Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 400 I saw Song Jiang when I was shopping

Chapter 400 I saw Song Jiang when I was shopping

"According to the information from Daqin's side, it is clear that the envoys consist of only five people and some guards. What is this now? Could it be that these people are all included in the guards? The specifications are too high!"

Gao Qiu looked at the information in front of him in a bit of embarrassment, Nie Feng, the Second Sword Emperor, Jian Chen... who are these people, of course there is the most troublesome Zhou Tong.Hehe, he didn't forget that when Zhou Tong was still an official in the court, they used to exclude others.

However, they are all masters of the local rankings, so they shouldn't be so stingy, right?
It may be that the Daqin Mission is a bit heavy this time, the person in charge of Honglu Temple is not qualified enough, and the minister of the Ministry of Rites is sick at home, so Cai Jingcai handed over the reception to Gao Qiu.

This is also the first meeting between Zuo Zhou and Gao Lian. It feels...very ordinary. It stands to reason that a person who is in a high position and good at pushing out intrigues should be more or less imposing, but it is a pity that Zuo Zhou was disappointed. up.

"Master Gao, I have admired your name for a long time, hehehe."

Gao Lian was shivered by Zuo Zhou's laughter, what does this mean?

"The name of General Li is really impressive!" Gao Qiu laughed.

The meeting between the two basically didn't have any nutrition. Apart from arranging board and lodging, Gao Lian didn't mention arranging for them to meet Song Huizong at all.Zuo Zhou was happy to see that he didn't mention it. In fact, it would be embarrassing if he really saw it. After all, he mainly came to Song Dynasty to find Zhan Shiqi. I went back early.

If you really saw Song Huizong, what should you talk about?Really talk about the issue of trade between the two countries?Don't talk about it, the border has been occupied by the Qing army, what a fart!

So only a quarter of an hour after the whole process, Zuo Zhou and Gao Qiu separated. When they went out, Gao Qiu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with a sigh of relief. He felt that General Li was quite easy to talk to.

Zuo Zhou also heaved a sigh of relief. After all, he is not a politician, nor can he be a politician. Diplomacy should be left to professionals.So the question is, in this team, who is the professional?

Cao Zhengchun!
Xiao Cao is a talent. He has been in the palace for a long time, and naturally he has learned a lot. Of course, not everyone who has met can learn it, but Xiao Cao is also unwilling to let others down, so he will study hard. .It is now in use.

"From now on, this general will promote you to the rank of deputy envoy of the mission, which is the same as Zhan Zhao's official title, and will be responsible for wrangling with them."

Cao Zhengchun said helplessly, "My lord, you don't need to talk about it. According to the etiquette, we will post a post asking for an interview and then just wait. Then Song Huizong is a man who doesn't know the importance of the enemy or us, so he will definitely leave us alone as before."

"As before?" Zuo Zhou was a little curious, "Is this an unwritten rule?"

Cao Zhengchun nodded, "After all, in terms of status, we are envoys from other countries, Song Huizong is the emperor, and he is taller than us. If anyone asks for an interview, it will be humiliating, so we have to refuse once, wait for a while, and then see you again. .Of course, except for emergencies or special circumstances.”

"It seems to make sense, did you do this when Emperor Qin was here?"

Cao Zhengchun shook his head, "Qin Huang never engages in such a thing, he just does it according to his mood."

Zuo Zhou laughed, "Then why haven't people criticized this before?"

Cao Zhengchun said with a smile: "It's because the interview will be faster than usual, because Qin Huang's mood can't be bad for several days in a row, Qin Huang will deal with some state affairs when he is in a good mood, even if you don't ask See you, and I will take the initiative to summon you."

Zuo Zhou was stunned, "Then what is Hu Hai's habit? Do you follow your mood?"

"That's not true. The new emperor has been taught by the teachers of the Ministry of Etiquette since he was a child, and his behavior is quite in line with the etiquette, very similar to Song Huizong."

Cao Zhengchun had no intention of speaking, but Zuo Zhou suddenly remembered something. Everyone knew that Zhao Gao was advising Hu Hai with malice, so Li Si and others made a big fuss about it. high.

It's a bit of a joke to talk about it, after all, there is no evidence to prove that Zhao Gao was able to learn amazing powers, and he could revitalize the country by contradicting his opinions?Sounds very dodgy!

But the fact is like this, it may be the fixed development track of Heaven, it may be the relationship of parallel planes, Zhao Gao on the next-door earth is one of the reasons for the demise of Daqin, then it can play the role of revitalizing Daqin by doing the opposite to him here .

But I remember that in the history of the next-door earth, Li Si was also coerced by Zhao Gao. Now here, Li Si is another kind of coercion.

It's interesting to say it, but the hidden dangers are not so great. After all, during the long-term confrontation, the Great Qin court formed two parties, one on the surface, Zhao Gao's party, and the actual Li Si's party.

Zhao Gao doesn't mention that, but Li Si's is very likely to really threaten the imperial power!

Human hearts are fickle. People like Di Renjie, Bao Zheng, and Song Ci who have been verified by the deeds of the two worlds may always maintain their original aspirations, but what about the rest?
Will Li Si change his mind after being in a high position for a long time?Since ancient times, ministers of the auxiliary country have had many accidents, and those who are willing to let go of power and retreat bravely are always a minority.

"It's better not to see, I don't know what to say to him, hmph." Zuo Zhou turned around disdainfully, and then smiled at Zhan Shiqi: "Let's go shopping, while the Four Great Sage Monks and Zhao Zhenghan It’s not here yet, let’s have fun for a few days.”

