Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 427

Chapter 427
Dragon is destined to be the theme of this day, whether it is the death of Song Huizong, who claimed to be the real dragon emperor, or the flying of the Song Dynasty's luck.However, this is just an appetizer, the real mastery is yet to come!

When Zuo Zhou beat an old monk to death with several sticks on the other side, Gongsun Sheng finally came to the sky, and saw him reach out into the dragon luck, and the dragon soul and a trace of dragon blood in his body were completely mobilized at this moment .Following that, strands of luck began to come under his control, but as soon as he got started, he found that there was something missing in the luck.

Glancing down slightly, he saw Qiao Feng almost instantly. There was no way, Li Xunhuan's saber and Jiang Yuyan's snake were hidden in his sleeves, and only Qiao Feng's Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms were affected by the dragon luck. That feeling was almost written on his face.

"Hmph, so it was all done by you."

Gongsun Sheng was a little funny. For those who don't have the ability to control luck, the easiest way to get a little luck is to kill those who have luck.So he connected Song Huizong's death with Qiao Feng almost instantly.

However, he didn't mean to kill them all at this time. The Thunder Beast Kui Niu that Song Jiang was talking about had already been besieged by a group of people. With his strong defense and lightning control ability, he could hold on for the time being. Don't forget, the Kui Niu was at this time. It's just the strength of a Dharma Aspect. Although this Dharma Aspect's special ability is strong enough, it is destined to not last long. He must complete a qualitative change immediately.

"Grab luck!"

A roar seemed to herald that the fierce battle would become fierce in an instant, and a figure soared into the sky, like a rocket that had arrived in front of Gongsun Sheng in the blink of an eye.

Gongsun Sheng was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that it was Dorgon who rushed over at this time!
Dorgon at the Eleventh Level of the Golden Bell Cover is like a golden cannonball, his body is the biggest weapon, and the heavy sweeping legs even distort the air.

It is impossible for Gongsun Sheng to fight against him knowing this, but as a person who is proficient in magic, his mobility is his reliance, and he got out of the leg-sweeping position as soon as he turned around.

But this is also Dorgon's goal. After all, he didn't think that he could kill the mastermind behind the scenes with one move. At the moment when Gongsun Sheng was temporarily forced back, Dorgon reached out and grabbed the luck golden dragon.

However, the Luck Golden Dragon seemed to come back to life in an instant, and with a twist of its long body, it easily avoided Dorgon's tearing.


Dorgon was shocked, and it was already very difficult to chase after him. After all, he relied on jumping and could not fly, and his calf was also entangled by Gongsun Sheng's fly whisk.

"Idiot, you, a reckless man like you, can get your hands on the Golden Dragon of Fortune?" Gongsun Sheng shook his whisk disdainfully, and directly threw it from the sky.

However, Dorgon's actions also reminded him that it's not a problem to be disturbed by these idiots all the time. He simply continued to fly high with his luck and didn't stop until he was level with the clouds. If I can't fly, there's no way to stop me.

boom!Dorgon finally landed, smashed down a palace, and directly stunned an unknown concubine.Embarrassed, he got up and was about to jump again, but found that he had reached a height that he couldn't reach.

"It's a pity!" Dorgon shook his head and turned to look at the unconscious concubine, "Even the concubines in the harem don't have luck? No wonder we captured so many cities but still haven't restrained any luck. Gathered together by this guy."

In fact, among all the countries, except for Great Qin, the Qing State valued luck very much, so they were so anxious to launch wars when there were problems in Tang, Ming, and Great Qin, just to take the lead.

It's a pity, now it looks like I'm going to steal the chicken!

Luck is very important to a country. If luck is strong, no matter what decision you make, it will be like a god's help, even if it is a bad thing, it will be a blessing in disguise.

In fact, according to this reason, all countries should take the initiative to go to war. However, there is another saying that luck is just an aid, and what really matters depends on the ability to govern the country.

If your decision-making helps the country more, even if you have no luck, your country will be strong.All the decisions you make are harmful to the country. Even if you are lucky, the most you can do is to reduce some losses!

So it's not that other countries don't care about luck, but that it is not suitable to go to war for the time being if they weigh the national strategy and luck.


Gongsun Sheng in the sky saw that no one was bothering him, so he stretched out his hand and took off his robe, revealing his muscular and well-proportioned figure, not to mention quite impressive.Then he plunged into the luck golden dragon.

But just when everyone thought it was unstoppable, the mutation regenerated, and a green flood dragon soared into the sky in the gray mist and also got into the golden dragon of luck.

Before it was over, when countless people were dumbfounded, another golden flood dragon rose from the ground outside the palace, meandering and shooting into the body of the Qi Luck Golden Dragon.

It was a breath of air, and the sound of gasping almost spread throughout Bianjing City, so don't fight, don't make trouble, let's come out and see God together!
Countless people have forgotten the danger at this time, and only the shocking scene is left in their minds. It belongs to dragons and dragons. Things that only existed in legends in the past have appeared at this moment. Song Guo, what magic power does it have? ?

