Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 442 Breaking Six Paths!

Chapter 442 Breaking Six Paths!
What about the floating mountain?Where did my big floating mountain go?

Jieyin looked at everything blankly, the Buddha Realm manifested in the dream space disappeared, no, more precisely, it disappeared, he watched the Fukong Mountain, the fairy cloud, and the palace disintegrate into tiny particles, and then It disappeared again, and the entire Buddhist world seemed to have never existed.

Thanks to the blessings of this Buddhist world, through the continuous disappearance and annihilation of everything, I was guided to see the edge of destruction.

After all, he is a great sage of Buddhism, not an ordinary soul who once looked at it from a distance and almost collapsed. Although he didn't understand it, he was shocked!
After briefly measuring his own strength, Zuo Zhou resolutely started the replay of the end-time scene.

Perhaps one's own mental power really can't be compared with the great sage of Buddhism, but compared to the toughness of the soul, even if the gods and Buddhas in the sky are tied together, it is not enough.

After all, they tried their best to avoid Tiandao's detection, but this aura of extinction was the existence that even Tiandao wanted to lead people away.

"What is this? What did you do? No!"

Jieyin felt unspeakable fear for the first time, the kind of fear that was so frightened that his legs trembled and he couldn't move.But he is a great sage of Buddhism, relying on his strong willpower, he turned around!He turned around!Let's cheer for him, he hits GG!

It was as if the huge body that could catch the stars and the moon across the solar system just collapsed, and the screams of receiving and guiding did not even spread far, everything was over, let alone a little insignificant sound when the soul was dead.

However, this time Zuo Zhou didn't stop right away, his forehead was full of veins and cold sweat, this scene of annihilation was also a burden for him, he was strong in watching and feeling more than once.

"Don't come here!"

The Qi of Exterminating the World continued to move forward, through crushing the Buddha world, through the dream space, and entered the area of ​​​​the six realms of reincarnation!
"I once said that your biggest mistake is to open the Six Paths of Reincarnation in front of me!"

Zuo Zhou gritted his teeth and jumped out word by word. He didn't know every condition before, so how could it be possible for you bunch of shrinking turtles to hide behind Liu Dao?

Disappear for me!

The black shadows ran away in a panic, and the screams sounded and then stopped abruptly. Countless black shadows turned into nothingness under the impetus of the world-ending energy.

The gods say, destroy!
Zuo Zhou didn't know who was in charge of the Heavenly God Dao back then, but he knew from the name that the forces behind him must have had the upper hand and were the mainstream of the world, otherwise how could he claim to be a god?

Therefore, there are the most hidden shadows behind the Heavenly God Dao. Zuo Zhou remembers that Jieyin seemed to come out of the Heavenly God Dao at the very beginning.But Zuo Zhou can also be sure that there are not only people from the Buddhist sect after the Heavenly God Dao, because at the beginning when he received the guide, he called him a fellow Taoist.

Those who can call this kind of buddhist great sages mutual friends must have similar strength and status, and there are not so many great sages in buddhism.

But... Zuo Zhou doesn't care!

The way of the world is destroyed!Beast way, destroy!
The Qi of Exterminating the World doesn't care about the order, who made the two be on the same level.

The dense black shadows went into a frenzy, some of them panicked, and some of them had a mental breakdown because of the aura of destroying the world. Well, it seems that behind the Six Paths are not only the bosses, but also some confidantes who have won the hearts of the bosses.

But it doesn't matter, Zuo Zhou doesn't care.

Shura Dao, destroy!
The black shadows have no way to escape, only the realm of hungry ghosts and the realm of hell are left, but looking at the posture of the world-destroying spirit, what is the use of living a little longer?
Now there is only one way to avoid losing your soul, and that is... reincarnation!
It's ridiculous, they have never taken reincarnation seriously, but at this moment reincarnation has become their last life.

It's just... If they plunge into reincarnation, all their previous arrangements will fail. Even if someone like Zuo Zhou reaches the standard in the future, they won't be able to seize it.They can only float and sink in the sea of ​​people like ordinary people. If they are lucky, they can practice again to become stronger. If they are unlucky, they will have to reincarnate for several lives!

If you hesitate, you will lose, and if you are decisive, you will be in vain!
At this time, the scene created by Zuo Zhou is a good interpretation of this sentence.

However, what is worse than defeat is that this almost instant hesitation made them completely lose the chance to enter the reincarnation, and the spirit of destroying the world is getting faster and faster, catching up with them...

