Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 441 Bah!You shameless gods!

Chapter 441 Bah!You shameless gods!
Having said all that, no matter how charming the scene looks to normal people, there should be no hesitation when it's time to meet each other.

A big knife appeared in Zuo Zhou's hand, and he was kicked on the ground with a "duang", and a tall undead war horse appeared under his crotch, carrying Zuo Zhou and Shi Feixuan at the same time.

Yes, even now Zuo Zhou still hasn't let Shi Feixuan go, um, don't ask why, just go to see the women of Dynasty, they understand everything.

As for the undead horse, it was just Zuo Zhou's manifestation from the "Lord of the Rings" series in his memory. Although he could manifest other mounts, in this underworld environment, he always had to do something that suited the atmosphere.

Seeing Zuo Zhou looking like he was about to strike with a big knife, Jieyin really made him laugh. Not only did he laugh, but so many dark shadows hidden in the Six Paths behind him laughed even louder.

Jieying is still in that tolerant and kind manner, but he is merciless when he strikes, as huge as a mountain and his five fingers slowly close together. For him, just a light grip can crush two souls in his palm.This is the gap between man and God, the difference between the two levels of life, a gap that cannot be bridged by fighting spirit or anything else.

Before the bent five fingers were closed, the invisible pressure had already fallen on the two of them. Shi Feixuan once sank into it due to the too exciting experience after the appearance of the undead horse. Now that the threat of life came, she finally regained her senses. She looked desperately. Looking at the sky, she couldn't see that Jieyin didn't feel any pity because of her dedication.

She will not become Ming Concubine as Liao Kong said, and she will not even be able to do reincarnation, and what awaits her will be her soul flying away.

"Come on, pick me up with a move of love in the city!"

The undead horseman stood up, and Zuo Zhou slashed down fiercely with a big knife. The light of the knife turned out to be a black horse, brushing across the starry sky and landing on the huge finger in front of him.

A muffled thunder resounded across the universe, and the black hole suddenly opened, swallowing nearly half of a finger in an instant.

As a matter of course, Zuo Zhou saw the white bone balls and golden flesh and blood. Well, he is a Buddhist saint after all. It is normal for the flesh and blood to be a little different in color, as if he had been changed by the Great God of Harmony.

"You... what kind of trick is this?"

Concubine Shixuan leaned on Zuo Zhou's chest and asked in a low voice. The strength of Qingchengzhilian broke the coercion of the reception, allowing her to speak smoothly.

"Love in the city!" Zuo Zhou didn't look down at her attractive appearance, but kept his eyes fixed on Zhunti.

This is the first time he has seen someone accept the love of Allure so easily. Yes, he accepted it. Although he paid a finger and a large piece of flesh and blood on the back of his hand, he did accept it, because the black hole seems to be overwhelmed. The same thing collapsed after devouring a large piece of flesh and blood!
The violent energy explosion radiated more than half of the galaxy in an instant, and the black shadows behind the six paths were no longer smiling.

"Love in the city? You are Guan Yunchang's disciple!"

Zuo Zhou wanted to strike again, but he was completely stunned by the sound of 'Guan Yunchang'.

"You know? An acquaintance? Oops, it's hard for me to kill you!"

Zuo Zhou was so embarrassed that he got angry again, "Hmph, no wonder you can have such a cultivation level and be valued by Buddhism. It turns out that you are Guan Yunchang's disciple. But even your ancestor is only the best among human beings, that's all. Before God, you are nothing!"

Zuo Zhou tilted his head, "Listen, those guys who became gods seem to have caused you a lot of trouble!"

"It's not troublesome, isn't the Six Paths still under my control?"

"Yeah, you still control the six realms, but you're all going to become human."


Zuo Zhou's heart-pounding words dimmed all the voices. In fact, it was really difficult for those gods to accept. They are innate gods. How can a race like humans compare to them?

They didn't care when they knew that there would be a new world coming in. After all, their world is the main one. As the top gods standing in this world, they will still occupy a leading position in the future.

But I never expected that the other world turned out to be a world that emphasizes science and puts people first. Once the rules of the two worlds merged, they were knocked down to the top in an instant, and even set the tone for humans to be the protagonists of the world.

"Gods are gods. Even with human bodies, our souls are still incomparably noble!" These words were not quoted, but came from a phantom hidden behind the six realms.

Zuo Zhou didn't find out who said it, but he noticed that the black shadows nodded in agreement to varying degrees.

"Tsk tsk, why are you so contemptuous of being a human being? Then I don't think you will even be human!"

The undead horse leaped and grew a pair of wings in mid-air, carrying the two of them on its back and rushing towards Jieying.

Jie Yin laughed loudly, "Love in the Alluring City is a peerless powerful move, but it's not enough to use it against me."

