Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 390 Reward

Chapter 390 Reward

Song Jiang and the others' eyes were about to burst, and they screamed heart-piercingly. Everyone was looking around, but they couldn't find the murderer in the dark environment.What's even worse is that when they pulled out the arrows inserted into the ground, they found that the arrows had already exploded violently, and the shafts of the arrows were broken to varying degrees, and there was not even a single trace of special marks on the entire arrow. It was impossible to tell who shot the arrow.


Zhan Shiqi and the others who had already retreated to Hujiazhuang didn't think about what happened behind them. Hu Cheng and the others just found that Liangshan's people didn't catch up, and felt relieved.

Zhu Long clasped his fists and said to Lu Junyi: "Thank you, brother, for saving me. If you come a step later, I'm afraid we will be in trouble!"

Lu Junyi smiled back, "Junior brother, you are welcome. Since you and my master have this kind of connection, it is also necessary to support each other."

Hu Cheng drove his horse to Zhan Shiqi's side, and said gratefully, "I just thank you for saving my life, but Hu Cheng can't repay her. From now on..."

"You don't need to promise yourself..."


Zhan Shiqi was also a little embarrassed, he blurted out just now, it was all misled by Zuo Zhou.I remember he said that the grace of saving life depends on whether the other party is good-looking, if he is good-looking, he will promise him with his body, and if he is too ugly, he will marry him in the next life.

Well, she thinks she is definitely good-looking, who knows that she is embarrassed now.

Hu Cheng is no longer able to do this here, so he tricked him with a smirk and witty smirk, let alone a group of people entering Hu's village.


Mission House Ship
Murong Fu looked at Zuo Zhou in disbelief, "Brother Li, this arrow is so beautiful, it can hit a mile away? But to be honest, who did Brother Li hit with this arrow? I didn't know before." See it clearly. Just looking at the angry look of those people from a distance, it seems that they have shot someone big."

Zuo Zhou shrugged, "I shot the one named Li Kui, he cursed."


The deck fell into a long silence, and you shot people to death by cursing?So far away, how do you know that he is swearing?Can you still hear it?
Zuo Zhou naturally didn't hear that exaggerated, but his eyesight is good, and the mouth shape of the national curse is too easy to recognize.But this time, although the shot was out of anger, it was also rewarding, at least he knew the meaning of Lianzhu Arrow.This is completely a nirvana used for long-range sneak attacks on the battlefield!
The problem of too much momentum is completely covered by the sound of fighting on the battlefield, and the trajectory that is too easy to evade is also compensated by the distraction of the target's attention. Coupled with a long enough distance, it is simply a magical skill for sneak attack.

"Since you have found Miss Zhan, go see her and bring her back, so we can go back to Daqin earlier." Ding Yuehua was actually a little curious, looking at Jiang Yuyan, who had been by Li Yuanfang's side all this time, what charm does Zhan Shiqi have? , can make Li Yuanfang think so much.

"Or we can go up now and kill all the people in Liangshan!" Xiang Yu suggested murderously. He lost his bet, not to mention that he didn't get the magic sword, and he still owed something.Very good, right Li Ying, right Song Jiang, I remember you all.

"Don't worry, she can't run out of my palm." Zuo Zhou glanced at the Liangshan camp in the distance. At this moment, the leaders carried Li Kui's body into Lijiazhuang.

What method did Song Jiang use to help the demon soul awaken?Then Li Ying's rebellion was obviously caused by the awakening of the demon soul. If this is the case, if Hu Sanniang is also recruited, then Shi Qi will be in danger.

Although he could take Zhan Shiqi away directly, what about the others?This person, once you get involved, you will expand your social circle. Unless you have the talent to cut off interpersonal relationships, accepting a person is equivalent to accepting her family.

He doesn't care about Lu Junyi or Yan Qing at all, but Zhou Tong seems to have a good relationship with Shiqi. Although he is a master of the local list, who can guarantee that he will not be attacked by his disciples?If Lu Junyi is still the original one, maybe there is still a little bit of expectation, but now Lu Junyi, who has awakened the demon soul, hehe, can you look forward to it?
So he needs to clarify this matter. In addition, he remembers that Bai Qi told Qin Huang that there are many gods and Buddhas. The one hundred and eight demon stars are just one corner of them. Similar problems are prone to intelligence obstacles.

"I'll go there myself, you guys are waiting for me here, if something happens, set fire to it." Zuo Zhou flew towards the shore after finishing speaking.

Although Murong Fu wanted to follow, it didn't seem appropriate. He turned around and told the four generals: "Let our people focus on collecting information on the leaders of Liangshan. It seems that there are some things we don't know. In addition, Liangshan took the initiative to attack The Sanzhuang Alliance, the intention of expansion has been clearly revealed. Let our people also prepare, if the rebels from all over the country are launched at the same time, we must also join in." Dividing the cake at the table is not so easy.

His chance is coming!


People from both Liangshan and Lijiazhuang are obviously immersed in victory. Although one of their leaders died inexplicably, as minions, they are still very happy, so let alone be vigilant, it is good to not get drunk .