Zhan Shiqi was naturally happy, but he still looked at Zhou Tong worriedly, "Why don't you go shopping with us?"

Zhou Tong stroked his beard angrily, "What is my old man going to do? Don't worry, if something happens, I'll be there in a blink of an eye. The city of Bianjing is not that big, so I can't escape my perception."

Zhan Zhao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I know you are strong, but there are so many of them, and they are the famous Four Great Sacred Monks and the strong ones on the list, so you have to prepare."

Zuo Zhou wondered, "Are the four great monks famous?"

These words stunned Zhan Zhaowen, and after thinking for a while, he said: "The matter of Buddhism...everyone has not paid much attention to it since Emperor Qin destroyed the Shaolin Temple, but Buddhism has developed well in the Tang Kingdom. But the Four Great Sages I don’t know exactly what the monks did, but they seem to be good at kung fu, at least four of them are masters.”

"Hey, four people's list, not even the ground list, there is nothing to prepare for." Zuo Zhou said casually, pulling Zhan Shiqi and ran out.

Zhan Zhao and the others laughed and shook their heads, is it so inflated?

Speaking of which, there are not many opportunities for Zuo Zhou and Zhan Shiqi to get along alone. In the past, Axiang was usually by her side. Not only was she thin-skinned, but Axiang's was also thin-skinned. Ping took the lead.

Now the two are happy, looking east and west, Bianjing is the capital of the Song Dynasty, and Song Huizong is a person who enjoys it very much, so the prosperity of Bianjing even feels like it surpasses the imperial capital.

Of course, it's just a prosperous city, but it has to be an imperial capital in terms of scale and grandeur.

The two of them pressed the road like ordinary couples. The handsome man and the beautiful woman held hands all the way with a high rate of turning heads. They also met many dudes who were attracted to each other just like in the bloody drama. But unfortunately, Zuo Zhou didn't even get close to ten meters. Frightened and paralyzed by the mixture of true energy and murderous intent, Zuo Zhou didn't even have the desire to kill them.

At noon, the two found the best restaurant for dinner, and less than 50 meters diagonally opposite the restaurant was the Chunyun Building where Li Shishi was located.

In the afternoon, I took a stroll around the suburbs of Bianjing. Everywhere I could see young ladies from various prefectures gathering. They seemed to be meeting friends through literature, but Zuo Zhou looked more like a blind date.

There are a few people who are good at writing and writing at a glance and want to invite them to participate, but Zuo Zhou still has a little self-knowledge. In this comprehensive world with all dynasties, there is no future for ancient poetry. If it is modern poetry, he will never be able to Fool people with spring flowers blooming facing the sea.

So the two ran away very cowardly. In the evening, they returned to the residence of the Honglu Temple for dinner. After chatting casually with everyone, they ended their beautiful day with a dark battle.

The next day, Song Huizong rejected their invitation as expected, Zuo Zhou was very happy, and when he was about to repeat the beautiful daily life with Zhan Shiqi, he saw Song Jiang...

"Hey, what a spoiler!"

Looking at the youthful, beautiful and delicious Zhan Shiqi beside him, and then at the dark, short and fat Song Jiang in the distance, the excitement suddenly subsided.

"It's important business, hurry up!" Zhan Shiqi pushed him with a suppressed smile.

"Don't worry, whoever he is, even if he overturned the sky, the unlucky one is Song Guo." Zuo Zhou made a long voice, shaking Zhan Shiqi's arm, acting coquettishly!I have never lost anyone!
"Don't make trouble, it's a big deal...I'll let you try a new posture at night..."

"It's a deal!" Zuo Zhou's expression became cheap in a second, "Little pervert, are you looking forward to it?"

Exhibition Seventeen: "..."

Zuo Zhou chased after him very proudly. Of course, this plan has to be improved step by step. Today, he tried a new posture, tomorrow he can show off his music during the day, and the day after tomorrow he can play car town. Is sleeping with a big quilt still far away?
Pedestrians from all walks of life on the street trembled in unison. What kind of laughter just passed by?

Song Jiang basically didn't wear any makeup, and no one thought that Liangshan's leader would come to Bianjing at this time.

There is almost no difference between Song Jiang and Huarong Wu Yong and the pedestrians on the road. The reason why Song Jiang brought Huarong and Wu Yong is because they are the two who look the most like people among the brothers.

Hua Rong raised his head, "It should be here, Chunyun Building, hehe, I heard that it is the forbidden house of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, I don't know what it's like."

Song Jiang laughed, "Brother, if you want to taste it, why don't my brother taste it?"

Huarong smiled but waved his hands and said, "Brother, don't make jokes. I still know the importance of the matter. I will take it away after we finish the matter. Let my brother try it for the first time..."

"This is Bianjing, please speak carefully."

Hua Rong's words were interrupted, Yan Qing walked out of Chunyun Building slowly, without looking at them, just stretched out her hand, "My master is waiting inside, please!"

Song Jiang and others knew that Yan Qing was also the reincarnation of a demon star, but they didn't have the memory of awakening the demon clan, so they didn't care.

Zuo Zhou, who has been following behind, saw everything the whole time, and couldn't help being curious. There seems to be a section in the original book where they came to find Li Shishi, hoping to convey their wish to recruit security.But now Song Jiang or Liangshan wouldn't do that, would he?What are they doing here?
(End of this chapter)

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