The huge body slowly moved forward, the cheeks puffed up slightly, and a mouthful of golden kamikaze gushed out from his mouth, as if a golden river of stars poured down, countless stars along the way shattered and turned into dust, and the bright light shook the universe instantly. Bright as day.

"Love in a Fallen City·Ten Days Turn the Sky!"

The trick that was used to deal with Gongsun Sheng seems to have a special meaning at this moment, not only used to counter the move of the golden tone, but also used to shut up all the shadows!
Gold and black collide, ten black holes shine together, and the endless rotation is more appropriate and more high-end than the six reincarnations.

He was shocked, he didn't expect such a change, how courageous is this person, he dared to hide his strength in front of him?Shouldn't that move just now be the limit?
Due to a miscalculation of Zuo Zhou's strength, this mouthful of golden kamikaze was obviously weak, and was easily swallowed up by ten black holes of all color and luster, and even swallowed most of Jieyin's body.

However, the Buddhist great sage is extraordinary after all, a halo appeared behind Jie Yin's head, and the boundless Buddha's light bloomed. At the same time, there were flowers falling from the sky, golden lotuses gushing from the ground, and huge floating mountains rushed towards the two of them.

But these are nothing in front of the ten black holes, what can really suppress the black holes is the subsequent palm!
This palm is very powerful, and the true meaning in it has exceeded the limit of Zuo Zhou's comprehension. Unfortunately, Zuo Zhou is not the master of palm.


Zuo Zhou saw that the giant palm covering the whole world was pressing down, and it was about to crush ten black holes, but he didn't show any anxiety, and he was even in the mood to tease.

"Love in a Fallen City Ten Days Turn the Sky... Gatling pours!"

Zuo Zhou swung his sword horizontally in high spirits, and the ten black holes suddenly began to rotate violently, and then the black holes turned white, and countless energies poured out in disorder to meet the Buddha's palm head-on.

Boom boom boom!
Not to mention receiving and leading, even those black shadows after the Six Paths have never seen such chaotic and unstructured moves.

But what I have to admit is that this move failed again, twice, twice!

A mortal actually blocked the two attacks of the Buddhist sage, and from the scene, it seemed that there were back and forth...

Concubine Shixuan was already lying flat on the undead horse honestly at this time. This was a battle she had no choice but to participate in. If she still had faith before, then seeing the ugly appearance of the gods after the six realms, and That faith has been shaken in their attitude towards human beings.

Is this Purdue sentient beings?Is it to use, or, is to enslave!
The undead horse hovered in the air, Zuo Zhou flicked his arm to disappear the sword, and let out a long breath.Well, he has to admit that as a human being, he really has a gap with these old-fashioned gods.

The change of Allure Love stems from his own understanding of the destruction of the world, and the last so-called "Gatling pouring" change is actually just an alternative operation to make the black hole explode, and this change is not really caused by him. Control is just because the black hole also has a limit. When the limit is exceeded, the black hole will collapse and annihilate, and he just seized the right time to draw away the true meaning of extinction, turning the collapse and annihilation into an explosion.

It's a coincidence, but it's also the limit he can theoretically achieve now. This is because in the dream space, if it were in reality, he would be seriously injured when he used Shiri Hengkong's move, and Yong Weixian would probably be broken.

"Why did you withdraw the knife? Is it because there is no move available?"

Jieyin showed a confident smile again, but this time Zuo Zhou noticed that he seemed to no longer maintain his kind temperament.

Zuo Zhou watched Jieyin's huge body begin to recover slowly, and for a moment he didn't know what to say. Are all these gods on the hook?Recovery is so fast!

"It must be admitted that your alluring love has far surpassed Guan Yunchang at the beginning. If you continue to develop, you will definitely be the leader among the gods of mankind in the future. It's a pity..."

Zuo Zhou glanced at Jieyin, then looked at the many black shadows behind Liudao, pondered for a moment, and sighed: "Although it is said that the greater the ability, the more responsibilities one needs to evade, but if you can do something, you don't have to worry about it." If you do it, you may regret it in the future.”

"..." No one knew what Zuo Zhou meant.

I saw him slowly leaning down on Shi Feixuan's delicate body, reaching out his hand to cover Shi Feixuan's eyes, and whispering in his ear: "Close your five senses, hold me tight!"

Concubine Shixuan paused, but still obediently closed her eyes and let her hands cover her eyes, then a pair of Kodama arms hugged Zuo Zhou behind her back.

I just felt that there was a kind of warmth on Zuo Zhou's body, which completely wrapped her up, like a thin layer of silk scarf, even if she moved casually, it could be pierced.

However, even though Concubine Shixuan was extremely curious, she still didn't dare to act recklessly, because her instinctive spirituality told her that this layer of veil protecting herself must not be broken, outside is...destruction!
(End of this chapter)

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