The hungry ghost said, destroy!
Countless black shadows also disappeared, and the former god finally became Yunyan in history. Perhaps, even Yunyan could not be left.

Of course, there are those who are hesitant, and there are also those who are decisive. Even if they perish in the world, it is better than being lost. So they entered the cycle of reincarnation and went to some place to be human... they may not necessarily be human, anyway, they probably won’t have the chance to meet each other in the future. Even if we meet, we don't know each other anymore.

According to the routine, these black shadows should have spoken harshly before leaving, but they were already so frightened that they didn't dare to delay at all.

"It's a pity, more than a dozen ran away!"

Zuo Zhou shook his head amusedly, and stopped the playback of World Exterminating Qi when he felt that he was about to collapse.

In an instant, everything was back to normal, the darkness was still dark, the dream space was still the dream space, and without the support of the black shadows, the white light of reincarnation was about to be hidden in the rules, but the remaining realm of hell did not disappear with the white light.

Since only one of the six realms remained, the original balance was broken, and the realm of hell became a rootless duckweed, floating around in Zuo Zhou's dream space.

Zuo Zhou looked at the lifeless Hell Dao curiously for a while before he lowered his head and looked at Shi Feixuan in his arms again.

Let go of the hands covering her eyes, "The five senses can be restored."

Shi Feixuan slightly raised her head and looked around. Although she didn't understand what happened, she still remembered the fear just now, and she also understood who the final winner was.

"Is that... the realm of hell? You... destroyed the six realms?"

"Shouldn't it be destroyed?" Zuo Zhou asked back.

"But it's ruined, so what should be used to compensate the good people, and what should be used to punish the bad people? Although the Six Paths are a tool used by the gods, but... I think it is also meaningful to human beings."

Zuo Zhou was overjoyed, and lightly brushed Shi Feixuan's somewhat messy hair, and then moved a few more times, "Do you really want to talk to me about this at this time?"

Concubine Shixuan didn't resist, she just paused and asked, "What do you want to do with me?"

"Do me a favor." Zuo Zhou pointed casually, "After Jieyin's death, there are still a lot of soul fragments scattered beside the hell road. You use Buddhist exercises to help me collect them. I want to see if I can get some what."

Concubine Shixuan nodded, her whole temperament changed drastically, there was a trace of holiness on her flushed cheeks, and there were suddenly many small light spots densely packed in the originally empty and dark dream space.

However, there are not many of these small light spots, and even if they were all gathered together, they would not be as big as a baby's fist.

Zuo Zhou's eyes lit up, "Yes, yes, just keep this temperament, I like it!"

Concubine Shixuan blushed and almost failed, but she still complied with his request and let her do whatever she wanted.

After another half an hour passed, Zuo Zhou reached out and grabbed the small light ball to absorb it, and immediately there were many more true understandings of Buddhist exercises in his memory.

Concubine Shixuan hangs on her body tiredly, panting slightly: "And then?"

Zuo Zhou took a step back a little bit, and the two finally separated. He raised his finger and pointed to the hell way, "I will open the way for you. You can directly enter reincarnation through the hell way."

Concubine Shixuan nodded, this was within her expectation, in fact, this was the only thing she could pray for at this time.

Zuo Zhou took another step forward, hugged her tightly and plunged into the hell.


Hell is a subsidiary space attached to the world itself that was created by someone.

The environment here is indeed as harsh as in the legend. There is no shortage of scorched earth and sea of ​​fire, ice valley and knife mountain. Leather whips, thorns, soldering irons, and oil pans are also very complete. I feel that the guy who built this place is a sadist.

The seemingly endless instruments of torture and the harsh environment made Shi Feixuan feel terrified when she saw it, and she shrank into Zuo Zhou's arms unconsciously.

"This boundless punishment... It is impossible for someone to walk over and reach the end of the cycle, no matter how much obsession, because these punishments are real damage to the soul."

Zuo Zhou nodded and continued: "Obviously, the person behind this is just to subdue the soul and use torture. Hehe, this should be a very lazy guy. He doesn't like to play with people's hearts, he likes to be simple and rude. !"

Concubine Shixuan closed her eyes and didn't look any further, while Zuo Zhou kept flying with her, until half an hour later she arrived near Samsara.

Shi Feixuan raised her head again, "I always feel that the existence of these six realms is meaningful. This is the only space left, don't destroy it anymore."

