yelled, "Go to Hu's Village, retreat to Hu's Village!"

Hu Cheng was so touched all of a sudden, but he didn't know that Zhu Biao had more confidence in his heart than him. Luan Tingyu and Lu Junyi were both in Zhujiazhuang, not to mention Zhou Tong, a high-ranking person.

"That little boy, let's go!"

Zhu Biao was stunned for a moment, and when he turned his head, he saw a big black man rushing towards him wielding two large axes. Good guy, if the blades of the axes hadn't been shining brightly, he wouldn't have seen anyone approaching. Is this a racial talent?

The gun stabbed straight, and the silver gun intersected with the broad axe. It was obvious that Zhu Biao was on the horse, condescending and should have the upper hand, but as soon as Ke Pu touched the hand holding the gun, he began to tremble violently.

A huge force struck, and Zhu Biao almost fell off his horse. Fortunately, Hu Cheng saw this and slashed at Li Kui with his swords as quickly as lightning.Li Kui was quite frightened by the flickering light of the saber, and he didn't know where Hu Cheng learned the saber technique, which was so fast.

"Brother Li Kui, don't panic, I'll wait to help you!"

Ruan Shisanlang arrived at the same time, and the sword and steel fork were handed forward at the same time, which made Zhu Biao appear dangerous for a while, but what they didn't expect was that Hu Cheng was so strong!
I saw the two steel knives waving into a light curtain, and the water couldn't get in. Both the strength and the speed were impeccable, as if they already had a bit of everyone's demeanor.To rely on the power of one person to even the balance of the battle!

"Good knife skills, look at the gun!"

Liangshan's soldiers were not very good, but there were too many generals, so Lin Chong rode his horse and charged directly at Hu Cheng.


The double knives overlapped to firmly hold the spear point, but the horse under the seat couldn't stand the powerful sprint, and it would collapse if its legs and feet were weak.

At the very moment, Hu Cheng flew up, swung his two knives up and down separately, like a big windmill, and unleashed a move of Dragon Slash!

"Good swordsmanship!"

This sound came from Lou Chuan's admiration. The second Daohuang's hands were itchy. He didn't expect that there would be such a master of swordsmanship in the area near the small Liangshan. This swordsmanship has already become popular.

"This Hu Cheng has never heard of it before, why is he so strong?" Murong Fu muttered in disbelief, this was a negligence in intelligence.

Zuo Zhou, who was silent on the side, had a serious expression on his face. He is also considered a master of swordsmanship, and his knowledge of swordsmanship is no worse than that of the second swordsman.However, the Second Sword Emperor looked at whether he was strong or not, but what he looked at was the mystery behind it.

This pair of swordsmanship is unique but a bit out of tune with Hu Cheng, otherwise, just relying on this swordsmanship of the top level, it should be within a hundred moves to kill Li Kui and Ruan Shisanlang, after all, this is not underwater.

But Hu Cheng just maintained a tie, the key is that the person who created this set of saber techniques is not him, but her, Hu Sanniang!
In the past, Zuo Zhou thought it would be fine even if these big monsters were reincarnated as adults, but now he understands the difference between them.

The soul of the big demon must be strong, but reincarnation is still a technical job. Like Song Jiang, his aptitude is not suitable for martial arts at all. Not only is time wasted before the demon soul is awakened, but even if he re-practices later, his achievements will be limited. .

But what if there is a big demon cast a good tire?

A wealthy family does not lack medicinal materials to build up the body, and a body with good talent combined with the potential of the demon soul itself, from practicing martial arts since childhood, this strength must not be underestimated!Not to mention creating a unique sword technique, it may not be impossible to cross the threshold of the list before adulthood.

In this regard, even generals such as Lin Chong, Hu Yanzhuo, and Qin Ming cannot compare. After all, their money is limited and they cannot enjoy the power of krypton gold.

The only one who is similar to Hu Sanniang is probably Lu Junyi, um, maybe Yanqing, it depends on Lu Junyi's willingness to give up money to help Yanqing buy medicinal materials.

Zuo Zhou thought about looking up again. After all, Hu Cheng was inferior to Lin Chong. Although the saber technique was exquisite, he was already showing signs of decline after a hundred moves.

