Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 416

Chapter 416
"Do you believe him?"

Bianjing City, which was originally very lively even at night, has become a bit desolate at this time.Song Zhixi and Li Yuzhu walked side by side, like two wandering wild ghosts, looking quite creepy.

"I'm probably waiting and watching, but at least he didn't open his mouth to talk about conditions. Isn't that a good thing?"

Song Zhixi talked and recalled the difficult ten years. Although they represented the official forces of the exiles, to be honest, the work was not easy to carry out.

They all know what kind of system they want to establish, but even so, they all adopt a wait-and-see attitude.Many people even asked, 'Why should I be your dog? '

Who wants you to be a dog?They are all people who have experienced two worlds, primitive society, slavery society, feudal society, capitalist society, and socialist society. Haven’t they learned the inevitable law of development?That being the case, isn't it good to be on the right side of history?

To put it bluntly, the exiles arrived in this world in less than 20 years. The sooner the social change is completed, the sooner they can enjoy a relatively better life.

Everything is as good as before. The earth next door has been peaceful for many years, and most people can't feel the horror and cruelty of the old society at all.Today's exiles are just eating the benefits of the will of heaven and earth. They are born with martial arts to learn, even if their martial arts are mediocre, this is something that ordinary indigenous people may not be able to touch in their entire lives.

The exiles are used to this kind of welfare, which allows them to stand on the starting line as soon as they are born, but they forget that there are many people who are not even qualified to stand on the starting line.

But... Don't forget, this kind of benefit is only for 500 years, and because of Qin Huang's actions, it has been reduced by 300 years.

In other words, exiles such as Zuo Zhou who have mixed up in this life may not be able to use up their three lives.

Think about it, if they fail to complete the transformation of the social form in less than 200 years, then they will be completely without the care of the will of heaven and earth, and when they are reborn, they will not have the memory of the previous life, and they will also become the victims of struggling beings. At that time, the fangs of the feudal society will bite them to pieces.

"What do you think about the tolerance he said?" Li Yuzhu suddenly asked.

Song Zhixi paused, and looked at him strangely, "You won't have anyone to choose, will you?"

Zuo Zhou is not a character who is very wise and close to a monster. Everyone has the wisdom of mortals. He can think of the official people who have thought about it a long time ago, but it is too difficult.

The exiles are still young, and they don't have the capital to talk about recruiting. Are you talking about the superiority of the social system with the masters of the local list?Not to mention being a master of the earth list, even if you come down from the sky list, you may not be able to understand it.So it's not that they don't tolerate the aborigines, but that they can't find anyone to lobby.

Li Yuzhu paused and replied, "What do you think of Chao Gai?"

Song Zhixi frowned slightly, "I thought we had agreed before, isn't this Chao Gai our target in front of us?"

"It's a target, but what if this target has the hope of making the list? Through my contact during this period of time, although he has a strong will to form a force, he has no idea of ​​becoming an emperor. We are not strong enough now, so let him With many leaders of the rebel army at the front, set up a high-level shadow, control the middle and low-end links, and develop the country silently. In the future, these targets must be eliminated one by one, but if this target does not have the idea of ​​​​becoming an emperor, it is Can't you absorb some?"

Song Zhixi was silent, "You and I can't decide this matter. We have to discuss it with other military advisers. And there is no need to worry. We can take our time to observe what Chao Gai is thinking. Moreover, we have the strength to restrain it. Today, I do not approve of exposing our plans to him, which puts our fellow citizens at risk."

"Don't worry, I understand this."


After seeing off Li Yuzhu and Song Zhixi, Zuo Zhou leaned to the left and stared at the night on the window sill in a daze. He didn't come back until he heard footsteps behind him, and said, "The tea is cold, help me get a cup."

"Yes, Master."

Li Xun Huan skillfully brought a cup of tea over, and then stood quietly behind him for a long time, speechless.

Zuo Zhou smiled and said, "Is there anything you want to ask?"

"Master... It is rumored outside that you have quarrels with the new emperor of Qin, so everyone guesses that you are not loyal to Da Qin. Especially are still friends with Murong Fu, Xiang Yu and others, and you even had two rebels just now. The military division..."

"Then what kind of person do you think a teacher is?" Zuo Zhou looked at Li Xunhuan with interest.

"I can't understand, the disciple can't understand the teacher."

Zuo Zhou smiled and asked: "There is no shortage of people who worry about the country and the people in any country. Li Xiang is true, and you are too. From your point of view, what kind of country is a good country."

"Officials are clear and bright, and the people at home live and work in peace and contentment, and they are neither humble nor overbearing outside."

"I understand well, so what conditions do you think are needed to achieve such a level?"

Li Xun Huan paused, "At least we need an emperor who is diligent and caring for the people, and a group of honest and capable ministers, well, there is enough knowledge and education, and..."

