Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 391 The junior is rude, just show this to the elderly?

Chapter 391 The junior is rude, just show this to the elderly?

There is a saying in the Analects of Confucius: Introspect myself three times a day!
Zuo Zhou felt that he should review carefully, why did things turn out like this?Why did he break into the widow's door at night?Why does the pretty widow scream?How could he be hated by so many men?Is all this a loss of morality or a collapse of order?

Finally, when Zuo Zhou arrived outside Hujiazhuang, he realized, well, it's not my fault.

As the general of Daqin, I thought in my heart to recruit some masters for Daqin, there is nothing wrong with that.You see, with so many young people with unlimited potential, becoming the mainstay of Daqin is more promising than going up the mountain and falling into the grass!

I am here to save the young people who have lost their way!

Zuo Zhou flew across the walls of Hu's Village. As the defeated party, the people in Hu's Village were far more vigilant than those in Li's Village, but they were only targeting ordinary experts.

Although Zuo Zhou's qinggong is very average, but he jumped high, he jumped more than 200 meters with a few leverages, and then gently fell towards the center of the city. During the whole process, none of the guards would be bored enough to look up and observe carefully. The dark night sky.

Except for one boring old man...

"Old man, go back and rest. It's very windy here. If there is too much wind, you will have a backache when you wake up the next day!"

Zuo Zhou lightly landed beside Zhou Tong, his eyes scanned the room below, Zhan Shiqi should have fallen asleep by this time, it was a good time for him to fall asleep with him.

How bad you are, you old man, standing on the roof at this moment!

Zhou Tong tilted his mouth in a very disrespectful manner, "Your junior is impolite, hurry up and say something sweet, otherwise you won't be able to do anything if I stay here today!"

"I didn't want to do anything, just like sleeping with her."

"..." Zhou Tong drooped his eyelids, looking like a listless old man, if you don't say something nice, I will stay here tonight, you know, the old man is very tired after running around all night.

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, "I'm most annoyed by people threatening me, especially the respectable, amiable... old seniors!"

Zhou Tong listened to it for a quarter of an hour enjoying himself while shaking his head with his eyes closed. After all, he is a scholar.It's much stronger than myself!

He yawned for a long time, "Oh, I'm getting old and mentally weak, let's go home first, you're a good kid, but this light work is a bit useless."

Zuo Zhou heaved a sigh of relief, and was finally coaxed away by this guy. Hearing Zhou Tong's mention of qinggong, he couldn't help but look forward to it, "What advice do you always have?"

"The old man is good at fighting, but not good at running." He turned around and jumped away with a snort, similar to Hulk's kind of jump, the rare thing is that there is no sound, this is probably a special kind of light work.

Zuo Zhou gently got off the roof, and pried open the door silently, perhaps without any malice, Zhan Shiqi, who was already asleep, didn't notice it at all.

"I'm not by your side, are you already so slack? You don't even practice the Dream Heart Sutra at night!"

Zuo Zhou flicked the hair in front of his forehead lightly angrily and amusingly, that fair and rosy face appeared so smooth in the shadow at this moment.Just like a perfect piece of blue and white porcelain, it is enough to think about myself before, with such a beauty by my side every night, but still stupidly practicing the Dream Heart Sutra.

Hmph, it can be seen from this that the old monk who created the Heart Sutra of Returning to Dreams must be a decent person who is not as good as a beast!

dream space
Zhan Shiqi slowly opened his eyes. This is a familiar but unfamiliar forest, and the withered and yellow leaves are full of vitality under the sunlight.

There is a small courtyard in the open space in front, and there is a wooden house in the courtyard.

The rising smoke, the kettle on the fire, the old hens and ducks chasing and playing, and the jungle wind blowing through everything seems to turn into honey in the heart, slowly infiltrating.

Zhan Shiqi shed tears uncontrollably, although she said a thousand times that she didn't care, but when the former home was released, she finally succumbed to the softness in her heart.

"Is it you? You bastard, why don't you let me go?"

"It's you. If you can stand in front of me bravely and say to me loudly and calmly, 'I don't like you anymore!', I won't pester you anymore. But you... can you say it? ?”

A familiar voice sounded behind him, Zhan Shiqi turned around and saw Zuo Zhou.

Then he laughed, "Why are you dressed like this in the dream space?"

Zuo Zhou looked down, he was leading a horse and leaning on a long spear, just like when Yue Fei came to ask Gu.

"This look makes you a little more awed. Faced with this dress, can you still refuse me?"

Zhan Shiqi sighed reproachfully, his clever eyes were not as cold as when he was dealing with people, "You are really good at manipulating people's hearts, isn't it a little disrespectful to use Yue Fei to put pressure on me?"

Zuo Zhou shook his head affirmatively, "There is no disrespect. Using Yue Fei's costume to pursue Yue Fei's disciples is the greatest respect for him."

"Respect? Then you accompany me to pass the Yue family's gun. You have seen the memory back then!" Zhan Shiqi said, waving his hand and pulling out a red-tasseled gun from the void.

"You are embarrassing me. Can you remember it after reading it once? You may not be able to practice it if you remember it!" Zuo Zhou paused the spear in his hand.

