Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 426: It's Not Easy To Be Mixed With You

Chapter 426: It's Not Easy To Be Mixed With You

Zhao Zheng took a long breath, and looked at Zuo Zhou with some confusion. The reason why he hid just now was because the Ksitigarbha relic had a strong attack power, so strong that even he, the Ksitigarbha relic, had to be treated with caution.

Unexpectedly, this guy took advantage of his lack of control and used a magic weapon to take him alive!
Now that the pressure is on his side, what should he do if the other party uses this Ksitigarbha relic to attack him?It's not that he can't accept this move, but that if he accepts it hard, he may lose the chance to kill the opponent. Don't forget, this guy can already fly!

"Why don't you hesitate? How about we discuss it again, maybe what Zhu Qizhen can give, we Daqin can also give." Zuo Zhou put away the universe bowl and said playfully. It's a bit boring.

Zhao Zheng really thought about it, but in the end he shook his head, "Sometimes I envy you, you live wantonly and happily."

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, "You are already a strong man on the ground list, aren't you wanton? Are you not happy?" Oh right, he stepped into the ground list by relying on inexplicable swordsmanship, so he is really not happy.

"Strength...can you be happy?" Zhao Zheng smiled a little miserably, "You were not born in a family of Jin Yiwei who was foolish and loyal to the court, and your lover didn't have a powerful father. Use it to make yourself happy, but I can’t! Whether it’s the education you got from childhood or the admonitions from your family, you will use your strength to serve that stupid and superior person. What’s even more sad is that you are clearly aware of this, but you still can’t relief."

Hearing this, Zuo Zhou tilted his head and thought for a while, "Compared with this, I am indeed quite happy. Have you ever heard a sentence?"


"The greater the ability, the more responsibility you need to evade!"


Zhao Zheng was suddenly happy, and the killing intent that was still lingering in his eyes disappeared.

Zuo Zhou smiled and asked: "What? Don't kill me?"

"No, I'm definitely going to kill someone, but I just feel a bit embarrassing about killing someone who understands me with my own hands."

"Yeah, I'm also quite embarrassed. I thought it would bring you happiness, but who knew that the happiness of being sympathetic to each other was just for a moment... Well, can I know why you took this task?" Zuo Zhou smiled wryly, and finally It can be regarded as letting go, you can never stop a person who is going to die.

Zhao Zheng's eyes looked towards the east, as if he had crossed mountains and rivers and landed heavily on someone.

"I believe you have already known all the information about me in advance, and you should also know about Zhu Qizhen's fight against women."

"I've heard about it a little bit, what should I say? Your majesty is really shameless!"

Zhao Zheng nodded in agreement, "It's really shameless, but there must be other involvements in this matter, such as the meaning of Ye Min's father Ye Xianggao, the interests of the imperial court's party struggle, etc. Love, after all, is too much in front of these things. It's fragile, but it's a pity that I hadn't reached the ranking list at that time."

"and then?"

"And must be admitted that Ye Min is very beautiful, even in the entire Ming Dynasty, she is a first-class beauty, but Zhu Qizhen does not love her, but possesses her! When he gets tired of playing with her, he will inevitably become cold Luo Yemin. And Ye Min's father, Ye Xianggao, won the position of chief assistant in the cabinet, and he didn't care much about his daughter's situation when he was in power. After all, the position of queen is still one day, so there will be no less glory and power. "

Zuo Zhou didn't say a word and continued to listen, using his daughter's marriage to gain power, this is a routine, not unusual.

"After I became a dibang, I entered the palace many times. I watched her become haggard little by little, and the huge harem became colder and colder. I once showed up to take her away. But, she is the same as me, They are the kind of people who are bound by the family of ethics, maybe we can leave, but what about our family? Even if Zhu Qizhen dare not do anything to them, who can stop Youyou's mouth. "

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, "A strong man from the top rank sneaked into the palace to have a private meeting with his lover? It's so miserable, then I guess... you have sneaked into the palace so many times, maybe someone has already discovered it, right? Like the one who pestered Zhou Tong before."

Zhao Zheng nodded, "Hou Zhu Wushi, the God of Tiedan, is the uncle of Zhu Qizhen. He was ordered by the late emperor to establish Hulong Villa, which specializes in various intelligence work. It used to be the biggest force in the dark side of the Ming Dynasty."


"Zhu Wushi's focus has always been to protect the imperial power, so the control of the martial arts has always been a little bit worse. Before the Mingjiao, there was the Tianzun. It is said that the Mingjiao was divided and Hulong Villa participated. As for the later Tianzun, it is completely based on Yu Jianghu's organization has far surpassed Hulong Villa in terms of intelligence capabilities in Jianghu, but its influence in the court is worse than that of Hulong Villa."

Zuo Zhou nodded, "It's just that each has its own strengths, but as far as I know, Tianzun himself doesn't seem to be strong, can he block Zhu Wushi from the ground list?"