Li Xunhuan couldn't think of anything else for a while, but Zuo Zhou said happily, "The summary is pretty good, but the question is, if an emperor is good, can you guarantee that his descendants will be good? Grandpa's original intentions will be passed on to the grandson's generation." It may be about to deteriorate! The same is true for honest and capable ministers, and there is no guarantee for hereditary replacements, let alone those foundations that cannot be passed on?"

Li Xun Huan was at a loss for words, and there were always question marks in his mind, "What do you think, Master?"

Just listen to Zuo Zhou and said again: "So, if you want to make the country good, it is impossible to pin your hopes on a limited number of people, that is too time-sensitive, and in the long history of mankind, there will inevitably be prosperity and decline. The cycle of ups and downs."

"Then what should I do?" Jiang Yuyan stepped out of the shadows, the admiration in her eyes was almost turning into a flood.

"Only by changing the system! Use the system to restrict people, and use the system to raise the lower limit of a country, so that we can truly benefit all people. There are too many countries in this world, and every country has its weak and prosperous times. You can't Comparing a country’s prosperous period with a country’s declining period. The only thing that can be compared is which country’s lower limit is higher, and the system is the method to determine a country’s lower limit.”

"System? The master means to rule the country according to the law? But even if there are the best systems and laws, what can those in power do if they don't follow the system?"

Zuo Zhou spread his hands, "If those in power don't follow the system, the serious consequences will have nothing to do with this system, right? It can only be said that this person has taken the wrong route."

Li Xun Huan rolled his eyes, and snorted coquettishly, "Master has taken over everything."

Jiang Yuyan's eyes flashed wildly, "No, the general is right, just eliminate those who took the wrong route!"

Li Xun Huan frowned slightly, why is the master's maid so murderous? "What kind of system does the master think is the most suitable and can most raise the lower limit of the country?"

Zuo Zhou picked up his teacup and drank it down, "I will create an environment for them to develop. As for whether it will be successful or not, we will wait and see."

"Why didn't the general get involved?" Jiang Yuyan asked curiously.

Zuo Zhou was silent. On the next-door earth, he is considered an ancient. An ancient must be inferior to those exiles in terms of structure. If this is the case, these things should not be mixed up.

"The general is afraid of being tired, so it would be great to have that time to enjoy, and you two, if you dare to eavesdrop next time, this general will spank your ass!"

Li Xunhuan bowed his head in embarrassment, Jiang Yuyan was eager to try, "Okay, okay!"


Three days passed in a flash, and the sunset was approaching, and the dark colors slowly approached from the end of the line of sight. The chilling aura alone made many Song soldiers unsteady.

The sky was gradually covered by dark clouds, and the heavy atmosphere made people breathless.

The imperial court finally found someone who seemed to be willing to take the blame. In short, it was a civil servant who stood on the city wall. His official robe was very new, his armor was also very new, and there was a sword hanging from his waist. Everything was very new, probably for the sake of taking the blame. He was promoted temporarily.

Zuo Zhou and the others stood on the roofs of various places and took a look outside the city from a distance. Good guy, a martial artist with good lightness skills has already stood on the high points in the city at this time.Sure enough, if you want to eat melons, it depends on your ability.

"The war is still early, we just need to witness."

As Zuo Zhou expected, Dorgon was not an idiot. He didn't start attacking the city as soon as he arrived at the city, but set up camp and buried pots to make food.

Um? "Is this trying to lure the generals of the Song Army to lead their troops out of the city to harass?" Shaoyu was slightly surprised, he did not believe that the generals of the Qing Army would make such a low-level mistake.

Zuo Zhou laughed, "Then he might be disappointed. I think the city leader seems to be relieved, and has no intention of going out of the city to fight a wave at all."


Qing camp
Dorgon narrowed his eyes with a dangerous light, and waved his hand: "Rearrange the tents."

The quality of the Qing army was significantly higher than that of the Song army. Countless soldiers were ordered to carry the tents and change positions. The simple arrangement made it impossible for everyone in the city to see any changes in the tents.

Obviously, it was just a temptation.

"It seems that General Song was able to see through my temptation. But that's it. Originally, I wanted to keep more strength, but it seems that I still have to fight head-on." Dorgon looked at the map with some regret.

This topographic map shows the distribution of defenses in Bianjing City. Unfortunately, the distribution of defenses in the defense of the city is similar, and there is no reference value.

"How about the remaining doors?"

"Reporting to the general, the rest of the rebels did not move, and even drove back the envoys we sent!"

In the big tent of the main army, Dorgon was discussing the situation nervously with a group of generals. Just as the beheaded generals had expected, Dorgon was a little troubled by the insurgents standing still.

You can't help the country of Song to fight all the insurgents once, and then attack the city, right?He is not stupid!
Just when Dorgon had been thinking for a long time but had no good solution, someone outside reported, "General, the court of Song Dynasty has sent an envoy."

(End of this chapter)

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