"Liar! I know you have the habit of dancing spears and clubs in the dream space without sleeping. You have even practiced second and third rank martial arts, let alone Yue family guns." Zhan Shiqi said mercilessly. expose.

Zuo Zhou was helpless, "If I win, is there any reward?"

"If you win, I will let you do whatever you want!"

"I feel like you sent it on purpose..."

As if he was right, Zhan Shiqi's cheeks were flushed, his subordinates became more ruthless, and the spear shot like a dragon, and he aimed hard at Xiasanlu.

Zuo Zhou was in a bit of a panic for a while. Of course he had practiced the Yue Family Spear, but the Yue Family Spear obviously had limited background, so he just gave up after practicing it to a superb level. Dong's advice.

Although Zhou Tong was promoted by boxing skills, he has high attainments in long weapons such as sticks, otherwise Lin Chong, Lu Junyi and the others would not be proficient in martial arts such as marksmanship.

It's a pity that Zuo Zhou can be sure after meeting Zhou Tong once, that none of his disciples can break through the ranking list if they follow this path.

The reason is actually very simple, martial arts and temperament are not compatible, if you can't walk your own way, you can't become a master!

In detail, the spear technique is simpler than the boxing technique. Of course, this simplicity does not mean that it is easy to practice, but that the true meaning of martial arts is simpler.

Boxing, there is just the right amount of advance and retreat, just like life, the more you experience, the more you can see clearly, just like Zhou Tong.

Although the marksmanship has also changed, it is more of an indomitable move forward.

It was precisely because of this difference that Zhou Tong saw through, so he chose boxing as a breakthrough to step into the ranking list, while Lu Junyi, Lin Chong and others still practiced spear because of the complexity of boxing.It's a pity that neither Lu Junyi, Lin Chong, nor Zhou Tong himself has the courage to go forward.Therefore, they are destined to step into the ranking list only by virtue of marksmanship.

In fact, in Zhou Tong's lineage, Yue Fei is the one who is most likely to step into the ranking list through spear skills, which is why his Yue family gun is at the top of the list, but it's a pity...

"With your cowardly appearance, you won't be able to enter the ranking list with your marksmanship. You should learn boxing from Zhou Tong, and then hit my chest with a small fist."

After crackling for a while, Zuo Zhou suddenly laughed.

Zhan Shiqi bit her lip, she had the upper hand but couldn't take it for a short time, now she was even angrier after hearing Zuo Zhou's words, even though she ran out by herself, she just felt wronged and wanted to be unreasonable.

Unexpectedly, when Zuo Zhou's moves changed, the whole gun swam around like a snake in his hand, easily got into her defensive circle, and hit her wrist.

He let go of the spear, and shouted loudly, "You are not good at marksmanship!"

"Anyway, they are long and hard weapons, just let you know how powerful they are." Zuo Zhou grabbed Zhan Shiqi who was trying to escape, hugged him horizontally and kicked open the door of the cabin. Just today, he wanted to let her know how powerful he was. Long weapons are powerful...


Zhou Tong squatted on the roof, his eyes full of complexity, my old man secretly turned back, and you just showed me this?

Yes, he turned back secretly and looked at Zhan Shiqi and Zuo Zhou in the room expectantly, only to find that Zuo Zhou was just lying on the bed hugging Zhan Shiqi from behind, doing nothing, just so at ease fell asleep.

This is so outrageous!

People say that a little farewell is better than a newlywed, and you came all the way from Daqin to Song, just to hug?Are you even a man!I despise you old man!

Angry, the old man wants to hit someone when he is angry, and he always has a target when he wants to hit someone, but when he turned around, he saw two people jumping into the Hu family mansion sneakily.

Zhou Tong looked at the backs of those two familiar figures, and then at the young man hugging each other and sleeping soundly below. Well, compared with those few disciples, these two are quite easy to worry about.


Lu Junyi's face was very ugly, and Huo Lin's expression was helpless beside him. He thought he could help Yan Qing wake up, but who knew, Erniang Sun died!

And the one who died was miserable, the whole thing turned into a meat paste, which was sprinkled all over the room, the kind that was so sticky that it was drawn.

The point is that they couldn't see how Sun Erniang died. Although they could detect traces of claws and fists in the house, it shouldn't have caused such an exaggerated scene.

Song Jiang said that it is very likely that the person who massacred Erlong Mountain came to him, but it is useless to say anything at this time. Without Erniang Sun, Lin Chong, Yan Qing and others cannot be awakened. Simply a huge hit.

Everyone had nothing to do for a while, Lu Junyi could only go back to Hujiazhuang first, let's talk about other things later.

"Boss, in fact... if Erniang Sun can use the Heaven-Changing-Earth Spiritual Technique to awaken the demon soul, then... Actually, Gongsun Sheng, the Dragon into the Clouds, should be able to do it too. He is a fortune teller and is proficient in spells..."

Huo Lin's reminder made Lu Junyi pause, "Gongsun Sheng has a big plan, if there is no other way, I really don't want to go to him!"

(End of this chapter)

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