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows and said with a funny smile: "Good people and bad people should not cultivate any afterlife. If they deserve to die, they will die sooner, and good people will enjoy more blessings. Remember, justice delayed is not justice, but the truth! People in the middle, I understand too well that the punishment after the event is meaningful to the victim and the family members of the victim, doesn't mean much. What is lost will never come back, and what it can do is to let us feel There is a consolation, and it just makes those who have criminal thoughts think about it!"

Concubine Shixuan didn't know how to argue with him, Zuo Zhou said again: "Okay, let's go, things that don't even care about the law of heaven, why bother!" He pushed her on the back while speaking.

Concubine Shixuan used her strength to float towards Samsara, and when she was about to enter the white light, she suddenly turned her head, "After I reincarnate...will you come to me?"

Zuo Zhou was taken aback, what's wrong?Falling in love just once?After thinking about it carefully, he asked a very serious question.

"You may not be reincarnated as an adult!"

Concubine Xuan: "..."


On the building boat, Zuo Zhou slowly opened his eyes, pushed away Zhan Shiqi's arms on his chest, and slowly got up.

Zhan Shiqi Mingxi was affected by the Huanxi Zen Kungfu performed by Master Feixuan, and now he is still sleeping like a dead pig.Zuo Zhou suppressed a smile and pulled up the quilt.

Putting on his clothes, he walked towards the cargo hold. When he came to the cargo hold facing his room, he opened the door and entered, and soon found Shi Feixuan's body in a wooden box.

Although she was dressed neatly and intact at this time, her skin had already withered, and her breath had long since disappeared.

Zuo Zhou looked at the corpse, recalled in his mind how the other party had thrown himself into reincarnation, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Come on, some people who can breathe!"

Everyone who got up early and did morning exercises ran over after hearing the sound. After all, they had never seen Zuo Zhouhui yelling so impolitely, let alone early in the morning.

Zhan Zhao was the first to push the door in recently, and then he was dumbfounded, "What... have you done?"

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes and said, "Pengci, Immortal Dance, what do I do?"

More and more people entered the cabin, and when they saw Shi Feixuan's body, they all became puzzled. This person was able to sneak onto the upstairs boat without hiding the perception of all of them!What's even more bizarre is that he didn't do anything after stealing it, and just died here so simply. Is this... is it really Pengci?
"Could she have done something?"

Jiang Yuyan thought of a possibility, but everyone thought it made sense when they heard it, and they also became worried.

The purpose of getting on the boat at such a risk is not simple!

"Don't think about it, maybe she just thinks that she will die on the bed... It will be very cool on the boat, um, a few people will come to carry the body out, and after entering the city, find a place with beautiful mountains and rivers on the outskirts of the city for a proper burial."

Zuo Zhou's attitude has successfully attracted everyone's attention, burial?Is this acquaintance?
It's not to blame for their wild thinking, the main reason is that Concubine Shixuan's face is as withered as rotten wood, no one would have guessed that this is the former Buddhist fairy.

Seeing that they carried Shi Feixuan out, Zuo Zhou went up to the deck and looked at the not-too-distant imperial capital in a daze, or thinking.

He has never been afraid of enemies or anything, but this time it caused a problem, he seems to have no kung fu to practice.

Originally, relying on innate skills, dream-returning heart scriptures and other unique skills both internally and externally, his foundation has always been extremely solid.However, we can know from the matter of receiving and guiding, that there is actually no part that can be cultivated at the ground list stage.Because once you reach the consummation stage of the master of the human list, it will become the nourishment of the guide, and it will be used and robbed by it, and the latter part will naturally disappear.

Now, because of the fusion of Shi Feixuan's spiritual power, Zuo Zhou's spiritual power cultivation has reached the Great Perfection of the Great Master of the People's List. That is to say, he has finished practicing the Dream Heart Sutra.
Zuo Zhou is not even congenitally consummate now, it is a bit early to think about the list, but people without foresight must have near-term worries, he has no bottlenecks in terms of spirit and artistic conception, as long as his true energy is steadily improved, he can reach the list of people within a few hours Consummation, when the time comes, comprehension is an instant thing.

But if you want to make it to the list, you need to have your own way. Zuo Zhou is not like other people who are only proficient. He is an all-rounder, and all all-rounders are proficient.

This is an advantage, an advantage that Zuo Zhou is unwilling to give up, so he asked Shi Feixuan to condense the soul fragments that he received and guided, and wanted to find something to refer to as the cornerstone of his own path.

(End of this chapter)

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