Zuo Zhou swaggered through the village almost in such a way that the people in Lijiazhuang thought he was from Liangshan, and the people in Liangshan thought he was from Lijiazhuang. This scene was outrageous.

"Can you find the murderer through the breath on this arrow?"

"There is no fortune teller among us, so it's very difficult to do it. I think we should ask after the second brother arrives."

Zuo Zhou found a comfortable place outside the hall and sat down casually. He took out a jug of wine from the Qiankun Bowl and poured it for himself. No one who saw it would think that he was eavesdropping. Is it eavesdropping?

The voices inside were miscellaneous, they were obviously the group of people from Liangshan, Zuo Zhou was pleasantly surprised when he heard the fortune teller, could it be that someone wanted to touch him again?
As for the second brother... just wait and see.

Time passed slowly, and about half an hour later, Lu Junyi and Huo Lin both jumped over the wall and entered Li's Village.

Everyone laughed when they saw it, and they looked very heroic. Lu Junyi asked after greetings: "Since the elder brother has already awakened the demon soul, why do you still have to live under that Tota King? Could it be that the reason why you awakened is because of that Tota King?" The Linglong Pagoda?" As he said that, he gave Wu Yong a white look beside him, which made him very embarrassed.

Song Jiang said with a smile: "Second brother, don't blame the third child, he is also helpless. In fact, we are able to awaken the demon soul thanks to Er Niang. When the dual cultivation reaches spiritual resonance, it can stimulate the awakened demon soul."

Lu Junyi was startled, "Is it that simple?"

"Simple?" Song Jiang and the others looked at each other and smiled wryly, "It's not simple at all. Now we can't awaken Lin Chong. This guy is very stubborn, and he won't be seduced by Er Niang at all. This man, he does everything right. Already!"

Zuo Zhou almost spit out his wine outside, is seducing the second sister-in-law a standard feature in Liangshan?
Here Lu Junyi obviously didn't pay much attention, and said happily after hearing the words: "Great, help me awaken the demon soul for Xiaoyi quickly, or it will be too late."

Everyone in Song Jiang wondered after hearing the words: "Why is the second brother so anxious?"

"Brother doesn't know, Xiao Yi recognized me as a reincarnated man in this life, and he became my loyal servant. Because of the connection with the original demon soul, I treated him like a parent and child, and I spared no expense to cut hair and wash him marrow, making its strength advance by leaps and bounds."

Song Jiang laughed, "This is a good thing. I saw it before the battle. It seems that I have entered the master list. I have another strong general in Liangshan!"

Lu Junyi shook his head, "It's not that simple. Listen to me, my elder brother also knew that I was Mo Qilin in my previous life. I was reluctant to part with this blood, so I kept a trace of the Qilin blood and sealed it in the Qilin horn and gave it to Huo Lin. But Huo Lin An accident occurred while avoiding the search of the Heavenly Dao by tearing it apart, and I have been in a daze until recently to find me."

"I see, what happened after that?"

"When Huolin found me, I was about to reach the consummation of the master of the human list, and I was only one step away! Only after merging with this unicorn blood and successfully awakening the demon soul will I know the danger." Lu Junyi sighed with lingering fear.

Everyone looked at each other inexplicably, "Why is it so dangerous?"

"Consummation of the Grandmaster of Renbang can be regarded as a watershed between immortals and mortals. Once you reach this level, you can automatically awaken the demon soul."

Song Jiang and the others were overjoyed when they heard that, "This is a good thing, we have another good way to awaken the brothers."

"It's not that simple!" Lu Junyi shook his head, "Today's rules are based on martial arts, and martial arts is dominated by human races. No matter how good the talents of the monster race are, they will not become the mainstream due to the number and rules. Arrive To achieve the perfection of the human list master is equivalent to having the qualification to communicate with the rules of heaven and earth, and the soul of the human race will also begin to transform. At this time, the awakening of the demon soul will be based on the awakening of the thinking of the human race."

This time Song Jiang understood, "That is to say, the thinking of the human race will dominate, and the extra ones will only be the memories of the monster race?"

"Yes, it's like hearing a story about a stranger. There is no sense of substitution, and I don't think from the perspective of the monster race." Lu Junyi took a long breath of gratitude. Fortunately, Huo Lin came in time , otherwise he would not be him.

Everyone in Song Jiang was a little anxious when they heard the words, "What should we do? Brother Lin Chong is already the master of the list. If we go any further, we may wake up on our own."

Lu Junyi recalled the situation of their fight before, "Why don't we give him some tiger-wolf medicine? It's just that Er Niang was wronged."

Song Jiang thought about it and could only do so, alas, Er Niang really paid too much for us brothers!

Zuo Zhou raised his foot and kicked open the door of Erniang Sun's room, and he saw Erniang Sun who looked like a frightened little girl.

"It turned out to be benefactor, it scared people!"

Zuo Zhou couldn't stop laughing obscenely when he heard the words, "Since Miss Sun keeps saying that you are benevolent, why don't you see that you are repaying your kindness?"

Sun Erniang was puzzled, but her face was still shy, "How does Mr. Benedict want people to repay you?"

"Just a good beating."

"Well, repay... a meal?"

(End of this chapter)

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