"I can't love to fight anymore, hurry up and withdraw." Zhu Biao couldn't help shouting as he watched more and more Liangshan leaders surround him.


At this moment, an arrow pierced through heavy swordsmen and arrived in front of Zhu Biao with a howl.

Hua Rong in the distance slowly put down his bow and arrow, so confident, from the moment the arrow left the string, he knew that Zhu Biao must... damn it!
An iron umbrella opened, and the arrow flew out as it spun.At the critical moment, Zhan Shiqi, Lu Junyi and others finally arrived.

Zhu Biao was overjoyed, but he also knew that these people were really weak, so he had to retreat first before making a long-term plan.

"Thank you sister for saving me, let's go to Hujiazhuang first!"

Zhu Biao smiled and got on his horse to regroup and lead the troops to break through. Lin Chong was about to chase again, but there was a whistling in his ears, and when he returned the gun to the cross, it felt a little strange, as the opponent didn't seem to use all his strength.

Looking back, I couldn't help but feel complicated, Lu Junyi, this nominal brother did not have a deep friendship, but just knew each other.

On the contrary, the leaders on the surrounding beams have weird expressions. the second brother?

Naturally, Song Jiang also saw Lu Junyi, and he couldn't help but secretly use his spiritual power to convey his voice, "Second brother, I really miss my brother!"

Lu Junyi was a little surprised, he didn't expect that these former brothers had already awakened the demon soul, so he hurriedly replied: "Have you awakened the demon soul?" '

Song Jiang was proud, "Hahaha, I have my own tricks for my brother!" '

Lu Junyi secretly rejoiced, "For the time being, let them go through a play, and then Xiao Yi and I will talk to my brother in detail." '

Song Jiang smiled and said, "What kind of play is it? Just kill them all. When only you and Xiaoyi are left, we can say whatever we want." '

Lu Junyi was a little anxious when he heard the words, no, there is still an old man on the list, that little girl can't be killed!
However, before he could stop him, Hua Rong was already intent on killing. You were the one who blocked Lao Tzu's arrow just now, right? Kill you!

Charging the horse, he couldn't even pull it back, Hua Rong shot down the iron umbrella with a steel gun, but Zhan Shiqi put the iron umbrella away, twisted the handle slightly, pulled out a chain and directly wrapped it around Hua Rong's. horse leg.

boom!How could Huarong think that there were so many traps in Zhan Shiqi's umbrella, so he fell off the horse immediately.

Zhan Shiqi had no expression on his face, and the iron umbrella flicked into a spear and stabbed Hua Rong who had fallen from the horse.Her kung fu has its origins, just like the soft sword in Ximenxiang's umbrella, and the thin chain in her umbrella. The kung fu comes from Li Yuanfang's chain knife, and the marksmanship comes from the Yue family's marksmanship. The most powerful thing is the ability to quickly practice a martial art to proficiency.

"Fuck you, don't hurt my brother!"

Li Kui swung the two big axes into a whirlwind, and the air waves created could make people feel painful.

Zhan Shiqi turned around and walked away as if he was afraid of the whirlwind of the ax blade, Li Kui naturally followed after seeing this, and did not hear Lin Chong's scream behind him at all.

Lu Junyi was also a little confused, what do you mean, one of our brothers will die just after meeting?He hurriedly winked at Huo Lin who was hiding aside.

Huo Lin quickly jumped in front of Zhan Shiqi to block her rushing figure, and pretended to be anxious and said: "Sister, don't panic, I'll help you!"

Zhan Shiqi had no choice but to stop, and put away the long spear that had been dragging on the ground for a while, but he didn't expect that Huo Lin did it on purpose, so let's treat him like that big black guy for good luck.

"Stop, don't hurt my nephew!" Lu Junyi rushed over, and swept Li Kui and Hua Rong back with a few shots.

"Retreat first, we can't lose any more soldiers." Lu Junyi said, Zhu Biao and others naturally didn't doubt it, turned around and fled to Hujiazhuang.

Hua Rong and the others also saw what Lu Junyi meant and did not pursue him any further. Li Kui slowly restrained his teeth and asked with some doubts: "The female general belongs to the second brother..."

A huge human head exploded suddenly, an arrow was nailed half a foot into the ground, and two axes fell to the ground with a clatter. Li Kui's headless body slowly fell under the bewildered gaze of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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