Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 417 Breaking the Door

Chapter 417 Breaking the Door
"Peace? What kind of peace..."

A general just opened his mouth and was about to go crazy when he was stopped by Dorgon with a wave of his hand. There was a hint of playfulness in his eyes. The spies had reported that the civil servants and generals of the Song Dynasty were at odds with each other before, but they didn't expect it to reach this level. The generals on the city wall It is obvious that the battle is ready, but there is an envoy here to negotiate a peace?
Don't they know that this situation will be affected by the soldiers and the people seeing it?

Dorgon then had some doubts. Judging from the previous temptations, the generals on the top of the city are still of a high level. Could this be a trick of the Song Dynasty court!

"Let's meet first!"

The envoy from the court of the Song Dynasty was an official named Wu Min, and Dorgon didn't ask him what kind of official he meant, he just glanced at him and understood that he was a coward. The calf is trembling.

"I have seen the general, the next official is..."

"Wu Min, right? Let me tell you how much you plan to spend in exchange for our withdrawal?"

Then Wu Min was overjoyed when he heard the words. If the other party said that, then there was something to talk about!

The sun was slowly cruising to the center. In the eyes of the courtiers of the Song Dynasty, this seemed to be a negotiation full of smoke and gunpowder. In the eyes of the generals of the Qing Dynasty, it was more playful. Some Qing generals even secretly lay outside the tent to listen.

But this scene was quite tormenting in the eyes of the soldiers guarding the city. They knew what the messenger was going to do, and the complexity in their hearts was beyond words.Ceded land?indemnity?It's embarrassing, and I know it shouldn't be, but...they really don't want to fight, because if there is a fight, I'm afraid it will be a near-death situation.

What's the name of the new general, sorry, he seemed so nervous when he first came up that he forgot to introduce himself.Well, they didn't care too much, they just called them generals.

Sometimes they really miss those generals from the past, Marshal Yue, General Yang, General Han, Zhong Shidao, Li Gang, etc. It's a pity that they have died and gone since a few years ago , There are still many people who 'retired and returned to their hometowns' when they were in their prime.

A while ago, I heard that the old businessman was waiting at home in leather armor, waiting for a paper order from the imperial court to reactivate it, but unfortunately...

So many things, the situation is already like this, the soldiers no longer want anything extravagantly, they only hope that they will not die, even... even if it is a shameful cession of land and compensation, that's fine!

"Come out! Come out!"

The soldiers panicked for a moment, and the general looked at everything expectantly.

After a while, Wu Min entered the city gate under the escort of several guards, and then pulled a fast horse towards the interior of the palace.

About half an hour later, Wu Min came back with a group of people apparently dressed as palace guards.

"My lord, what is your Majesty's instruction?"

Facing this general, Wu Min looked arrogant, and laughed loudly: "Your Majesty has reached a peace agreement with General Dorgon, open the city gate quickly, and let the general come in."

The general was stunned for a moment and then opened the city gate wide. Of course, he was not stupid, he only opened the gate when he saw Dorgon and brought a dozen people with to say?The civil servants and military generals of the imperial court look down on people in the martial arts world, and they mostly want to take advantage of them, but they are also very confident in their strength.

With these people in the martial arts world, even Dorgon, the general of the Qing army, can't make waves!
Click, click, Dorgon didn't enter the city fast, sitting on the tall horse, his eyes were all over the place.


"Please, General, Your Majesty has been waiting for a long time." Wu Min bowed and smiled flatteringly. Seeing the dog-legged appearance made everyone feel angry, but they also understood that the overall situation should be the most important thing at this time.

The imperial guards surrounded Dorgon and Wu Min and started galloping towards the palace.

Zuo Zhou sat cross-legged on a roof, rubbing his chin with an expression of disbelief, "What is this beating? It's fine if Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty committed a crime, why would Dorgon come to the city to negotiate at this time? Can it be contagious without being stupid?"

It's a pity that no one can answer his question, even fortune tellers such as Fan Zeng and Xiao Ai. After all, they can only do divination and cannot explain specific things.However, through divination, they have already made it clear that this time the Song Kingdom has no life.

It was outrageous, originally there was still a chance of survival during the siege, but when Wu Min went out to make peace, there was no chance of survival!
Zuo Zhou had no choice but to admit once again that the wisdom of an ordinary person like himself is still not suitable for playing tricks, "Let's continue to look."