Jian Chen's long sword paused, and he raised his head to stare blankly at the golden flood dragon. He was too familiar with this breath, but...he didn't understand. Was it a fairy who had turned into a human, or a human who had become a spirit?

Also shocked was Lu Junyi who had already arrived at the Royal Library. He knew the blue dragon, it was Hu Sanniang who quietly lurked in the gray mist and used the formation function to manifest a demon soul to become a blue dragon.To be honest, Hu Sanniang regards him as the elder brother Gongsun Sheng to death!

Step by step, Gongsun Sheng is almost cornered, even if you finally wake up, you can't resist.

Of course, he still needs to cooperate... Thinking so, Lu Junyi found the secret book from an inconspicuous corner of the bookshelf. This is the treasure that Gongsun Sheng stored [-]% of his mana in his previous life!

However, what is somewhat unexpected is that there are not one cheat book, but three!

When Huo Lin saw this, he was puzzled at the beginning, and then suddenly said: "It seems that Gongsun Sheng is not sure whether this kind of magic power that completely abandons the owner can escape the test of heaven, so it is a good way to fill it in three books. "

Yan Qing's expression has been struggling, the master has really changed, and he is obviously brothers and sisters with Gongsun Sheng, but secretly steals his secret books, such a treacherous behavior, it's just... just...

While struggling, Lu Junyi handed all three cheat books to Yan Qing, "Xiao Yi, take it."

Yan Qing subconsciously glanced at the cheat book, Guiyuan cheat book?Never heard of it!

Seeing this, Lu Junyi smiled and said: "The meaning of Guiyuan is to return to the original source, and there is no special meaning. As for the martial arts, they are all human unique skills collected by the monster race back then. Although they are not bad, they are just deception for Gongsun Sheng." Forget it, the real usage of this Guiyuan secret book is actually..."

A blade of light fell from the sky, split the library in half, and interrupted Lu Junyi's explanation.

A figure with full head of white hair and holding a Frost-cold Knife slowly drifted down, and there was a black vertical eye in the center of his forehead, which was the Demonic Nie Feng!
Lu Junyi knew who caused the trouble just by taking a look, and couldn't help but give Huo Lin a hard look, "You can take care of your fault yourself!"

Huo Lin was a little helpless, and turned his head to hate Nie Feng. He took off his hood and did not fight in the image of red hair, but showed his original form in the blink of an eye. A majestic fire unicorn raised its front paws and started roaring .

The billowing heat wave radiated the entire gray fog almost instantly, and countless people looked towards it. Thanks to this wave of fire, the formation had a flaw for a moment. Although it was only a moment, it could still let people see the direction clearly Of course, I also saw the vicious Huo Qilin.

"Junior Brother Feng!"

Qin Shuang just wondered why Nie Feng and Kui Niu ran away halfway through the fight, probably because of the influence of the fire unicorn's breath, the mad blood broke out and killed the hard steel fire unicorn.

Didn't say anything, help out, a lot of people were split up to help Nie Feng. Since then, Zuo Zhou's group has been divided into three parts.

Nie Feng, Qin Shuang, the Second Sword Emperor, and Second Meng went to deal with Huo Qilin, Murong Fu, Xiang Yu, Zhan Shiqi, and Jian Chen were dealing with the Thunder Beast Kui Niu, while Jiang Yuyan and Li Xunhuan just woke up from enlightenment. Qiao Feng joined Zhan Zhao and the others.Qiao Feng originally wanted to leave directly, but after seeing Song Ci, he voluntarily stayed to protect him.


There was a mess in the gray mist, and the fortune golden dragon was not much different.

Gongsun Sheng has already started the evolution process, and his luck has gradually merged with the demon soul and body. When everything is over, the real dragon blood in his body will reach an unprecedented height, and then he will become a real dragon and even reach a level of strength far beyond his previous life .

However, before he was happy for too long, a green dragon rushed in, pulling a ray of luck and began to transform.

Gongsun Sheng was shocked, but he recognized the identity of this green jelly in the blink of an eye, "Yizhangqing... good girl, it's true that my brothers taught you how to survive by hand, but they turned their brains on me. "

Hu Sanniang smiled mischievously, but the mischievousness was reflected on Qing Jiao's face, which made her look a little weird, "What did brother say, you should understand him, he has always worshiped brother!" Because of worship, he wanted to be, even Beyond!Is there anything wrong with that?

Gongsun Sheng was furious, but he couldn't say anything or do anything. After all, the process had already started, and he couldn't stop halfway to kill the opponent, but just stared at Hu Sanniang fiercely.

Hu Sanniang's tone was almost coquettish, "Oh, brother, don't stare at him like this. My sister, I am just a demon soul evolving into a dragon soul. I don't need much luck. My brother's plan will not be affected!"

Gongsun Sheng snorted coldly, and could only ignore the other party's actions. It is not known whether the former siblings will become enemies in the future.

However, in the next second, a golden dragon rushed into the luck golden dragon, waved its claws and began to tear the fusion luck golden dragon!

(End of this chapter)

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