Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 399 I knew it was lively before I entered the city

Chapter 399 I knew it was lively before I entered the city
Sometimes the thinking of the monster race is very similar to that of human beings. For example, in the matter of masters, the weaker they are, the more they are united, and the stronger they are, the more independent they are.However, there are still some differences. For example, in the matter of power, human beings will use various means to achieve their goals, such as tenderness, side-firing, and marriage.And the Yaozu basically relies on beating to make the enemy surrender.

So at this time, the monsters in Liangshan are quite brainless in Li Yuzhu's eyes. Of course, no matter whether it is Song Jiang who is the leader of the monster star or the original Song Jiang, no matter how you look at it, they all look brainless.

"What the military advisor said is very true, Heavenly King! We really can't even drink soup if we don't fight again!"

All the brothers applauded in unison, it is impossible for Chao Gai to disobey everyone's wishes at this time, the key is that most of the people in the crowd are thinking about Song Jiang, and what he wants to win are those who are not the reincarnation of demon stars.While none of the demon stars have risen, firmly control the power of the cottage, and then kill them before the demon stars rise!
Yes, Chao Gai has murderous intentions, he can see it, people who are not my race must have different hearts, thanks to the fact that he used the Linglong Pagoda to help the big monsters awaken, all of them are unfamiliar wolf cubs!
"Okay! Put up the banner of justice for the sky, let's raise our troops!"

Li Yuzhu raised his eyebrows. In fact, he had already written the call to justice for the heavens, but he hadn't put it out yet.


Bianjing, Prime Minister's Mansion
Cai Jing frowned like a mouse that couldn't find the hole, circling around on the ground irritably, hit three teacups and kicked two servants and a maid to vomit blood, only then did he feel relieved.

Afterwards, he slowly performed his inner strength a few times before he completely recovered from his restless state. Yes, he also practiced martial arts, but it was still a unique skill.It's just a pity that his talent is slightly inferior, and he has devoted all his heart to party struggles, so he has only entered the innate level so far, and his fighting skills are almost negligible.


Lately he has been moaning more and more often.

On the table next to him, stacks of information were placed in a chaotic manner.It was all urgent information from all over the place, some were asking for help, some were asking for food, and some were impeaching and dumping the blame on the imperial court. The mess was a headache just by looking at it, but it was difficult for him to deduce the clues from it.

In fact, Cai Jing was also a loyal minister from Song Huizong's point of view. Not only was he loyal to the emperor, but he never let the emperor bother about trivial matters.Moreover, Cai Jing has quite a poetic talent and writing style, and from time to time he can recite poems against Song Huizong in an arty way.After a long time, even Cai Jing himself felt that he was very capable.

But in general, when we say whether a political system is good or not, we can actually see it from the overall results.

A developed economy may not be a good thing, but it must be a good thing for ordinary people to live well!Tough diplomacy may not be a good thing, but it must be a good thing that no one dares to bully you!It is definitely wrong to be militaristic, but it is absolutely wrong to have a strong army!

It is such an obvious and interlocking three points. If you can't do even one point, it means that you must be incapable of governing the country. Maybe you are a loyal minister, but you are definitely not a capable minister.In the future, no matter whether someone whitewashes you or not, you will be nailed to the pillar of shame in the end.

Cai Jing felt that he was about to be nailed to the pillar of shame. Chao Gai, Fang La, Tian Hu, Wang Qing, etc., there were as many as eighteen rebels who almost raised their flags in front and back!
What's the situation?Have these rebels negotiated with the Qing army?This is the death of Song State!

Of course, the strength of these rebels is actually just that. Take Liangshan as an example, it looks like a strong army, but the total number of people is less than 5, but Fang La has the largest number of people, reaching [-] .

But even so, Cai Jing didn't pay much attention to this matter, because Fang La was also from a mud-legged background, let alone whether he had knowledge or not, the number of capable fighters under his command was limited, and most of them were rebels converted from peasants.

Just as the Qing army looked down on the combat effectiveness of the Song army, the Song army also looked down on the combat effectiveness of these rebels, but now the most difficult thing in everyone's eyes is the Qing army, and these rebels were also very honest before, but they did not expect They even raised the flag to rebel together as if they had discussed it.

Cai Jing's first thought was to send Tong Guan or Gao Qi to counter the rebellion. Well, these people can't beat the Qing army, but they are very brave to fight these mud legs.

It's just that Cai Jing was a little embarrassed again, because he had just sent a lot of reinforcements to the front line, and he couldn't spare many troops for the time being.

Just at this time, the second batch of information was sent over.Cai Jing looked around casually, but he was a little happy. The intelligence said that military officers at all levels had privately withheld troops, resulting in a serious shortage of reinforcements.

"That's great!"

Cai Jing was overjoyed, these idiots really solved his urgent need!

He immediately ordered the military officers who intercepted the troops to deal with the rebels from all directions. As for the Qing army, they strictly ordered the generals in each city to guard against them.

When Cai Jing was in a good mood, he felt much more at ease. He sat upright and reached for the teacup, only to find that the servants hadn't replaced it with a new one.

"Hmph, it's becoming more and more unruly."

However, he was in a good mood and did not intend to be harsh, but slowly opened another piece of information, which was sent back by the people he sent to monitor the mission.

"Huh? Zhan Zhao and Zhan Hongling went to pick up people outside the city?"