The same doubts also exist in the hearts of many forces in the city. Zhao Zheng is sitting on the third floor of a restaurant. It has been like this since the early morning. A young man, although his beard and hair are gray, he is well-groomed.His eyes were peaceful and lacking vigor, like a kind uncle.

"When is brother going to do it?"

Zhao Zheng held the wine bowl in the air with his hand, and slowly replied: "As the envoy of Daqin, it is impossible for Li Yuanfang to do nothing at this time. As long as he takes action, he will naturally have a chance. Since I promised you, I will definitely It will be done. But I hope you can also fulfill the agreement!"

"Brother, don't worry, after this incident, the empress will suddenly die of a serious illness..."

Zhao Zheng glanced at the other party, "I hope so!"


When they were free, they sat opposite Zhao Zheng's restaurant. Yes, these monks were very good at taking advantage of the situation. After observing Li Yuanfang's lineup once, they never thought about confronting Zuo Zhou head-on.

"Thank you, senior brothers." Liao Kong bowed his head apologetically.

"Junior Brother, why are you so ashamed? The struggle between good and evil has always been life-and-death. Although Buddhism is merciful, there are also King Kong's glaring eyes. A little sacrifice can only be regarded as our contribution to this bright world."

"Junior Brother, don't worry too much. Compared with us, Feixuan's awareness is higher, and her sacrifice is also greater."

The four holy monks spoke one by one, not knowing whether they were comforting Kong or comforting themselves.

Liaokong heard the words and sighed, "Nephew Feixuan has already left the city first. If we all fail or even sacrifice this time, then she is the last hope, and this will also be our last chance to eliminate the prince of the Demon Gate. If we succeed , Buddhism is bound to prosper! Taking a step back, even if it fails, it can ruin the future of the prince of the Demon Sect!"

"Amitabha!" ×5

If there is anyone else who can see through the situation, it is only Gongsun Sheng.

He was standing at the highest point of the palace at this time, his eyes were looking across the palaces and watching Dorgon's whimsical and miraculous successful plan, his fists were hardened with excitement!
"It's coming soon, it's about to start!"

"Yeah, it's about to start!"

Lu Junyi and others who were staying in the Chunyun Building also said the same.

About half an hour later, Wu Min and Dorgon returned to the city gate talking and laughing. It seemed that the atmosphere was very harmonious with each other, and there were more guards around them, a total of 200 people. It seems that Song Huizong is not at ease.

Wu Min smiled blushingly and said, "Your Majesty has reached an armistice agreement with the General, so you don't need to fight anymore!"

Whether it is the people who are paying attention here or the soldiers who are ready to fight, they are all relieved, and even those in the martial arts are full of sighs.

Although their hearts are still bitter, they know that this so-called armistice agreement must be doubly humiliating, but... that's fine!

"The city gate is wide open, send the general back to the camp!"

Wu Min shouted loudly, and the guard hurriedly ordered someone to open the city gate. Dorgon also had a happy expression on his face, as if he didn't want to start a war either.

The sound of horseshoes, chaotic but with some order, countless soldiers and generals watched Dorgon pass the city gate with complicated emotions, at this moment, Dorgon stopped suddenly.

He turned his horse's head slowly, looked at all the soldiers of the Song Dynasty, and said sarcastically: "It's a shame that this general spent so much time with you idiots!"


Everyone was speechless, wanting to refute but could not find a way, but Wu Min, who had always been acting like a dog's leg, stiffened up, straightened his back with a gloomy face, and shouted, "Seize the door!"


The guard was stunned for a moment, what does it mean to seize the door?But before he could ask, Wu Min suddenly turned around and slashed his throat with a knife.

The guard was not a master of martial arts at all, facing this fast and urgent knife, he had no choice but to die. Before he fell, all the guards within sight began to attack the nearby soldiers, easily Occupied the city gate area, and in the distance... is the Qing army that has already begun to charge!

"Snatch the gate back quickly!"

Roar!Qiao Feng's unique and majestic voice suddenly exploded, and he waved his palms and slapped the city gate with immeasurable energy.

However, the fierce and indomitable Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon did not accomplish anything this time. The six imperial guards suddenly gathered together, discarded the original standard saber, and replaced their hands with golden double rings. Layer upon layer of strength met the Eighteen Palms of Subduing Dragon, and unexpectedly withstood Qiao Feng's palm in a head-to-head manner!
At this time, the people in the martial arts around finally understood, and started to attack desperately, but those guards were even more exaggerated, they began to burst their clothes with their teeth and claws, stretched out their hands to wipe their faces, and took off the thin human skin masks one after another , revealing the extremely ugly face below.