Zhao just smiled, "Actually, it's nothing to tell you. Hulong Villa once wanted to annex Tianzun, but it was rumored that Tianzun had a sword technique in his hand that could kill Dibang, so Zhu Wushi didn't dare to act rashly. He once said that he would no longer hinder me secretly The condition of the private meeting with the queen requires me to kill Tianzun."

"you go?"

"I went, but came back without making a move. I felt the sword and couldn't stop it, so I didn't make a move."

Zuo Zhou's eyes were really bright, hehe, it seems that Yi Tianxing's mother-in-law is very awesome, let this kid pick it up.

"So? This time, let you kill me with the same conditions?"

Zhao Zheng shook his head, "In the beginning, but Wuming is my teacher, and the reason why he was able to advance to the list is thanks to his blessing. He is in Daqin, how can I kill Daqin's general at will?"

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, no need to ask, the next sentence must be 'additional money'!
Zhao Zheng's face was full of disappointment, "What I didn't expect was that Zhu Wushi couldn't persuade me, and they even mobilized my father and brother to persuade me, but I still didn't agree. Who knows... Zhu Qizhen actually let me Ye Min came to me and promised to let us fly away under the cover of the queen's feigned death after the matter is completed!"

"Heartbeat? If you agree to this, Wuming may not care, but I guess your father and brother will be very upset, hahaha!"

Zhao Zheng also followed suit, "Indeed, their expressions at that time were ugly. But I don't care anymore, coming to kill you is the last concession to them. After I take Ye Min away, I will leave Ming Kingdom to admire Town life, since I am sorry for the master, then I will go to Daqin to guard, and I will compensate you for being a master of the local list!"

"Hey! You really have principles, but... now it seems that you can't kill me!" Zuo Zhou was a little helpless, and he couldn't help imagining the future in his mind. With Hu Hai's behavior style, it is estimated that he will not pursue this matter any more.How many will be able to shed two tears for myself?
Old man Zuo, Ah Xiang, Shi Qi, Qing Ping, Concubine Xiao, Lao Di, Wan Wan?Zhu Yuyan?Jiang Yuyan? ...One face after another flashed through his mind, some of which he could be sure of, but some of which he had to put a question mark on.

Zhao Zheng asked with a curious smile, "Are you so confident?"

"It's not self-confidence, it's justified." Zuo Zhou came back to his senses, put away Yong Wei first and replaced it with Yunlong Sword, "You broke through the list with inexplicable swordsmanship, then you should understand that the inexplicable grief of the sword is the only one that you can use." It is the essence, you are now full of hope for the future, and your whole person is extremely free and easy, with this mentality, can you still express grief inexplicably?"

"It can be forced, but it will have an impact." Zhao Zheng was also frank.

"That's why, your ability, which is obviously on the top list, but a little weak, will make my evaluation drop a lot, and it's very meaningless to kill." Zuo Zhou spread his hands, feeling very annoyed.

Zhao Zheng looked at him strangely, "Do you really believe in the Ksitigarbha relic that you just did?"

"It's nothing to do with that. That move is out of control. It's better to use it to bully the army than to beat the top players. You just need to roll it from the sky to the ground, and you can basically win the victory. Well, maybe I can recycle it." Woolen cloth!"

Zhao Zheng blinked with emotion, "No wonder so many people want to kill you, so you have such strength in the innate realm. If you really let you enter the realm of the human list, or even enter the list of places, no one in the world can hold you back. "

"You can't say that, there are so many wonders in the world, what if some people can stand in the way for a while!" Zuo Zhou recalled Chao Gai. He thought that the love in the city was invincible, but it was delayed by the exquisite pagoda. , So, anything can happen in this world, maybe one day he will encounter something like the Seven Treasure Tree, so he really has to be more cautious.

"Just block it for a while? You are really rude!"

The tip of the sword in Zhao Zheng's hand was pointing obliquely, and he was obviously ready to strike. Seeing this, Zuo Zhou had no interest in delaying any longer. He glanced at the imperial palace in the distance. For three, the three dragons are fighting each other, the clouds are rolling, the lightning is flashing and the thunder is already a bit of a doomsday scene.

"Come on, one move will determine the outcome, one move will determine life and death, the two of us will end quickly. If you win, go home and pick up your wife. If I win, I have to go to the palace to fight. Hey, what a hard life! "

Zhao Zheng also glanced back, a little surprised, but he didn't care, "If you die, I guarantee that your friend can leave Song Kingdom smoothly."

"thank you!"

The blade turned slightly, and a dead silence suddenly spread like a breeze, silently making Zhao Zheng slightly taken aback, "Your quite similar to what I saw at Tianzun back then, but her A sword is the annihilation of life, but your sword... seems to be the destruction of everything in the world."

"After all, I am a master of the earth list. You can see the essence of my swordsmanship at a glance. I call this move the Styx swordsmanship. It is specially designed to cross fateful people!"

 Happy new year here, everyone, happy new year, no update
(End of this chapter)

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