After a little thought, Cai Jing understood that the only one who would pick him up at this time was Li Yuanfang, the fifth general of the Great Qin Dynasty.

If before, he could secretly let some guys who had enemies with Bao Zheng, Zhan Zhao and others to cause trouble, then for this Li Yuanfang, he could not provoke him, and even wanted to avoid it as much as possible.

In Cai Jing's view, the Great Qin Dynasty is actually very similar to the Song Dynasty. Both are emperors who have little right to speak, and it is the powerful ministers who really do things.The only difference is that in Song Dynasty Song Huizong thought he was awesome, but in Daqin, the court faction headed by Li Si clearly told Hu Hai that you were not awesome.

From this aspect, Cai Jing sympathized with Hu Hai, and he naturally valued Li Yuanfang more.

If the previous four generals were left to Hu Hai by the Qin Emperor, then this general who was conferred after the new emperor ascended the throne is undoubtedly a member of the real power faction.

If you provoke such a person, there is a real possibility that you will attract the Great Qin Iron Cavalry.

Song State is now threatened by the Qing army outside and rebels are making trouble inside, so there can't be another big Qin cavalry as an enemy!
Of course, Cai Jing had already guessed that the Ming and Tang countries would probably sit on the sidelines and even send troops to show off, but he didn't really care too much about it.

In the final analysis, at present, the internal instability of the Ming Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty are waiting to be rebuilt. It seems that only Daqin has the ability to send troops.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Daqin has two problems now, one is the need to consolidate the rule of the Turks, and the other is the party struggle within the court.

With Wang Jian on the Turkic side, those little fish and shrimp couldn't make waves at all.Among the four generals, Meng Wu looked at the Ming State, Zhang Han looked at the Tang State, and there is still one Madam She left!
Thinking of this, Cai Jing was very upset. When Emperor Qin was here, he did not arrange Madam She on the Song side. This undoubtedly showed a kind of goodwill. Song Huizong praised Qin Huang for his knowledge of current affairs...

Well, probably in Song Huizong's eyes, Emperor Qin was worried that these countries would unite to destroy Great Qin, so his attitude eased.

But Cai Jing is not so naive, no, the Yang family has changed from guarding the border to the imperial capital.He has become the most mobile general, if there is any impromptu war, there is no doubt that the Yang family will rush to the battlefield.

And where is the easiest place to fight at this time?Isn't it Song Guo!

Let the Yang family come to Song State?Cai Jing felt that if that time really came, he would wake up from sleep with fright.

"Let Gao Qi come over."

Cai Jing shouted casually, he intends to warn the people below not to offend this Li Yuanfang, as for Zhou Tong who came to Bianjing with Li Yuanfang according to the intelligence...Thinking about it, I feel a little helpless, if I had known Zhou Tong earlier If they can achieve the level of the local list, then they will not target people like Lin Chong, but who in the world would have known it earlier?


"Xiong Fei!"

Xiao Biesheng is newlywed, when Ding Yuehua saw Zhan Zhao again, she completely lost her daughter's restraint, and threw herself into Zhan Zhao's arms.

And Zhan Hongling also obediently called her sister-in-law, and then went to talk to Zhan Shiqi, but the smile that was happy just now suddenly retracted, and looked Zhan Shiqi up and down, " finally paid yourself what!"

"Sister, what are you talking about?" Zhan Shiqi angrily leaned his delicate body on Zhan Hongling's shoulder, trying to pass the test with this method.

Zhan Hongling stared fiercely at Li Yuanfang in front of her, but when she saw Jiang Yuyan leaning next to her, she didn't know what to say, and she became even angrier, "It really is a breeding wild donkey, not only has a bad temper, but also is lecherous!"

Zhan Shiqi couldn't stop laughing, Zhan Hongling's misunderstanding of Li wasn't a misunderstanding, anyway, she just didn't like it.As for the question about Jiang Yuyan, not only Zhan Shiqi knew it, but even A Xiang and the others knew about it. After all, Jiang Biehe's flattery had all kinds of tastes, what was a mere daughter to him?
But they didn't regard Jiang Yuyan as a difficult competitor, after all, Zhan Shiqi had no competition with Ah Xiang and Qing Ping.

Speaking of it, any strong woman would not tolerate sharing men equally with other women, but the situation of a few of them is really special.

In the beginning, everyone agreed to Ah Xiang's status by default, but after Master Ximen's death, Qingping came to repay her kindness with despair, and Ah Xiang also recognized it out of sisterhood.But after that things got a bit derailed. Seeing that they had feelings for her, the Yang family began to help her compete for the position of the so-called doctor. Coupled with some coquettish operations by Hu Hai and Yang Wenguang, so many things happened. She and Li Yuanfang It can be regarded as letting nature take its course.

But Jiang Yuyan's words may not be so easily accepted by others!
Zhan Shiqi thought about it and glanced at Zuo Zhou, what would you do?Of course, if you must accept Jiang Yuyan, then we won't say anything...

At this moment, Zuo Zhou had no idea that there was a little spark running around in the harem, and he was reading a note from Jiang Yuyan, which was the information sent by Dali Temple just now.

It may be that Fan Qinghui was hurt by his mother, so he went to the Jingnian Temple, and asked to preside over Kong and the four great monks to set off for the Song Kingdom.

hiss!Bianjing is lively!

(End of this chapter)

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