Bang bang bang!

With so many people in the martial arts attacking at the same time, even the keen ones can't move through the crowd, but these ugly bastards seem to be invulnerable, and with their arms crossed, they form a large wall of people, and they will attack those who want to attack with light work. Everyone in the martial arts stopped him one after another.

"Their skin is poisonous, be careful!"

"Put your palms on your sleeves, hurry up! The Qing army is rushing over!"

Chaos, everyone is in a mess, soldiers and people in the martial arts are fighting for their lives. In this case, even if those ugly people are poisonous, they will be torn to pieces by swords, but you can't stand 200 people There are layers upon layers of barriers ahead, even if it is a fleshy wall, it will take time for you to move away.

What's more, the Qing army seemed to have figured out which masters were in the martial arts reinforcements long ago, and did not give those powerful people a chance to hit the wall.

Dorgon didn't make a move, he sat on his horse and looked back at the Qing cavalry who were about to arrive, his face gradually softened, "The overall situation is settled!"

"Get out! Roar!"

Qiao Feng roared like a dragon chant, a dragon shaped far more fiercely than before blasted away the six ring-wielding masters blocking the way, and slapped Dorgon with his palms in mid-air.

Dorgon's eyes flashed, but he was all appreciative, "What a guy, he actually broke through the bottleneck and entered the list of people during the battle!"

"It's just a forced pass, so what if you step into the list?"

Dorgon sat still, but an old man holding a sword stood in front of him like a ray of light, and the blade of the sword pointed coldly at Qiao Feng's palm.

"Brother be careful!"

Seeing this, many brothers from the Beggar Clan shouted, the sword was too fast, so fast that they couldn't see the essence at all, they could only chase after the flashing sword shadow and shout.

However, Qiao Feng, who had forcibly entered the list, could see clearly that he didn't back down at all, and the cavalry of the Qing army who were getting closer in the distance didn't allow him to retreat a little bit.

The qi surged behind him, and the real qi formed countless palm shadows as if they were real. These palm shadows bloomed and gathered in Qiao Feng's palm in an instant, forming a spherical qi like the sun. The surface of the sphere was as smooth as a crystal. If you If you take a closer look, you can see that there is a golden dragon shadow dancing wildly!


The point of the sword pierced the palm and collided with the crystal-like dragon ball. The sky-shaking dragon chant resounded through half of Bianjing City, and the vigor exploded ring after ring, pushing everyone out several steps.

The impact of the sword shadow seemed to have stimulated the vitality in the Dragon Ball, and there was a hint of mysterious deterrence in the already fierce attack, which made Dorgon, who was originally at the rear as calm as Mount Tai, tremble unconsciously.

"Longwei? Which country's royal family is this descendant?"

Dorgon muttered like this, just as he wanted the master to show mercy, he found that the sword-wielding old man vomited blood and was sent flying out.

Dorgon shook his head speechlessly, "Feng Xifan, this general has said many times that speed is your advantage, and You Dou is the most suitable attack method for you. How can you go head-to-head with someone?"

Turning around after saying that, Qiao Feng had already pushed the dragon ball towards him, but at this time Qiao Feng also inevitably had a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, and after the blow just now, the power of the dragon ball seemed to have weakened a little.

Dorgon still didn't move, but a golden energy overflowed from his body, and in the blink of an eye, a huge two-meter-high golden bell surrounded him.


The dragon ball hit the golden bell, and the melodious bell sounded far away. It seemed that it also had a special function of subduing demons, which made Song Jiang and others look quite ugly.

"Golden Bell Cover No. 11 level! Unexpectedly, there are still people practicing this kind of kung fu, huh!"

All the awakened demon stars can be regarded as old-timers. In their era, the golden bell cover was actually a kind of exercise that condensed the bell-shaped magic weapon. Who knew that after the great change of the world, it was improved into a body training exercise by some expert. Law.It's just that its origin is not prepared for the human body after all, so it is quite difficult to practice. Even the monks of Shaolin Temple will not have anyone who majors in this method.

But you can't say it's not strong, on the contrary, once someone has trained to a high level, its combat power must not be underestimated, even the current Qiao Feng can't break it.

Just when Qiao Feng was blown away by the energy of the bell, the cavalry of the Qing army rushed into the city gate!

(End of this chapter)

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